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1、第二部分语法专题研究专题八 动词和动词短语一、单项选择动词词义辨析(2019 武汉) Have you chemistry for the coming exam? Yes. Im quite ready for it.A. repeated B. copied C. marked D. reviewed(2019 孝感 )Hurry up! Were late. I dont want to the start of the film.A. catchB.getC. missD. lose(2019 抚顺 )In the summer camp, the boy learned to all

2、 kinds of difficulties.A. manageB.protectC. remainD. control(2019 襄阳 ) What does Huaweis newest smartphone look like? Its wonderful ! You can it in half just like closing a book.A. handB.passC. foldD. cut(2019 铁岭 )The cover of the book comfortable. Its made of silk.A. tastesB. feelsC. looksD. sounds

3、(2019 临沂改编 )Roy works in London. Ithim about half an hour to get to work by bus every day.A. costsB. spendsC. takesD. pays(2019 葫芦岛改编 )New energy cars have been to cut down air pollution.A. discovered B. found C. invented D. created(2019 宜昌改编 ) Did youthe International Marathon in Lan Zhou on June 2

4、, 2019? Of course. How exciting!A. watchB. lookC. seeD. read(2020 原创 )The food is very delicious in that restaurant. We can go and it.A. sell B. help C. put D. try(2020 原创 )The cake delicious. Id like to have another one.A. tastesB. touchesC.soundsD. feels(2020 原创 )In China, we usually a gift with b

5、oth hands and open it later.A. dropB. acceptC.riseD. invite(2020 原创 )Your room looks dirty. Will you please it clean?A. careB. makeC.waitD. tidy(2020 原创 )The air is very fresh today, so well the history museum.A. visitB. enterC.makeD. cross(2020 原创) Have you seen the movie Titanic, Wang Wei? Yes. Th

6、e music in itgreat.A. seems B. sounds C. feels D. smells动词短语辨析(2019 安徽) Shall we go to the airport to your sister? I dont think its necessary. She will come here by taxi.A. see off B. pick up C. look after D. come across(2019 武汉) Why were you shouting at Tom? I told him to be quiet, but he talking.A

7、. joined inB. ended upC. kept onD. shut off(2019 德阳)The concertis so wonderful that all the tickets are withintwohours.A. cut outB. put outC. taken outD. sold out(2019 鄂州) Tom, whatare you doing? Im drawing because I want to be a painter.A. taking up B. cleaning up C. putting up D. making up(2019 甘肃

8、省卷 )Dont forget to the lights when they are not in use!A. turn over B. turn off C. turn up D. turn on(2019 黄冈改编) I dont know how to the old books. Why not give them away to poor children?A. hand outB.give upC. deal withD. listen to(2019 北部湾经济区二模 )The plane will in 30 minutes. We need to hurry or we

9、will miss it.A. take offB.fall offC. turn offD. put off(2019 北部湾经济区六市同城模拟)If you give up now, your dream will not A. come onB.come trueC. come outD. come from(2019 南宁模拟 )Youd better finish your task by yourself. You cant others all the time.A. depend onB.argue withC. laugh atD. belong to(2019 钦州一模)

10、Mom, can you tell me the meaning of?“ request ” Why not the word in the dictionary?A. look up B. look at C. look for D. look through(2020 原创 )The famous movie star often much money to the homeless.A. gives away B. walks away C. throws away D. washes away(2020 原创 )You should try to the problems by yo

11、urself. Youre no longer a child.A. get onB. get overC. get intoD. get up(2020 原创 ) After graduating from the university, my sister will a good job in our city.A. leave forB. search for C. care forD. wait for(2020 原创 )I usually the newspapers in the evening to see what is going on around us.D. shout

12、toA. take after B. look through C. use up(2020 原创)The bosswas lateforthe meeting because hisalarmclock didnt A. go offB. go outC.go onD. go by(2020 原创 )We can useless information in the article to make it easier to understand.A. cut upB. cut outC.cut intoD. cut off(2020 原创) Werenot supposed to those

13、whofailed. No one can be a winner all the time.A. turn out B. laugh at C. spread out D. share with二、单词拼写(2019 绥化 )I ( 发送 ) an e-mail to my pen pal in English once a week.(2019 德阳 )Please remind the passengers not to (吸烟 ) in the bus.(2019 宁波 )The two little girls often stay together to ( 分享 ) their

14、secrets.(2019 广安 )I will have a meeting this afternoon. Please ( 唤醒 ) me up at 2 : 00 pm.(2019 济宁 )It is very relaxing for me to ( 躺) on a soft sofa after a long time study.(2019 宿迁 )The school will hold many activities to ( 庆祝 ) our countrys 70th birthday.(2020 原创 )You should ( 加热 )the meat before

