1、2019-2020年高二上学期期末考试 英语 含答案(2014年1月9日星期四l3:30-15:10使用) 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)、第II卷(非选择题)和第III卷(听力)三部分,共100分,考试用时l00分钟。第I卷第一部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题l分,满分l5分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1He missed gold in the high j ump,but will get second chance in the long jumpAthe;the B;a Cthe;a Da;2You buy a gift,but yo
2、u can if you want to Amust Bmustnt Chave to Ddont have to3-What is the matter, Jane? You look sad - Oh,nothing muchAs a matter of fact,I of my friends back homeAwas just thinking Bjust thoughtChave just been thinking Dhave just thought4 the city center, we saw a stone statue of about l00 meters in h
3、eightAApproaching BApproached CTo approach DTo be approached5-You were brave enough to raise objections at the meetings-Well,now I regret thatAto do Bto be doing Chave done Dhaving done6In Singapore,a southern Asian country, the Chinese the largest percentage of its population,so you can speak Chine
4、se thereAmake up Btake up Chold up Dturn up7I wish to thank Professor Smith,with out help I would never have got this farAwho Bwhose Cwhom Dwhich8If my car more reliable,I would have driven to Lhasa instead of flying last summer.Awas Bhad been Cshould be Dwould be9William found it increasingly diffi
5、cult to read,for his eyesight was beginning to Adisappear Bfall Cfail Ddamage10People have always been curious how living things on the earth exactly beganAin Bat Cof Dabout11My first of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young manAimpression Battention Csatisfaction Dexpression12Nowadays it
6、is obvious that the Intemet our life rapidlyAwould change BchangedChad changed Dis changing13You will succeed in the end you give up halfwayAeven if Bas though Cunless Das long as14 the project in time,the staff were working at weekendsACompleting BHaving completedCTo have completed DTo complete15-A
7、re you going to take part in the speech contest?- It is too good an opportumty to miss ANo problem BThats for sure CWhy me? DWhy bother?第二节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题l分,满分l5分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从l6-30各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Saving Private Ryan is a film which was directed by Steven SpielbergThe two main 16 are Ca
8、ptain John Miller, played by Tom Hanks,and Private James Ryan,17 by Matt DamonJames Ryan is the fourth brother to be 18 in the Second World War. His three brothers have already been killed,two of them in the D-Day landings in Normandy, 19 in a battle in another part of the worldTheir 20 mother recei
9、ves news about all her dead sons 21 the same dayThe US army decides to send a group of men into the French countryside to try to 22 the fourth brotherCaptain Miller, a hero and survivor of the Omaha Beach battle,is chosen to 23 the rescue team of eight menThe film opens with a 30-minute sequence of
10、the invasion of Normandy, 24 the most violent images of war 25 shown in a filmWe see the full 26 of war and the chaos and senseless waste of lifeSaving Private Ryan is an unforgettable anti-war film and also a story of 27 and sacrificeSpielberg has made a lot of good films,28 he has never made one w
11、ith such a strong messageAnd the 29 is simple-We want 30 ;we dont want war16Aheroines Bcharacters Cprivates Dpartners17Amade Btook Cplayed Dnamed18Aparticipated Bcontained Cinvolved Dincluded19Athe other Bothers Csome Dthe one20Awarm-hearted Bhard-working Ceasy-going Dheart-broken 21Aat Bin Con Daft
12、er22Afind Bvisit Cprotect Dcatch23Astop Binvite Cdiscover Dlead24Anormally Bprobably Cmerely Dhardly25Anever Bstill Calready Dever26Ahorror Bbenefit Cvalue Dpressure27Acourage Bcuriosity Cpatience Dpride28Aand Bbut Cor Dso29Amotto B1esson Cproblem Dmessage30Avictory Bhelp Cpeace Dhappiness第二部分 阅读理解(
13、共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A John,a very thin boy, loved football with all his heart when he was very youngPractice after practice,he eagerly gave everything he hadBut being half the size of the other boys,he could only sit on the bench and hardly ever played in
14、gamesEven though the son was always on the bench,his father was always standing with cheers and encouraging him When John went to college,he decided to try out for the football team as a “walk-on”Everyone was sure he could never make the cut,but he didThe coach thought he could provide the other mem
15、bers with the spirit they needed The news that he had survived the cut excited him so much that he rushed to the nearest phone and called his fatherHis father shared his excitement and was sent season tickets for all the college games It was the end of this last football seasonOne day John received
