1、公园案例分析ParkCase Study 纽约泪珠公园TeardropParkin New York 1、概况Overview2、基地特殊问题Special problems3、设计特色Design Features4、如何体现How to Express5、总结Summary1、概况Overview设计: 纽约MVVA景观设计事务所 Design: MVVA Landscape designfirmin New York地理位置:美国纽约州纽约市下曼哈顿地区Location: Lower Manhattan, New York, NY, United States面积:1.8英亩Area:
2、1.8 acres2、特殊问题Special problems First: The plotisvery small (less than7300square meters). There are high water table,poorsoil quality, strongdrycold airfrom theHudson Riverand many otherlimited factors. 第一:基地异常局促(不足7300平米),自然条件也较恶劣,存在地下水位较高、土质不佳、来自哈德逊河的干冷风猛烈等众多限制因素第二:太阳光照分析表明,由于坐落在公园角落的公寓纵向长度过长,从65米
3、到72米不等,造成大面积的阴影。长期阴影区Long-term shadow areas 光照良好区Well-litareas Second: Sunlightanalysisshows that due tothe length of the apartment located in the parkis too long. Its from65m to 72m and leads to large areas ofshadow. 3、设计特色Design Features In Lower Manhattan, where almost everything is designed for
4、adults, Teardrop Park is designed for children. It is a New York City public park that provides an oasis and a rare sanctuary for imaginative and active play, providing prospect, refuge, mystery and discovery.在公园同区域中几乎所有的一切都为成年人设计,而公园推陈出新,专为儿童设计。这里也是纽约城中为数不多孩子们可以尽情想象、嬉戏的乐园之一。4、如何体现How to Express第一:基
5、于场地北半部享有最长日照时间的现状,设置了两块隔路相对的草坪作草地滚球场,并特意稍向南倾斜以利于接受阳光。First: Based onthe status that the northern half of the siteenjoys a maximumduration of sunshine,it sets uptwolawnacross the roadforbowling greens anddeliberatelytiltsslightly southwardin order to accept the sun. 第二:在南区虽然有很大比例的阴影区,但高墙、小丘和建筑屏蔽了来自哈德
6、逊河的强干冷风,更适合户外活动,所以设置了玩沙、戏水、滑梯等多种游戏区。水景和地形变化给场地带来巨大活力。Second: Although there is a large shadow area in the southern district, the walls, hills and buildings shields the strong dry cold wind from the Hudson River. So that it is more suitable for outdoor activities. So it sets the sand playing, water p
7、laying, slides and other kinds of play areas. Water features and terrain changes bring great vitality to the site. 第三:阅读角兼具坐憩功能的散置石、半月形矮墙以及名为“冰与水”的高墙均采用蓝灰砂岩, 由此取得了材质上的统一,同时也是被社区道路分割的南北两区的一种呼应。Third: The loose stone which also has sitting function at the reading corner, the half-moon-shaped low wall and the high wall called “ice and water” all use the blue-grey stone to make the unity of the material. While it is an echo of the north and south districts which are divided by the community road. 5、总结Summary 设计通过对建材、植被、地形的灵活运用解决地块原有问题,形成新的具有活力的景观效果The design solves the originalproblems in
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