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1、2023届中考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。. 单项选择1、Why didnt you go to the party last night? Because I _.Awasnt invited Bdidnt invite Chavent invited Dam not invited2、-Why do you speak in _ a loud voice?-Because I wan

2、t to make myself _ clearly.Asuch; hear Bso; heard Csuch; heard Dso; hear3、I dont know _ he left in a hurry without any words this morning.Maybe he left the copy at home, for I heard the boss shouting.AhowBwhereCwhenDwhy4、You _ drive so fast, for we have enough time to arrive at the station.AcantBmus

3、tntCneedntDshouldnt5、On the Eve of the New Year, a large number of people gathered in Chen Yi Square, Shanghai, to welcome the new year, when people began to push each other, and even fell on top of each other. This terrible incident _ 36 deaths and 47 injured.Amade Bcaused Cproduced Dprovided6、一 _u

4、nusual music he is playing!一Yes, all of the students are losing themselves in it.AHowBHow anCWhatDWhat an7、-I wonder what makes you a successful manager.-I _ as a waiter for five years and it makes a lot of contributions to my todays work.AserveBhave servedCwas servingDserved8、 I love the Internet.

5、Ive come to know many friends on the Net._. Few of them would become your real friend.AI cant agree moreBIm pleased to know thatCThats for sureDThats not the case9、Excuse me, are you _?No, we are _.AAmerican, EnglishmanBAmericans, GermansCAmerican, GermenDEnglishman, American10、I have no idea the me

6、eting room yesterday afternoon.Jack, I guess.Awho cleansBwho cleanedCwhy he cleaned. 完形填空11、 Nancy is reading an e-mail from her friend Jack. She is very 1 to get the e-mail.Jack writes about his school 2 weekends. Jack likes his school very much.Nancy likes her school, 3 . Jacks school is very big

7、and he likes his classroom. The 4 and chairs are new. There are lots of picture 5 the wall. They clean the classroom every day.The teachers are nice and the 6 are friendly. He loves 7 because he can learn a lot about the world. He also loves 8 . He is good at playing football. He often plays it with

8、 his 9 after school. He is in the school 10 team. He says he has a good time at school.Jack doesnt 11 to school on Saturdays and Sundays. He gets up 12 at six on Saturday. He goes jogging in the park for half 13 . Then he eats his 14 . After that, he helps his mother with housework At eight, he begi

9、ns to do his homework He has lunch in a fast food restaurant. In the 15 , he goes shopping with Mum. Sometimes he plays computer games or chats with his friends on the Internet in the evening. He enjoys his weekend very much.1AhappyBhungryCbeautifulDsad2AforBtoCatDin3AalsoBagainCtooDvery4AdesksBscho

10、olbagsCpencilsDpens5AinBonCnearDat6AsubjectsBbooksCworkersDclassmates7AdrawingBswimmingCdancingDreading8AsportsBtreesCanimalsDhobbies9AteachersBparentsCfriendsDbrothers10AbasketballBfootballCmusicDvolleyball11AlikeBplayCgoDhave12AearlyBlateCbeforeDafter13Aa yearBa monthCan hourDa day14AbreakfastBlun

11、chCsupperDdinner15AdayBhourCafternoonDmornin. 语法填空12、阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中的词语的正确形式填空。Three Things to Do Before You Are 18Are you bored with your daily life? Here are some things you should try before you are 18, 1 after that its too late. Learn to swim Seriously, this is so i

12、mportant 2 it can save your life. If you cant swim well, you 3 (not) be able to do water sports like waterskiing, surfing and diving. Even taking a boat trip will be4(danger) for you. Make sure you do it. Try at least one kind of team sports Being a good team player is5important skill in life. You c

13、ant just think of yourself,6 have to work well with other people. Other advantages of team sports like basketball, football and baseball are that they keep you fit and healthy, and they are also great fun. Teams7 (usual) have a good social life too-youll go to lots of parties and make many friends.

