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1、Kkeenadj. 锋利的,敏锐的,渴望的synonyms: sharp, acute, clever,eager, smartpoints: a keen wind/刺骨的风be keen on doing sth. /热切盼望的keepvt. 保持,遵守;维持;记(日记,账等)vi. 保持,继续不断synonyms: retain, reserve, maintain, run, save, withholdpoints: keep time/走时准确keep in touch with/和保持联系keep off/避开;不接近keep on/继续;保持keep to oneself/对守

2、口如瓶keep up/继续;坚持keep up with/跟上;不落后;赶上keep ahead (of)/保持(对的)领先地位keep clear of/避开,躲避keyn. 钥匙;关键;解答synonyms: answer, clue, notekidneyn. 肾,(动物可食用的)腰子points: kidney stone/医肾结石killv. 杀死,毁掉,杀伤synonyms: murder, destroypoints: kill time/消磨时间kill off/屠杀摧毁大多数造成绝种kindn. 种类,性质adj. 仁慈的,和蔼的,亲切的,友爱的synonyms: sort,

3、 type, friendly, gentlepoints: kind of/有点儿,有几分of a kind/同类的;(质量)低劣的all kinds of/大量的;足够的kitchenn. 厨房points: kitchen unit/英一套厨房设备knockv. 敲,敲打,敲击,(使)碰撞n. 敲,击,敲打synonyms: bang, beat, hitpoints: knock down v.击倒, 拆卸knowv. 知道,了解,认识,熟悉;认出synonyms: understand, recognizepoints: know about/知道,了解know apart/区分,辨

4、别know sth. sb. from/把和区别开;辨别know from A to Z/了如指掌,知道得很清楚knowledgen. 知识,学问;认识;知道synonyms: learningpoints: without sb.s knowledge/背着某人;不告诉某人Llab n. 实验室,研究室lack n. 缺乏;vt. 缺乏;没有vi. 缺乏;没有points: lack of appetite/食欲不振for lack of/因缺乏; lack of rest/缺乏休息land n. 陆地;(书面语)国家、国土vi. 靠岸;登陆,登岸;到达vt. 使上岸;使登陆;使到达poin

5、ts: come home from foreign lands/从外国归来experts from all lands/来自各国的专家fertile land/肥沃的土地land forces/地面部队;陆军forest land/林地low land/低地landscape n. 风景;山水画;地形language n. 语言;语言文学;术语points: an official language/官方语言different languages/不同的语言spoken oral language/口语the Chineselanguage/汉语the English language/英语

6、written language/书面语言in plain language/以简明的语言last adj. 最后的vi. 持续;支持;维持vt. 使维持adv. 最后,后来n. 最后,末尾points: to the last/直到最后at last/最后the last election/上次选举 last Monday/上星期一last night/昨晚last week/上周late adj. 迟的;晚(期)的;已故的;新近的adv. 晚,迟;最近;在晚期points: of late years/近年来stay up late/深夜不睡,迟睡in ones late-years/晚年

7、in the late 20th century/20世纪末叶late crops/晚熟作物the late president/前任总统lately adv. 近来,最近later adj. 更迟的,更后的adv. 稍后,随后points: later on/其后,以后no later than/不迟于sooner or later/迟早latter adj. 后面的;(两者中)后者的points: the latter half of the year/下半年the latter/后者launch n. 下水;发射;发行;投放市场vt. 使(船)下水;掷(标枪等);发射(导弹、火箭等);开

8、办;发动,发起points: launch a ship/使船下水launch an artificial satellite/发射人造卫星launch a new enterprise/创办一个新企业law n. 法律;法学;规律告points: lay down the law/发号施令Newtons law/牛顿定律the laws of nature/自然规律the laws of tennis/网球规则study law/学法律lay vt. 放置,铺设,产(卵)提出,布置vi. 下蛋adj. 世俗的;外行的points: lay off/(临时)解雇;停止lazy adj. 懒惰的

