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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、Have you washed the clothes? Not yet. But I _ them in half an hour.Awashed Bhave washed C

2、will wash Dwash2、I have some problems with my health. Can you give me some _?AadviceBmessagesCsuggestionDinformation3、_ students are there in your class?Thirty. And I get on well with all of them.AHow farBHow oftenCHow longDHow many4、-Who should be responsible for this terrible traffic accident?-Its

3、 not the right time to discuss that. _, we should send her to hospital.AAs a result BAll in all CAbove all5、Did you have a good time at the party?Of course I did. In fact, I had such fun that time seemed to _ so quickly.Ago byBgo awayCgo outDgo over6、Jenny speaks good Chinese. She _ the Chinese lang

4、uage at Beijing University for a year after she finished university in London.Astudies Bis studying Cstudied Dhas studied7、When I was your age, I a lot of housework to do after school.Awill haveBam havingChaveDhad8、At last his parents _ him to move to the south alone for a job.AagreedBsuggestedChope

5、dDencouraged9、Mr Smith is old man and he usually walks his dog after supper.Aa; theBan; aCan; 不填Dthe ; 不填10、In the words homeless and useless, the -less means _.Abe full of Bwithout Cvery Dcan. 完形填空11、请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Once my mother told me a story. In Africa, whe

6、n an antelope (羚羊) wakes up every morning, the first thing it thinks about is, “I must be able to run faster than the 1 lion, or ( 否 则 ) I will be killed”. At the same time, a lion wakes from his dream. The first thing the lion thinks about is, “I must be able to catch the slowest antelope, or I wil

7、l starve ( 挨 饿 ) to death.” So, almost at the same time, the antelope and the lion get up and start running toward the 2 sun.This is life: full of chances and challenges ( 挑 战 ). Whether you are an antelope or a lion, you 3 go ahead when the sun rises. For students, it is just the same. If we do not

8、 study hard, sooner or later, we will fall behind the others. At first, I did not know what the word “exam” 4 . Later, I knew an exam was a kind of competition. There are 5 winners and losers in competitions. As I grew up, I got to know competition well. In ones life, there must be competitions, so

9、people can 6 .Each time I saw children playing games, and heard their laughter ( 笑 声 ), I 7 I were that age again. However, I remembered my parents words: “You must work very hard in order to have a good future.” So I 8 my pen and began to study hard again.I was still not sure what competition reall

10、y meant. One day, I was taking part in an English-speaking competition. When I went to the stage, I saw other students looking at me 9 . I suddenly knew what competition was. It is not as cruel ( 残 酷 ) as my teachers and parents told me. 10 , competition is the opposite: it is kind and necessary.Now

11、 I understand more about the world. Competition is important for us all.1AbiggestBfastestCstrongestDwildest2ArisingBfallingCshiningDburning3AmayBcanCshouldDmust4AdescribedBexplainedCmeantDformed5AneverBsometimesCoftenDalways6AchangeBimproveCacceptDmanage7AwishedBrealizedCpreferredDbelieved8Acarried

12、onBput downCpicked upDlooked for9AcarefullyBcheerfullyCquietlyDkindly10AIn factBAbove allCFrom then onDAs a result. 语法填空12、While 1 (travel) abroad, Mr. Jackson Frank spent almost all the money he took with him. So he wrote to his brother to send him $ 5000 by bank transfer(汇款) to the Fischer Bank. A

13、fter a week he 2 (begin) calling at the Fischer Bank. He showed his passport. “Nothing has come for you,” he 3 told. This went on for two weeks, and Mr. Frank got very 4(worry). He sent an email to his brother, but there was no reply.In the fourth week Mr. Frank was arrested(拘留) for not 5 (be) able

14、to pay his hotel bill(账单). He tried to explain the problem, but no one believed him. He stayed in prison(监狱) 6 sixty days.When he came out, he went immediately to the Fischer Bank. The clerk he spoke 7 was a new man. “Have you received $ 5000 for me?” he asked. “My name is Jackson Frank.”The clerk c

15、hecked his books. “Yes, Mr. Jackson, its here. It came by bank transfer more than two months ago. We wondered where you were. ” He showed Mr. Frank the order(汇票).The order read, “Pay Mr. Frank Jackson the sum of $5000”“But my name is Jackson Frank, not Frank Jackson.” “Oh, thats all right, sir. It w

16、as in our books under the letter J, but it s your money.” The clerk laughed. “A human mistake, sir! Were all human beings, arent we? And so we all make mistakes. A family name like Frank 8 (sound) strange to me.”Mr. Frank was in 9 (silent). He really wanted to hit somebody. At last he said, “A human

17、 mistake is that what you call it? I think some humans need 10 (kick).”. 阅读理解A13、1The advertisement offers information mainly to people from _.AChinaBAmericaCEnglandDCanada2We learn from the material that _.Ayou can sign up on October 30thByou can call for more informationCthe Great Wall Trek lasts

18、for half a monthDthe joiners can trek on the whole Great Wall3NSPCC has something to do with _.AnatureBchildrenCthe Great WallDstandard networkB14、Thomas Edisons inventions have shaped the world. Read about a few of them in the timeline.Vote-recorderEdison thinks this machine will help lawmakers rec

19、ord their votes in 1875.KinetoscopeThismotion-picture viewer lets people see moving pictures for the firstLightbulb Earlier inventors make lightbulbs, but the bulbs have problems. Edison invents the first practical lightbulb. He finds a way to make the warm yellow light from his bulb last for 13 hou

20、rPhonograph Edison invents a machine that records sound at lastElectricpenThis machine can make more than one copy of a document1In which year did Edison invent the vote-recorder?AIn 1868.BIn 1875.CIn 1879.DIn 1892.2Which of the following inventions did Edison create last?ALightbulb.BPhonograph.CEle

