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1、专业四级考试要求我们掌握的 语法 内容,具体如下:.名词:可数及不可数名词;抽象、 专有、物质名词的数;s属格的各种 意义;某些以-s结尾的名词的数;集 体名词的数。.限定词:限定词与三类名词的搭配 关系;限定词与限定词的搭配关系; 冠词的类指、特指和独指;冠词的习惯用法;some, any 和no的用 法。.代词:不定代词 one, some, anyone 及不定代词 one, they, we, you, he的用法;物主代词,非人称代词的用法;反身代词及其他动词宾 语的用法。.动词的时和体:一般现在时,现在 进行时,现在完成体;一般过去时, 过去进行时,过去完成体;将来时, 过去将来时

2、等的各种表达法和用法; 情态动词的各种用法;虚拟式,被动 态的用法;不定式和不定式分句,-ing 分词和-ing分句、-ed分词和- ed分句的用法。.定语从句,名词性从句(包括宾语、 主语、表语、同位语从句等);状语 从句(包括时间、原因、目的、结果、 方式、条件、让步等状语从句)。.直接引语,间接引语,并列结构, 从属结构(包括独立结构,无动词分 句,非限定分句和限定分句的转换); 形容词和副词的比较级、最高级;介 词与介词词组;附加疑问句;存在句; 主谓一致;后置、前置与倒装;省略。从2005年开始,语法与词汇部分恢 复为30道试题,题目中约50%为词 汇、词组和短语用法题,其余为语法

3、结构题。从近13年的真题来看,我 们不难发现英语专业四级的语法与 词汇考题主要是围绕11项语法要点: 从属分句、非限定动词、虚拟语气、 情态动词、限定词、句子成分、倒装、 动词时态、附加成分和强调句型。而 考试的重点和难点则集中在考核考 生对从属分句、非限定性动词、虚拟 语气、情态动词和动词时态等语法的 应用上。专四语法与词汇Exercises:1 It is said that John will go to an appointment tomorrow. If he were to come tomorrow, I askhim to go to your place.AwillBwou

4、ldCshallDmightIn the past men generally preferred that their wives in the home.AworkedCworkB would workDwereworkingGive me your telephone number I need your help.A whether BunlessC so thatD in case4 Jack is very exhausted, he should stop and go outstudying to have studiedfor a rest.Ato studyBC of st

5、udyingD5 How many of us, say, ameeting that is irrelevant to us would be interested in the discussion?A attendedB attendingC to attendDattend6 Ford tried dividing the labor, each worker a separatetask.AassigningB to assignC assignedD has assigned 7 One should never lose ones heart when with temporar

6、y difficulties.A to confrontB confrontedC confrontingD confront8 is generally accepted,economic growth is determined by the smooth development ofAWhatBThatC ItDAsWater enters into a great variety of chemical reactions, have been mentioned in previous pages.a few of itC a few of thema few of thatDa f

7、ew ofwhichThe science of horticulture the primary concerns are maximum yield and superior quality, utilizes information derived from other sciences.A in that B in which C which is D whichthe Atlantic Oceancrosses the equator, the trade winds cause a flow of water to the west.AWhereBAndThatDAtACon th

8、e contrary or rather12 Dress warmly,youll catch colD.B or elsein no way13 these questions maysound academic, answers to them could have profound economic and political significance.A Since B AlthoughC Unless D Lest 14 Prof. Lees book will show you can be used in other contexts.that you that how you

9、A have B have observedobservedhow that youhow whatC have D you have observedobserved15 So little aboutmathematics that the lecture was completely beyond me.A I knowB I knewC do I knowD did I know16 So little aboutmathematics that the lecture was completely beyond me.A I knowB I knewC do I knowD did

10、I know17 The dictator relied on abuse of reasoning.his opponentson soundA more than B rather than C other than D better than18 The survey found that Hungary as the mostenvironment-conscious country of East Europe.A broke out B held out C ran outD stood out19He underwent four operations in two weeks.

11、A excessiveB extensiveCintensiveD successive 20During the farmers tookall the troubles to irrigate their crops.A draught B naught C fraught D drought21Their confidence in him was greatly by his prolongedhesitation before taking any action.A appreciated B confirmed C weakened D cherished 22According

12、to the weather forecast, which is usually it will snow this afternoon.A accurate B preciseCexactD perfect23Because he was of thenew limit, he was stopped and warned for speeding.A ignorant B accustomed C reluctant D pathetic24From here, we can see the bridge construction.AbelowB byC inDunder25The cu

13、rrent general slackness of the market has prevented us from new orders with you.A placingB puttingC arranging D providing26They overcame all thedifficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time, is something we had notexpected.AwhichB itC thatDwhat27He is quite worn out from years of h

