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1、2022-2023学年高考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1I guess _ impresses me most about his painting is the colors he uses.AwhoBwhichC

2、thatDwhat2There are various things on sale, so you can choose _ interests you.AwhoeverBno matter whoCwhateverDno matter what3Water Knows Answers by a Japanese author, _ into 16 languages, has become a best- seller all over the world.Ahaving translatedBto be translatedCbeing translatedDtranslated4New

3、 ideas sometimes have to wait for years before _.Abeing fully accepting Bfully accepting Chaving fully accepted Dfully accepted5Nature is understandable in the sense _ she will answer truly and reward with discoveries when we ask her questions via observation.AthatBwhereChowDwhat6 How did you like J

4、ohns exhibition of paintings last weekend? To tell you the truth, his paintings didnt _ me much.A. refer toBappeal toCbelong toDoccur to7The new movie _ to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time.ApretendsBagreesCpromisesDdeclines8The Lushan Mountain, occupying an area of 302 square kilometer

5、s, possesses rich cultural and geological _.AattractionsBamusementsCentertainmentsDpresentations9Breaking up is the business of the two lovers, _ no other person should be involved.AwhichBin thatCthatDin which10At the news of the earthquake, the soldiers did what they could the victims.AhelpBto help

6、Cto helpingDhelping11 the key to the car when my boss came towards me.Finally I could drive him home as usual.ANever had I found BSeldom did I findCHardly had I found DNo sooner did I find12Never before _ the famous museum was just a stones thro away from their school, so out _.Ahad they known; went

7、 all they Bthey had known; went all theyChad they known; they all went Dthey had known; they all went13-I cannot _ what I have done to annoy Jessica.-No worries. She is kind of sensitive.Aturn outBmake outCput outDleave out14Yet _ in the process of development did they stop to consider the impact of

8、 their “progress” on nature.Ain no time Bat no pointCas likely as not Dmore often than not15She must have ranked her birthday presents in order of _because the top one is her favoriteAvalueBtimeCinterestDpreference16I was telling a joke and Sam just interrupted me to tell a different one. He always

9、_!Abites his tongue Bsaves his skinCsteals my thunder Dpulls my leg17The meal itself was not so good_ was boringly brown including vegetables.Anothing BeverythingCanything Dsomething18The man was in a _ condition with severe injuries to his legs after being attacked by a shark in far north Queenslan

10、d.Askeptical BcriticalCpractical Dphysical19She is _ being pleased about it ; she is very angry.Afree fromBfree ofCout ofDfar from20All we have is 24 precious hours a day and therefore we shall waste _AnothingBnoneCneitherDno one第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)Sleep repairs th

11、e body and the mind and helps prevent disease by strengthening the immune system. However, many adults do not get eight hours of sleep each night. The average adult today gets only 6.4 hours of sleep. Only in recent years have health professionals begun to realize the seriousness of sleep deprivatio

12、n in the working population. A significant number of people work at night, work long hours, or suffer from sleeplessness or jet lag.Studies show that the brain is negatively affected by sleep deprivation because certain patterns of electrical and chemical activity that occur during sleep are interru

13、pted and the brain cannot function normally. In one study, thirteen healthy adult subjects(实验对象) who usually had normal sleep patterns were kept awake and carefully monitored in a lab during a period of 35 hours. During the experiment, the subjects were asked to perform several tasks, such as mathem

14、atics and word problems, while undergoing scans of their brain activity. The researchers found that the temporal lobe (颞叶) of the brain, the region involved in language processing, was active during speech tasks in rested subjects but not in subjects who lacked enough sleep. After several hours with

15、out sleep, there was no activity within this region.Several studies show that getting fewer than six hours of sleep can damage short-term memory and reaction timethus causing a serious risk of accident. In one study of drivers, researchers reported that sleep deprivation had the same effects as bein

16、g drunk. They found that people who drove after being awake for 17 hours performed worse than those with a blood alcohol level of 0.5 percent, the legal limit for drunk driving in most western European countries. The researchers concluded that countries with drunk driving laws should consider simila