14、Collect something One of the best8 (hobby) for under-18s is collecting things. You could collect kinds of stamps, or you could collect things that make you 9 (remember) what you have done, like cinema tickets for films you have seen or emails from friends. The best way to collect is to have a specia

15、l album10(put) your collection in and to write what each thing means to you. That way you wont forget. 阅读理解A13、News 1Liu Xiang won Chinas first gold medal in the world championships (锦标赛) in 12.95 seconds.“Everybody wants to win a world title. I was nervous before the race. But I dealt with it so Im

16、 very happy,” Liu said with a smile after the race.Some reporters noticed that at the start, Liu Xiang was crying. He said that is his way of letting off pressure. “My start wasnt good, maybe because I was nervous or because I was a bit slow,” he said.Liu will run next at the Shanghai Grand Prix (大奖

17、赛) meeting at the end of September. He is confident (自信的) after winning the gold medal. “I want people to know how fast I am,” he said. “This is number one speed. Theres nothing I cant do.”News 2Have you ever got angry at books that are full of mistakes? Dont worry, things will get better soon. Last

18、 week, China started checking textbooks, dictionaries and childrens books all over the country. The government said the results of the check would come out at the end of June.News 3Last Wednesday Medvedev (梅德韦杰夫) took over from Vladimir Putin (普京). At the age of 42, he becomes the youngest president

19、 of modern Russia.Medvedev was born to a family of teachers. He read a lot from a young age. After university, the soft-spoken young man went on to teach law at university and became very popular with his students.In 2005, Medvedev became the first deputy prime minister (第一副总理). But he was as friend

20、ly as before. “He has not changed. He invited me to his home,” said Vera Smirnova, Medvedevs first teacher. “In Russia, only two politicians (政治家) have invited their first teachers to their homes, Medvedev and Putin.”1Why was Liu Xiang crying at the start?AHe wanted to reduce pressure. BHe was happy

21、.CHe was a bit slow. DHe felt excited.2Checking textbooks, dictionaries and childrens books will_.Amake sure the books are not too expensiveBmake the children unhappyCmake sure there are few mistakes in themDmake the government lots of money3What Medvedevs first teacher said shows _.AMedvedev is as

22、friendly as beforeBMedvedev and Putin were her studentsCMedvedev has changedDMedvedev and Putin invited her to their homesB14、“No man is an island” is a well-known line from John Donnes Devotion. It was written more than three hundred years ago. Even now people still agree with him. No one can live

23、a completely lonely life. Without other people, life will become empty and sad. We all need to have friends.For some of us, although making friends is not difficult, feeling shy, we may not want to make the first move. It is also difficult at times to keep the friends we already have.There are many

24、books about friendship, but Dale Carnegies How to Win Friends and Influence People, written in 1936, is the most famous. This “how to” book about getting along with other people became a best seller. It was later put into 28 languages.Dale Carnegies advice seems to be simple, but can his advice help

25、 you? Do you need to change the way you act? Here is the list of advice from his book:Be friendly and polite.Always greet with a smile. Begin with “Excuse me” or “Would you please” when you want to ask somebody. Remember to say “Thank you” and try to be as helpful as you can.Go out of your way to be

26、 nice.Find some time to do special things for other people. Making some soup for a sick neighbor may seem like a little thing to you, but it will make your neighbor feel a lot better.Remember names.They say that the sweetest music to a persons ears is the sound of his or her own name.Be open-minded.

27、Try to understand other peoples ways and ideas and learn something from them.Listen patiently.When someone is talking to you, look at him or her, listen carefully and say something when necessary.1What does the underlined sentence “No one can live a completely lonely life.” mean?ANo one can live a h

28、ard life. BNo one can live without difficulty.CNo one can live alone. DNo one can live on an island.2Why do some of us find it not easy to make friends?ABecause we are afraid of making bad friends.BBecause we are shy to take the first action.CBecause we feel sure that we already have enough friends.

29、DBecause we feel worried that we wont be able to keep our friends.3Which of the following is true according to the passage?AJohn Donne learned something from Dale Carnegie.BFriends are always friends.CFew people bought Carnegies book.DThe writer of this passage agrees with John Donne and Dale Carneg

30、ie.4What does the writer mainly want to tell us?AHow to Make Friends.BA Famous book about friendship.CFriendship is the first.DSomething about John Donne and Dale Carnegie.C15、WORLDWATCHBusiness JournalistThis international(国际的)business magazine with 23,000 readers in the world, needs a journalist t

31、o help report news in Europe(欧洲).the one who wants this job should: have at least two years work experience for newspapers or magazines be good at French and German, and if possible have some knowledge of Spanish have traveled widelyPlease write to David Benton. 89 Brown Street, Washington Tel:23670

32、072House RentThose who need a 2bedroom house please call Ms Morison after 6 pm .Tel:2391400Single? Nervous about traveling? Too busy to plan your traveling?Leave it to ECUTOURS. Our guided Journeys make travel abroad easy.Italy, France , Germany, Holland (荷兰),England7 days $8.87541 prince Road Tel:2

33、38700521Mr. Smith wants to have a seven-day journey around Italy, France, Germany , Holland and England. How much will it cost him?A¥8.857.B¥8.875C$8.857D$8.8752What telephone number should Lily call if she needs a2-bedroom house?A2391400B23670072C23870052D23780023Mr. White lives in Hong Kong. He ha

