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1、砌体工程施工方法陈叙目录Contents1 适用范围Scope2 相关规范Relevant Codes3工作流程Work Flow4主要施工方法Main Construction Methods5砌体工程检查验收Inspection and Acceptance of Masonry Work1 适用范围Scope 1.1 本程序适用于中国石油天然气第六建设公司承建的中海壳牌南海石化项目 内,建构筑物的内、外墙体砌筑工程。 This procedure is applicable to masonry work of internal & external wall of buildings

2、on PP/HDPE Plant Project contracted by CP6CC, for CSPC Nanhai Petrochemical Project. 2 相关规范Relevant Codes GB 50203-2002 砌体工程施工质量验收规范 GB 50203-2002 Code for acceptance of construction quality of masonry engineering GB 50204-2002 混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范 GB 50204-2002 Code for construction and acceptance of co

3、ncrete structure engineering GB 50300-2001 建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准 GB 50300-2001 Standard for quality inspection and assessment of building construction SH 3510-2000 石油化工设备混凝土基础工程施工及验收规范 SH 3510-2000 Code for construction and acceptance of concrete foundation for petrochemical equipment 3 工作流程Work Flow 砌体工程按

4、以下工序施工: The masonry work will be done as per following operation sequence: 4 主要施工方法Main Construction Methods 1)技术交底Technical presentation 在施工前,向班组进行技术交底,明确施工方法及质量要求,针对施工中易出现的质量问题做出详细的交底。 Prior to construction, make a technical presentation to work group to clarify the construction methods and qualit

5、y requirements, particularly for those quality problems that always occur during construction, detailed presentation shall be made. 材料准备Material preparation 2)材料进货及进场检验Material Purchasing and Inspection 所有进场材料必须具有产品质量证明书或出厂合格证,其各项品质指标应满足设计和规范要求。主要材料应按材料检验程序进行外观和物理化学性能现场抽检,合格后报TCM审查认可才能使用。 Product Qu

6、ality Certificate or Ex-work Certificate shall be available for all materials to be delivered to site, and the quality indexes shall satisfy the design requirements and specification. Sampling inspection of primary materials on site shall be performed visually for their physical & chemical performan

7、ces as per Material Inspection Procedure. The materials inspected acceptable shall be submitted to TISA for approval before use. 3) 定位放线Setting out 砌体施工前,应在基础上弹出墙身的轴线、厚度,门窗洞口的位置及标高等。砌筑前,必须用钢尺校核放线尺寸。 Prior to masonry work, lines for axes and thickness of wall as well as location and elevation of hole

8、s on doors and windows shall be marked on the foundation, and then check the setting-out dimension by using steel tape. 3)摆砖样确定横向组砌方式 Defining the way of laying bricks horizontally 根据图纸中的窗间墙的大小,结合预留孔洞的位置,先进行底层砌块试摆,并适当调整砌体垂直灰缝厚度以达到尺寸要求。 According to the size of wall between windows and the location o

9、f holes, make a trial brick placement at the bottom and adjust the thickness of vertical mortar joint to satisfy the requirements of dimension. 4)制作皮数杆确定竖向组砌方式 Defining the way of laying bricks vertically 砌块砌筑前,应根据每层砌块高度和砌体总高度以及门窗洞口的标高调整水平灰缝厚度,并据此尺寸制作皮数杆;皮数杆应牢固的竖立于墙的转角处或柱边.皮数杆间距宜小于15m。 Before brickl

10、aying, the thickness of horizontal mortar joint shall be adjusted as per height of bricks in every layer, the total height of bricks and the elevation of holes for door and window. And then make story pole according to this dimension, which shall be firmly set up at the wall corner or beside column

11、with a proper space between the poles of less than 15m. 5)墙体砌筑用砌块提前1天喷水湿润。 Moisten brick blocks for wall building by spraying one day ahead. 6)必须遵守“反砌”原则,每皮砌块应使其底面朝上砌筑。 The principle of building in reverse way that each building block shall be laid with bottom face upwards must be strictly followed.

