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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、What do you think of the lecture of the US president Donald Trump? I think its _, but someone thinks its much too_.Awonderful enough;

2、 boredBwonderful enough; boringCenough wonderful; boredDenough wonderful; boring2、What subject do you choose for your school_/ prdekt/?AprivateBprimaryCprojectDpurpose3、Waste paper shouldnt _ everywhere. Its our duty to keep our city clean.AthrowBbe thrownCis thrownDare thrown4、一Already five people

3、in the taxi, but the driver managed to take me as well.一Terrible, and it be an uncomfortable journey.Acan Bshould Cmust Dneed5、_weather it is! We cant go boating today.AWhat good BWhat terrible CHow terrible6、 popular the Tik Tok (抖音) is!Yes, more and more people in China are using it.AHowBWhatCWhat

4、 aDWhat an7、She is not good at math she never gives it up.AorBsoCbutDand8、Zhu Ting, one of volleyball players in China, has already led China to many victories and has been awarded many MVPs in the volleyball matches.AexcellentBmore excellentCmost excellentDthe most excellent9、I cant _ you the moon,

5、 but Ill do the best job I can.ApreferBmanageCvisitDpromise10、 Its reported that the plastic pollution is harming the ocean. I saw the report in the newspaper at breakfast. It will be worse _ stronger laws are made.AsinceBafterCuntilDunless. 完形填空11、In our life, it seems difficult to be polite to oth

6、er people all the time. Many people become 1 to other people very easily. Here are three pieces of 2 to help you be a polite person.You should say hello to other people with a smile, 3 it may be the first time you have met them. Nobody will feel strange or uncomfortable if 4 smile at someone when yo

7、u first meet them. A sweet smile is the best way to show your kindness and start a conversation. Whenever you need help 5 someone, say “please” before asking him or her. If someone has helped you, dont 6 to say “Thank you” in return. If you have done something wrong, be sure to say “Sorry”. Other pe

8、ople would be glad to help you in the future and these simple 7 will show how polite you are.In some situations, you may not 8 on someones opinions, If you disagree on what someone says, its best to be calm and polite. 9 the words carefully , and try to understand what the person is saying. If he be

9、comes rude, keep quiet for a moment. When he calms down, tell him your idea more 10 . Lets be a polite person!1Ayoung Bold Crude2Aadvice Bnews Csuggestion3Aif Bthough Cuntil4Ayou Byourself Cyour5Aoff Babout Cfrom6Aforget Bremember Crequire7Atexts Bnotes Cwords8Acheck Bagree Cchange9ALook for BListen

10、 to CSee10Aquick Bsadly Cpolitely. 语法填空12、Just like football, basketball is one of the 1(popular) sports in the world.The game of the basketball2(go) a long way since its first game on December 21, 1891. At the beginning the game wasnt played very 3(wide ),because students played 4 game inside when

11、the weather outside became too cold for sports. Now basketball 5(play) in many different countries around the world. Fans of basketball love playing the games in all seasons-spring, summer, fall, winter. 阅读理解A13、It was hard being the younger of two sisters. I got all the hand-me-downs (旧衣服). I never

12、 got to do anything first and my teachers always said, “Oh, youre Jennys little sister.” “No, I am Lauren!” I never liked being the younger. Jenny and I got along with a few fights here and there.Then a few years ago, Jenny and I were in a car accident. She was okay, but I had a large scar (伤疤) on m

13、y face. I was very sad. Jenny told me I shouldnt worry about the scar.One day we were riding home from school on the bus. A boy named Jordan made fun of me about my scar. This went on for about a month. Finally I broke down and told Jenny about him. She was angry.When Jordan made fun of me the next

14、time, Jenny stood up, walked to where he was sitting and said something into his ear. I didnt know exactly what she said, but Jordan never said a single word to me again.So, even though getting all of the hand-me-downs might not be the best, I was very happy to have a big sister like Jenny.When anyo

15、ne asks now, I will tell them, “Yes, Im Jennys little sister.”根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。1Why did Lauren hate being the younger of the two sisters?ABecause she could do nothing first.BBecause Jenny often beat her.CBecause Jenny always made fun of her.DBecause Jenny always made her busy.2Lauren had a

16、large scar on her face because of .Aa fight with her sisterBa car accidentCa fight with a boyDa bus accident3. On the bus, Jordan often .Amade fun of Lauren Bhelped LaurenCmade fun of Jenny Dhelped Jenny4When Lauren says, “Yes, Im Jennys little sister”, she is very .Aangry BsadCupset Dproud5Whats th

