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1、 窗体顶端窗体底端 Unit 9 TOCHYPERLINK /book/book38/dj22.php?UnitID=9&SectionID=2&SisterID=2Active reading 1HYPERLINK /book/book38/dj21.php?UnitID=9&SectionID=3&SisterID=1Active reading 2HYPERLINK /book/book38/dj41.php?UnitID=9Reading across culturesHYPERLINK /book/book38/dj51.php?UnitID=9Guided writingHYPER

2、LINK /book/book38/dj62text.php?UnitID=9&SectionID=6&SisterID=1Language in useHYPERLINK /book/book38/dj71.php?UnitID=9Unit testUnit testDone with this task. Your score: 91%窗体顶端Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.1.Its impossible for anyone to have

3、complete _ and know everything.a. conscienceb. presciencec. scienced. omniscience2.The odds are good that his team will be _ during the first round of the competition.a. preliminaryb. eliminatedc. relegatedd. delineated3.After some research, I discovered that Im actually a(n) _ of Napoleon!a. ascend

4、antb. transcendentc. resplendentd. descendant4.English lost its _ long ago, and it now incorporates many words from other languages.a. purityb. purec. parityd. prurient5.Mario was _ at the top of his class every year.a. consistentb. persistentc. consistentlyd. persistently6.The speaker was utterly _

5、, and I hung on his every word for the entire two-hour speech.a. disgracefulb. captivatingc. unqualifiedd. sufficient7.Millions of years ago, dinosaurs ruled the earth with uncontested _.a. dominanceb. dominantc. dominantsd. dominate8.If you want to apply for a new passport, you cannot _ your old on

6、e.a. refrainb. remainc. retraind. retain9.That new movie about the princess is a _ based on the traditional Cinderella story.a. variantb. variationc. varyingd. variety10.Her performance on the field today is not a fair _ of her skill as a soccer player.a. globalizationb. standardizationc. multiplica

7、tiond. representation11.We were _ to see the destruction caused by the earthquake.a. horrifyb. horrifiedc. horribled. horror12.Three hours should be a(n) _ amount of time to finish the test.a. proficientb. deficientc. sufficientd. efficient13.We need more time since weve _ begun talking about the mo

8、st relevant information.a. profoundlyb. scarcelyc. dreadfullyd. constantly14.At 8:30, it was clear that Dan had lost, and he was forced to _ his campaign for governor.a. concedeb. concealc. consentd. consort15.The robbery suspect had several _ tattoos and scars which made it easy for the police to s

9、pot him.a. exclusiveb. individualc. specializedd. identifiable16.When I travel, I like to write in a _ so I can remember every little detail.a. journalb. novelc. sketchbookd. book17.The president launched a new program to help every adult become _ and learn to read.a. literaryb. literaturec. literat

10、ed. literati18.The emperors death marked the end of an important _ in the countrys history.a. unityb. epochc. utopiad. elite19.I bought a _ toy and need to return it for a full refund.a. detectiveb. defectivec. reflectived. directive20.To everyones surprise, the politician decided not to _ the charg

11、es against him.a. refuteb. provec. confirmd. infringeSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.21.All that stands the way of reform is the idea that we shouldnt completely break from tradition. Your answerCorrect answer inin22.We were all aghast the audacity they showed in their def

12、iance. Your answerCorrect answer atat23.The new law has been criticized for infringing peoples privacy. Your answerCorrect answer onon / upon24.That movie always brings a tear my eyes. Your answerCorrect answer toto25.Our national flag is a representation everything we value and hold dear. Your answ

13、erCorrect answer ofof26.If you think youll be able to find the answers in a book, youre certainly in a surprise. Your answerCorrect answer forfor27.The thing Im anticipating least is the inevitable separation my dog when I move to college. Your answerCorrect answer fromfrom28.My boss wants me to wri

14、te a report regard to this years budget. Your answerCorrect answer withwith29.How dare you accuse me trying to overthrow the government? Your answerCorrect answer ofof30.Many different types of industry developed the bank of the Thames. Your answerCorrect answer alonealongPart II: Banked ClozeQuesti

15、ons 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.There has been a(n) (31) debate for many years about the influence of languages upon one another. How much does one language (32) another? Your first reaction might be to think not very much. The answer, though, is quite a bit. To (33) this point, lets

