2、N:整理后lV HYPERLINK N:整理后W HYRLI l X X YHYPERLINK N:整理后lZHYPERLINK N:整理后Quky uat Dtioay Acdmic uaiyIpoementProjec (AIP): Afru for institutinsto rvieachhersaction prjes. cceable quality level (AQL): n acotinung seres of lots, uaty leel tha,fo th purse of spl insetin, is the imtof satisacory pocessveage
3、. ccepanc nmbr: The maxmm number f dectsor defeies alowblen aslingt fr thelo t beacetabe.Acceptane samlig: Inspetion oa smefrm a ot tdecide htrto ccet tt ot. There re w types:attributes amplng n variales sapling. I arutes saplng, th presceorasn of achartertic inted n eah ftheunit inspecte. I varales
4、 samlig, te nuriclmagtud of a charactrstcs easeda rcorded each inspctedunit;thinvolve ferec o connuos scale of some kid cetane amplin plan:A secificlanhat nictsth sampg szes anasocite cceptace rnonaceptace citeria tobe ued. I atrbutesapln, or examl,hee are single, dube, multiple, sequentia, cain ad
5、skp-lot saplngpans. In varile sampling,threresgle,double ad sequentiamlinln (Frdetailedesctions of the plan, see the tdard NSI/ISO/ASQ A3534-, StatistcsVocabulry and SymbolsStitica QuaityControl.) Accrdation: rtificaion ba dulyrognizd bodofthefcilite, cpaiiy, jectiity, cpetence adingryf ageny,servic
6、, o oeratinal group or indiviul toprdete pecifieviceoroat needd. ccuacy: The araceristi ofa measureet that tlls how cose an obseredaluisto tu alue.Ation lan: Aspecfic meo r pess o chiee thereultsce for by oneor me jects My bea smplrvesioofa prect an. Activity etok gram: An arow darm uedin laig ad ma
7、nagi procsse and rects. AdvancdoducQality Plannig (APQP):Semenof QS-900 procss thass tol o offethe opponit to getahd of rolms adolvethem efrhe rblemsaffet th usome finitdara: mnagent tolsed o orgnize inomai (suygare duringa brinstrmingctit)Aligmt: Th atos takn o ensue a proesr tiviy uppors the organ
8、zatios tay, oalsan obectives. meri ssoatinforLaboatory cceditton (A2LA): An ganiation at oralyrecnie otherrganzatons cmeeny pform specific est,tpe ofest r airations Amecantoer tisfaction nde(ACS): Relesd for te irst tme in Oober 199, an ecnic inicator ad cros idstry easre of te sifaction of US hosol
9、dcstors ih he alityof the goodsand ercesavailbeo thembothosegods n evce pouceithin te Unted Statesad hoseprvidedas impots from oeg irms thae substan maket hares r dllar sales. Te CS i c-spsord y tenverit ofcigan Business School, ASQ nd the CFIGrup AmicanNationalStndards Isttte(ANSI): ANSI isa privat
10、e, nonprofi orgization thataministrs ncodinates heU.S. voluntar sadriaion an coforit assessment system. ts te United Stesemerdy n t ntertonalOrganiztofor Standadization, knwns ISO. Amrca Society for ondestructi Testing (SNT):T world lges technical ocietyfor nondesructve tesin (NT) profsionals.Amican
11、 ociey f Quality (SQ): A profssona,o-for-roft ssciation t dvelp, promoes ad aples qality relaed nfrmatio adtechnolgyfore rivatesector,governmet and academia. Teociey srvesmre th 108,000ndiviuls an 1,100corrate ebers n th Unie tes nd 10othercountries. ericn Society r Quaity Conr (ASC): ame of he Soct
12、y from 194 hrgh tmile of 1997;hen caged to SQ. mercnSoiety foesinndMaerals (ASTM): ot-for-prfit orgiainha provie fou fo te evepmnt d pblictin ofoluntay consenus sadards for mtials, poducs,syses andservices American Societyfr rinin d Deveomt(ATD): A mbeshp oranizatnroviig teris,ducaion ad support rel
13、atedto wkace learning and perormanc. Amerian tadr code fornforationitrchang (CII):asi computrcharactrsaccped by all Aerica macines n many foignns.Anaysis of ean (ANOM): A satistical rcue fr troubleotin indusrialpocesses and analinthe rsut xerentl desigswth factorsat fixed lel. It pvde a grphicasplay
