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1、水资源综合管理(IWRM) Introduction to Principles and Practices -原理与实践简介 1. 1。 The Current Water “Picture” 现行水“图片” Water is essential to sustain human life. 水是维持人类生命。 It plays a vital role in many human 它起着至关重要的作用,许多人 activities, including industrial production, agriculture, energy, sanitation, and transport

2、ation, 活动,包括工业生产,农业,能源,卫生,交通, in addition to sustaining ecosystems that provide valuable services to both environment and 除了维持生态系统提供有价值的服务及环境保护 human. 人类。 Although water seems to be abundant on the planet, 97% of the Earths water is 虽然水似乎是地球上丰富的水,对97的地球 seawater, making it unfit for most human uses.

3、 海水,使它不适合大多数人使用。 Of the remaining 3%, 87% is inaccessible, 余下的3,87是无法访问, either locked in polar icecaps or in deep underground aquifers. 要么锁在极地冰盖或在很深的地下蓄水层。 Thus, only 0.4% of all of the 因此,只有0.4的所有 water on earth is in a form that is usable and accessible by human beings (CAP-Net 2003). 水是地球上的形式是可用

4、的和)进入2003年的净人(上限。 Out of all renewable freshwater that reaches land by precipitation, most returns to the 在各种可再生淡水的降水土地,返回到最 atmosphere via evapo-transpiration, while the remainder is available as runoff. 通过大气,土壤水分蒸发,蒸腾,而其余部分可作为径流。 Thus, while 因此,虽然 only 8% of total renewable freshwater is being use

5、d directly by humans, it is estimated that 只有8的总的可再生淡水是人类直接使用,据估计, 54% of accessible annual runoff is currently withdrawn, with higher figures in water-scarce 径流54,目前每年的访问撤回,具有较高的数字,在缺水 areas (UN WWDR1, 2003). 地区(联合国WWDR1,2003年)。 The scarcity of water is being noticed in much of the world. 在缺水的被发现在世

6、界许多地方的。 More than two billion 超过20亿 people in 40 countries live in river basins under “water stress”, where per capita supply is 在40个国家的人民生活在江河流域在“水分胁迫”,其中人均供水 less than 1,700 m 小于1700米 3 3 per year (Revenga 2000). 每年(雷文2000年)。 Population growth and economic development 人口增长和经济发展 have caused demand

7、for water to increase drastically over the past century. 造成水的需求大幅增加,在过去的世纪。 Global 全球 population increased by a factor of three during the 20 人口增长了3倍,期间20 th 日 century, while water withdrawals 新世纪,抽水 increased by a factor of seven (GWP 2000). 增加了7个因子(GWP值2000)。 Population growth and economic develop

8、ment 人口增长和经济发展 contribute to pollution from municipal waste, mining and industry, and agricultural runoff, 推动城市垃圾污染,采矿和工业,农业径流, all of which further degrade water quality and thus the amount of quality water sources, 所有这些都进一步降低水的质量,从而来源数量的优质水, further exacerbating the quantity of usable waters. 进一步加

9、剧了水的可用数量。 Already many regions of the world 在世界许多地区已 withdraw more water than is locally renewable, either through inter-basin transfers or 收回更多的水比本地可再生或,或者通过跨流域转让 unsustainable groundwater mining (Fig. 1). 不可持续的地下水开采(图1)。 As global population is expected to increase 由于全球人口预计将增加 from six billion to

10、ten billion people over the next 50 some years, demand on scarce water 从60亿增加到10亿人在未来50多年的,稀缺的水资源的需求 resources will increase further (CAP-Net 2003). 资源将进一步增加(上限网2003年)。 1 一 This paper was prepared for the Africa Regional Workshop on IWRM, Nairobi, Oct. 29-Nov. 本文是11月编写的非洲水资源综合管理的区域讲习班,内罗毕10月29。 2006

11、, under 2006年,根据 GEFs International Waters Learn Program. 全球环境基金的国际水域的学习计划。 2 2 Mei Xie, senior water resources management specialist, World Bank Institute (WBI). 谢梅,高级水资源管理专家,世界银行学院(世界银行学院)。 Special thanks go 特别感谢 to the contribution of Nadav Tanners for the collection and review of literature at W