9、,懒散的lead vt. 领导;引导;致使vi. 领导;(道路等)通向;导致n. 领导;领先;导线;铅points: lead nowhere/不会有什么结果take the lead/带头,居首,领先a lead sheep/领头的羊lead a happy life/过幸福生活leading adj. 领导的;第一位的;最主要的learn vi. 学习;听到;获悉vt. 学习;学会;认识到points: learn Chinese/学汉语learn (how) to swim/学游泳learn ones lesson/接受教训least adj. 最小的;最少的adv. 最少;最小poin

10、ts: at the least/至少,最少at least/起码leave n. 许可;同意;请假;休假vt. 离开;动身;剩下vi. 出发;离开 points: on leave/休假take French leave/不告而别ask for leave/请假lecture n. 演讲;讲稿vt. 演讲vi. 讲演points: lecture on chemistry/讲授化学attend a lecture/听报告;上课deliver give a lecture/讲课,讲演left adj. 左边的;左倾的;左侧的;左派的n. 左;左边;左派points: left hand/左手l

11、eft forces/左派势力legal adj. 法律的,法定的points: legal affairs/法律事务legal adviser/法律顾问take a legal action/提起诉讼a legal holiday/法定假日the legal limit/法定速度legal person/法人legal separation/(夫妻的)合法分居legal aid/法律援助leisure n. 空闲,闲暇,悠闲,安逸points: at leisure/有空,闲着无事at ones leisure/当其空闲的时候in ones leisure time/在空闲时间里work a

12、nd leisure/劳逸lend v. 借给;贷(款)comp: borrow (向别人借东西)points: lend out/借出(书等)lend money at interest/有息贷款length n. 长度,长;时间的长短points: measure ones (own) length/全身跌倒在地a pipe 20 metres in length/一根二十米长的管子at length/最后;终于;充分地less n. 较少;较小adj. 少的;小的adv. 较少地;更小地;不及points: less but better/少而精none the less/仍然,依旧le

13、sson n. 功课;(一节)课;课程;教训points: be a lesson to/对是一个教训give lesson in/教授课程giveread sb. a lesson/教训某人learn ones lesson/得到教训teach a lesson/给以教训let vt. 假设;出租;让进入(或通过)vi. 出租;(工程等)被承包n. 出租屋;障碍comp: grant (所表示的“允许”包含这样的意思:上级就下级的要求,把自认为是一种恩惠或权利给予别人), permit (同意或者默许), allow(克制着自己不去禁止)points: let alone/更不用说lette

14、r n. 文字;字母;信函points: take sth. in the letter/从字面意义上理解某事by letter/以书信形式post a letter/寄一封信level n. 水平;水平面;水准adj. 同高的;平坦的;水平的points: spoke in a level tone/说话时声调平稳level down/使降至同等水平level off/达到稳定 level of living/生活水平liable adj. 有责任的;易的;有倾向的;很有可能的points: be liable for/对应负责任be liable to (do sth. )/易于(得病等)

15、;有(做某事的)习惯或倾向 be liable to catch cold/容易伤风liberal n. 自由主义者adj.不拘泥的;宽大的;自由主义的points: a liberal thinker/思想无偏见的人a liberal donation/慷慨的捐助liberal arts/大学文科liberal education/文科教育license n. 许可(证);执照points: give full licence to do sth. /授权放手做某事apply for a driving licence/申请驾驶执照grant a marriage licence/颁发结婚证

16、书import export licence/进出口许可证lie vi. 躺;平放;展开;位于v. 说谎;躺n. 谎话,谎言points: lie about/到处乱扔;无所事事lie back/向后靠white lie/不怀恶意的谎言big lie/弥天大谎life n. 生命;生活;一生;寿命;生命力points: a matter of life and death/生死攸关的事情all ones life/一生a life member/终身会员all my life/我的一生light n. 光;日光;灯adj. 轻的;发光的;明亮的;浅的vt. 点燃;照亮points: as li