17、e best title for the passage?ALaurens sister BLauren and JennyCMy sister and I DIm Jennys sisterB14、 Are you still doing the V for victory sign? Its out. The latest popular hand gesture (手势) is to curl (卷曲) both of your hands and put them together to make a heart shape.Known as “Hand heart”, many yo

18、ung stars in the US including Justin Bieber, Blake Lively and Taylor Swift have done the gesture in recent photos.“The heart hand gesture means something between I love you and thank you,” said the country singer Taylor Swift. Its a sweet, easy message which you can send without saying a word.Taylor

19、 Swift often puts her hands above her head in the heart shape at her concerts. And she as believed to be the first to make the gesture popular. Last month during a charity show, Justin Bieber and his superstar friends did the hand heart and put the photo online. They did it to help three kids whose

20、parents were killed in a car accident. The gesture became more popular after that.“It used to take longer for nonverbal (不用语言的) culture to move. But now, with smart phones and the Internet, its much faster,” said Patti Wood, an American language expert (专家).In our neigkbor country - South Korea, the

21、 hand heart has been popular for a long time. In a different way, people there like making a “bigger heart” by putting their hands above their heads and making a heart shape with their arms. It means “I love you”.1What is the meaning of doing the V gesture?AWeve won.BGood luck.CBest wishes.DThat is

22、OK.2Among the young stars, _ is the first to make the hand heart gesture popular.AJustin BieberBBlake LivelyCTaylor SwiftDPatti Wood3A charity show is a show that is put on to _.Amake a gesture popularBhelp people in needCexpress your love or thanksDshow your special gesture4From the passage we can

23、learn that _.Athe V gesture is not popular nowBthe hand heart gesture only means-I love youCit takes longer for nonverbal culture to move nowDpeople in South Korea dont like the gesture5The best title of this passage may be _.AThe Heart GestureBA Strange GestureCNonverbal cultureDSmart phonesC15、My

24、kids and I were heading into the supermarket over the weekend. On the way, we saw a man holding a piece of paper that said, “Lost my job. Family to feed.”At this store, a scene like this is not normal. My 10-year-old son noticed him and made a comment(评论) on how bad it must be to have to stand outsi

25、de in the cold wind.In the store, I asked each of my kids to pick something they thought our “friend” there would like. They got apples, a sandwich and a bottle of juice. Then my 17-year-old son suggested giving him a gift card. I thought about it. We didnt have much money ourselves, but well, somet

26、imes giving from our need instead of our abundance(充裕) is just what we need to do! All the kids declared(宣称) something they could do away with for the week.When we handed him the bag of food, he lit up and thanked us with wet eyes. When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for whatever

27、 his family might need, his eyes were filled with tears.This has been a wonderful experience for our family. For days the kids have been looking for others we can help! Things would have played out so differently if I had simply said, “No, we really dont have money to give more.” Stepping out not on

28、ly helped a brother in need, it also gave my kids the sweet taste of helping others. Itll go a long way with them.1What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 mean?Agiving him some food Bgiving from our needCgiving him a postcard Dgiving from our abundance2Which is the right order of what happ

29、ened in the story?a. The man was thankful with tears.b. Each child picked some food for the man in the store.c. A poor man lost his job and asked people for help.d. All kids did away with something and gave him a gift card.e. They saw the poor man outside the supermarket and took pity on him.Ac-e-d-

30、b-a Bc-e-b-d-a Ce-c-d-b-a De-c-b-d-a3What can we infer(推测) from the last paragraph?AThey will try their best to help more people in the future.BThey wont help more people because they cant afford to do so.CThey had helped many people before offering this poor man help.DIf mother had said NO, the kid

31、s would have helped in a different wayD16、Thousands of people have been killed in a massive(大规模的) earthquake in Japan. The quake - the most powerful to hit Japan in more than 100 years - caused massive_and many people are missing and feared dead.The 8.9 magnitude quake struck Friday(March 11) off Ja

32、pans eastern coast, and prompted(引发) tsunami warnings(海啸警报)across the Pacific as far away as South America and the U.S. West Coast. Several days after a 8.9-magnitude earthquake and resulting 10-meter-high tsunami devastated the coastline. The United States Geological Survey says it was the fifth la

33、rgest earthquake since 1900. The largest, with a 9.5 magnitude, shook Chile(智利) in 1960.In Japan, the tsunami swept away boats, cars and hundreds of houses in coastal areas north of Tokyo. The quake shook buildings in the Japanese capital and caused several fires. All train and subway traffic in Tok