14、ard work. He is not the man he was twentyyears ago.Awhich BthatCwho Dwhom28 She would have beenmoreagreeable if she had changed a little bit,?A hadnt she B hasnt she C wouldnt she D didnt she29At three thousand feet, wide plains begin to appear, and there is never a moment when some distant mountain

15、 is not.A on view B at a glance C on the scene D in sight 30The first two stages in the development of civilized man were probably the invention of weapons and the discovery of fire, although nobody knows exactly when he acquired the use of the.AlatterBlatestClaterDlastKeys专四语法与词汇1 It is said that J

16、ohn will go to an appointment tomorrow. If he were to come tomorrow, I askhim to go to your place.C shall D might1虚拟语气用在条件句中表示将来可 能性很小的假设,从句使用“should(could , might)+ 动词原形” 或者were to do ,主句使用“should(could,would)+ 动词原形”, 如:If they should talk over the problem again , they would get the right solution

17、.如果他们再把这 个问题讨论一次,他们就可能得到正 确的解决问题的方法。2 In the past men generally preferred that their wives in the home.A worked B would work C work D wereworking 与 advise ) ask) beg ) decide ) demand ) deserve ) desire ,insist ) intend ) maintain ) move ) order ) prefer ) propose ) recommend ) request ) require ) s

18、uggest ) urge 等表示意见、建议、命令、请求、要 求、劝告、愿基需要 等含义的动词 相关的名词性从句中,谓语要使用动 词原形或should+动词原形”,如: She decided that she should go to Cleveland and see him . 她决定 到克里夫兰去看他Give me your telephone number I need your help.in case for fearC so that D 虚拟语气用在in case that, lest等引导的目的状语从句中, 意为 以免”,从句要使用“should+ 动词原形,should也

19、可以省略,如;Batteries are kept in dry places in case electricity (should) leak away .电池放置在干 燥处,以免漏电。He did not enter for fear that he should carry the infection to us.他没有进来,以免传染给我们。Every attention must be paid to him ) lest he should think that he is inferior to my other guests . 对他要特别关心,以免他认为他不如我 的其他客人。

20、Jack is very exhausted, he should stop and go outfor a rest.A to studyBstudyingC 0f studyingDsouS有些动词或动词短语如: acknowledge ) admit ) advise ) allow ) appreciate ) avoid ) cannot help ) cease ,complete ,consider )contemplate ,delay .deny ,dislike )enjoy ,envy )escape ) excuse )facilitate ) fancy ) favo

21、r ) feel like )finish ) forbid ) forgive ) give up )imagine ,include ) keep ) keep on ) mind ) miss ) pardon ) permit ) postpone ) practice ) put off ) suggest等后只能直接用动名词作 宾语,如; How do you like yourapartment? Not very well . We are considering not renewing our lease .”你们喜欢不喜欢你的那套 公寓?”不太喜欢,我们正考虑不再 续签租

22、约。”5 How many of us, say, a meeting that is irrelevant to us would be interested in the discussion?A attended B attendingC to attendDhave attended现在分词和过去分词(它们中很多已 经转化成了形容词)的区别在于:现在 分词有主动含义,过去分词有被动含 义,如: The driving wheels turn faster than the driven wheels . 主 动轮比从动轮转得快。Declining population in the c

23、enters of American cities has resulted in a large number of deserted buildings .美国一些城市市中心人 口的下降,已经造成了大批住房被遗 弃。6 Ford tried dividing the labor, each worker a separatetask.A assigningB to assignCassignedD has assigned在过去分词的独立结构中名词或代 词和过去分词在逻辑上是 动宾关系, 如;The assembling of the machine completed , we star

24、ted operating it.机器安装完毕,我们就 开始操作。Machines used , people do more work with less energy ,由于使用了 机器,人们就能用较少的力气,干较 多的工作。Everything taken into account , the proposal is relatively practical .通盘考虑,这个建议相对实用些。7 One should never lose ones heart when withtemporary difficulties.A to confrontB confrontedC confro

25、ntingDconfront在时间、条件状语从句中,当从句主 语和主句主语一致的时候,可以将从句的主语和be的变化形式省略。但 如果从句省略了主语和be的变化形 式,而主句主语和从句主语却不一 致,这时该状语从句就成了悬垂从 句,如:()When still in high school ) the editor of our townDaily offered me a job .(介词短语 in high school 与句子主语 theeditor of our town Daily无任何逻辑关系,而该介词短语的真正的逻辑 主语为“I,”因此可将原句子改为: When I was sti

26、ll in high school , the editor of our town Daily offered me a job .)在我还在读中学 时,我们镇日报的编辑给我提供了一 份工作。8 is generally accepted,economic growth is determined by the smooth development of production.AWhatBThatC ItDAs关系代词as可引导非限制性定语从句,这时,as指代整个主句。既可放在主句前,也可放在主句后,后一种 情况往往被看作插入语,如: As is known to us all ) cont