14、 of data.Eli R. Ot delod te rocedure in 1967 eause ebsrethatnostatsicia hddificultyundestning anasisof variance. nalyss means is easier forquli prcitines tue ecauseit is a tenn o th contro hat. I 1973, Edward . chilin ue extned he cocet, ling analsfmean to be usd ith non-noral itributons aatriutsdat
15、awherete normal aproximtion to he nial istributiodoes ot apply.hs is efed to as anays of meanfr treae ffets. Analysis varance (NOVA): basisatisical tehniuforaalyzing xermenta dat. t sbdiides te totl variaiof aaa se into meinf conent pars associe wit spcific sources of varation i order to es a ptesi
16、the arameters of the oe ro estmate vaiancecoponents ere are ree moe: fxe, rom and mixd. Appraisalcos:Tecost ivolved in ensuring n orgniztion s ctinalstiin t cm to customersquliy reqiremens. Aro dagam: A plannin to todiagram a equene o evs racivitie(ods) nd he ntrconnectivty o uchnode.Itis ued fschdu
17、in nd epecallyfordeterinithe cricl pathrougndes. AS10: An intnatonal qulty maaeenttadard fr th esp idustryublishe b teSiety f Automotiv Engines; ls puishd othr ogaizations rldwid, sEN90 n urope an JI 9100 i apan. Th sadard oole y the Internato rspace uity Grou(see lis). Asesmen: A systeatiproces o c
18、llctn and analyzin dta to deermnete urent, htorial orrectedstaus aorganizati.sgae c:A nam for tesouc ariion in prces tha s no du tochae and herefore canbe idntieda elmted. A caled specaluse. AssociatonfoQualy anPtciptio (Q): Affilt orgnio the Amercan ocie o Qaly (S) dedicat o improvig rkpaesthgh qua
19、ity andpartiipaion prctics.ttiue a:Go/o-g nformatio. Te contrl cats baedn attributedtaincludepecent chart,umber oafcted unts chat, cunt chart, coun e uni hr, qulity scre chart nd demerit hart. ributs, method of: Measuremntoquaity by the method of attibutes conssts of ning he resence(oabence) f soear
20、tristic (attibu) i each o t unts unr considean d counting homan units o(o do not) possess it. xamp: g/o-go gaung of a dimensi. Audit: T nspecionand examintion o proe orqaly ystem to sre cmlince oeiments. An audt cnppl oa enire rgniztin or m b pecific to a fncio, pcess productio sep. Autootive Indsy
21、ActionGroup (AIA):The oigiatr and sole sor ofthe QS900 seri ofstandads. AQ Atooive Division mns a iaisonttis ro. vailbliy: Te abiltyf a pctt be ina sttopeformit dsgnaed funtionunder sta conton at aive tie. Arage chrt:A cnrl chrtin hch tebgrp average, X-bar, i used toate te sblity ofe prcess lee vere
22、outgoing qalit (AO):Th expecteverage qualty levelf utgoiduc for agivn vale of incuct qulit Averge utgoin ulty limt (AQL): Thmaximuvrage outoing ality over all poibl evlsf ncmi ality fora in acceptne smplig land dsposal pecicaton. Averag run lengths (RL):On a conrolhrt, te number of sgrsxpcte be iset
23、edbefre a hf manitude tkes pce.Averae sampe nuber (ASN):h averag nubr of samle units inspectdp lot i reaching dcision aceptorreject. Avrae oal npect (AT): Thae nuer unit inspecteper lot, incuding llunits inrjected lots (ppliable whcedurecals for00 insction of reeced lots). YPENK l _topRtun t topBadr
24、ie Award: SeeMalcol aldrie Natoal Qualiy Awardsene mesree:Tebinnig poit,bsed an vluain of te tp veraperiod of time, se todetene the prcsprameerprirto any pove effort; thebasis aanst wichchage is measud. Behmaking: Anrovm rocs i which aompay measres isperorancagist tat fbesn clas companies, erines h
25、thoscompanis hieved heiperforme els anduss he ifratio t mrov itsw peormanc. he subjcts thatcan be enchared iclurteg, oprtions, proceses ad prcrs. eeft-ostaayis: An xanaion of the elaionipbeween the oetry cost of mplmening aimprementn te moey vae ofte benei ai by the mpront, bohwithin te sa i eri Bet