21、ctric pen.DKinetoscope.3What was the purpose of the lightbulb?AIt provided light.BIt recorded sound.CIt helped lawmakers record their votes.DIt made more than one copy of a document.C15、We all want to live in good neighborhoods, but not everyone lives in a good neighborhood. How can you build a bett

22、er community for yourself and your family? There are many things you can do.Paint your intersection(十字路口). A street intersection is not something you think of as interesting. However, In Portland, people in some neighborhoods have made them really worth stopping for. Some paint, creative people and

23、a bright design are all it takes to bring neighbors together and produce something the whole community can be proud of.Make a poetry box. The idea is simple, really - create a box with a glass or clear plastic front. Put this box on a post. Write your own poem or print out your favorite classic and

24、display it in the box for all your neighbors to see. You can also set up a drop box and encourage neighbors to write their own poems and drop them in the box. Display the poems from your neighbors as the poems come in.Set up a tool library. How often do you need a leaf blower? Or a chain saw? And ho

25、w often do you use that electric cake mixer? To01 libraries have space where neighbors can drop their hardly used tools to share. Check with a local business, community center or church group about space that can house a tool library.Turn your front yard into your backyard. How often do you meet you

26、r neighbors in your backyard? Probably never. Moving your typical(典型的) backyard activities to the front immediately makes you more visible(可见的). You can create front-yard gardens, build community benches and even just barbecue in your front yard. They are all great ways to connect with your communit

27、y.With effort, youll make your neighborhood a much better place.1How many ways are mentioned to build a better community?AThree.BFour.CFive.DSix.2Which of the following is NOT true?AWriting poems is a good way to connect with your neighbours.BEach family may have hardly used tools for others to shar

28、e.CIn Portland, the intersections in some neighborhoods are very attractive.DMove your backyard activities to the front yard and youll have chances to meet your neighbors.3Which of the following shows the structure(结构) of the whole passage?ABCDD16、The right name is important in the business world. A

29、ll you have to do is to think of the names for some of the products you buy every day and youll agree that the name and the product are connected in everyones mind.In many countries, successful trade or brand(商标)names are protected by law so that other companies cannot make the same product by copyi

30、ng. Businesses register(注册)a company or a product name with the government. In fact, more than 1,000 product and company names are registered every hour. Many companies spend a lot of money to find the right name for their products. A good example of this is in the car industry. Some successful name

31、s for cars have powerful associations(联系).The Ford Mustang and the Jaguar are only two examples of choosing the names of animals that are fast and strong.When a U.S. company decides to sell its product in another country, it has to make sure that the product name translates properly. When Coca-Cola

32、introduced its soft drink to China it looked for the right name. It wanted a name that would do two things. One was to present its image in Chinese and the second was to be close to its first brand name-Coke. It took some efforts before finding the right word-which sounds similar and translates as h

33、appiness in the mouth. Asian company names are not new to the United States. The brand names of Samsung and Sony have been successful. Finding the right brand name is a big business. Asian companies that sell to foreign markets pay to find a name that will connect with its customers. There are even

34、naming companies that offer help in inventing product names. These companies can charge(要价)up to $ 100,000 a word for their good names. But its worth it. Successful companies know how important the right brand names are for their development.1How many brand names are mentioned(提及)in the article?AThr

35、ee. BFour. CFive. DSix.2Trade names are protected by law in many countries .Ato make companies pay for naming serviceBto help people choose the best productsCto present good images of the productsDto prevent products from being copied3What can we learn from the article?AMany companies care about the

36、 cost of finding the right names.BCreative trade names can help companies to have a larger sale.CThe government often does business with naming companies.DIt is considered necessary for cars to be named after animals.4What is the best title for the article?AThe Importance of Right Brand Names BThe R

37、ules of Naming BusinessCThe Development of Brand Names DThe Methods of Choosing NamesE17、1Julia is at Roosevelt. She wants to go to Baseball Field. She should change lines at .AGrandBClitonCRenoDRandolph2Louis is going to Medical Centre from Damen. He should get off at the stop.AthirdBfourthCfifthDs

38、ixth3To go to Airport from Youth Centre, you should take underground lines in this order: .ABlue Line Green Line Red LineBRed Line Green Line Blue LineCBlue Line Red Line Green LineDRed Line Blue Line Green LineF18、English ABecause its never too late to start learning English Course structure and go

39、alsA basic course that improves different English skills. Lessons focus on pronunciation of words and sounds, listening, practicing casual English, reading and combining all of these skills together.We learn through introducing ourselves to friends and family, discussing everyday activities, food, r

40、estaurants, shopping and places.This course is for People who have learned very little English in the past.Duration(学时)Class meets once a week over an 8-month period.Moreover, students can take advantage of our extra lessons, for an additional hour per week.At the end of the course the student will

41、Understand sentences and phrases dealing with topics such as: personal and family information, shopping, geography, etc. Read short and simple sentences, find information in everyday texts, such as: advertising, menus, etc. Have short conversations. Communicate through simple everyday tasks. Describ

42、e their personal background, living conditions and other information about their surroundings. Write short and simple notes, messages and personal letters.1According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?AYou have to finish all the courses online.BYou can get extra lessons for an hour a day

43、.CThe course includes different English skills.DOnly children can join in this English course.2The information of the passage is about .Asome ways to learn English wellBa course for English beginnersCthe reasons for learning EnglishDsome advice from an English teacher3After finishing this course, you can .Aknow much about English countriesBunderstand long and difficult English textsCtalk about everything with foreigners freelyDcommunicate with


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