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1、 开封市五县高二期末联考卷 英语试题命题人:考生注意工本试卷分第I卷 物解题)和第n卷(非选择剧)两部分.总分 120分,斤试时间为120分仲.请1胆卷H1答,答在I:它地方 律无效.第I卷第一部分,阅读现解(共两节I满分40分)第一节(共18小IBh征小题2分,共30分)阅读下列蝌文,从每胭所给的四个 选项(A. B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在符题卡上将该项涂热。AI hcrapy IntgrumOur program involves imiucd vohiniccrs ;md their dogs who vinii flip children nl CHOP. i hP pnig

2、ram gives (lie eliihlren the oppnn(nii(y io inicnKt salely will) ihc dogs and receive iheir uncoil di liotial love and acceptance in thr hope o| making the hOBpiUil env ironmen t more i cmlurtjhlc and lesi sliessful und liclpinv, them itcover卜。the s ilcty of our pattenh and their liirmlics. c all po

3、ssible oluntecis i(i meet ihu ibllowing require menu:Age, You must be IK years or older mid your dug rnusl he ;it least one yenr old( crtlfinitiori, M e reqniru nil iheiipy dogs ;ind hundlcix h;ivc u cut tern ihcmpy ceniikutionthruugli Delhi Sociely nr f hernpy Dogs IntcriKiliinial Hine commitment W

4、e ask pci iherupy volunteers to commit to a minimum of one iwo-hour 曲曲轮班)per montli.All voluulceis iind ihdi dogs arc required ki be hcahhy. Volunteers hme to receive theseasonal llu wixiiic(疫苗 h which ts provided free of charge ;il ( ilOP. Dogs cjiumi be on a r;iw IoikI did dt .my lime during llici

5、r panicipatiim in ihc pni:r:im D簿!、must be washed 31山in 24 hours of Ihe visti and dry upon cnlvnng ilie hospihiLRcsltlciioiK. Voljiikci inusl obey nil iiticiit corilkkiHhdilyf It+A) mdclinis and hupiut polivies Dops must he on a (皮带).卜内 idenliilcaliim piirpusis, your that uurk for I he program?z,The

6、y tnitsl be on a diet,!tThc nntsf be kepi clean und dryC.Thcy arc allowed to s alk around freely in the hospitalItThe)must wearcnlored clothes(0 attrnct peoples ntlcntion.BMan healihy u umen in then kue 70s lie up (heir walking 33。尿c鼠鞋带)or hiking boots k slay uedve. But not Suzelk Poole, Six days 11

7、 wak. Uw willowy (苗jR的)7K-ycnrH)ld Dallas ballet instnictor laces up her dunce shoes and (cikIks classical ballet, as shes done lor decades.Mndame Piwk, ns her students calt her, .dso regularly pcrfbnrui ballet throughout the Dallas area as a guest .irtist with IocjI dantc companies. And she daiwcs

8、M Ihc ,isis(cd-hviiig ceniers along nilh her studenls t4 People in care ccnicis cut re kite lo me because l*ni about the same age, Poole %ud J,l hope io gel ihcm interested in vxcivic, Phis. ! enjoy slunving (hem (hut it is 1 lexer too hue to do something you love/Ballet has always seemed us natural

9、 10 her ns btcuihing, she suid, beginning with the llrst day wlien she look lessons Jt age 7 in London, uhurc she w;is bom. I loved )( limn the start,“ she said, “und Mhcn my paienls look me to watch the sc1l-kiioi)Margot Fonicyn in a ballet, I jus( knew U was something I wnnted to be ;i part of for

10、wen11Ikousc 30 is rhe avenge age trir most dancers 10 retire, Ponte Mid. she ilumghl she would be lucky U)conlinue pcrlbnniny inlo her late 2On. Nobody h;in more surprised than she w;is when she continued to dance into her 40s( 50s and beyond. I didnt eel out to be dancing ballet in my 7()s/*shc aid

11、.but Pm certainh h;)ppy tliai it turned uul that way. 1 have strong teei, strong knees and a very strong hack she added.24* How is Suzellc PchiIc di ft ere nt trorn ihosc of her ago?A. She oflcn goes ibr h walkB She starts learning ballet late,C+ She keeps lit through iluncing.I), She locs collectin

12、g hiking bix)is.25 Why does Suzclle Poole dance in core centers?A, Io meet dance componies requirements13. To motivate people thcrc to slay active.C. To support her hidcntN1 volunteer workI) To moke friends with some people there.2fl According to the tcxl, we know that Margol lonlc7k,高二期末联考物英诏试18米2山

