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1、8B Unit 7导学案Welcome to the unit【背景知识】“慈善机构(International charities )是指从事慈善事业的非营利性组织。世界五大国 际慈善机构简介:ORBIS (奥比斯基金会):奥比斯的理想是将世界上所有可避免的失明完全消灭。奥 比斯对全人类提供高品质的眼科护理与治疗,特别是针对全世界超过1亿8千万的盲胞、视觉受损者及失明的高危险群。目前有80%左右的失明是可以避免的,大约有数百万的失明是可以藉著高科技的医疗方法被治愈的。Oxfam :(乐施会):国际乐施会由十三个独立自主的非官方组成的救援机构,跨越种 族、性别、宗教和政治的界限,与政府部门,社

2、会各界及贫穷人群合作,一起努力解决贫穷 问题,并让贫穷人群得到尊重和关怀。为消除贫穷、不公平现象而努力。“助人自助,对抗贫穷”是乐施会的宗旨和目标。UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会):联合国儿童基金会主要着眼于拯救儿童生命,并使他们成为对社会有益的成员。坚持不懈地追求实现儿童的权利将为我们创造一个更加平等的社 会,并使我们的人口更健康、更具有创造力。World Vision (世界宣明会):世界宣明会是一个国际救援及发展机构,旨在为贫穷 的儿童、家庭及小区带来长远的改变,援助不分宗教、种族或性别。World Wide Fund for Nature (世界自然基金会 WWWF ): WWF的使命

3、是遏止地球 自然环境的恶化,创造人类与自然和谐相处的美好未来。ORBIS (奥比斯基金会) 80% of the world blindness is avoidable , work to reduce preventable blindness in many countries. It is dedicated to the saving of sight and the delivery of training of doctors and nurses.Oxfam (乐施会) work to eliminate poverty and injustice in many countr

4、ies.UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会 )United Nations Children s Fund, work to ensure thatbasic nutrition, health and educational needs of children are met.World Vision (世界宣明会)funds development projects in poor areas around theworld.World Wide Fund for Nature (世界自然基金会 WWWF ) work to conserve the environment and anima

5、l habitats. It used to be known as World Wildlife Fund.some other international charities:Friends of the Earth 地球之友 / Greenpeace 绿色和平组织 /International Rescue Committee 国际救援委员会 /International Youth Foundation 国际青 少年基金会 / Medicines Sans Frontieres 无国界医生组织 / Salvation Army 救世军/ Save the Children/ World

6、 Food Programme 国际粮食救援署 / World Relief 世界救济【自学探究】一.预习P76-P77,翻译下列短语。1.国际慈善机构2 .带某人去饭店.在隔壁4.最重要的.过去常常做某事6.习惯于做某事.有一些剩下的零花钱8.吃一顿大餐二、 Write down the international charities:helps people who are tects the environment and animal s habitats(栖息地). provides fund for development projects in poor are

7、as around the world. helps the poor to get more food, houses, jobs, education and medicine.meets the children三、查找资料,了解更多的慈善机构的名称。1.3.5.Step 6 language pointsused adj.二手的;旧的;用过的used to过去常常(后接动词原形)e.g. I used to go to school on foot, but I go to school by bus now.be / get used to sth./doing sth.对某事物/做

8、某事已适应/习惯e.g. He is used to hard work.I am not used to drinking.s need of nutrition, health and education.2.6.一日三餐之前一般不加冠词。如:Where did you have breakfast this morning?但如果breakfast, lunch, supper或dinner之前有形容词修饰时,常加a/an。如:We had a wonderful dinner last night.“tooto”结构表示“太而不能”,副词后接形容词或副词的原形,其后再接动词不定式。如:

9、She is too young to go to school.“tooto”结构可以转化为sothat”结构,如:He is too short to reach the apple. He is so short that he can t reach the apple.【当堂巩固】一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。Jim has some money (零花钱) ,so he wants to buy a new CD.China is one of the(国际的)countries in the world.He feels so (虚弱)that he can t stand

10、up.We will be good friends(以后).I want to go to London for (更深远) study.二、用所给词的适当形式填空“ Remember(close) the door after schoolour teacher told us.We have a little time(leave). Let s read the English.Are you used to(do) your homework at night?He used to(visit) the Great Wall.三、根据首字母提示,完成下文。Hobo hears tha