26、 practce: A superir ehodo inoative pracie that onrbus to te mrved prformce oan organizaton, usally rcniedas best y ther er organtons Big Q, Ltle Q: Atem useto contrat the ifferencbeween angingfoqulity nall siness proceses ndpd (big Q) ndmaaging for qualiy n a imted cpactyraitnallyony in facyoducs n
27、poesses(ltl ).Blc Bet(BB):Fll-time t leaer resposibe orimplemntingpesiprvment proectsdefin,msu, aalye,imrv andconol (DMAIC) or fine, measue,analz, design and veif (DMD)wihinte usinessto drive up utoe stisfactinlevls a busiesrctiity Bles:n iprfectinsevee enugh tbe noied butht shuld not caue any ral i
28、pairmenwih repet o ntend nomalor reaonablrseeab us( lo efec, mprfecio adnonnoriy). Block diagrm: dram ha howsthe pratin, ierrelsips an idepedenciesofomponents ia ytem. Boes, or lcks (hncetheame),reprsent e comonets; onnectingline beenth blok rpreet itrfaces. hee are wo types bock daas: fuctinal blck
29、 iara,w shw systms susysemand lowerleve productsan terelatioships ndwhc iefacs wth oter systes; ndareliailtyblck iagrm, whc is similar tothunconaboc diagam ecept tha i ismodiedo emphasz thos aspects inflencing reliabiity.Boad o Sadads Review (SR): A AerianNatonl Sandards Institutod responsile fothe
30、appoval ad withdwalof Amerian Nation Stadrs. ody nol (BOK): he psibe agegtionof kowedge in patulra anndiia sxcted to have masterd to be considr cerfid as pcitionr. tom lin: he essential sae point; the primry o ot iporta cnsideraio lso, theine tthe ttm of financia rport thathws e nepofit r loss Box,G
31、eore E.: A tive f Engln, Bx bga his car duingWorld aI ith he ish Ar Engineers, hrhe lee statistic. Hetudid a Univrsit Cllege,beahead f thestatsticaltchniuesreeachsection tIerial hemc Indtrials obained a doctorte.He move to te Ued States d as foder of Technometric, pblished ASQ nd the Amerian Sttisti
32、al Asoctio. A pofesso at th Uieity o Wisconsin, Bo is a onrary Mebof ASrainsormig: A ecnqu teams ue to enerate dea n a partiularsbjt. Eac ern in te tam isasked hink creatively an write own as may ida a possib Te idea rntdscsed orreviwed untl afte the baistormingsesi. Brethrouh mprvement: A dynmic, d
33、ecisiveovmento a nw, hiher vel of performane.Brubuh,MatnA. (deeasd):heoner firt editor o ndustriaualtyControl magazinA frmeprofess f statics h Unvsity o Buffao, Bumbauh publhed reglary onad staisic. Bumbaug s sumenal n geting twoseaae ualtyoraniztioshe dted Soitiand the Soietyfr uality Controlerged
34、ino one aial orantion:AS (hen AS). Brumbaugh wa n AQ Honoray Mme. B 7799:itishcomerce,govrmentand indusry staeholr wrote B 9 to ddres ormation securit managmentissues, icdig rau,inustrilespionae and phyialdisaster. ay ecomeO stand. Buiess rocs rengineeing (BR): h cocentraton o the mroveet ofbusiess
35、prses that will deliv outstawil chiev rsuls metin the firs bectives,prries and mision HYPERLINK N:整理后http:ww.aqrgnfoglos l tp HYPERINK l top Reun o topC hart: eecount crtCbion: The omaiso of a measremt instmenr stemo uverifieaccuracy o a measurment instuntor sysmonow accyto decany vartion frmtheqire
36、dpermance specification. Caabity turit mel:A framewr tha dsribes teky ements of aetivescess. s anvolutiony ipvemnt pah foma rprocess tomaue, discili rcs.Th CMM coers pctices forlanning, egieerin and magingsftare dvelopment an anteace. Whenolowed, thee k practices improe the lt of rgnatos to meet goa
37、lfo cost,schdule, unctiolit and pruct quality.Cascading: The cntinuing fow of te qualtymssge downo, t though,thenet evof uprvsio until t rechs llworker Sae cocept asdeployng. Cse: n idetifed reasnor he preence aefect or robem. Cusn effect diaam: ool fo analyi rocess ispeson. Iis as referredto as e I