34、yo has been stopped, and thousands of people there were unable to get back home. People are just trying to find clean water. Food supplies are running out. In the convenience stores, there are no rice balls left. There is no bottled water left. People are facing a really serious situation in the day

35、s ahead for these people that are living in areas that were only moderately(普通的) damaged. The final death toll could range from the thousands to tens of thousands, depending on how many of these communities are gone.Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the government would do everything it can to

36、minimize(使降到最低) the effects of the disaster. And in Washington, President Obama said the United States is ready to help the people of Japan.1The underline word damage means_ in the article.Aillness Bdisaster Cterror Ddanger2Which is true according to the passage?AThousands of people have been killed

37、 in a massive earthquake in Japan.BOnly people in areas that were only moderately damaged are facing a really serious situation in the days.CThe tsunami devastatednot only the coastline in Japan, but also the areas across the Pacific as far away as South America and the U.S. West Coast.DThe massive

38、earthquake caused the tsunami.3According to the passage, which earthquake is the largest one since 1990 ?Athe one happened in Japan on March 11, 2011Bthe one in Chile in 1960Cthe fifth largest earthquake since 1900DWe dont know.4If youre in Tokyo these days, what you cant get from the convenience st

39、ore?Anewspapers and magazinesBsome medicineCpaper napkins and toothpastesDrice balls and bottled water5The passage cant be in/on _.AMarch 10th newspapers BTV CInternet DRadiosE17、 2018 is the Year of the Dog. Although dogs are seen as friends and part of the family today, China and Western countries

40、 have different cultural beliefs about dogs.In Chinese, some words about dogs have derogatory meaning, such as “Lead a dogs life.” In English, however, the situation is different. People use “every dog has his day” to describe a period of good luck, “work like a dog” to describe a hard worker and “a

41、 gay dog” to describe a happy person.The dog-human relationship goes right back to the beginnings of Western civilization. Perhaps the most moving example is from the 8th century BC, in Greek poet Homers The Odyssey. When Greek hero Odysseus finally returns home after 20 years away at war, no one bu

42、t his dog Argos recognizes him. The Argos is an old, sick dog, and is about to die; but he is overjoyed to see his owner again after so many years. In fact, people were close to dogs in away they werent close to cows, pigs or even horses. Farmers worked closely with dogs. But even after science came

43、 to agriculture and dogs lost their traditional roles, the relationship between men and dogs remained.Nowadays in the West, millions of people keep dogs as pets. They are at the heart of family life. People feed them, take them on holidays and look after them. In return, dogs are loyal in a way that

44、 friends sometimes arent. This loyalty is the origin of the English saying, “A dog is mans best friend.”1Which may be a saying about dogs in China?AA gay dog.BLead a dogs life.CWork like a dog.DEvery dog has its day.2The story of Odysseus and his dog is moving because .Athe dog will die in two years

45、Bhe is overjoyed to see his dog againConly the dog recognizes him after the warDhe returns home after twenty years away at war3What happened to dogs after science came to agriculture?AFarmers worked closely with dogs.BThey still kept their traditional roles.CPeople preferred pigs and horses to dogs.

46、DMen and dogs remained in good relationship.4What can we know from the passage?AAll people keep dogs as pets in western countries.BIn fact, dogs may be more loyal than some friends.CArgos was a great Greek hero in the 8th century BCDChina and England have the same beliefs about dogs.F18、Do you want

47、to control equipments with your mind? Do you want to power your home with the energy of your own activities? These are two of the developments that engineers at International Business Machines Company (IBM) think will come true within the next five years. The technology company has announced its lat

48、est “5 in 5” report.The engineers at IBM think people will soon be able to control many electronic equipments simply by using their minds. They say people will soon have a way to just think about calling or emailing someone in order to make it happen.Another thing that will happen is a way for peopl

49、e to power their homes and offices using energy from activities like walking or running. Bemie Meyerson, IBMS President, says this is known as micro-electronic times.Also, passwords could soon become a thing of the past. IBM says technology developments could soon make passwords unnecessary. Some of

50、 the most common ways used to tell people are fingerprints, face and voice differences, and iris scans. The iris is the colored part of the eye. Bemie Meyerson says this technology will soon be more widely used by money machines and other designs.The fourth possibility on IBMs “5 in 5” list is an en

51、d to the digital designs “between those who have technology and those who do not”.1According to Paragraph 2, you can control an electronic equipments by .Awriting an English email to it Bgiving it a telephone callCthinking about your thoughts Dordering it in your voice2We know if micro-electronic times come true, people .Awill need to run


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