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1、2022-2023学年中考英语模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Mum, Ive got the first prize in the photo competition. _!AGood luck BGood idea CNot at all DCongratulations2、Frank had to take a _/ br

2、ek/ and ate something after working all night.AbreadBblowCbrownDbreak3、They are going to have a trip to the Great Wall if it tomorrow.Adoesnt snowBwont snowCdidnt snowDisnt snowing4、_ story has an unhappy ending. Many people cried after watching it.AABAnCTheD/5、A survey about cycling to work was mad

3、e among two hundred people. According tothe result below, the people who choose cycling because of health and fitness are _ more than those who choose cycling because of no parking problems.Health and fitnessNo costsLess pollutionFaster than drivingNo parking problems?30%13%15%12A60B72C306、 We are s

4、upposed to recycle paper and bottles. It can help the environment._. It can save money, too.ADont mention itBNever mindCIts a piece of cake.DYou seem to have a point7、How old is your grandpa? He looks energetic.Yeah, its hard to imagine he is already in his_ .AseventiesBseventyCseventiethDseventieth

5、s8、Many products made in China are very popular in the United States.Yeah. Americans can avoid buying Chinese products.Anearly Bmostly Chardly Dwidely9、_ useful information Henry gave us!AHow a BHow CWhat a DWhat10、Where is Tom?He is playing football _ the playground.Aof Bto Con Dfrom. 完形填空11、I sat

6、with my friend in a well-known coffee shop in a neighboring town of Venice. As we 1 our coffee, a man came in and sat at a(n) 2 table beside us. He called the waiter and placed his 3 saying, “Two cups of coffee, one of them there on the wall”. We heard this order with rather interest and observed th

7、at he was 4 with one cup of coffee but he paid for two. As soon as he left, the waiter 5 a piece of paper on the wall saying “A Cup of Coffee”. While we were still there, two other men entered and ordered three cups of coffee, two on the table and one on the wall. They had two cups of coffee but 6 f

8、or three and left. This time also, the waiter did the same; he put up a piece of paper on the wall saying, “A cup of coffee.” It seemed that this gesture was a 7 at this place. However , it was something unique and puzzling for us. Since we had 8 to do with the matter, we 9 our coffee, paid the bill

9、 and left. After a few days, we again had a(n) 10 to go to this coffee shop. While we were enjoying our coffee, a man walked in. The way this man was dressed did not match the standard nor the atmosphere of this coffee shop. Poverty was 11 from the looks on his face. 12 he seated himself, he looked

10、at the wall and said, “One cup of coffee from the 13 .” The waiter served coffee to this man with 14 and dignity. The man had his coffee and left without paying. We were amazed to watch all this when the waiter 15 a piece of paper from the wall and threw it into the dustbin.1AenjoyedBpreparedCpracti

11、cedDbought2AcrowdedBopenCemptyDbeautiful3AfoodBgoodsCtableDorder4AsatisfiedBservedCtreatedDawarded5Astuck outBhid awayCput upDtook out6ApaidBlookedCwaitedDasked7AdemandBsignalCcustomDduty8AnothingBsomethingCanythingDeverything9AwastedBfinishedCmissedDdonated10AinvitationBtimeCrewardDchance11Aobvious

12、BslightCseriousDstrong12ASoBAsCUnlessDSince13AwindowBfloorCwallDdoor14AcarelessnessBwisdomCinterestDrespect15Abrought downBtook offCkept awayDcut off. 语法填空12、根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。In 1971, a poor young man was traveling across the country, trying to make a new start for himself. On the w

13、ay, he had run out of his1so he had no food to eat and had to live in his car.One morning, after a week of sleeping in his car, he walked into a restaurant and ordered a big breakfast. After eating his first good meal in weeks, he found he had to2to the waiter, telling him he had lost his wallet. He

14、 was so embarrassed(尴尬的) that his face turned red. The waiter, also the owner, walked behind the young mans seat. He bent down(弯腰), and stood up3a $20 bill in his hand. It seemed as if it had fallen on the floor. “Son, you must have dropped this.” the owner said. The young man was so4that he couldnt

15、 believe his eyes! He quickly5for the breakfast and went out.On the way out of town, he realized, “6nobody dropped the money at all. Maybe the owner of the restaurant just knew I was in trouble and he helped me in a way that didnt embarrass me. What a kind person he is! 7I have the chance in the fut

16、ure; I will do the same to help others.”Now older, the man lives near Kansas City. Each year he gives away thousands of dollars to poor people. He is regarded8the “Secret Father Christmas”, because at Christmas time each year, he personally hands money out to those homeless people on the streets. La

17、st year, he gave more than $50,000 away in Kansas City. 阅读理解A13、When US teenager Jake Olson isnt playing football or golf for his high school, hes often offering inspiration(灵感)through his new book about his own life.These activities might be too much for the average 16-year-old to deal with, but Ja