27、ributions to computer technology are no longerconfined to any one country .大家 都知道,对计算机技术做出贡献的, 已经不像过去那样仅是某一个国家了。9 Water enters into a great variety of chemical reactions , have been mentioned in previous pages.a few of itC a few of thema few of thatDa few ofwhich在 介词短语+which”结构中, which 引导定语从句,该结构在从句

28、中作状 语, 如: Sound is a tool by means of which people communicate ideas with each other . 声音是中 人们彼此用来交流思想的工具。10 The science of horticulture 园 艺 the primary concerns are maximum yield and superior quality, utilizes information derived from other sciences.A in that B in which C which is D which 在限制性定语从句中

29、,如果关系代词 作从句中介词的宾语,而且该介词又 置于句首时,只能用 which而不可用 that) 如: This is the pan in which( Xhat)I boil the milk ,这就是 我用来煮奶的锅11 the Atlantic Oceancrosses the equator, the trade winds 信风 cause a flow of water to the west.AWhereBAndC ThatDAtwhere作连词,引导地点状语从句, 意为在的地方”,如;This hand drill can only be used where there

30、 is electricity . 这台手 提式电钻只能在有电的地方使用。12 Dress warmly,youll catch cold.Aon theB or elsecontraryC or rather D in no way in no way adv.决不or 或 or else 或 otherwise 作 否贝U; 要不然”解,连接两个并列分句,第 一个分句为祈使句,或者是一个其谓 语含有表示 应该;必须”意义的情态 动词的陈述句,如:Hurry up ) or you will be late . 快 点,否则你就迟到了。You must work hard ) or you

31、will fail in the university entrance examinations .你必须用功,否则你 将会在大学入学考试中失败。these questions may sound academic, answers to them could have profound economic and political significance.A Since B Although C Unless D Lest 在although引导的让步状语从句 中,当从句主语和主句中的 主语一 致,而且从句谓语又包含be时,常 用省略结构,如:I went on talking , al

32、though。was)continually interrupted by him .虽然他不时地 打断我的谈话,但我仍继续讲下去。Prof. Lees book will show you can be used in other contexts.that you that how you have haveobserved how that youC haveobservedobserved how what D you have observed宾语从句(包括介词宾语从句)一般用 that和what来引导。此时,that只 起连接作用,不作句子成分;what 既起连接作用,也在从句中作

33、句子成 分,如:The clerk as much as told me that I was a fool .那个职员等于 在说,我是一个傻瓜。其他关系连词 who, whom , whose , what , whoever , whomever , whosever, whatever, whichever连接副词连接副词主要有 when, where, why, how, whenever, wherever, however 等The machine will start you press the button A immediately B at onceC right away

34、 D soon directly 和 immediately 和 instantly 意为就”,弓1昱一个时间 状语从句。I came immediately Id eaten. 我一吃完饭就来了。I will tell him the news directly /immediately he gets back.引导时间状语从句的 J就”英 语中有许多词和短语可用以引导时间状语从句,表示 J就 它们虽不是连词,但具有连词的功 能。这些词归纳起来,主要有以下几 类:一、名词类这类词主要有the moment, the minute, the second, the instant, the

35、day 等。如: The moment I saw him I knew there was no hope.我一看到他就知道没希望了。我一看到他就知道没希The instant he opened the door he saw the thief.他一开门就看见了这个贼。 He is going to visit his aunt the day he arrives in Beijing. 他一 到北京,就去看他姨妈。二、副词类这类词主要有 immediately, directly, instantly, once 等。如:Once he arrives, we can start.他

36、一来我们就可以开始。 Immediately he came I told him the news.他一来我就把消息告诉 了他。三、句型类这类词主要有nosooner - than, hardly when等。如:We had no sooner set out than it began to rain.我们刚出发就下雨了。She had hardly arrived when it began to snow.她刚到就下起雪来了。【注意】hardly(scarcely, rarely) when / before, no soonerthan 相当于 as soon as 之意。主句用过

37、去完成时,从句用一 般过去时。当 hardly, scarcely, rarely 和 no sooner 位于句首时,主 句应用倒装语序。如:We had no sooner reached the airport than the plane took off. =No sooner had we reached the airport than the plane took off. 我们刚到机场,飞机就起飞了。16 So littleaboutA I knowC do I know 为了加强语气,mathematics that the lecture was completely b

38、eyond me.B I knewD did I know“so(such)that 结构中的so可以提到句首,这时主谓 要倒装,如:So complicated was the problem that it took them more than two weeks to solve it. 这个问题如此的 复杂,以致于他们花了两个多星期才 解决。The dictator relied on abuse ofhis opponents reasoning.more thanC other thanon soundrather thanD better thanrather than 意为