17、ght as a feather/轻如鸿毛a light frost/薄雾light clothing/轻装,单薄的衣服a light attack of illness. 不严重的疾病light food/易于消化的食物light music/轻音乐light punishment/轻微的处罚a light blue sky/淡蓝色的天空to look at the matter in a new light/以新见解看待这个问题come to light/显露;出现lighten v. 减轻;(使)轻松;(使)发亮like n. 爱好;同样的人(或物)adj. 相似的;同样的vt. 喜欢;

18、希望;愿意prep. 像,如同points: lf you like/如果你愿意的话 ones likes and dislikes/一个人的好恶;爱憎as you like/随你的便and orthe like/诸如此类,等等feel like/想要 look like/似乎,好像likely adj. 很可能的;有希望的adv. 或许,很可能comp: probable (有根据、合情理、值得相信的事物,带有“大概”、“很可能”的意思), possible (客观上有可能,但常含有实际希望很小)points: a likely story/可能是真实的故事link n. 链环,连结物,链接

19、vt. 连结;联合vi. 连接起来points: link up/联接,结合a link verb/联系动词listen vi. 听,听从points: listen to music/听音乐literally adv. 照字面意义;逐字地literature n. 文学(作品);文艺;著作;文献points: open literature/公开的文献资料pure literature/纯文学light literature/大众文学;轻松有趣的读物descriptive literature/商品说明书 English literature/英国文学little n. 少许;一会儿;短时间

20、adj. (修饰不可数名词) 很少的;矮小的;短暂的adv. 很少;稍微;完全不points: stay a little while/稍停一会儿a little garden/小花园live adj. 活的,生动的,实况转播的vi. 活着;生活;居住vt. 过着;度过;经历points: a live issue/尚在争论中的问题live with/同居;忍受live together/未婚同居 live up to/真正做到,生活得无愧于live for/为而活着livelyadj. 活泼的,活跃的;栩栩如生的;真实的points: a lively description/生动的描述a

21、lively discussion/热烈的讨论a lively market/活跃的市场living n. 生活;生计adj. 活的;起作用的;现存的comp: alive (活着的、在世的,着重于状态。它用作表语,或放有名词或代词后作定语)points: earn ones living/谋生the living/活着的人们living performance/现场表演living conditions/生活的境况living room/起居室living space/生存空间loan n. (借出的)贷款;借出v. 借,借给points: publicgovernment loan/公债,

22、国库卷loan for consumption/消费贷款localadj. 地方的;当地的;局部的;乡土的points:a local custom/地方风俗local news/本地新闻a local infection/局部传染London n. 伦敦lonely adj. 孤独的,寂寞的long adj. 长的;长期的vi. 渴望,热望adv. 长期地;始终points: long for/渴望a long friendship/长期的友谊a long memory/好记性take a long view of the matter/从长远考虑来看待此事before long/不久,不久

23、以后look n. 看;注视;脸色;面容;外表vi. 看;注意;朝着;好象;显得vt. 打量;注视;用眼神(或脸色)表示;期待points: look up to/尊敬look over/翻阅,浏览look out/注意look down on/轻视,看不起look forward to/盼望;期待look after/照料look about for/四下寻找loose adj. 宽松的;不牢固的lose vt. 遗失;浪费;错过;输去;使迷路vi. 受损失;失败points: lose an opportunity/错过机会lose ones train/没赶上火车lose memory/

24、丧失记忆lose ones eyesight/失去视力lose ones way/迷路loss n. 损失;遗失;失败;浪费;错过points: loss of face/丢面子sell at a loss/亏本出售at a loss/亏本;不知所措lot n. 签;一堆;许多points: lots and lots of/许许多多的,大量的a whole lot of/一大堆,许多许多的a lot/非常多loud adj. 高声的;喧吵的points: a loud voice/声音宏亮love n. 热爱;爱情;爱好vt. 爱;热爱;爱好points: first love/初恋one-