11、t Oxfam n money. He wants to donate Eddie s p money toOxfam. But Eddie wants to have lunch f because it s 12 o clock.He isn t used to g out before lunch. He pretends (假装)that he is too w to walk.Finally, Hobo will take him to a new r next to the Oxfam shop.8B unit 7 Grammar【自学探究】一、预习pp83-85,在课本上划出下列

12、词组和句子并翻译。.(过去)经常做某事.谈论.在医院里.失明.吃早饭.给做手术.花时间做某事.在奥比斯飞机上.给治疗眼疾.如以往的收入.更有意义.习惯于.炎热的天气.离家老远.工作时间.不寻常的生活方式.起初.觉得很晕. 一名飞行着的医生.想当. 一名志愿者医生.长大.如此以至于.供得起.医疗眼疾.感激某人.足够的细心.对某人有必要.保持学习.感觉很累【当堂巩固】一、根据句意选择 used to或be used填空My father work in the police station here.His grandparents living in the country.They go ou

13、t with their friends at weekends.I my life now because it s meaningful.She working at weekends.He be blind and living in the darkness in the past.二、根据句意选择 so或such填空He is a foolish boy that he makes the same mistake again and again.The exercise is difficult that we can t work it out by ourselves.Ther

14、e were many people in the street that we could only walk slowly that day.The boy ran fast that he caught up with his classmates very soon.It is an interesting story that the children want to listen to it once more.There was much noise in the ro om that we didn t want to stay in it.三、将下列句子译成英语。他过去上学常

15、常迟到,但现在习惯早起了。妈妈习惯在晚上收拾屋子,可以前她常在周末收拾的。她父母没那么多的钱,她不能立刻住院治疗。雨下得那么大,他们看不清前面的路了。这种工具是用来开瓶子的。史密斯先生现在习惯说汉语了。那个老人习惯了乡村的生活,他不想和他的儿子一起生活在城市里。以前他们经常去那个公园锻炼,那儿的人都认识他们了。Vocabulary自学探究一.预习P82在课本上化出下列词组和句子,并翻译:.奥比斯医生治疗了许多病人。.病人不需要付医疗费。.许多人眼睛失明了。.大部分的失明病例能被治疗或预防。.医生将要给这个病人动手术。.他将要做手术。二. 完成课本 P82 part A. B 练习。三.填空得出

16、规律形容词 /动词:agree illinvent名词: TOC o 1-5 h z 规律: + + + 例 1 2 3 4 5 6 当堂巩固一.根据汉语提示完成下列单词:Do you like watching(广告)on TV?Kate didn t go to school yesterday because of her(生病).UNICEF is an(组织)that works to improve the lives of children.We believe that all children should be able to get a good(教育).Many peo

17、ple are busy getting ready for the( 庆祝).He will perform an( 手术)on the plane.The old woman was famous for her( 热心).The doctor(手术)on the patient in the field.二.用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空:Take the(medical) three times a day, and you ll be OK soon.A good doctor must receive good(educate).I will feel proud if I per

18、form an(operate ) successfully.I want to be an eye doctor because many people suffer from(blind ) in our country.They need good(treat). But they are too poor to pay for it.The poor people thank doctors for their(kind).I believe that more and more people can see again because of the(develop) of scien

19、ce and technology.Im glad to receive Danny s(invite).Project is an(organize) that helps schools and students in poor areas.I think there re too many(advertise ) on TV these days.三.翻译句子:他的母亲因为生病需要手术,所以医生决定下周动手术。她总是看上去很高兴,因为她的内心充满喜悦。那家公司在电视上已登了广告。我看过他们的广告。我昨天受到一封邀请信。是Tom邀请我参加下星期六他的生日派对医生的职业是治疗病人。每个病人都

20、应受到良好治疗8B Unit7 Main task学探究一.预习P89-P90,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译.不在害怕飞行.为奥比斯工作.关心别人.做一份重要工作.感激某人.毕业.帮助人们重见光明.习惯于做某事.过去常常做某事.在一家大公司的办公室工作11,训练当护士.把她的工作情况告诉学生们.完成课本P89-90PartsA.B练习.根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语或英语单词的适当形式填空.A UNCEF worker came to our(村庄).Mary really(关心)about other people.Many people are(感激)to her.She decide

21、d to go back to school and(训练)as a nurse.I couldn t read(和)write.6.Mary(use ) to work in the office of a big company.7.She loves helping people see again and(teach) other nurses.8.She is used to(work) on a plane.9.She learnt about the(fly) eye hospital. 10.A knife is(use) to cut things.当堂巩固一.选择填空.(

22、)1. She does that many people are grateful to her.A. such an important work B. such important workC. so important workD. so important job()2. I hope become a teacher.A. him toB. he willC. he toD. he would()3 . I hope tohave a job like.A. himB. hisC. herD. she()4. she works ORBIS. A. inB. to C. at D.