12、BI, Aug. 2006. 对文学的贡献Nadav塔纳斯的收集和审查在世界银行学院,2006年8月。 Page 2 2页 2 2 Competition for scarce water resources already is a source of conflict in many areas. 资源稀缺的水资源比赛已经是一个地区的冲突在许多来源。 Potential exists for these conflicts to escalate as water scarcity increases. 存在潜在的缺水问题增加了这些冲突升级为。 Conflicts exist 存在冲突 b

13、etween competing sectors that depend on the same water body/river basins. 行业之间的竞争是在同一流域取决于水体/河流。 Rivers and 河流与 lakes that cross international boundaries have potential for conflict, as countries can limit 湖泊跨越国际边界冲突有潜力的,因为国家可以限制 other countries access to the water resource through over-extraction o

14、r pollution. 国家的其他获得通过水资源过度开采和污染。 According to UNWWDR1 2003, 263 river basins are shared by two or more nations, 据UNWWDR1 2003年,263流域是两个或两个以上的国家, indicating that international competition for shared water bodies could be a series source of 这表明共享的水资源国际竞争机构可能是一个系列的来源 international conflict in the futu

15、re. 在未来的国际冲突。 Conflict also exists among various water use sectors and 冲突还存在着各用水部门和 societies between urban and rural water users, between hydropower demand and 社会,城市和农村之间的水用户之间的需求和水电 agriculture user, between upstream and downstream areas. 农业用户,上游和下游之间的地区。 Moreover, most of current water 此外,目前大部分水

16、management systems undervalue environmental water needs. 管理系统低估环境的用水需求。 When vital ecosystem 当重要的生态系统 services do not receive the water allocations they need to function, they would impact the 服务没有得到他们所需要的水资源分配的功能,它们将影响 communities that depend on them. 他们对社区的依赖。 Source: UN WWDR2 2006 资料来源:联合国2006年WW

17、DR2 The vast majority of future population growth will occur in developing countries, 绝大多数的人口增长未来将发生在发展中国家, many of which already suffer water scarcity problems and lack the infrastructure and 其中许多已经受到水资源短缺的问题,缺乏基础设施和 institutions needed to provide water services and manage water conflicts effective

18、ly. 机构需要提供供水服务和有效管理水资源的冲突。 Almost all current and projected countries with less than 2000 m 国家不到2000米,几乎所有目前和预计的 3 3 annual per capita 年人均 freshwater availability are located in Africa, the Middle East, and South-east Asia (Figure 2). 淡水供应是位于非洲,中东和东南亚(图2)。 Half of the population of the developing wo

19、rld is exposed to polluted sources of water 世界一半人口的发展是受到污染的水来源 (CAP-Net 2003), a situation caused by a combination of inadequate water supply and (第网2003年),供应和水的情况不足造成的组合 sanitation infrastructure, poor management of utilities, and lack of regulation protecting 卫生基础设施,公用设施管理不善,缺乏调控和保护 water sources

20、from pollution. 从污染的水源。 Despite focused efforts to improve access to sanitation and 尽管集中精力,努力改善卫生设施和 water supply as part of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), half of the developing 供水作为发展的一部分,千年发展目标(MDG)的是,半数 world still lacks access to basic sanitation, and 20% of the developing world lacks

21、access to 世界上仍然缺乏基本的卫生设施,20的世界发展中国家无法获得 improved sources of water supply (MDG Report 2006). 2006)改善供水来源(千年发展目标报告。 UN WWDR1 (2003) indicates that 联合国WWDR1(2003)指出, 6,000 people, mostly children under the age of five, die every day from water-related 6000人,其中多数是儿童5岁以下的,每天死于与水有关的 diseases. 疾病。 Extreme

22、drought and flood events, which occur naturally but can be exacerbated 极端干旱和洪水事件,这自然会出现,但可以加剧 Figure 1. 图1。 Page 3 第3页 3 3 by land mismanagement or climate change, are also serious problems in developing 由土地管理不善或气候变化,在发展中也存在严重问题 countries. 国家。 Figure 2 Global Water Scarcity 图2全球水资源短缺 Source: Fischer

23、 and Heilig 1997 资料来源:1997年菲舍尔和海利格 2. 2。 Failure of Existing Water Management Approaches 失效现有水管理办法 Current and past approaches of water resources management (WRM) have proven 管理(WRM)当前和过去的做法已经证明水资源 inadequate for the global water challenges. 全球水资源不足的挑战。 These approaches are mostly sectoral managemen