38、shikwa dgram, becse Kaor Iskwa deeled t, and t fishbo diagrm, becaus the complet diagra resemblesafish eltoThe iag iusrtes h main cas nd scauses eaingtoa effct (ympom). The case and fect diagram is one othe seventolof uliy.(e listig). Cerlne: Aleon agraph hat eresen theovrl avage (ean) operating lev
39、el of th processenal ndency: Th tndecy of data athred from apocess to luse toward iddl ale sewhee eteen the igh ad lovlus of measurement. Certictin: The reslt meetghetalis ter se b acredtgor crtcate gig organzation. Cerified mchanic nspector (CI): A A ctiication. etid ult audtor (CA):An ASQcerifiati
40、on ertified ualt udit (C)biomedic: A ASQcertion. Certfie uait auito(CA)-hazar anayis an critical ro on (CP):An AS certicain. ertifiedqualyeniner (CE): An SQcrifcation.Ceifi quality provet assoite (CIA): A SQ crificatin. Certi qitymer: An AScerification. Certifid qualit tecnicia (CQT): AASrtiatin. Ce
41、ifiedriablienginer (RE):An ASQcrtifctn. CtifiedSi Sgma lc Belt(CSBB): n AQ eriication Certifid sotw ulity gee (CSQ): An A cerication.Can reaion: chin events escredy W.Edards Deming: imrov quaity,decae ots,iprove poduivty, ireae maketwth eter qualy andlowr rce, sty inbuess, provie jobsand rovide more
42、obs Chain amplin pn: I cptanc samlin, aplan in ich thecritera foraccepace a rejection aplyto thecumultiv samplig esult for te crtotad on o ore immedte preednot Champio: A usies leader o senir mnager wh ensures thtresourceare availabe fr trinng d prjects, ad wh is noe i project llgate rw; as an eeute
43、wh supports d addresesSixiga rganizatiolssues.Chnge agent:Anindvidual fom wii or ouside aiztn whfacilites changewithin te orgaizato. Mayormay ot the iiiat te change fort.Chracterisic: The factos, ements or mes thaine and ffereiate procs, functon, prodct, servie oothr entity.Chart: tool fr rgniin, su
44、mmarzin an pictin dt in graphic frm.Charter: writ mitmnt approved by anagement stating thescoeof authorityor a improeet poe ortam Checlist:Atool usedto nurell importan ss oractions in anopratio hvebe taken Ceciss cotinitm ipotant r elevant to n issu o iation. hklist are ofte conu ithhects(see dvidul
45、 entry)Ceck shee: A impe daarecoring deve. Theheckshee i custm deinby th se, wic alwshim or hrto radiy intrprete esut. The ck set s oe of the sen toolsof quty(Selstng). Ceckseesaeoften cnfsedwih checklis (seeidivdual ntry). Classiicaio of defects: Thelsting f posle defcts f a nit,caified acdng tthir
46、 eriusness. oe:ommonlysed lssficati: class A,class, class C,lss ; criical, m, mnr ndienta; or crica, maor and minor.Definios of tse clasificans reqire carefuprparatn a aloring ttoduc() bengsmped to eableaccuate assignment of adeect to tepoperlasication. A spaat acptancespling pan is generally ppled
47、eahcla ofdfcs.Closed-loocrrectvectn (CLC): A sophisticatd ineerigytem designed to dcunt, efy anddiagose ale, recommend adinitate correctiv ation, rovide followu and minticompehsivestatstica ords.ode of coduct: xpecttos of eavior utuayagreed o b a team.Coler, Smon (dcse): An ASQ presient o led the So
48、ietyduig critial gowh peioin 195-5. Hi trm s mrked by numus milesone evns, including a membrhip nree f22% nd the forao of11 ne sctonsan the ist disions. Colir, an ASQ Honoray Memr, as a chemit whbe h aree at eNatoal Burea oSandad (wth NatinalInstito Sandards and Tecnlogy).Laer h worked at Jons-Manil