15、you eat it.(2020 原创 )Its very kind of you to ( 展示 ) us some of your collections.(2020 原创 )You will( 收到 ) a warm welcome when you come to our village.(2020 原创 )In China more and more people ( 骑 ) shared bikes to and from work.三、词形变换(2019 绥化 )Jill cooked and (lay) out the dishes on the table.(2019 宿迁

16、)The question is a little difficult. Lets have a (discuss) about it.(2019 常州 )He (draw) on the beach from 7 to 9 oclock yesterday morning.(2019 贵阳 )Nothing is a waste if we have a (create) mind.(2019 大庆 )Be sure to let Tom know the news as soon as he (arrive) (2019 无锡)If you dont have a deep love fo

17、r something, dont be(satisfy) until you find one.(2019 镇江改编)Dont give Eddie anything to eat. I(feed) him just now.(2019 连云港改编)Last week Professor Li was(invite) to make a speech on Chinese traditional festival.(2019 常德改编)It is reported that Taizhou Sports Park will be(complete) next year.(2019 德阳改编)

18、Mr. Tian(build) two schools for the poor children last year.(2020 原创)Her father(drop) her off at the school gate and then drove to work.(2020 原创)The(manage)is very good at communicating with others.(2020 原创)Eating too much salt(add) the risk of high blood pressure.(2020 原创)My mother rewarded me a mo

19、del plane for my excellent(perform) .(2020 原创)By the time the visitors arrived, Phil had(clean) up the house.四、选词填空Passage 1(素材选自 One Story A Day Book 2)Chris的正义之举replied finding have know madehoped send came started wantsOne day, a little dog ran over and sat on the step with Chris. The dog was ver

20、y pleasing. So Chris 57. that his parents would let him keep it. It was his dream to 58.a little dog like this one.As soon as his parents 59. home, Chris ran towards them. Mom,100k at this little dog. he exclaimed(强调),He likes me and 60.to stay. May I keep it ? ” he asked eagerly(急切地).“Oh, its a lov

21、ely dog, his mo mBeplyou 61.the dog is not ours. The owner of the dogmust be very worried. Dont you think so ?“Yeah, I did not think about that , he 62.“What should we do then ? ” Mom asked.“We are expected to 63.him to his home , Chris said slowly. He knew it was the right thing todo.The next morni

22、ng, Chris 64.some posters and put them up around the town.Soon, a young girl came to Chriss house with her mother. The dog 65.to bark and bark. He ran towards the girl. The puppy was really happy to see the girl.They thanked the young boy for 66.their dog. Of course, Chris was sad to see the dog go,

23、 but he knew he did the right thing.Passage 2(2020 原创)put described cared produce needloved_get-protects_depended-takesOnce there was a king and his daughter. The king asked his daughter how much she 67.him. She said that she loved him as much as she loved salt. Her answer made the king very happy.

24、Salt is a simple thing, but it is very important. So the king thought his daughter 68.a lot about him.Salt has many uses. Our bodies 69.salt. If we dont have enough, our bodies cant work properly.We 70.salt on icy roads to make them safe. We also use salt to 71.other products, like paper and glass.

25、But for many years, salts most important job was to protect food. Like other living things, most bacteria(细菌)need water to live. Salt 72. in plenty of water, so most bacteria cannot live in a salty environment. As a result, salt 73.food and many other things. For much of human history, this ability

26、has made salt valuable. Every ancient culture from Egypt to China 74.on salt. Even today, the hard- working, useful people are 75.as“the salt of the earth”For centuries, salt was also hard to 76. . Its usefulness, together with rarity(稀有)made it very expensive. Salt could even be used like money. In

27、 fact, the word salary ( 薪水)comes from the word salt.匕挑战题(repair) in the 4S shop last week.77.向高中彳车f接题J Father had his car 78.1陷阱题Dont pour the(pollute) water everywhere, or youll be punished.me your notebook, Grace?.陷阱题 J Could you please Certainly. Here you are.A. borrowB. to borrow C. lendD. to l

28、end.陷阱题 The school network will be shut down for safety reasons.That doesnt me at all. Im not a net- worm, anyway.A. fitB. satisfy C. worry D. care.初高中衔接题 May I speak to Nick?Sorry, he Paris and will be back in 2 weeks.A. has been to B. has gone to C. goes to D. will go to参考答案及解析专题八动词和动词短语1. D 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. B16. C 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. C 21. A 22. B 23. A 24. A 25. A 26. B 27. B 28. B 29. A30. B 31. B 32. send 33. smoke 34. share 35. wak


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