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1、2022-2023学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、What kind of TV shows do you prefer?I like the ones _ make me laugh.AwhoBwhomCthatDwhat2、Did you see a man in black pass by just now?

2、No, sir. I a newspaper.AreadBwas readingCwould readDam reading3、Boys and girls, you are in the examination room at this moment. As long as we fight on with the _and efforts, the result will finally end in success.AwisedomBwiseCwisdom4、-Its raining now and Ill give you a ride to school.-What a great

3、!AmanageBorderCnewsDoffer5、Whose model plane is it?Its Jacks. He made it by _.Ahe Bhim Chis Dhimself6、The idea to go climbing on such a sunny day so wonderful.AtastesBsoundsCsmellsDfeels7、 Most people are building pig farms in the village. Thats right. They are worried the river will be polluted.Aam

4、ong Bagainst Caround8、 Could you tell me _? Next year.Awhen did he come backBwhen he came backCwhen will he come backDwhen he will come back9、It that China _ its first homemade aircraft carrier (国产航空母舰) in the water in Dalian on April 26, 2017.Awas reported; put Bwas reported; was putCreported; put

5、Dreported; was put10、- Have you read this book ?- Yes. I it two months ago.Ais readingBhave readCwill readDread. 完形填空11、请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并将其填到答题卷的相应位置。Time is very important in our life. However, I had never realized it until I received a beautiful gold watch from

6、 my father one day when I was 19 years old. This 1 always tells me the importance of time in my life.It was a cold rainy day. My father asked me to go to the 2 to pick up my uncle and take him home. I should have arrived there 3 :30 p.m. We had a basketball match at school that afternoon 4 the match

7、 was too exciting. When the match was nearly over. I suddenly remembered my uncle and 5 to the airport. It was too late. He had left the airport and taken a taxi to our house.I was very worried that my father would be 6 with me. As soon as I entered the living room, I saw my uncle in the sofa lookin

8、g very tired. I dared not(不敢) 7 my uncle and my father. I said hello to them in a very low voice. My father didnt say 8 Instead, he asked me to sit next to him. “Peter, did you have a good time today?” He 9 very disappointed, but his voice was still calm. I felt so sorry and answered in an even 10 v

9、oice. “Yes, Dad, but Im really sorry about not 11 my uncle. This will 12 happen again. I promise.” My father handed me a box with a beautiful gold watch inside. It was a gift my uncle bought for him. He gave it to 13 and said. “I hope you have learned something important today, and this watch will h

10、elp you remember the importance of time.”The watch has been with me for twelve years. I wear it not because of its price, but because of 14 I learned from it. It tells me to respect 15 and never be late to do what I have promised to.1AwatchBclockCbellDtime2AhotelBstationCbus stopDairport3AbeforeBfro

11、mCafterDto4AthoughBbecauseCandDso5AmovedBturnedChurriedDflew6AhappyBangryCsorryDlucky7Alook upBlook forClook atDlook after8AanythingBsomethingCnothingDeverything9AisBwasCdoesDdid10AfunnierBlouderChappierDlower11Awaking upBgiving upCpicking upDputting up12AalwaysBneverCoftenDusually13AyouBhimCthemDme

12、14AwhatBthatCwhichDwho15AcultureBfriendshipCtimeDfamily. 语法填空12、A man was walking through a large city. On a street corner,he saw a boy 1 (sell) a number of small birds in a cage(笼子)He looked at the birds flying about in the cage and 2(try)to get out. He stood for some time looking at the birds .At

13、last he said to 3(冠词)boy,“How much do you ask for your birds?” “Fifty cents a bird,sir,” said the boy. “I 4(not) mean how much a bird,” said the man,“ 5(连词)how much for all of them? I expect to buy 6(it) all.”The boy began to count,and found they came to five dollars. “There is your money,” said the

14、 man. The boy took it 7(happy).Then the man opened the cage door as quickly as he could,and let all the birds 8(fly)away.The boy,in great surprise,cried,“What did you do that9(介词),sir?You have lost all your birds.”“I will tell you why I did it,” said the man.“ I has been shut up for three years in a

15、 prison(监狱), and I10 decide) never to see anything in prison which I can make free.”. 阅读理解A13、“Without music, life would be a mistake,” famous German philosopher(哲学家)Friendrich Nietzsche said over a century ago. Music is a big part of our lives. But in recent years, some US schools have cut music cl

16、asses to control budgets(预算).For example, Chicago public schools hurt arts education when it fired over 1,000 teachers. Among them, 10 percent of the teachers taught art or music, according to The Washington Times. In fact, this is not just a problem in the US. In other countries, such as China and

17、the UK, music classes are not thought to be as important as ones like science, math and history. Thats partly because music is not seen as a very important life skill, and it isnt tested. Many students are busy with schoolwork, so parents and students choose to focus(关注)on subjects that are tested m