25、sided love/单相思mothers love/母爱lovely adj. 可爱的;有趣的low adj. 低的;浅的;消沉的;微弱的adv. 低下地;低声地;低价地points: in a low state of health/身体状况不佳low tide/低潮sell at a low price/廉价出售be low in spirits/情绪低落lower adj. 较低的;下级的;下等的vt. 放下;降下;减弱;贬低lucky adj. 幸运的,吉祥的points: strike touch lucky/交好运lucky him you/他你真走运a lucky dog/幸运

26、儿a lucky day/吉日luck n. 运气,好运,幸运points: try ones luck/碰碰运气Mmachinen. 机器;机械points: a sewing-machine/缝纫机washing machine/洗衣机madadj. 疯狂的,狂热的,着迷的synonyms: crazy, wild, fly into a ragepoints: be mad at/对发怒go run mad/发怒,发疯magazinen. 杂志,期刊synonyms: journalpoints: womens magazines/妇女杂志weekly monthly, bi-month

27、ly magazine/周刊月刊,双月刊magicaladj. 不可思议的synonyms: mysterious, unimaginablepoints: a magical effect/不可思议的神奇效果magneticadj. 磁的,有磁性的,有吸引力的synonyms: attractivepoints: a magnetic tape/磁带magnificentadj. 华丽的,高尚的,宏伟的synonyms: brilliant, glorious, grand, marvelous, wonderfulpoints: a magnificent house/豪华的住宅mailn

28、. 邮件, 邮政vt. 邮寄synonyms: letter, correspondence, post, sendpoints: mail service/邮政服务mainlyadv. 大体上,主要地synonyms: in the main, basically, chiefly, principallymaintain vt. 维持,维修;供养;主张synonyms: keep, retain, support, savepoints: maintain a highway/保养公路maintain ones family/养家majorn. 教主修课adj. 主修的,成年的vi. 主修

29、synonyms: larger, greaterpoints: major subjects/主修(专业)课程major party/(有竞选力量的)主要政党a major surgical operation/外科大手术major in/主修(课)majorityn. 多数,大半makevt. 制造,安排,使成为;产生,获得synonyms: do, produce, create, form, cause, forcepoints: make up/捏造,虚构(故事、诗等)make up for/补偿make believe/假装make it/及时到达;成功make ones way/

30、前去;去make for/移向;走向make of/懂得;了解make into/制成,做成;使转变为make out of/用制造出managevi. 处理;应付过去vt. 处理;控制synonyms: control, governpoints: manage the affairs of a nation/处理国家事务managementn. 经营, 管理;处理points: administrative management/行政管理automated management/自动化管理Chinese-foreign cooperative management/中外合作经营cost m

31、anagement/成本管理manipulatevt. (熟练地)操作;利用;应付synonyms: conduct, handle, manage, exploitmankindn. 人类synonyms: human being, manmannern. 礼貌;风格;方式synonyms: character, means, style, way, habitpoints: all manner of/每种;各种各样have no manners/没有礼貌business manner/商业习惯manualn. 手册,指南adj. 手的;手动的;手工的;手册(性质) 的synonyms:

32、by hand, guidebook, handbookpoints: manual work/手工劳动manual labor/人力劳动teaching manual/教学手册manufacturevt. 制造,加工n. 制造,制造业;产品synonyms: make, create, invent,productpoints: economic manufacture/经济生产home manufacture/国内制造manyadj. 许多的pron. 许多人,许多synonyms: much, several, numerouspoints: as many as/多至so many/那

33、么多的markn. 标志;分数;记号vt. 做标记于;打分数synonyms: evidence, grade, indication, signmarriagen. 结婚,婚姻生活;密切结合;合并synonyms: wedding, unionpoints: early(late) marriage/早(晚)婚marryvt. 娶,嫁,和结婚marvelousadj. 引起惊异的;不可思议的;非凡的synonyms: extraordinary, wonderful, remarkablemassn. 块;群众;大量adj. 群众的;大规模的;集中的synonyms: amount, vol

34、ume, quality, measurepoints: mass education/大众教育mass communication/大众传播the law of conservation of mass/质量守恒定律mastern. 主人; (男) 教师;大师;硕士adj.熟练的;高明的vt. 征服;控制;精通synonyms: chief, head, ruler, controller, commander, directorpoints: Master of Arts/文科硕士matchn. 火柴;比赛,匹配;(足球,捧球,蓝球)比赛v. 相配,相称;比赛synonyms: game,