39、而不是,如: These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty .这鞋不好看,K 是舒服。more than则意为 万分,非常”,如: We were more than happy to hear of your escape!我们听到你逃了出 来,高兴得无以名状。other than 意为 与不同,以不同的方式,除了,如:You cant get there other than by swimming . 除 游泳之外,你没有其他的方法可以抵 达那里。better than 不是固定词组,但在句中可以这样用:Your method is bet

40、terthan his .你的方法比他的要好。The survey found thatHungary as the mostenvironment-conscious country of East Europe.Abroke outBheld outCran outD stood outstand out站出来,突出,坚持抵抗 此处意为 显著,出色”,如:His work stands out from that of the others .他的工作比别人干得出色。break out意为突然发生,爆发”, 如:Riots and disorders broke out then .当时发

41、生了暴动与骚乱。hold out作 维持,支持”讲,如:The car will hold out till we reach Tianjin .这辆车子可以维持到我们到 达天津。run out则意为 终止,到期,用尽”, 如: When does the lease run out? 租约何时到期?19 He underwent four operations in two weeks.A excessiveB extensiveCintensiveD successivesuccessive 意为 连续的,相继的”, 如:The school team won five successiv

42、e games .校队获得五连 胜。excessive作 过度的,过分的讲, 如:She takes an excessive interest in clothes . 她过分关心衣extensive意为广阔的,大U的,大 规模的,如:The storm has brought about extensivedamage .暴风雨造成了巨大的损失。 intensive则意为 加强的,密集的, 集中的,如:Intensive care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill .医院对重病患者实行特护.20 During the farmerstoo

43、k all the troubles to irrigate their crops.A draught B naughtC fraught D drought drought draut作 旱灾,干旱”讲, 符合题意,如:Its a miracle that the crops have survived the drought .庄稼在旱灾中活了下来真 是个奇迹。draught dra:ft则意为风,气流”,如:You may catch a cold if you sit in a draught .坐在风 口会着凉的。naugh t o:t是 先”的意思,如: All his work

44、 came to naugh t when the fire destroyed the house he was building .大火将他正在盖的房 子烧毁了,他全部的工作都化为了乌 有。fraught是表语形容词,意为充满 的 : 如:The long journey through the forest was fraught with difficulties and danger . 穿过森林 的长途旅行充满了艰险。21Their confidence in him was greatly by his prolongedhesitation before taking any

45、action.A appreciatedB confirmedC weakenedD cherishedweaken意为使虚弱,削弱”,符合本题题意,如:The illness weakened her heart .疾病使她的心 脏衰竭。appreciate则作 欣赏,感谢”讲,如: Id appreciate it if you would turn out the lights .劳驾你把灯关上。confirm 意为 加强,使更坚定,证实,如;I am confirmed in my belief .我的信仰更加坚定了。cherish作 爱护,抱有,怀有”讲, 如:He cherishe

46、d the memory of his dead wife .他念念不忘亡妻。22According to the weather forecast, which is usually, it will snow this afternoon.AaccurateBpreciseC exactDperfectaccurate指符合这一标准的程度,并 强调为忠实真理或事实所耗费的苦心,如:It took us a week of investigation to get an even reasonably accurate account of the accident .为了准确合理地解释 这

47、一事故,我们花了一星期的时间做调查。通常表示天气预报准确的时候都用accurate。exact强调在一定数量和质量方面的 极度准确,如:The exact wave length assigned to a transmitting station must always bemaintained .必须保持转播台的精确 波长。precise强调有关微小细节方面的高 度准确,如:The assembling of the parts of a watch must beprecise . 一块手表的零件装配要十 分精细。perfect作 完美的,完善的”讲,如:The weather duri

48、ng our holiday was perfect .我们度假时的天气好 极了。23 Because he was of thenew limit, he was stopped and warned for speeding.AignorantB accustomedCreluctantD patheticignorant意为 不知道的,无知的, 愚昧的”,表示不知道时后面一般跟介词 of, 如: He is ignorant of German .他不懂德语。accustomed 意为习惯的,惯常 的”,常跟介词to搭配,如:The boy was soon accustomed to

49、hard work .那个男孩很快适应了艰苦的工 作。reluctant作 不情愿的,勉强的”讲, 如:I am reluctant to help him . 我 不愿意帮助他。pathetic则意为 引起怜悯的,令人 难过的,如;He was stopped by the little dogs pathetic cries . /J、狗 令人怜悯的叫声让他止住了脚步。c.f. ignore/ neglect/ overlookWhat will happen if you thetraffic regulations?A.miss B. ignore C.overlook D.neglectneglect强调疏忽、忽略“漏做” neglect:疏忽(强调非主观行为)指 没有给予或很少给予必要的注意或 关心,尤指因粗心或遗忘而没有做某 事;fall into neglect渐被忽视忽略the neglect of dutyin a state of neglect处于无人照管的状态tr


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