13、共8页informed Suzcllc Pooles parents about her Inlcntcaiuinunl dniicing 卜11碗 with Suzelle PchiIc on jUngetaught Sii/dlc Poole Io ilmicc Killci tor scvenil ycuis. in&pirvd Suzelle Poole to dcvoic her whole life (0 buildWhnt can we say about Su/clk Pook dancing ballet in her 70s?A. h is out()( her expcc

14、lalion.II It is her original inipact 口n parlicipHnk/ crciitivity.Tlic lusks wcc simple word gntnes, I or example. puHicipaiHs were given three words, such us dress. dinL and lower.hen, they were askeii In hnii a single word associuteil with all three that could be combined lo form a common phmse or

15、Tht single word, in diis case, would be surr(sutidrcss sunflower, etc.). Porticipants complclcd the tasks in either a quiet room, or while exposed to three different types of music: music wiih unfamiliar lyrics(歌诩),iiwtmmcntnl music, or music with familiar iyrics“Wc found strting evidence of inipcrl

16、ect pcrfinnance when pliiying buckgrcumd music in comparison to qtnet Ixickground 匕所由1加1%said eo ;mlhor Dr Neil Mcl.aichie DMcLutchie anti his colleagues conclude that music even familiar music with well-known lyrics disturbs (he purcicipanls pn vrniing trejilivily Also, as Ibr die library biickgroi

17、iiitl musk hnving sveiningly no cMcct, the studyTs uulhors believe dial was the ciibe btcuusv library nnisic creates a ,Steady s1iiictT cnvironnu-ni (hat ikxsift affect conceiiimiioitWh:il tI(wk Ihe underlines werd nolion in P;inigr;iph 】mean?A. suggestionJL opinionC. principleD, theoryExcept the li

18、brary background music, how tunny background conditions were created for ihe participants?3,B.4,C, 5.D.6.高二期末联考卷英语Mlfi第3页共8页m theutpose 鬲忸或心 ubout muiitf?A !pnncthM n】i南:辰对麻T llpeople,s h以山h* i* itiakc kiinw也tniisic cun impn)ve peoples nicinary.C. m test w- mig . beueIk lol tor crcAllvily or notD, i

19、oiiuliaitc vthy backgrinuiJ iitusic in a library it popular.11. Which ot ilie IblKnvin is “n*Rly dishirld by kLckyrHtn4 music?A Paiiciue ivcr Uvo days. H h tiuy tint huve been iik-jil !br the shklcnis/ KlHigrum mitniited,41 but we want to Miuw ihui we did everything that wc could to celebrate Ihcfit

20、Wheu the crisis is over. the cLoas of 工。JO cihi don Kid-lik walk :i( ;my Aiiur心 gr;idLHUii)n cerennmy ihcy choose.Kulc phmncd io ihruw a ,wnLeh puny wilh her kusbund 毗 home utul her Ihniily in India.(telling tut9d to the online experience waa easy for Nancy Sierras Morales. u We have been able to ;川

21、,甲i very quickly txjcausc weeil ujied lor before thr gradual ion eci emotiy?高二忸联考嫌英涉礴第#页共8页ng (ravelhng for people to attend ccrcinonics like weddingH testing all kinds orceremomes lor people unable io iravcLHelping professont with then teaching plans in universities.D Amusing people during their tr

22、avelling to funerals,U According to Sanjeev Kluranh to hiue a real grachiaiion ceremony, llu- 2020 grndiiuies can _-A. throw an online t4watch party1u(cnd an future gniduaiion ceremonyC hM unoihcr real one hy ihcnwlvesO. do everything they can to celebrate34r According to the text,made a fast adjust

23、ment to the new situation.A. Juili KaleB. Sanjeev KhngmniNancy Sierras MoralesD. Dougins NorthcoltWhat is the best title for the lext?Adisdippainiing grnduaiion ceremony.A gradimlion ceremony widi ihe help ot robou.A multifunctional robot from Double Robotics.A special experience of studems in the h

24、ealth crisis, 第二节(共5小题,每小幽2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能用人空门处的最佳选项,选项中有两 项为多余选项。Somebody who i、walking b. ire toot rnc;iris that he or she is not dressed in :uiythii 唱 on his m Ikt feel hen Mjlkinlowcvcr, to ihc lest ul the pcupr amiitui Ihc world, il i、;i 5川 川亡Since man is designed In walk with bare

25、Icet. barefoot walking does hiwx a lot of hcidth bcnellh is follows*It helps you fbctis on (he present. U is hard to imagine walking in bare ieel carelessly and wiihcui hiring c:in hil of your steps. Barefoot walking helps you Iikus on the prcsetil, be cl every step and know whul is in front of you

26、in the present tnomeiH. 37It lulps Io strengthen your les, IK . youre proiccted from knee iniunes nnd 氏tek puin.E his ndded strength also helps io j-ive you 谓 good postuff tind pei lcl biikitiuvk helps to stimuhle (剌激)the reflex points (反射点)i your feet. 39 Hnrefooi walking helps to stimulme these re