12、 7)根据皮数杆、墙体轴线先在墙角或墙体端头盘角,之后在墙体一侧挂线控 制墙体的灰缝的水平度、厚度及墙体的垂直度。 Laying brick blocks at wall corners or ends as per story pole and wall axes first and then control levelness & thickness of mortar joints and verticality of wall by fixing a line on one side of wall. 8)砌筑墙体时,墙底部应砌普通烧结砖,其高度不宜小于200mm。 For the w

13、all bricklaying, normal brick shall be laid at the bottom with a height of no less than 200mm. 9)砌块应对孔错缝搭砌,个别情况下无法对孔砌筑时,允许错孔砌筑,但搭接长 度不应小于90mm。如不能满足上述要求时,应在砌块水平灰缝内设置拉结钢筋或钢筋网片。拉结钢筋可用2根直径6mm的I级钢筋;钢筋网片可用直径4mm的钢筋焊接而成。拉结钢筋或钢筋网片的长度不应小于70mm,但竖向通缝不得超过两皮砌块。 The brick blocks shall be built with aligned holes a

14、nd staggered joints. Exceptionally, staggered holes with the overlapped length no less than 90mm are allowed. Otherwise tie rebar or reinforced meshwork shall be placed inside horizontal mortar joints. 2 pieces of 16 rebar can be used as tie rebar and the reinforced meshwork can be made of welded4 r

15、ebar. Both of them shall not be shorter than 70mm, and the vertical straight joints cannot be more than two-story blocks. 10)水平灰缝应平直,按净面积计算的砂浆饱满度不应低于90%,竖向灰缝应采 用加浆方法,使其砂浆饱满,严禁用水冲浆灌缝,不得出现瞎缝、透明缝。竖缝的砂浆饱满度不应低于80%。水平灰缝厚度和竖向灰缝宽度一般为10mm,最小不小于8mm,最大不超过12mm。 The horizontal mortar joints shall be even and str

16、aight, and the mortar saturation calculated as per net area shall not be less than 90%. For vertical mortar joints with mortar saturation of no less than 80%, method of mortar adding shall be used to make it saturated. Flushing and joint filling by using water is prohibited, and supposititious & see

17、-through seams are not allowed. Normally the thickness of horizontal mortar joint and width of vertical mortar joint is 10mm, with a minimum of no less than 8mm and maximum no more than 12mm. 11)空心砌块墙的转角处,应隔皮纵、横墙砌块交错搭砌。 At the corner of hollow-block wall, blocks of cross and longitudinal walls shall

18、 be built staggeredly . 12)空心砌块墙表面不得预留或打凿水平沟槽,对设计规定的洞口、管道、沟 槽和预埋件,应在砌筑墙体时预留和预埋。对不符合砌块模数的预留洞,可用普通烧结砖调整。 Horizontal grooves cannot be preformed or chipped on the surface of blocks. For the holes, piping, grooves and embedded pieces required, they should be preformed and embedded during bricklaying of

19、wall. Normal bricks can be used to adjust those holes whose block moduli are not in accordance with requirements. 13)需要在墙上留脚手眼时,可用辅助规格的单孔砌块侧砌,利用其空洞做脚 手眼,墙体完工后用不低于C15的混凝土填实。 Single-hole blocks for standby can be laid on edge when scaffold holes is to be remained. Their holes can be used as scaffold h

20、oles, which shall be packed by using concrete of no less than C15 after completion of wall. Need can build with the single side of building block of hole of the auxiliary specification when leave foot hand eyes on the walling, utilizing its cavity to make foot hand eyes, the wall is stemmed with the

21、 concrete lower than C15 after being completed. 14)墙体中作为施工通道的临时洞口,其侧边离交接处的墙面不应小于 600mm,并在顶部设过梁。填砌临时洞口的砌筑砂浆强度等级宜提高一级。 The temporary holes in the wall, used as construction passage, shall be made with an across beam on its top and no less than 600mm distant from the joint with wall on its border. The

22、strength grade of mortar used for filling and building temporary hole shall be one grade higher. 15)空心砌块墙的每天砌筑高度约为1.5m,施工间断处砌块孔洞的砼灌浆应与 后砌的砌体形成交错的马牙搓或预留插筋使新旧砼结合。 A height of about 1.5m of hollow-block wall shall be built per day. New and old concrete grout shall be incorporated by toothing the grout

23、of block holes in gaps with follow-up built blocks or embedding dowel bars. 16)当砌筑至接近梁底、板底时,应留一定空隙,用普通烧结砖斜砌挤紧。 When bricks are laid close to the bottom of beams or slabs, an adequate gap shall be remained and then closed with normal bricks firmly in an inclined way. 5. 砌体工程的检查验收Inspection & Acceptance of Masonry Work 1)砌体使用的砌块应满足设计规定的强度和几何尺寸要求,达到观感要求, 不得有缺棱掉角。 The strength and dimension of building blocks shall meet design and visual requirements. No imperfect edges or corners are all


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