35、 playpoints: a football match/足球比赛match up/使调协,使配合match up to/与相符, 跟上的水平形势等materialn. 材料,原料,物资synonyms: goods, fabric, tool, stuffpoints: material wealth/物质财富mathematicsn. 数学synonyms: numbers, computationpoints: business mathematics/商业数学mattern. 事件,问题,物质vi. 有关系,要紧synonyms: affair, business, material

36、points: subject matter/题材;题目;论题as a matter of fact/事实上;实际上no matter/不论It doesnt matter. /不要紧matureadj. 成熟的;到期的; (票据等)到期的vt. 使成熟vi. 成熟;到期synonyms: ripe, adultpoints: a mature cell/成熟的细胞a mature bond/到期的债券maximumn. 最大量,最大限度adj. 最高的,最多的,最大极限的synonyms: chief, largest, greatestpoints: maximum temperature

37、/最高气温reach a maximum/达到顶点maybeadv. 大概,或许synonyms: perhaps, possiblymayaux. 可能,也许,可以;祝,愿synonyms: canmeanadj. 低劣的,卑鄙的;吝啬的平均的vt. 意味;想要;预定n. 平均数,中间synonyms: average, medium, middle, normalpoints: be meant to/必须;得要mean much a great deal to sb/对某人很重要;对某人很可贵meaningn. 意义,含意;意图synonyms: sense, purposepoints

38、: full of meaning/意味深长的with meaning/有意思的meansn. 手段,方法synonyms: method, measurepoints: by means of/通过;用;借助于by no means/决不,一点也不by all means/一定;务必meantimen. 其间,其时adv. 其间synonyms: meanwhile, at the same timepoints: in the meantime/在这期间,这时meanwhilen. 其间,其时adv. 其间synonyms: meantime, at the same timemeasur

39、en. 尺寸;量度器, 量度标准;方法,测量 vt. 测量,测度,估量;分派;权衡;调节mechanicaladj. 机械的,机械制的,呆板的points: mechanical labour/体力劳动mechanical engineering/机械工程medicaladj. 医学的,内科的points: a free medical care/公费医疗a medical college/医学院the medical department/医务部medicinen. 药,医学;内科学;内服药points: study medicine and surgery/研究内外科take medici

40、ne for ones cold/吃感冒药mediumn.(pl.) media 媒体;方法;媒介adj. 中间的,中等的;半生熟的synonyms: average, halfway, middlepoints: by through the medium of/通过手段, 借助于meetn. 会, 集会vt. 遇见,(迎)接,和会面,对付vi. 相遇,接触synonyms: come togetherpoints: meet (someone) halfway/与妥协meet with/偶遇;碰到memoryn. 记忆,记忆力;回忆;存储器,内存points: bring back cal

41、l to memory/使想起from memory/凭记忆mendn. 改进,改良;修理部分vt. 修改,改进;修理,修补vi. 好转;改善,改正synonyms: improve, correctpoints: mend ones ways/改过自新mentaladj. 精神的,智力的points: mental disorder/精神错乱a mental test/智力测验mentionvt. 提及,说起n. 提及,说起v. 论及,提及synonyms: name, note, say, state, remarkpoints: make mention of/提到说到not to me

42、ntion (=without mentioning)/更不必说,更谈不上merchandisen. 商品,货物synonyms: goods, commoditypoints: general merchandise/杂货,日用商品quality merchandise/高级商品mereadj. 仅仅的,纯粹的synonyms: bare, not more than, puremerelyadv. 仅仅,只,不过synonyms: only, purely, simply, just, no more thanpoints: not merely .but also/不仅而且meritn.