18、ore often.However, learning music is useful in many ways.When playing music, you need different abilities to work together. It is not as simple as it looks, according to Kenneth Guilmartin of Music Together, an early childhood music development program. For example, when playing the piano, people se

19、e music notes and decode(解码)them in their brains. They also use their fingers to make sounds. You need to deal with all these things at the same time. Music has a special connection with science as well. You can see that many scientists are good at playing music: Einstein played the violin, and Germ

20、an physicist Max Planck did well in playing the piano.1Some schools in the US cut music classes, because _.Athey were too difficult to learn Bstudents in the US werent interested in musicCthe schools wanted to control budgets Dthere werent enough music teachers in the US2In Paragraph 2, what does th

21、e underlined word “them” refer to(指代)?AFired teachers. BPublic schools. CParents in Chicago. DStudents in Chicago.3Whats the main idea of Paragraph 4?APlaying the piano needs people to see music notes.BPlaying the piano needs people to use fingers to make sounds.CDecoding music notes is needed while

22、 we are playing music.DDifferent abilities are needed to work together while we are playing music.4How many scientists who are good at playing music are mentioned in this passage?AOne. BTwo. CThree. DFour.5Whats the writers opinion according to this passage?AMusic is as simple as it looks. BMusic cl

23、asses should be cut in some schools.CMusic is a big part of our lives. DMusic isnt a very important life skill for us.B14、Editors note: do you care about the environment (环境)? Have you ever wanted to help protect it ? Well read on, as this month were going to hear from overseas teens about what they

24、 do to help the environment.I cant remember when I started collecting litter(垃圾). But it was when I got tired of seeing litter near my home and realized that no one else was going to pick it up.I live close to a forest in Ohio, America. I can walk there in three minutes!I used to love going there to

25、 play with my dog. But one day there was so much litter there that I became very unhappy. I decided I had to clean up the forest. I wanted to feel happy going there again.I made my first trip to clean the forest that afternoon. I took a big black rubbish bag with me. Ten minutes after starting to pi

26、ck up litter, my bag was full! It had cans, bottles, broken glass and newspapers in it.Since that first trip three years ago. Ive gone to the forest four times a year to pick up litter. Im often there for three hours. It makes me feel great to do something for the environment.After each trip, I look

27、 at all the litter Ive found. If any of it is recyclable(可回收的), I keep it.I cant understand why people drop litter. But I will keep picking it up until they stop dropping it.I know I am only doing a small bit to help the earth, but I still think it is important.1When did the writer make the first tr

28、ip to clean the forest?AWhen he was ten years old. BThree years ago.CWhen he went to a forest. DWhen he was playing with his dog.2What did he take when he went to the forest to pick up the litter?AA book BA dogCA black car Dbig rubbish bag3What were not mentioned in this passage?Acans BbottlesCbroke

29、n glass Dold books4How many times has the writer gone to the forest a year to pick up litter?AThree times BFour timesCtwo times DSix times5Why did the writer start collecting litter?ATo help the earth BTo make some moneyCTo help other people DTo clean the forestC15、HelpBy Kate | May 6, 2017Hi! Have

30、you ever helped others? What did you do? Have a person ever helped you? Write and let us know!DISCUSSIONSally 9:30Two weeks ago when I did some running in the park. I fell and hurt my knee quite badly. A few moments later, an old woman helped me to stand up. Then she waited until my father came. I d

31、idnt know her but she helped me. Reply ShareFred 10:10On my fifteenth birthday. I stood in line to buy coffee in a coffee shop and I noticed that a man looked very tired. I decided to buy a cup of coffee for him. When I gave him the coffee, I was very happy to see his smiling faces. Reply ShareJoe 1

32、1:00The day before yesterday I saw a boy lying on the street. I tried to wake him up, but I couldnt. I called 999. Hes OK now. I made friends with him. He thinks Im a hero, but I just did what was right. Reply ShareLisa 11:20I always try to help other people. For example, I talk to my friends when t

33、hey are lonely. I make a joke at school when my classmates look bored. Last week I gave away my old clothes to the poor. Reply Share1Who helped Sally?AAn old woman.BA man.CA boy.DThe poor.2When did Fred buy a cup of coffee for a man?ATwo weeks ago.BOn his fifteenth birthday.CThe day before yesterday

34、.DLast week.3Joe saw a boy lying _.Ain the parkBin a coffee shopCon the streetDat school4Last week Lisa _.Adid some runningBstood in line to buy coffeeCmade friends with a boyDgave away her old clothes to the poorD16、BFoundA white bag with some English books and an ID card in it.Come to Room 42 in t

35、he afternoon.Call Jim Green at 351364.Cleaner WantedCan you make a large house clean and tidy? If you want to get $25 at once, call us between 18:0020:00 Tel: 822853.Fashion Show3:00p.m.5:00 p.m. every SundayHappy Shopping CenterTel: 750876There will be fashion models, beautiful clothes and a surpri