23、 for()5. let s thefInternet and find out poor people around the world, shall we?A. do the charities how helpB. how do the charities helpC. the charities how helpD. how the charities help二.词汇应用.1.Mary used to work in the office of a big( 公司).2.She saw a TV(节目)about ORBIS3.She(决定)to go back to school.

24、4.Some girls are(害怕)of dogs.5.I think she really cares about other people and(want) to help them.三.完成句子.他习惯于在农场工作 .她不在害怕飞行.他不关心他的儿子去了哪?.你觉得这部电影怎么样 ?.玛丽如此想帮助穷苦的病人,以至于她想训练做名医生.Checkout【自学探究】一、预习P91,在课本上划出下列词组并翻译。.得到好的分数.如此.以至于.不得不做大量的研究. 了解很多关于贫困地区的生活.在碟片上花费我所有的零花钱.向慈善机构捐赠一些钱.每天吃大餐.长大成人二、根据汉语提示完成句子。.他

25、没有足够的钱进行医疗诊治。He doesn t have money.那儿过去有个教堂。There a church there.医生将对她动手术来医治她的疾病。The doctors willher for her illness.人们通过向希望工程捐助帮助贫困地区的学校和学生。People help schools and students in by to.教练告诉他们继续训练。The coach told them to the.我们把英语老师当作我们的好朋友。We our English teacher our good friend. 你还有其它什么要说的吗?Do you have

26、?.这所学校什么时候创办的?When the school?.你通常如何花费你的零用钱?How do you usually your?.她只想着自己,从不关心他人。She only herself and doesn t others.【当堂巩固】一、A.根据句意和所给中文写出句中所缺的单词。一Where s Mr. Green? He has gone to attend an(国际)meeting.I write to my mother every week,( 主要)on Sundays.The heavy work(影响)his health, so he looked much

27、older.Do you know the saying, “A friend in need is a friend( 真正地).It s important to(教育)the young students.B.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。-Do you know the(interview) on TV? Of course. He s Shui Junyi from CCTV.The doctors didn t know what caused the old man s(blind).Can I have a(medicine) examination today? I don

28、 t feel well. How is Miss King? She is still under(treat) in hospital.Dr. Brown felt tired because he had two(operate) in the day.IV.句型转换。(10分)A.按要求变换句型。He used to walk to school.(改为一般疑问句 )he to walk to school.Danny asked Sandy if she could swim.(改为直接引语)Danny asked, swim, Sandy?Simon said, “I am ver

29、y busy.(改为间接弓I语 )Simon said that very busy.The teacher said to him, Don t sleep in class.(改为间接引语)The teacher told him in class.His uncle is a doctor.(对划线部分提问)his uncle?B.同义句转换I used not to like Peking Opera. I to like Peking Opera.The sick boy needs an operation. The sick boy needs to be.There s eno

30、ugh time, so you needn t hurry.There s enough time, so youhurry.Father tells Daniel not to play computer games.Father Daniel computer games.Integrated skills自学探究.预习Page8687。在书本上找出以下词组和句子并翻译成中文。.一个国际慈善组织.想要孩子们健康.有助于使这个世界成为一个对孩子们而言更美好的地方4为某人提供某物.通过做某事.做一些自愿的工作.由于战争的原因.成立,建立.组织其它的筹资活动.以便,以至.如此以至.他们应该去上

31、学而不是工作来养家.过去常常把所有的零花钱花在上.捐钱给.应该采取措施来保护它二.完成 Page8687,PartA1 ,PartA3, PartA4 的练习。三.用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。We need more people to(支持)our work.Those(病人)must be taken good care of.UNICEF is an(组织)that helps governments and families make the world a better place for children.Instead of(study), she surfed the Int

32、ernet.Eating too much hot food is(health)My cousin is used to ( study) with his new friends in Australia.As a(志愿者),he has been working in Wenchuan for about a month.You can help the poor by organizing some (募集资金的)activities.当堂巩固一.选择填空() 1.He used to in a small village, but now he has been used toin the city.


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