43、 优点,价值synonyms: excellence, goodness, quality, valuemergev. 合并,并入,结合;融合synonyms: absorb, combine, mix, unite, joinpoints: merge in into/合并于merryadj. 欢乐的,愉快的synonyms: happy, joyfulpoints: Merry Christmas!/圣诞快乐!messagen. 消息,讯息,音讯, 广告词;预言;教训synonyms: letter, note, wordpoints: a message center/通讯社,收发室le

44、ave a message/留个话midadj. 中央的,中部的,中间的synonyms: central, middlepoints: the mid finger/中指the Mid-Autumn Festival/中秋节middlen. 中间,当中adj. 中间的,中部的points: middle age/壮年,中年Middle Ages/中世纪in the middle/夹在中间;左右为难; in the middle of/在间;在的中途mightn. 力量,威力,权力;能,可能aux. 可以(may的过去时)synonyms: could points: might as wel

45、l/还是 的好;不妨 mightyadj. 有势力的,强大的,有力的synonyms: powerful, strong, forceful, great, grantpoints: high and mighty/趾高气扬,神气活现migrationn. 移民;移植,移动synonyms: emigration, immigrant, incomermildadj. 温和的,温柔的;淡味的,轻微的,适度的synonyms: kind, warm, gentle, calmpoints: a mild fever/轻度发烧mild climate/温暖的气候military adj. 军事的,

46、军用的points: military service/兵役military operations/军事行动millionnum. 百万,百万个n. 无数points: millions of the masses/无数的群众mindn. 头脑,智力,精神vi. 介意;照顾;留心vt. 注意,留意,专心于;照看;介意synonyms: brain, attend, look after, notice, watchpoints: call to mind/回忆起;记起make up ones mind/决心;决定speak ones mind/直言不讳would you mind./请mine

47、raln. 矿物,矿石adj. 矿物的points: metallic minerals/金属矿物a rare mineral/稀有矿物mineral water/矿泉水minimumadj. 最小的,最低的n. 最小值,最小化synonyms: least, lowestpoints: minimum value/最小的价值minimum wage/最低工资minorn. 未成年人;副修科目adj. 较小的;次要的vi. 辅修synonyms: secondarypoints: a minor part in a play/剧中的配角a minor party/少数党minor in his

48、tory/选修历史minuten. 分,分钟,片刻adj. 微小的;详细的,仔细而准确的synonyms: moment, slight, small, tinypoints: in a few minutes/几分钟功夫就,立刻in a minute/马上,立刻missingadj. 不见的,缺少的synonyms: absent, lost, gone, lackingpoints: missing from/在中缺少的the missing link/(体系中)缺少的一环mistaken. 错误,过失v. 把弄错synonyms: fault, misspoints: make mist

49、akes/犯错误by mistake/错误地mistake. for./把误认为misunderstandvt. 误解,误会synonyms: mistakepoints: misunderstand each other/未能真正互相了解mixv. 使混和,混淆,混合n. 混合synonyms: blend, combine, joinpoints: mix up/混合,掺合;混淆;与某人交往mobileadj. 可移动的,易变的,机动的synonyms: changeable, movablepoints: a mobile library/流动图书馆mobile electron/流动电

50、子mockv. 嘲笑;挫败;嘲弄adj. 假的synonyms: laugh at, copy, fakepoints: make a mock of sb. sth. /嘲弄某人某事mock at sb. sth. /嘲弄某人某事modeln. 样式,模范,典型,模型,模特儿synonyms: copy, design, photo typepoints: a model of an airplane/飞机模型moderateadj. 中等的,适度的,适中的synonyms: calm, fair, gentle, medium, mildpoints: at moderate speed/

51、中等的速度modestadj. 谦虚的,谦让的,适度的synonyms: moderatepoints: a modest price/适中的价格modifyvt. 更改,修改v. 修改synonyms: adjust, changepoints: modify ones demands/降低要求momentadj. 片刻的,瞬间的n. 瞬间synonyms: minutepoints: at moments/时刻,常常at the moment/此刻;(正当)那时for a moment/片刻in a moment/一会儿,不久moneyn. 货币,钱synonyms: cash, curr