16、 consider English.This influence may not be evident to speakers of certain languages, but those who speak some languages (such as Spanish or German, for example) and those who have a high (34) in English understand this point very well. Over thousands of years, English had adopted many words from ot

17、her languages, and vice versa. In addition, there are some wordsknown as cognatesthat are nearly identical in multiple languages. Ever so slowly, the lines between languages are starting to (35).English is not a(n) (36) example, either. This language sharing is evident in, between, and among many di

18、fferent languages. There are some groups of people who are worried that the (37) of their language is being threatened by adopting and sharing words across languages. However, if you think about it, its quite possible that in several thousand more years, everyone might be speaking one (38) language

19、that is a mix of every language spoken today. The trend of (39) in almost every other aspect of life makes me believe this will be a highly likely development.What do you think? Is one common language spoken by everyone your idea of (40), or is it a nightmare? Your answerCorrect answer (31)ongoingon

20、going (32)manipulatemanipulate (33)illustrateillustrate (34)productivelyproficiency (35)blurblur (36)isolatedisolated (37)puritypurity (38)communalcommunal (39)allegedlyglobalization (40)utopiautopiaPart III: Reading ComprehensionQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.A Brief History

21、of Sign LanguageIt comes as a surprise to many people to learn that the history and origins of American Sign Language are a bit vague and shrouded in mystery. It begins, though, with a young Thomas Gallaudet, soon after he graduated from Yale University. He was commissioned to help teach Alice Cogsw

22、ell, the deaf daughter of a wealthy local doctor. Gallaudet was interested in learning the best method to help young Alice, so in 1815 he traveled to Europe to study communication among deaf people.In France, Gallaudet was invited to study at a school for deaf students. He soon met Laurent Clerc, a

23、deaf sign language teacher, and recruited Clerc to help develop deaf education in the United States. In 1817, the two founded the American School for the Deaf in Hartford, Connecticut. The school was the countrys first school created solely for deaf students. During the following years, the idea spr

24、ead and many other schools in other states were organized.Several natural forms of sign language existed prior to the founding of the American School for the Deaf, but there wasnt one standardized form of signing for deaf people. Laurent Clerc began teaching American students the form of French Sign

25、 Language with which he was familiar. However, many of the students at the new school were already using their own, unique form of sign language that had independently developed in their communities. Over time, and with extensive use, the various forms eventually evolved into what we now know as Ame

26、rican Sign Language (ASL).In 1864, President Lincoln signed into law a bill that established a national college for deaf students in Washington, D.C. Thomas Gallaudet served as the first president of the college, which had eight students during its first year. In 1954, the school was renamed Gallaud

27、et College, and it remains the only liberal arts college for deaf people in the world.Characteristics of Sign LanguageSign language is almost exclusively based on easily decipherable hand motions that represent letters and spoken words. Since deaf people rely heavily on their sense of sight, this me

28、thod of communication is logical. Body language is extremely important in ASL, and subtle movements of the eyebrows, mouth, or fingers often indicate connotations that are typically represented by tone of voice in spoken language.It is important to note that sign languages are not dependent on spoke

29、n languages. In this way, American Sign Language is not simply a version of English. Interestingly, there is no universal form of sign language that is readily understood by deaf people around the world. Indeed, though people in the United States, Great Britain, and Australia all speak English, Amer

30、ican Sign Language, British Sign Language, and Australian Sign Language are distinctly different and speakers of each form would not be able to easily communicate with one another.Just as spoken language continue to develop and adapt to the changing world, so too does sign language. American Sign La

31、nguage continues to add words, such as terms for new technology, to its vocabulary. More than ever before, ASL has become much more prominent in everyday life. Many speeches, concerts, and public events have professional ASL interpreters. They help deaf people enjoy many events that they would other

32、wise miss out on.American Sign Language, like all sign languages and like all languages, is a living thing. It is used to communicate with the world and express personal thoughts and ideas. It is continually growing, changing, and developing. It is used by deaf people, and it is used by people who can hear. Its benefits are numerous, and the opportunities it rewards users are endless.41.Who is credited with laying the foundation for American Sign Language?A. Thomas Gallaudet.B. Alice Cogswell.C. Laurent Clerc.D. P


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