24、t, 这些方法大多是部门管理, where each sector (domestic use, agriculture, industry, environmental protection, etc.) has been 每个部门(国内使用,农业,工业,环保等)已 managed separately, with limited coordination between sectors. 单独管理,与各部门之间协调有限。 These approach lead to 这些做法导致 fragmented and uncoordinated development of water resou

25、rces. 分散和不协调资源开发的水。 Water is by nature a flowing 水是流动的性质1 resource, which crosses sector boundaries. 资源,其中跨越部门界限。 Many uses of water have spillover effects on other 一水多用的溢出效应对其他 uses, and water development projects have unintended social and environmental consequences. 用途,以及水资源开发项目产生意想不到的社会和环境后果。 Th

26、is is especially true for river basins where upstream water and land practices impact directly 这是尤其如此河流域上游的地方水和土地的做法直接影响 the quantity and quality of water in downstream areas. 水的数量和质量在下游地区。 As water becomes more scarce, it is 由于水变得更加稀缺,这是 becoming increasingly inefficient to manage water without rec

27、ognizing the interdependencies 越来越相互依存用水效率低下,管理不承认 between agencies, jurisdictions, sectors and geographical areas. 各机构之间,地区,部门和地理区域。 Top-down approaches have dominated the traditional approaches to WRD, with many 自上而下的方法有办法的WRD为主的传统,许多 central governments directing development of water supplies, pr

28、ovision of water services, and 中央政府指导发展的水供应,服务提供水, regulation of water uses. 调节用水。 This approach has had questionable effectiveness. 这种做法的有效性值得商榷了。 Central 中央 governments have emphasized supply augmentation over demand management, leading to 政府一直强调需求管理供应增强了,从而导致 inefficient development projects. 低效率

29、的发展项目。 Subsidies have encouraged wasteful use of water, and 补贴鼓励浪费用水,和 restrictions on water transfers have prevented water from being allocated to the most beneficial 转让的限制对水有利于防止水被分配到最 use. 使用。 In many cases, such services would have been more effectively provided by local 在许多情况下,这种服务将是更有效地提供当地 go

30、vernments, user groups, or the private sector. 政府,用户组或私营部门。 Supply management is dominating the past and current water management. 供应管理是主宰过去和目前的水管理。 Without 没有 demand management, supply management alone has caused negative externalities, making the 需求管理,供应管理就有造成负面外部性,使 opportunity cost of water to r

31、ise to unsustainable levels. 水的机会成本上升到难以承受的水平。 As demand for scarce water resources 由于资源稀缺的水资源的需求 increases, new sources of water need to be obtained, often at greater cost than previous sources, 增加,新的水源需要获得更多的资源成本往往比以前, and with greater potential ecological and social consequences. 并具有较大潜力的生态和社会后果。

32、 Water service providers, 水服务提供商, particularly in developing countries, struggle with financial sustainability, as inefficient 特别是在发展中国家,可持续发展与金融斗争,效率低下 Page 4 第4页 4 4 operations and low quality of service create a vicious cycle where dissatisfied users refuse to pay 业务及服务质量低下的恶性循环在那里建立一个表示不满的用户拒绝支付

33、 water tariffs, limiting the service providers ability to maintain infrastructure effectively and 水费,限制了服务提供商的能力,有效地维护基础设施和 causing service quality to decline. 导致服务质量下降。 Poor service quality in turn exacerbates poor productivity of 贫困反过来又加剧了服务质量差生产力 water, and leads to the depletion of aquifers and

34、pollution of water bodies. 水,导致身体消耗和污染的含水层的水。 Artificially low water 人工低水 prices fail to encourage conservation and efficiency, and allow wasteful practices and inefficient 价格不鼓励节能和提高效率,并允许浪费和低效率的做法 operations to continue. 行动继续下去。 The current water issue is often more a crisis of governance than a c

35、risis of physical 目前水的问题,往往更多的是身体危机的治理危机的比 scarcity, as scarce water resources are allocated inefficiently, unregulated pollution compromises 稀缺性,作为稀缺的水资源的分配缺乏效率,无管制污染妥协 water quality, weak water service providers fail to serve the public, and social and environmental 水质,供水服务提供者不弱,服务公众,社会和环境 concern

36、s are left unaddressed. 关注置之不理。 Without a significant shift in the way water resources are 一个重要的资源的方式转变之水,无 managed and water services are provided, the current water crisis will only worsen. 管理和提供供水服务,目前的水危机,只会恶化。 Given the 鉴于 above shortcomings with traditional WRM approaches, Integrated Water Res