16、a telegram and asked one week offNobody knew what happened except the coachThe coach said,“Dont plan to come back to the game on Saturday” Saturday arrived,and the game was not going well:When the team was ten points behind,John came back“Coach,please let me playIve just got to play today,”said John
17、The coach pretended not to hear himBut John persisted,and finally feeling sorry for the kid,the coach gave in Before long everyone could not believe their eyesJohn was doing everything fightThe opposing team could not stop himHe ran,he passed and blocked like a starAnd at last his team won the game
18、After the game,John looked at the coach,with tears in his eyes,and said,“Well, you knew my dad died,but did you know that my dad was blind?John swallowed hard and forced a smile,“Dad came to all my games,but today was the first time he could see me play, and I wanted to show him that I could do it”3
19、1Why did John hardly have any chance to play in games? ABecause he had no time to practice BBecause he was too young to play games CBecause everyone looked down upon him DBecause his body condition was not good32The underlined phrase “make the cut” in the second paragraph can be replaced by “ “ Amak
20、e progress Bbe allowed to join the team Ccut himself Dbe refused by the coach33How did the other members feel when they saw John play in the saturday game? ASurprised BHopeless CExcited DDisappointed34From the text we can know that AJohn felt very depressed as a “walk-on”BJohns father always taught
21、him how to playCJohns father went to most of his college gamesDthe coach was sure John would be the best player one day35This story tells us that Aa burden of ones choice is not felt Bbetter to do well than to say well Ca fall into a pit,a gain in your wit Dwhere there is a will,there is a wayB The
22、American expression“shoo-in”means someone or something that seems sure to win a race or competition Before a big football game,supporters of e ach team are certain to argue about which side will win Sometimes,however, one team appears so much stronger than the others that everyone agrees it will win
23、The stronger team is a shoo-inThere is no way that it can lose The expression shoo-in comes from horse racingIt comes from the word “shooThats not the shoe we wear on our footIts another word,S-H-O-O“To shoo”is an expression hundreds of years old that means to urge a person or animal to move in a de
24、sired directionMany years ago,dishonest riders sometimes agreed secretly to control their horses so that one chosen horse would win the raceAll but one of the riders would hold back thei horsesThe chosen rider would shoo his horse ahead of the others,and win the race. The other riders would secretly
25、 bet large amounts of money that the chosen horse would win The public soon learned about such racesThey began to call the winner of such a race a“shoo-in These days,people use shoo-in to describe any athlete or competitor that seems certain to win,even without cheatingAmerican runner Edw in Moses w
26、on more than one hundred races before he ran the hurdles race in the nineteen-eighty-four Olympic GamesEveryone said Moses was a shoo-in and that he could not loseAnd they were rightHe won the gold medal36One of the dishonest riders was sure to win the race because Athe other riders had agreed to fa
27、il in the race Bhe used to be best at riding Cthe public had confidence in him Dhe could control his horse easily37The reason why American runner Edwin Moses was regarded as a“shoo-in”is Aowing to his honest character Bdue to his great effort shown in more than one hundred races Cthat he won over l0
28、0 competitions before the l984 Olympic Games Dthat the old meaning of“shoo-inhad changed38Which of the following statements is NOT true? A“Shoo-inoriginated in the word“shoo BThe public did not know they were being cheated CSome riders bet a lot of money on the chosen horse DUS runner Moses deserved
29、 a shoo-in39The main idea of the passage is that“shoo-in Ais used to admire a person who seems to be sure to win a raceBis a word used to describe a dishonest personCis used for any athlete or competitor that seems too clever to be cheatedDis used for anyone or anything that is certain of winning a
30、game40This passage can best be titled ABe Sure to Win BShoo-in,a Sure Winner CWinner in a Competition DThe Birth of Shoo-inC AS the pace of life continues to increase,we are fast losing the relaxationOnce you are in the habit of rushing through life,being on the go from morning till night,it is hard
31、 to slow downBut relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid itIn fact,it is not the bad thing as is often supposed to beA certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to lifeIt is only when th
32、e stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health The amount of stress a person can bear depends very much on the individualSome people are not afraid of stress,and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities;others lose heart at the fi