17、r restrictions against sleep-deprived driving.1、The underlined word deprivation in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to_.AweaknessBlossCdiscomfortDpain2、The passage mentions all of the following as causes of sleep deprivation EXCEPT_.Ajet lagBlong work hoursCboring workDworking at night3、The

18、 purpose of the study described in Paragraph 2 was to determine_.Ahow many hours people can survive without sleepBhow people react when their sleep is interruptedCthe changes in brain activity that occurs during sleepDthe effects of sleep deprivation on brain activity4、Why does the author mention bl

19、ood alcohol level in Paragraph 3?ATo show how sleep deprivation reduces the blood alcohol level.BTo show that sleep deprivation has the same dangerous effects as being drunk.CTo suggest that sleep-deprived drivers are also likely to drink.DTo argue against raising the legal limit for drunk driving.2

20、2(8分) Madame Marie Curie famously won two Nobel Prizes, but many other women have also been awarded the prize, too. Here are their stories.Selma LagerlofSelma Lagerlof was a Swedish author and teacher. She published her first novel, Gosta Berlings Saga, at the age of 33. She was the first female wri

21、ter to win the Nobel Prize in Literature which she was awarded in 1909. Additionally, she was the first female to be granted membership in the Swedish Academy.Gerty Theresa CoriGerty and her husband, Carl Cori, met in Prague and lived in Austria before immigrating to the United States in 1922, where

22、 the two medical doctors worked together at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in New York. In 1947, Gerty and Carl were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, making Gerty Cori the first woman to hold the honor.Maria Goeppert-MayerIn 1942, Maria Goeppert-Mayer joined the Manhattan

23、 Project. From there, she moved on to Los Alamos National Laboratory, then to Argonne National Laboratory, where Goeppert-Mayer developed the nuclear shell model. For this, she shared the 1963 Nobel Prize in Physics with J. Hans DJensen and Eugene Paul Wigner.Dorothy Crowfoot HodgkinDorothy Hodgkins

24、 mother encouraged her love of science as a child, and at age 18, she began studying chemistry at a women-only Oxford college. Her work on mapping vitamin B12 earned her the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1964.1、What is Selma Lagerlof noted for in history?AHer books.BHer medicine.CHer political works.D

25、Her teaching skills.2、Who was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine?ASelma LagerlofBGerty Theresa Cori.CMaria Goeppert-MayerDDorothy Growfoot Hodgkin3、When did Dorothy Growfoot Hodgkin win her the Nobel Prize in Chemistry?AIn 1922.BIn 1942.CIn 1963.DIn 1964.23(8分)Artificia

26、l Intelligence (AI) is making it possible for companies to monitor workers behavior in great detail and in real time. Start to slack off (懈怠), and AI could talk to your boss.One company offering such services is London-based start-up Status Today. Its AI platform relies on a regular supply of employ

27、ee data, including everything from the files you access to when you use a key card. From this, it builds a picture of how employees normally function and signals any unusual performance. The idea is to spot when someone might become a security risk by doing something different from their usual behav

28、ioral patterns. “All of this gives us fingerprint of a user, so if we think the fingerprint doesnt match, we raise a warning”, says Mircea Dumitrescu, the companys chief technology officer.The system also aims to catch employee actions that could accidentally cause a security breach (漏洞), like openi

29、ng malware (恶意软件).“Were not monitoring if your computer has a virus.” says Dumitrescu. “Were monitoring human behaviors.”But catching the security breach means monitoring everyone, and the AI can also be used to track employee productivity. “It seems like they are just using the reputation of AI to

30、give an air of lawfulness to old-fashioned workplace surveillance (监视),” says Javier Ruiz Diaz of digital campaigning organization the Open Rights Group. “You have a right to privacy and you shouldnt be expected to give that up at work.”Exactly how companies use the system will be up to them, but it

31、s hard to shake the picture of an AI constantly looking over employees shoulders. “It will bother people, and that could be counterproductive if it affects their behavior,” says Paul Bemal at the University of East Anglia.Phil Legg at the University of the West of England says it will never catch ev

