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六年级下册英语素材-小升初语法(一)代词关 全国通用_第5页
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1、Grammar代词关(Noun)知识大纲序号 单 数 复 数一 二 三 一 二 三1人称代词主格 Iyouhesheitwe youthey宾格me you him her it us you them2物主代词形容词性my your his her its our yourtheir名词性mineyours his hers its oursyours theirs3反身代词myselfyourselfhimselfherselfitselfourselvesyourselvesthemselves4指示代词 this, that these, those5不定代词指代人somebody,

2、someone, anybody, anyone, nobody, no one, everybody, everyone事物something, anything, everything, nothing指代人或物one, another, each, every, much, either, neither little, a littleones, others, the others, both, few, a few, many, severalsome, any, no, all, other, the other, none, a lot (of) such6相互代词each o

3、ther, one another, each others, one anothers7疑问代词who, whom, whose, which/what, what/who8关系代词who, whom, whose, which, that, as衔接阶段难点1. 常见的反身代词短语by oneself 独自地,单独地enjoy oneself 过得愉快,玩得高兴help oneself (to+n. /pron. ) 请随便吃用take care of oneself 照顾好自己teach oneself=leam by oneself 自学易混淆的不定代词some一些(肯定句)any一些

4、;任何(否定句或一般疑问句)each(两者或两者以上)每个,各自的every(三者或三者以上)每个both两者都 all三者及三者以上都either(两者)任一的neither两者都不no one没有人(只能指人,后不可接of 短语)none无人,无物(可指人或物,后可接of 短语)few几乎没有(否定,后接可数名词)little几乎没有(否定,后接不可数名词)A few 有几个(肯定,后接可数名词)A little有一点(肯定,后接不可数名词) other其他another另一个;再一个3. 常考结构:复合不定代词形容词复合不定代词 前缀后缀 -one -body -thingsome-肯定

5、someonesomebodysomethingany-否定/疑问anyoneanybodyanythingevery-肯定everyoneeverybodyeverythingno-否定no onenobodynothing常考结构:复合不定代词形容词。例如 something important (某些重要的事情),anyone else (其他人)。4、对比区分some/something&any/anything:some 和 something: 一般用于肯定句;或用于表示建议或请求的疑问句中;any和 anything: 一般用于否定句;或用于肯定句中,表示“任何”。2 the o

6、ther&another the other是指两个人或两个事物中的“另一个”;another 是指不确定数目的“另一个”; 泛指 特指单数 other the other复数 others the others常考结构:one. . .the other. . . (在两样事物中任选一样时) one. . .other. . . 或one. . .another. . . (在三样或三样以上任选一样时) few,a few&little, a little 指代或修饰可数名词 修饰不可数名词肯定意义a few一些 a little 有一点,一些否定意义 few 几乎没有 little 几乎没

7、有温馨提示常考点1: 常考结构:不定代词形客词1. Please be quiet.I have _ to tell you. A.important something B.nothing important C.important anything D.something important 【提示1】: 常考结构:不定代词形容词,故首先排除AC选项。nothing表否定,something 表肯定。故选D.常考点2: 反身代词的常用短语2. Well done,sons! You should be proud of_!A.yourselves B.yourself C.himself

8、D.herself 【提示2】: 短语:be proud of oneself, 题中主语 sons 是复数,故反身代词yourself 也要对应转换为复数形式。故选A.常考点3: 形客词性物主代词名词性物主代词3. These are _ books. Where are_?A.they;us B.their;ours C.theirs;ours D.them;we【提示3】: 形容词性物主代词(my/your/his/her/its/our/their) +名词,表示是属于谁的东西,而名词性物主代词(mine/yours/his/hers/its/ours/theirs) 则相当于对应的形

9、容词性物主代词名词,其后不必加名词。故选B.名校真题( )1. -Look at this model ship. I made it all by _ last week.Wow,you are so smart! A.me B. I C.mine D. myself ( )2. -The East Lake is not far from the Yellow Crane Town,so you can easily visit _in a day. Wonderful! I cant wait for it.A.none B.both C.all D. either ( ) 3. _ f

10、ather works _ a doctor?A. Whose,for B. Whos,as C. Whose,as D. Whos,for ( ) 4. -Would you like some coffee or tea? - _,some water,please. A. Both B. Neither C. Either D. All( ) 5. -Who helped you sweep the classroom yesterday? - _. I did it all by myself.A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Everybody(

11、 ) 6. -Hurry, Mike! The bus is coming. Wait a moment,please! Let me see if theres _ left. A. anything else B.something important C.nothing else D.any other things ( ) 7. -Did they find _ in the park?No,they found _ there.A.anybody;nobody B.somebody;everybody C.anybody;somebody D.everybody;anybody( )

12、 8. Please be quiet. I have _ to tell you.A. important something B.nothing important C.important anything D.something important( ) 9. Tony can do it by _. He is no longer a child. A.him B.his C.himself D.he ( ) 10. -The ice cream is _ delicious. Yes,but dont eat A.much too;too much B. too much; much

13、 too C.too many;much too D.much too; too many ( ) 11. Look! She is listening to the radio very _. There must be _on the radio. A. carefully;interesting something B. carefully;something interesting C. careful;nothing interesting D. careful;anything interesting ( ) 12. I am sorry. I cant go with you.

14、I have _ homework to do.A.too many B. many too C.too much D.much too ( ) 13. -_this book yours? No,its not _ book. It is _.A. Is;mine;hers B. Is;my;hers C. Are;mine;hers D. Are;my;her ( ) 14. Derrick is_ to go to travel by _.A. old enough;himself B.big enough;him C.enough big;himself D. enough old;h

15、im ( )15. -Who do you like better in Zootopia, Judy or Nick? _. I like Flash.A. None B. All C. Either D. Neither ( ) 16. -Would you like to try _? No, I prefer to have a rest.A.delicious something B. anything delicious C.something delicious D.delicious anything ( ) 17. The man has _ friends in the c

16、ity,so he always feels lonely.A.few B.a few C.little D.a little ( ) 18. It was so _ that Lily couldnt find the way home by _.A.dark;her B.dark;herself C.bright;her D.bright;herself( )19. Jim asks Miranda and Kerr to watch a film, but _of them has time. Therefore,he goes to the cinema alone. A.neithe

17、r B.either C.all D.both ( )20. Kitty is my cousin. She always helps _ with _ homework.me, my B.me;me C.my;me D. me;mine ( ) 21. These are _ books. Where are _?A.they;us B.their;ours C.theirs;ours D. them; we ( ) 22. -Would you like _ bread? Oh, yes,just_.A.some;a little B.any;a few C.some;few D.any;

18、little ( ) 23. You shouldnt eat _ ice cream. Its bad for your health.A.too many B.too much C. many too D. much too( ) 24. -Whose book is this? Does it belong to you? lt _be_. I never buy this book.A.must;mine B.cant;mine C.must;me D.cant;me ( ) 25. Tony really enjoyed _ during_ holiday. A.himself;his B.him;hes C.him;his D.himself;hes ( ) 26. There are two books on the desk. The red one belongs to me. _one is _.A. Another;she B. The other;her C. Another;he


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