27、flex points. This, in turn, promotes blood fig山 to Uw organs connected lo ihein. Improved eircukitiQii cun actually help (o keep you!5即口$ m 叩卜心山h高二期未联考卷英语试题第5页共8页_J9 Burcfiot walking siitnukitrs (he pituitary gltnd (脑下暗体)t0 闺而 endorphinst the nniund p;Hit killing horrntinc, whicli also helps eh prov

28、ide relief.tn a word, banefbot walking can be good for your overall heulih. 1 hercfarc, you can do Ji on the beiich, m ihc grass. nd ccii m yunr own b;icyqrd.A, With strong feet and kgsFor people in twdeni societies, barcfool walking is an exerciseIi helps to relieve stress and anxiety h【1 helps you

29、 huvt曙典od sleep nl night I. An efleciive way to sireriLithcn your legs is to g。txircJbot ualking 卜 X】bnrvtool 露;iIking assists in keeping the peace ol ymir mindG. uLir tijcl Lire connected lu ;dl parts nl your body thro ugh reflex poinls 第二部分工英语语言知识运用共二节,满分45分) 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分.稠分30分) 阅读下面短文从短

30、文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入 空臼处的地佳选项并在答副卡上将该项涂SbM e r help reduce global warming. I ofleti choose public 1 h buses for example This cun 52 money and energy. I prefer to bike or walk whenever I can. Somehowt ITve _53 my body and grown muscles 54 the preference. Iff have to to a place and I ciirft

31、walk there, IJ share u tiir wtih others. 1 fcxl very 55 由油1 Ywk tiiy has decided to popularize hybrid C昆合的)buses I also try to _如 friends and faiuih to Ju ihc same in order to reduce cnrbon dioxide release. If everyone does n1间制唯 to hdp, together we can make a 5?,高二期未联考裾英语试题第6页共8页People who are inte

32、rested vuii visit the,& wmv.environtncrttMt fenxe qualifiedC. hungryD. noted60. A. autanoinous民 digitalC, cnonnousD. clean第II卷第二节(共10小题;年小题L 5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处地人适当的内容(1个单诃)或括号内单诃的正确形 式,并将答案填写在答明卡相应的位殂上.Learning nny language needs practice-lou of praciicel li is of greai 6 (significant) to practise

33、 犯ngHsh on u duily busiy, _2 will help you mflkc it a habit (a study Engl阑.Listen tu mid fl ad English every day. There 63 (be) u number of beginnur-lcvel他 nirigund reading materials【hat you can use. Books 64_ (write) for children are u Ko g心i idm.Open your mouth mid spctik even if you only 串peak I

34、. . fci_(jou). Speak out .d Try la quickly auminnriK ,并在该刊下面写出修改后的面 注意:I .每处错误及修改均仅限一词:2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分.Put9y Smith has ruiscd ducks for many years, Ono of her ducks, Peg, losing one of hia legft Irom n G3hl with n 心叫 Mr Smith advertised to find someone Io create new leg tor Peg. Ihrcc sludc

35、ms ihought thvy would probable use their 31)primei Io cicalc uiuYours faithfully, i Huh高二期未取号卷英语试题如8页扶8 m fur him! 1 hry several monlhs trcJk* and testing dilYeicnt nuuld. U turned oui to be n lot more dillkiilt thnn they tuid thoughl I uckiK, (heir hard work pmd oh and they were created n model, wl

36、ui lilted pcrlccily! Now, Peg can walk or even mu jusi like her duck Iriends. Mrs. Smith is verv rnteful tbi thenr 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)2022年北京一张家口冬奥会将如期在北京和张家口举行.为了确保冬奥公阴 濡成功.组委会发起了志愿者招募活动*假如你是学生李华,希电能成为II中 员。请按要求用英文给组委会写一封中清信, 内容包括11 .个人情况;2 .自持优势:3 .服务承诺注意:】.词数100左右;.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连Uh.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总诃数,

37、 参考词汇:2022 北京,张咏口冬奥会:2022 Beijing Zhangjiakou Winter Olympic GamesDenSir,Mndt皿开封市五县高二期末联考卷英语试题答案I.阅读理解(每小题2分,共20小题共40分)A 篇:CCB B 篇:CBDA C 篇:BBCD D 篇:ABCB七选五:BFAGCII .完形填空(每小题1.5分,共20小题共30分)BDACA CBABD CADBC DBACDIII .语法填空(每小题1.5分 共10小题 共30分)61.significance 62.which 63.are 64.written 65.yourself66.what 67.with 68.or 69.to practise 70.will findW .短文改错(共10分)Patsy Smith has raised duc


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