52、encypoints: put money into sth. /投资于(某项事业)make money/赚钱,发财moraladj. 道德(上)的,精神的synonyms: spiritualpoints: moral standards/道德标准moreadj. 更多的n. 更多adv. 更,更多,更加synonyms: further, greaterpoints: more and more/越来越(多) more or less/大约;差不多moreoveradv. 而且,此外synonyms: besides, furthermoremostadj. 最多的,多数的,大部分的adv

53、. 最,最多,很,十分,极其n. 大多数,大部分synonyms: extreme, greatest, majority, maximum, supremepoints: at (the) most/至多,不超过get make the most out of/最有效的使用;发最大功效the most of/大部分,大多数mostlyadv. 主要地,大部分,通常synonyms: chiefly, mainly, nearly, usuallymotherlandn. 祖国synonyms: homeland, native landmotiven. 动机,目的synonyms: caus

54、e, purpose, motivation, reasonpoints: mixed motives/不纯的动机mouthn. 口,嘴points: the mouth of a volcano/火山口keep ones mouth shut/保持缄默close shut ones mouth/闭嘴,不作声moven. 移动,迁居;步骤vt. 移动;感动;鼓动vi. 移动,离开,运行,迁移,搬家synonyms: change, transfer, removepoints: on the move/在运动中,在发展中;在忙碌中move back/后退,退缩move on/继续前进move

55、out/搬走;开拔movementn. 运动,动作,运转synonyms: action, sport, operationpoints: the movement for national liberation/民族解放运动absolute movement/绝对运动muchadj. 许多的,大量的adv. 非常,更加,非常得多n. 许多,大量num. 许多synonyms: a lot of, a large number of, masspoints: as much as/多达,几乎等于,和差不多have much to do with/与很有关系,与有很大关系so much/这样多,

56、那么多too much for sb. /不是某人所能应付的make much of/重视;器重;了解murdern. 谋杀,凶杀v. 谋杀,凶杀synonyms: killpoints: an attempted murder/杀人未遂a case of murder/凶杀案mustaux. 必须,应当;很可能,必须,肯定,可以synonyms: ought to, shouldmutualadj. 相互的,共有的synonyms: common, jointpoints: mutual efforts/共同的努力myselfpron. 我自己,我亲自,我本人points: (all) by

57、 myself/我独自地;我独力地mysteriousadj. 神秘的synonyms: secretNnakedadj. 裸体的,无遮盖的,无装饰的comp: bare(没遮蔽物的)points: naked feet/光脚a naked contract/无担保的契约namen. 名字,名称,姓名; 名誉vt. 命名,提名,叫出,指定points: name A after B/按B命名A; 以B的名字来给A命名be named in honour of/为纪念而命名namelyadv. 即,也就是e.g. The railroad connects two cities, namely,

58、 New York and Chicago. narrowadj. 狭窄的;精密的,量小的,眼光短浅的points: a narrow road/狭窄的(道)路a narrow circle of friends/交际不广;狭小的朋友圈子in a narrow sense/在狭义上narrow views/偏见nationn. 国家,民族points: the law of nations/国际公法a most favoured nation/最惠国the United Nations/联合国the Chinese nation/中华民族nationaladj. 国家的,国立有的,民族的poi

59、nts: a national enterprise/国营企业a national university/国立大学be national in style/具有民族风格the national economy/国民经济national income/国民收入nativen. 本地人,土产,土人adj. 本国的,出生地的,本地的,与生俱来的,天赋的;土产的points: ones native countryland/本国,祖国ones native language/本国语,本族语ones native talent ability/天赋的才能be native to/原产于naturalad

60、j. 自然的,自然界的;天生的,普通的,正常的points: natural scenery/自然风景natural gas/天然气the land in its natural state/未开发的土地naturallyadv. 自然地naturen. 自然,自然界,大自然,本性,天性points: nature study/自然研究conquer nature/征服自然human nature/人性nearadj. 亲近的,亲密的adv. (时间,空间方面)近,不远prep. 在近旁points: in the near future/在不久的将来a near relation/近亲nea


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