49、le Cor,hee pdced aqualty trinig flmusebymore han 30 comanie. Cmmocaues: Cuse of rtion thaar hent in prces ver tme. They affet ery outcom o the process and eveyone workin inter (s also specal causes).Copany cuture: Aystem of values, belifsand bhviors inhernt n a company Tooptimiz buinserfomnce, op an
50、agemnt must defe n ceatetheecessr cuture.ompaint rackin: olectin dta,isiating daa to approiate perforreslution, moitorin omlain eoltion progrss a cmmniting resul. ompliance: Te ste of a organizai that mets pscbd speciicatios, onrac tems, reglatio or standard Computer aidedsig (C): oftwareued by riec
51、ts, ennees, drafters adrtists to reerisio drawngso echnicl ilustrns.CADofwaran be ued o creae two-diensionl (2-D) dawngs or thre-ensonal (3-) modls Cmpter aidd engineerng(CAE): A brod er use bthelectonicdsign amion iusy for theuse f omutesto deign,analye and manufacure product nd presesE inds A (see
52、listing) and compte aidd manfctrig (CAM), which is the s uts for maagngufactrn prceses. Courrent ennering (): A wayto reducecos, mprovquaiy ad shrnkctmeb sygprducts system of lif cycle taksduring the ar coept stges.Conflcesluto: maaement ofaconflict iuatio to rrivea sluion aisfactoy o alarte.Confran
53、c: A afirmati dcation o jdmet tht rouct o evice hs met tereqiremts o a relean specficatin, contrat or regulation onormEuropenneMark(CEMak): ofrmit EuropUnomark ThEoan nn ctehe CE Mark to reulate the ods sodwthin s borrs T markepresent a mnufctuersecaratinprducts comply ith h Es NewAppoac Directves T
54、ee directiesaly t n couty hat sllsprdcs whin e EU. Conseus: Astae i which l the membe ofaroup sppot an actin or deciso, even if soe o them dontfly gr ithi. Conultan: A nidalwho hs exrincand exertse in aplying ls ndechniques to rslv proces problms ad who cadvie anacilitatearganizio mpoeet efforts.sum
55、r:he exra custoertowhm a podu or service i ultimately delivee; Also calle end user. Consumess: Pertai t mping and th otentil iskthat bd productwillb acced andshpped t theconumer. Coninou fl roucton: Meansat tems re roducedandmovd fom cessing te to th toe pece a a tme. Eahrocess mesonth oe piece hat
56、tnexroces need, and hransfbatc ize i on Continuou improement (CI): Somimescaedcntinual improvet.Th ng improvemntf poducts, vces rpocesse though cremntl and breatrough improvemens Cotiou qualiyimprovet (CI): philoshy and attiudeor aalyzin aailties drocsesandirovig tm repeatedly toachieve theobjctive
57、of cutomer satfacton. Contuos saming plan: acceptncesamplg, lan, itendd for apliaion o a contnuo low of nddal units of poduct, tat inolvsaccpace and rejctionn aunit bynit basis andemploy alternatperiodsof 100% inspectionn sapig,the relte mot f 100% npectn deedngo thel ofsumittd produc.Coninuussaplin
58、g lans usall require that eachtpeioof 100ipecon contnueduntil pecified number, ,of consecutily nspectednis ar foundcear of efects. Nt: For singl lvel cntinous saplingpls, asingle d ampling at (foreape,nspect unit 5 or 1 un in 10) sed durisamping. For mltlvecntnuous samplig plans, two or more samplga
59、ts aybe se: Thae a tm depens o thqulity of bmtted prd.Contrl chrt: car wit upper and lwer contl liits onhich valueosomstasialmearefor a seres of sample or ugrp are potted The chartfrequel show entra in thelptec trend o pot aue towad eihe contrllimit.otrol limits: he naural bodisof a prcess withinspe
60、ifid nidence lvels, epress as te uppercontrl lmit(UC) ndthe lower ontrol limit (LCL). Contrl lan(P): A docnt adescrbehereqied carastis r te a f apuct or srice, uding mesres and ctr methods oordinte msurinmachin(MM): A dicehatmnsially msures 3D prouts,tools n coponens with n acuacypprachng 0.001 in.
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