34、s never traveled abroad before and he wants to have a journey around Europe. _can help him.AMs MorisonBBusiness JournalistCECUTOURSDMr. Brown4If Mr. King wants to be a business journalist WORLDWATCH, what languages does he have to know well?ASpanish and GermanBFrench and GermanCSpanish and French.DF

35、rench, German and Spanish.5Which one is NOT true according to the above ads?AYou should have traveled widely if you want to be the journalist.BYou need write to David Benton if you want to be the journalist.CItll take 7days to travel around Italy, France, Germany, Holland and England.DIf Tom needs a

36、 2bedroom house, he can call Ms Morison before17:00.D16、Apple Pay is a new way of paying for things without using money. It was developed by the United States smartphone maker. This cash-free smartphone payment service was introduced to China in February, 4. It has similar services like Xiaomi Compa

37、ny and Alibaba Group. It is said that Apple Pay will help open up the Chinese smartphone payment market which is now mainly under Alibabas control,though it is difficult for Apple Pay to challenge Alibabas payment services at present.Apple Pay is a new way of paying for things without using money. I

38、t was developed by the United States smartphone maker. This cash-free smartphone payment service was introduced to China in February, 4. It has similar services like Xiaomi Company and Alibaba Group. It is said that Apple Pay will help open up the Chinese smartphone payment market which is now mainl

39、y under Alibabas control,though it is difficult for Apple Pay to challenge Alibabas payment services at present.1How many companies have smartphone payment services?AOne. BTwo. CThree.2Which of the following has the largest smartphone payment market?AApple Pay. BAlibaba Group. CXiaomi Company.3Which

40、 is TRUE about Apple Pay?AIts an easy job for Apple Pay to challenge Alibabas payment service.BApple Pay payment service was sold to China in February, 4CPeople can do shopping more conveniently by using Apple Pay.E17、“Internet of Things” (IoT) was a hot topic at the Second World Internet Conference

41、 held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang. Experts said at the conference that in five years, there could be 30 to 50 billion IoT devices (设备) connected to and shaping our lives. Look at the chart below. What will things be like in five years? Lets take a look!1The number of connected devices the number of World po

42、pulation is equal to the number of connected devices per person.Aplus BminusCmultiplied by Ddivided by2 devices have been connected to the IoT by the year of 2020.A500 million B12.5 billionC25 billion D50 billion3From the chart, we can learn that .Afewer and fewer people are using connected devicesB

43、more and more people are using connected devicesCthe number of connected devices was fewer in 2015 than in 2010Dit is increasing of population that leads to increasing of connected devicesF18、For some students, getting better grades can seem like an impossible task sometimes. With the challenges(挑战)

44、 of school, just paying attention in class or studying hard isnt always enough. But what if there were other ways for students to improve their grades? For parents and students who have ever wondered if this is possible, now you can rest easy. Research suggests that a person who likes doing activiti

45、es can improve their grades.Scientists think that those students who are active are not just exercising their bodies, but also exercising their brains(大脑). In turn, they can be able to improve their grades at school. In the most recent study, researchers found that when children played for half an h

46、our each day, they were better at organizing(组织) their schoolwork as well as doing project work and learning traditionally “difficult” subjects, such as maths.What does this mean for children who arent active? Researchers think that if kids dont get enough activities, they are going to be at a disad

47、vantage when it comes to school performance.In the research experiment, a group of children skipped with ropes(跳绳), played basketball and did a number of other games or exercises. Another group of children didnt do any activities. They took part in testing both before experiment and after the experi

48、ment. Testing was mainly for maths and reading skills. Results showed that the children in the activity group did better on the tests than those who had no activity.All work and no play will not only make Jack a dull(迟钝的) boy, but will also negatively(消极地) affect his grades in school, according to a

49、 new study published in the Journal of Pediatrics.Parents complain(抱怨) children today are actually less active and they always worry about their grades. Dr. Belton, an expert, said, “If youd like to see your kids do better in school, have them close their books, set down their pencils and go outside

50、 to play.”1What does the underlined words “rest easy” in Paragraph 1 mean?AStop worrying. BKeep working.CContinue learning. DStudy hard.2What kind of children is better at organizing their schoolwork in the most recent study?AThey study all the time.BThey play for half an hour every day.CThey finish their homework on time.DThey do some reading after class every day.3In Paragraph 5, what does the research experiment want to show us?ADoing activities is bad for the students.BDoing more homework can get better marks.CThe children in the activi


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