37、ources Management 上述方法的缺点与传统WRM综合水资源管理 (IWRM) has emerged as a means of addressing the global water problems and working toward a (水资源综合管理)已成为一种手段,解决全球水问题的走向和工作 sustainable future for water management. 水资源管理可持续发展的未来。 3. 3。 IWRM Overview Basic Definition 水资源综合管理概述-基本定义 Defined by the Global Water Par

38、tnership (GWP) GWP值定义由全球水事伙伴关系() 3 3 , Integrated Water Resources ,水资源综合 Management (or IWRM) is “ a process that promotes the coordinated development and 管理(或水资源综合管理)是“ 一个进程,促进协调发展, management of water, land and related resources, in order to maximize the resultant economic 管理水,土地及相关资源,以最大限度地所造成的经济

39、 and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital 社会福利和公平的方式在不损害重要的可持续性 ecosystems .” 生态系统 。“ A more functional definition is used by the United States Agency for International 一个功能更强大的定义是利用美国对国际机构 Development (USAID): 开发署(USAID): “IWRM is a participatory pl

40、anning and implementation process , based on “水资源综合管理是一个参与性的规划和实施过程中 ,基于 sound science , which brings together stakeholders to determine how to meet societys long-term needs 健全的科学 ,它汇集了利益相关者 ,以确定如何满足社会的长远需要 for water and coastal resources while maintaining essential ecological services and economic

41、benefits.” 对水资源和海岸资源,而维持基本的生态服务和经济利益。“ The above reference continues to say that “ 上述提及继续说“ IWRM helps to protect the worlds environment, 水资源综合管理有助于保护世界的环境, foster economic growth and sustainable agricultural development, promote democratic participation in 促进经济增长和可持续农业发展,促进民主参与 governance, and impr

42、ove human health 治理和改善人类健康 .” “。 From these definitions, a few key elements (note the bold key words) can be distilled: 从这些定义中,一些元素(主要注意大胆关键词)可提炼: - IWRM is a coordinated process that brings together stakeholders . -水资源综合管理是一个 协调的过程, 汇集了有关人士 。 - It focuses on both economic and social welfare and equ

43、ity as well as protecting -它集中 社会福利和权益 ,以及对经济 和保护 ecosystems . 生态系统 。 - It uses scientific data /tools to provide sound base for judgment. -它使用 科学数据 /工具,为判断坚实的基础。 - It emphasizes proper governance involving democratic participation . -它强调 妥善的管治涉及民主参与 。 It is important to note that IWRM is a process

44、, not a product, and that it serves as a tool 重要的是要注意,水资源综合管理是一个 过程 ,而不是一个产品,它作为一个工具 for assessment and program evaluation. 评估和方案评价。 IWRM does not provide a specific blueprint for a given 水资源综合管理并没有提供一个具体的蓝图给定的 water management problem but rather is a broad set of principles, tools, and guidelines,

45、which 水管理问题,而是一个,工具一套广泛的原则和准则,这 must be tailored to the specific context of the country or region or a river basin. 必须针对流域的具体范围内的国家或地区或一个。 3 3 an international organization dedicated to promoting sustainable management of water resources. 一个国际组织,致力于促进水资源的可持续管理。 Page 5 第5页 5 5 4. 4。 The Dublin Princi

46、ples 都柏林原则 At the International Conference on Water and the Environment (ICWE), held in Dublin, 在国际水与环境会议(ICWE),都柏林举行, Ireland in 1992, over 500 participants representing 100 countries and 80 international and non- 爱尔兰于1992年,500多名与会者,代表100个国家和80个国际组织和非 governmental organizations, the following princ

47、iples were recommended to guide global water 政府组织,下列指导原则,建议全球水 management and development efforts: 管理和发展工作: Principle 1 “Ecological” : Fresh water is a finite and vulnerable resource, essential to 原则1“生态:”:淡水是一种有限的和脆弱的资源,必须 sustain life, development and the environment. 维持生命,发展和环境。 Principle 2 “Inst

48、itutional” : Water development and management should be based on a 第2原则“制度”:水资源开发和管理应建立在 participatory approach, involving users, planners and policy-makers at all 参与式方法,包括用户,规划者和决策者都 levels. 水平。 Principle 3 “ Gender ”: Women play a central part in the provision, management, and 第3原则 “ 性别 ”: 妇女发挥管理,