32、ery security risk. “If people know theyre being monitored, they can change their behavior,” he says.1、According to the text, AI monitors employees by _.Ataking pictures of them Bgetting access to their dataCsignaling their usual performance Dcatching their actions2、Whats Javier Ruiz Diazs attitude t

33、owards the system?ADoubtful. BSupportive.CUncaring. DNegative.3、What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 4 refer to?ASecurity breach. BEmployees productivity.CThe right to privacy. DWorkplace surveillance.4、Phil Leggs concern about the system suggests that _.Ait is too risky to be used at w

34、orkBit will affect employees emotionsCit may not be so effective as expectedDit will encourage employee, productivity24(8分)For your next out-of-this-world vacation, you now have the option of literally going out of this worldbut itll cost you $ 40 million. Then again, can you really put a price tag

35、on having the time of your life? According to a new report from Popular Mechanics, Russia is looking to build a luxury hotel in outer space. There you will wake up to a breathtaking blue planetthe earth! The hotel is expected to be stationed on the International Space Station (ISS).While space touri

36、sm itself isnt exactly a novel idea, the notion of building a hotel out there hasnt been raised before. Really, other companies are still focused on the transportation part of the puzzle after all, a trip to space is enough for most folks.According to Popular Mechanics, the hotel will include a luxu

37、ry orbital suite with big windows, personal hygiene (卫生) facilities, exercise equipment, and yes, WiFi. Because if you cant share your experience on social media, did it really even happen?Of course, the reasons behind the hotel arent just for fun and games. Apparently, space tourism might be able t

38、o help the Russians pay for another module to add to the international Space Station. Russian space contractor RKK Energia is currently building the first such module, which will give scientists a laboratory and power supply station from which to conduct tests.If any of this is going to happen, howe

39、ver, Russia is going to have to hurry. With the ISS expected to be out of use in 2028, theres little time to build the hotel and find wealthy tourists to actually buy a trip into outer space.So if youve recently come into a fortune and are interested in investing in what could be the time of your li

40、fe, ISS is calling your name.1、What do we know about the hotel from the first paragraph?AIt is quite affordable.BIt will be built in Russia.CIt will offer an amazing view.DIt costs $ 40 million to build.2、What does the underlined phrase “the puzzle” in Paragraph 2 refer to?AAn orbital suite. BSpace

41、tourism.CSpace exploration. DA creative idea.3、What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?AHotel guests wont be able to see into space.BVisitors are required to take exercise each day.CSpace travel is not possible without the Internet.DTourists tend to share traveling experiences online.4、The hotel will

42、be built to provide Russian scientists withAfun and games Bfinancial supportCspace contractors Dmore time in space25(10分)In 2013,a report from The Nero England Journal of Medicine showed that increased body weight is related to the death rate for all cancers. This is based on a study involving about

43、 900,000 people, spanning many years.The study, started in 1992 by the American Cancer Society, included men and women from all 50 states. The youngest participants were 30 years old, and the average age was 57. By December 2008, 24% of the participants had died, just a quarter of them from cancers.

44、 In analyzing the results, researchers attempted to take account of such potential factors as smoking drinking alcohol, taking aspirin and a wide variety of other factors that might otherwise affect the results. .The results are clear: the more you weigh, the greater your risk of dying of cancer wil

45、l be (up to 52% higher for men and 62% for women). In men as well as women, the only cancers that did not have a strong connection with weight were lung cancer and-brain cancer. For women, the strongest correlation with weight was uterine cancer (子宫癌), which is 6.5 times higher for women with a BMI

46、(Body Mass Index) of 40 or more. For men, it was liver cancer, which is 4.5 times higher in most obese (肥胖的) men.Smokers tend to be more successful in keeping weight off than non-smokers, slightly reducing the risk. But many of them dont have good lungs. Thus, in another way, they also face risks. A

47、s for why extra weight leads to excess cancer death rate, theres no clear agreement. But the decrease in vitamin D in obese people seems a likely factor. Vitamin D is known to have a role in preventing cancer. Also, there is a simple fact that obesity makes the management of cancer more difficult. A