33、rst sign of unusual difficultiesWhen exposed to stress,in whatever form,we react both chemically and physicallyIn fact we make a choice between“flight or fightand in more primitive days the choices made the difference between life or deathThe crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme,but ho
34、wever little the stress is,it involves the same responseIt is when such a reaction lasts long,through continued exposure to stress,that health becomes endangeredSince we cant remove stress from our lives (it would be unwise to do so even if we could),we need to fmd ways to deal with it41People are f
35、inding less and less time for relaxing themselves because Athey regard working as their greatest enjoyment Bthey believe that work is superior to relaxation Cthey are traveling fast all the time Dthey are becoming busier with their work than ever before42. According to the author,the most important
36、character for a good manager is his Astrong will to hold out stress Bknowing the art of relaxationChigh sense of responsibility Dhaving control over performance43Which of the following statements is TRUE,according to the passage? AWe can find quite a few ways to avoid stress BStress is always harmfu
37、l to peoples health CIts easy to change the habit of keeping oneself busy with work DDifferent people can bear different amount of stress44In the last sentence of the passage, the underlined part“do sorefers to Aexpose ourselves to stress Bfind ways to deal with stressCremove stress from our fives D
38、establish links between diseases and stress45According to the author, the fight attitude toward stress is Ato avoid it Bto try to cope with itCto regard it as a vital motivation Dto find some relaxation第II卷第三部分 写作第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分l0分) 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。Music from China One dozen beautiful you
39、ng women,all in their twenties,take the stage and stand before a variety of ancient musical instrumentsThe moment they start to play, it is clear the members of Twelve Girls Band are among the most gifted musicians in the worldComing from China,Twelve Girls Band is already one of that countrys most
40、popular groups As they build a musical bridge between east and west,Twelve Girls Band charms the people of many nations around the worldA best-selling act all over Asia,Twelve Girls Band fills concert halls and arenas there,and has now been discovered by AmericaIn 2004 the group arrived on the US mu
41、sic scene at No62 of the Billboard 200 album chartIt was the highest entry by an Asian groupIn Japan,Twelve Girls Band is already a super groupIt has sold more than two million records,and has even appeared in TV ads for chocolate and cellphones,among other productsA Japanese DVD of Twelve Girls Ban
42、d live in concert sold over 200,000 copies,and their live performances have been seen on television around the worldIn 2004 they were named International Artist of the Year at the Japan Golden Disc Award ceremonies Drawing upon more than l,500 years of Chinese music,Twelve Girls Band mixes this rich
43、 tradition with classical,folk and contemporary sounds Each member of Twelve Girls Band has classical training,with backgrounds that include the China Academy of Music,the Chinese National Orchestra,and the Central Conservatory of MusicSkilled multi-instrumentalists,they perform on traditional Chine
44、se instruments that include the guzheng,the yangqin,the erhu,the pipa and the dizi and xiao The groups appeal is equally as broad,with children,teens,adults and grandparents filling arenas to see it performAmerican critics noticed the mixture of pieces by Mozart and Beethoven,with jazz standards lik
45、e Dave Brubecks Take Five,or a version of a much-loved classic such as Simon and Garfunkels El Condor Pasa46Use four words to describe the members of “Twelve Girls Band”47Why didTwelve Girls Bandattract people from all over the world?48What prize was“Twelve Girls Bandawarded in Japan in 2004?49Whats
46、 special about the bands music style?50What kinds of instruments do they play?第二节 书面表达(满分l5分)51当前不少文学作品被改编成电影。有人选择看电影,有人则喜欢读原著。请以“Film or Book,Which Do You Prefer?”为题,按照下列要点写一篇英语短文: 1看电影:省时、有趣、易懂2读原著:细节更多、语言优美 3你的看法及理由注意: 1词数100左右; 2内容可适当发挥,注意表明你的态度; 3文章开头已给出,不计入词数。参考词汇:original work或book in the ori
47、ginal(原著)Film or B ook,Wllich Do You Prefer?Some of us think that it is better to see the film than to read the book in the original. 天津市南开区20132014第一学期外研版选修6调研考试高二英语试卷听力测试第卷(2014年1月9日星期四l4:50开始播放录音)第四部分 听力 (共15小题;每小题l分,满分l5分)第一节 听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。52What are they probably talking about? AA fighting BA basketball game CAn English competition53Who is the tallest in the team? ADick BTim CJim54When will the film be on? AOn Thursday eve
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