18、ke is blind. When people ask him how he can possibly play golf without being able to see the ball, he says he is thankful for his fathers guidance.It seems apparent that his early experience playing sports as a person with sight and muscle(肌肉) memory repeating behaviors over and over until they beco

19、me second nature have also enabled Jake to hit the ball quite well.Jake was born with a rare kind of eye cancer that took away the vision from his left eye when he was a babyand eventually his right eye, in 2009, when he was 12 years old. Rather than letting the disease hold him back, Jake used his

20、loss of sight and his faith as sources of motivation(动力).“If I was going to sit on the couch all day, feeling sorry for myself, I wasnt going to do anything. I decided that I was going to go out and persevere (坚持不懈).” he said.It was with that mind-set that the student from Orange Lutheran High Schoo

21、l in California was able to write his first book, Open Your Eyes: 10 Uncommon Lessons to Discover a Happier Life. “Its about opening the readers eyes to their true talent in life and making sure that they use all the abilities that they have,” Jake said.Jakes father, Brian Olson, said the family is

22、impressed with what he has done with his life, including showing people that they can get through hardships. “Your darkest hour can soon become your brightest, and with every setback, theres a setup,” Jake said. “In every one of us, theres more potential than we can ever imagine, and it really is a

23、choice.”1We can learn from the article that Jake Olson .Awas born with blindnessBhas great muscle memoryCwas going to sit on the couch all dayDis trying to find the cure for his disease2According to the article, Jakes family members .Ahave pity on him deeplyBonce gave up hope on himCencouraged him t

24、o write the bookDadmire his efforts and determination(决心)3The purpose of the book Open Your Eyes: 10 Uncommon Lessons to Discover a Happier Life is to .Aexplain what “a happier life” meansBask people to get on well with disabled peopleBhelp people get better life through his experiencesCencourage pe

25、ople to discover and use the potential4The underlined word “setback” is closest in meaning to .Afailure Bfight Cidea DsuccessB14、YEARS ago, a very rich man and his young son shared an interest in collecting art. They traveled around the world, collecting priceless works of art by famous artists like

26、 Picasso, Van Gogh and Monet.The man became very lonely and sad. When war broke out, the son left to serve his country. After a few weeks, the old man received a letter saying his son had died while taking another soldier to a hospital.One day, a soldier visited the old man and gave him a painting i

27、t was a portrait of his son. Though the world would never consider it a great work, the painting was important to the man.The painting of his son became the old mans most valuable item. He told his neighbors it was the greatest gift he had ever received. The following spring, the old man became ill

28、and passed away.All of the old mans paintings would be sold at an auction. The auction began with a painting that was not on any of the buyers lists . it was the painting of the old mans son.“Who will open the price at $100 ?” the auctioneer asked. Moments passed and no one spoke or raised their han

29、d. Someone said: “Who cares about that painting? Lets get on to the good ones.” More voices followed in agreement. “No, we must sell this one first,” replied the auctioneer. “Now, who will take the portrait of the son?”Finally, a good friend of the old man spoke: “Will you take $10 for the painting?

30、 Thats all I have.” “Will anyone go higher?” called the auctioneer. After more silence he said: “Going once . going twice . sold!” The auctioneer looked at the crowd and announced that the whole auction was over. “According to the fathers will, whoever takes the sons portrait gets the whole collecti

31、on,” the auctioneer said.Because of the fathers love, whoever took the son got it all.1Both the man and his son were interested in .Acollecting artwork Bselling paintingsCdrawing famous artists Dreading stories about famous artists2The letter said the son .Aleft to serve his country Bwas safeCwas se

32、nt to a hospital. Dhad died.3At the auction, the painting of the mans son .Awas popular Bwas sold for $100Cwas sold for $10 Dwasnt sold4The story wanted to tell us .Aartwork is valuable Ba fathers love is pricelessCdont look down at small works of art Dnobody knows what will happen nextC15、 These pe

33、ople come from the poorest places of Kenya. They were beggars and workers on the farm. However, they are people with dreams and hopes. Thanks to Jamii Bora, thousands of them are realizing their dreams.When Ingrid Munro worked in the UK she learned about the lives of the poor, so she always tried he

34、r best to help the poor. And in 1988,Munro and her Canadian husband had adopted(收养)a homeless boy. This boy had been run over by a bus and was unable to walk freely. Munros learning about the hard lives of the poor increased when she adopted the boys two brothers two years later.In 1999 she decided

35、to start a small club in Kenya. The members would be 50 women, beggars who had been kind to children. No one imagined it could become so successful that it would change into a bank called Jamii Bora Bank. Munro did not expect that it would turn out to be such a great success. Instead of employing(雇佣

36、) experts, she has trained those women herself. And she employs ex-beggars, the ones who joined them in the very early days and have come out of poverty. She teaches these beggars how to do everything from the beginning. What makes this bank different from others is the way they treat the borrowers.