48、lthough for now there is no simple answer to why obesity increases a persons cancer risk, all we know for certain is that the risk is real.1、The passage is mainly concerned with the relationship between _.Adiet and cancer Bbody weight and cancerCsex and cancer Dsmoking and cancer2、The author develop

49、s the passage mainly through _.Atime order Bspace orderCanalysis and comparison Dfigures and examples3、The underlined word “spanning” in the first paragraph probably means “_”.Alasting BincludingChappening Dchanging4、According to the passage, what can we learn about the study?AThere is a clear expla

50、nation concerning why obesity leads to more cancers.BGenerally speaking, women face fewer risks of dying of cancer than menCWomen with a BMI of 40 dying of uterine cancer are more than other women.DSmokers are still likely to face risks of dying of cancer though keeping weight off.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一

51、节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分) Theres being a good neighbor,and then theres going the extra mile.And in one Massachusetts neighborhood,the neighbors are pulling out all the stops.Two years ago,about a 1 after Samantha was born,Glenda and Raphael Savitz learned the

52、ir daughter was 2 .“She was the first deaf person my husband and I had known,”Glenda,33,told the Boston Globe.“So its a surprise. 3 .But I think Im someone whos 4 :OK.What do we do? Shes a week old.Were going to be learning sign language.There was no 5 that it was going to be important to her develo

53、pment and her 6 .”But the Savitz family werent the only ones who learned how to sign.Over 20 residents of their neighborhood in the town of Newton are 7 learning sign language.The residents 8 an instructor on their own and 9 gather together in a living room to learn the language.The neighborsdesire

54、to learn to 10 with Samantha is something that the Savitz family finds extremely 11 .“One of the most emotional 12 having her is that I really learned about how much support and how much love there is here,”Glenda said.“People are 13 so much time and energy to learn a(n) 14 language because theyre d

55、ying to 15 my little girl.I dont have 16 for that.”Baby Sam already has friends all over the neighborhood.Henry Marshall,a 19-year-old Harvard freshman,told the Globe that Sam 17 with her child-size basketball hoop 18 he shoots hoops on his adult-size one.While he plays,she copies his movements and

56、19 the words for“play”and“friend.”“Its a special neighborhood,”Raphael Savitz told the Globe.”Its just a really 20 place.”1、Aday Bweek Cyear Dmonth2、Adeaf Bblind Churt Ddull3、AEmbarrassed BAwesome CUnbearable DUnexpected4、Afor Bagainst C1ike Dwith5、Apoint Bchance Cquestion Dpossibility6、Awork Bstudy

57、 Cplay Dgrowth7、Astill Balso Cyet Dnever8、Ahired Bsent Ctrained Dassisted9、Asuddenly Bregularly Cimmediately Drandomly10、Ashare Bstay Cassociate Dcommunicate11、Ainteresting Bsurprising Ctouching Ddemanding12、Aresults Bissues Cimprovements Dexperiences13、A1ooking for Bgiving up Cputting in Drelying o

58、n14、Aoral Bforeign C1ocal Duseless15、Atalk to Bturn to Cattend to Dadapt to16、Aideas Bwords Cchoices Dsuggestions17、Aplays B1ives Chelps Ddeals18、Aas Bunless Cuntil Dbecause19、Awrites Breads Csigns Dsays20、Achallenging Bimportant Cusual Dwelcoming第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27(

59、15分)China is known as the Kingdom of Bamboo. More than 400 species of bamboo,one third of all known species in the world,grow in China. China1(lead)the world in the amount of area planted with bamboo,the number of bamboo trees and the amount of bamboo wood2(produce)every year.The oldest bamboo3(arti

60、cle)in China were unearthed from the remains of a primitive society that existed some 7,000 years ago in4is now Hemudu,Yuyao County,Zhejiang Province. As early as the Shang Dynasty,Chinese people used the bamboo for making weapons,such as bows and arrows. Before paper 5(invent),strips of bamboo were


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