36、sing show.Dont miss it!Models WantedAge: between 16 to 28Height: from 1.70m to 1.80mLook: good lookingApply(申请)to: the Model Center, ShenzhenTel: 3334578根据表格内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案。(10分)1If youre an 18-year-old girl and want to become a model, you can call _.A351364B3334578C750876D8228532If Jan

37、e is the owner of the bag, she can go to _.Athe Model CenterBHappy Shopping CenterCa large houseDRoom 42 in the afternoon3You can watch the fashion show _ this Sunday.Ain the morningBin the afternoonCin the eveningDat night4If the owner of the large house asks a cleaner to clean his house twice a we

38、ek, the cleaner will make about _ a month.A$50B$100C$200D$405Which of the following is NOT true?AThere is a fashion show every Sunday.BIf you want to get your lost bag, you can call 351364.CIf you want to be a cleaner, you can call 822853 anytime.DIf you want to be a model, you must think about your

39、 age, height and look.E17、Would you like to have an electric car? We will see this kind of cars soon in America. These quiet, clean cars run on electricity. Carmakers will start selling electric cars in 2011.The worlds population will jump from 6.8 billion to 9 billion by 2050. The need for cars wil

40、l jump with it. But the oil(石油) wont keep up with the number of cars on the road. So the price of oil will go up.Electric cars arent perfect just yet. It can take eight hours to charge(充电) a car for only 100 miles of driving. And the distance(路程) that cars can go depends on driving conditions(条件). H

41、ow far it travels depends on the weather and traffic.Price is a problem, too. Electric models cost much more than oil-powered cars. The good news is that electric-car technology is getting better. As it does, the prices of this kind of cars are dropping.To charge the car, the US Department of Energy

42、 is paying for at least 10,000 charging stations around the country. Private businesses are also getting ready for it. It will cost about $3 for each charge.Carmakers are coming up with other ways to make the car cleaner and cheaper. Cars may run on clean diesel(柴油). So who knows what will power the

43、 car you may be driving in 10 years? The chances are that it will be something thats clean and easy.1The electric cars are _.Alarge and noisyBlarge and quietCclean and quiet2Paragraph Two mainly tells us the reason why _.Aelectric cars appearBthe population is growingCthe oil price goes up3How far t

44、he electric car travels depends on the _.Awater and weatherBweather and trafficCdrivers and oil4Why arent the electric cars perfect?AThe cars dont look nice and theyre slow.BThe cars cant be driven fast and theyre dangerous.CThe cars take a long time to be charged and they cost too much.5From the pa

45、ssage we know that _.Aelectric cars will be more expensiveBnobody knows what will power the cars in 10 yearsCelectric cars will be used by most people in 10 yearsF18、When I go to a new place, the first thing I like to do is walking around the streets, to explore and get lost in the city. When I firs

46、t arrived in Santiago, Chile, and took a walk around the city center, one of the first things I noticed was how many stray dogs there were. The phrase “street dog” or “stray dog” is used to describe a dog with no home, who lives on the streets.On every corner there was a sleeping dog. At every traff

47、ic light there was a dog waiting to cross. By every shop there was a dog waiting for food. At first I was nervous as I thought they might be aggressive or unfriendly. However, I have been here for more than a year now and every stray dog I have seen has been passive (顺从的), quiet and friendly.The dog

48、s are accepted and welcomed here in Chile. I have never seen a street dog being mistreated. In fact, they are often given food and water by the public. Some people even make jackets for the dogs or put out beds or kennels for them to sleep in.The dogs do not have an easy life: they are often hungry,

49、 cold or injured. The government does not provide much care for these dogs.Some people believe that the situation is getting out of control and that it is unacceptable to have so many dogs on the streets. The dogs can sometimes cause problems such as car accidents if they run into the road. There ar

50、e around 2.5 million stray dogs in Chile and the dog population is growing faster than the human population. Many Chileans think that all the stray dogs should be sterilized (绝育的) so that they cannot breed (繁殖). Others think that the stray dog population should be culled (i.e. reducing the populatio

51、n by killing them).The future of street dogs is uncertain but for now it looks like they are here to stay, with their population increasing year by year.1What did the writer find when she was in Chile?AStreet dogs were unfriendly to foreigners.BStreet dogs were quiet and afraid of people.CShops were

52、 responsible for taking care of street dogs.DThere were many street dogs in the city center.2Which of the following statements is TRUE about street dogs in Chile?AThey are well taken care of by the government.BThey live a happy and easy life in the city.CThey often receive help from local people.DMa

53、ny of them have been mistreated.3What can be learnt from the article?AThe population of street dogs in Chile will soon be reduced.BThe Chilean government is working to improve the life of street dogs.CStreet dogs are responsible for most of Chiles car accidents.DStreet dogs are a cause for worry for some people


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