37、 They help these poor people educate their children, and help with housing. They even teach business skills so that people can live a better life.1According to the passage, Jamii Bora refers to_.Aa lady named Ingrid MunroBa small bank in KenyaCa famous club in UK2Why did Munro and her husband adopt

38、a boy in 1988?ABecause this boy was born disabled.BBecause Munro and her husband had adopted his brothers before.CBecause this boy was homeless.3Munro decided to set up a small club because she wanted toAhelp more poor people in KenyaBget to know more poor peopleCmake beggars become rich people4From

39、 the third paragraph, we know that_.Athis bank helped the poor solve the problem of housingBmunro thought her club must be very successful with the help of beggers.Csome experts were employed to train these women beggers5What would be the best title for the passage?AThe poorest places of KenyaBMunro

40、 and her husbandCFrom beggars to bankersD16、Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go in to their offices or schools every day by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to get up early in the morning and reach home late in the evening.One advantage of living ou

41、tside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of ones own.Then, in the country one can really get away from the noise and hurry of busy working lives. Even

42、though one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can sleep better at night and during weekends and on summer evenings, one can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the country. If one likes gardens, one can spend ones free time digging, planting, watering and doing the hundred a

43、nd one other jobs which are needed in a garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up, one has got the reward together with those who have shared the secret of nature.Some people, however, take no interest in country things: for them, happiness lies in the town, with its cinemas and theatres

44、, beautiful shops and busy streets, dance-halls and restaurants. Such people would feel that their life was not worth living if they had to live it outside London. An occasional (偶尔的) walk in one of the parks and a fortnights (two weeks) visit to the sea every summer is all the country they want: th

45、e rest of the country they are quite prepared to spend with those who are glad to get away from London every night.1(小题1)Which of the following statements is NOT true?APeople who love nature prefer to live outside the city.BPeople who work in London prefer to live in the city.CSome people enjoying c

46、ity life prefer to work and live inside London.DMany nature lovers, though working in London, prefer to live outside the city.2(小题2)One can use the same money for _ to buy a little house with a garden in the country.Agetting a small flat with a gardenBhaving a small flat with a gardenCrenting a smal

47、l flat without a gardenDbuying a small flat without a garden3(小题3)People who think happiness lies in the town would feel that _ if they had to live outside London.Atheir life was meaninglessBtheir life was invaluableCthey didnt need a happy lifeDthey couldnt sleep late in the morningE17、 Daming and

48、Betty always make a timetable for their weekends. The following table is their arrangement for the activities of next weekend.SaturdaymorningafternooneveningDamingcheck e-mailhave a piano lessongo to Anns partydo homeworklisten to some musicBettyFreebuy some clothesgo to Anns partywatch cartoonsSund

49、aymorningafternooneveningDamingget up earlymeet Lingling and Tony in the parkFreeplay table tennishave a picnicBettystay in bedmeet Lingling and Tony in the parkFreerevise for testhave a picnic1Daming wont next weekend.Ado his lessonsBgo shoppingCdo sportsDsee Betty2You can ask Betty to help you wit

50、h your lessons .Aon Saturday morningBon Saturday eveningCon Sunday morningDon Sunday afternoon3You can on Saturday morning.Aplay table tennis with DamingBgo to Anns party with BettyCchat with Daming on the InternetDsee Daming and Betty in the parkF18、A boy called Mike had many friends, and he was pr

51、oud of it. Whoever he met, he would like to show off how popular he was at school.One day, his grandpa said to him, “Mike, I know that you dont have as many friends as you think. Many of them are not true to you.”Mike thought maybe his grandpa was right. However, he wasnt sure how he could test whet

52、her his schoolmates were real friends or not, so he asked his grandpa. The old man answered, “I have just exactly what you need. Its in my room. Wait a minute.” The old man left, soon returning as if(好像) carrying something in his hand, but Mike could see nothing there.“Take it. Its a very special ch

53、air. Because its invisible, it will be hard for you to sit on it. However, if you manage to sit on it, you can use the chairs magic power to tell who your real friends are.”Mike took the strange invisible chair to school. At break time he asked everyone to form a circle, and he put himself in the mi

54、ddle, with his chair.“Nobody moves. Youre about to see something amazing,” said Mike. Then he tried sitting on the chair. Having difficulty seeing it, he missed and fell to the ground. Everyone had a pretty good laugh. “Wait, wait,” said Mike, making another try. But again he missed the chair.Mike d

55、idnt give up. He kept trying to sit on the magic chair. Finally, he did it. This time he felt himself in mid-air. Then he experienced the magic that his grandpa had been talking about. Looking around, Mike saw George, Lucas and Diana holding him up, so he wouldnt fall. But some schoolmates whom he had regarded as friends had done nothing but made fun of him. Mike was quite thankful to his grandpa, who helped him test who his true friends were.1Mikes grandpa gave him a special chair to _.Asit on in the school Btest who his true friends areCbe his birthday present Dplay games with his f


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