49、以及中央部分的规定, safeguarding of water. 维护水。 Principle 4 “Instrument” : Water has an economic value in all its competing uses and 原则4“文书”:水有竞争性用途的经济价值,并在其所有 should be recognized as an economic good. 应被视为是经济财富。 Later that same year, the Dublin principles were incorporated into the Agenda 21 同年晚些时候,都柏林原则被纳入

50、21世纪议程 recommendations put forth at the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) 建议提出在(联合国环发会议关于环境与发展) in Rio de Janeiro. 在里约热内卢。 Since then, these principles have strongly influenced the development of 自那时以来,这些原则已强烈地影响了发展 IWRM. 水资源综合管理。 The four principles are discussed below, together

51、with how they guide general IWRM 这四个原则是下面讨论,连同它们如何引导一般水资源综合管理 approaches: 方法: Principle 1 - “Ecological”: It calls for a holistic approach to WRM, “linking social and 原则1 - “生态”:它要求以整体的方式WRM,“连接社会和 economic development with protection of natural systems” (ICWE 1992). 经济发展与保护系统的天然“(ICWE 1992年)。 Recog

52、nizing the 认识到 catchment area or river basin as the most appropriate unit for WRM, Principle 1 calls for 集水区或河川流域作为WRM 1,原则是最合适的单位要求 coordination across the range of human activities that use and affect water in a given river basin. 协调整个流域范围内河流给予人类活动影响水的用途和研究。 IWRM approaches incorporate this princi

53、ple into its emphasis on integration between all 水资源综合管理办法纳入重点之间的所有这些原则纳入其一体化 concerned water sectors. 水务部门有关。 Principle 2 “Institutional”: This participatory approach is to raise awareness of water 第2原则“制度”:这是参与式方法,以提高水意识的 issues among policy-makers and the general public. 问题的政策制定者和一般公众。 It emphasi

54、zes subsidiarity - management 它强调 辅助 -管理 decisions should be taken at the lowest appropriate level, with central government retaining 决定应采取适当的最低一级政府,中央保留 regulatory and support roles. 管理和支持作用。 It advocates increased accountability of management institutions 它主张增加机构的问责性管理 and full consultation and in

55、volvement of users in the planning and implementation of water 水和充分的协商和参与的用户在实施规划和 projects. 项目。 The capacity of certain disadvantaged groups may need to be enhanced through 在某些弱势群体的能力,可能需要得到加强 training and targeted pro-poor development policies for full participation. 训练和有针对性的扶贫开发政策的充分参与。 IWRM appl

56、ies this 水资源综合管理适用本 principle through its concepts of decentralization and participation, discussed below. 下面讨论原则通过的权力下放的概念,和参与。 Principle 3 “Gender”: 第3原则“性别”: The approach emphasizes the important synergy that exists 这种方法强调的重要存在协同作用 between gender equity and sustainable water management. 两性之间的平等和可

57、持续水管理。 Worldwide, women play a key role 在世界范围内,妇女发挥了关键作用 in the collection of water for domestic and often agricultural use, but in many societies, 在水中收集国内-而且往往农业-使用,但在许多社会中, women are excluded from water management decisions. 妇女被排除在水资源管理决策。 IWRM includes an emphasis on 水资源综合管理包括强调 empowering women

58、in its focus on participatory management and capacity building. 增强妇女能力建设,并在其重点是参与性管理。 Page 6 第6页 6 6 Principle 4 “Economic”: 原则4“经济”: Known as the “instrument principle”, the approach 被称为“工具”的原则,方法 emphasizes the importance of economic tools in helping achieve efficient and equitable use of 强调经济手段的重

59、要性,帮助在实现高效率和公平的使用 water resources. 水资源。 The human right to access clean water and sanitation at affordable prices must 人类的权利,负担得起的价格获得卫生清洁水,必须 be recognized, but the scarcity of water demands that economic perspectives should not be 必须承认,但水的需求匮乏,经济前景不应该 ignored. 被忽略。 In conditions where water is esp

60、ecially limiting, where supply augmentation is not a 在条件限制,尤其是在水,其中供应隆乳不是 feasible option, economic tools should play a larger role in determining how limited water 可行的选择,经济手段应该如何有限的水资源发挥更大的作用在决定 resources should be distributed efficiently and equitably. 资源分配效率和公平。 Managing water as an economic good


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