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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、Do you know where Jeff is? Is he still in the office?He was here earlier, but he go home now.AcanBmightCshouldDneed2、Waste paper

2、 shouldnt _ everywhere. Its our duty to keep our city clean.AthrowBbe thrownCis thrownDare thrown3、Mom, what does the word “attention”mean?Oh, my dear, you should the dictionary and then you will get the meaning.Alook forBlook upClook atDlook out4、What are you reading about?Its about the one-child p

3、olicy. It says that the policy has_ controlling the population in China.Abeen good at Btaken good care ofCworked well in Dgot on well with5、You look so happy!Jack says I am pretty._ has ever told me that before.ASomebody BAnybody CEverybody DNobody6、The UK is European country and its also island cou

4、ntry.Aan; anBa; aCan; aDa; an7、How was your trip to the British Museum?I spoke no English and was _ silent during the visit.Acompletely Bpeacefully Cpatiently Dcarefully8、He _ the last page of the book when I called him.AreadBreadsChas readDwas reading9、A new TV show called National Treasure has bec

5、ome wildly _with young viewers.AcreativeBfamousCpopularDexciting10、Jimmy bought _ car yesterday, but its _ used one.Aa, aBa, anCa, theDthe, an. 完形填空11、 It was the junior high prom(毕业舞会) night, I sat in the car waiting for my son to come out. Seeing him 1 a tuxedo(燕尾服) for the first time, my feelings

6、 were mixed. 2 I realized it, he had become a teenager. The moment he got into the car, he couldnt wait to share the prom with me. A smile 3 across my face.“This is the 4 night I have ever had, he said. He began telling the story just like 5 a bag of beans. “I was talking with Jane when we saw a gir

7、l standing off into a dark corner alone, crying. Jane asked me to go dancing with the girl, but I said that Jane was 6 because I didnt even know who the girl was. Jane wouldnt stop and said that I had a(n) 7 to do something special by dancing with the girl. I knew 8 she was crying. Everybody could s

8、ee that she was a little overweight and 9 invited her to dance. I wanted to, but I was afraid that Id be laughed at. What if she turned me 10 . It took me a lot of 11 to go over and ask if she wanted to dance. She said yes and we walked out to the dance floor. I felt my face turned red, but it was 1

9、2 and I didnt think others noticed. I thought everyone was looking at us, 13 no one laughed and we danced the whole dance. What happened next was unexpected. After I danced with the girl, a lot of guys started dancing with girls 14 hadnt danced yet. It was only three minutes, but I was happy that I

10、did something 15 tonight. I learned something, too.”I could see tears in his eyes. I gave my son a hug and told him, “Im so proud of you.”Choose the best choice from A, B or C according to the passage you read.1AonBinCwith2AAfterBBeforeCBecause3AsetBstoppedCspread4AbestBworstClongest5AfillingBpickin

11、gCemptying6AcrazyBniceClucky7ArightBchanceCability8AwhyBwhenChow9Aevery bodyBsomebodyCnobody10AdownBoffCover11ApatienceBcourageCenergy12AdarkBbrightCcold13AsoBorCbut14AwhichBwhoCwhose15AstrangeBinterestingCspecial. 语法填空12、根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填入一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。每空一词,含缩略词。Warm weather and sunny days mean i

12、ts a barbecue( 烧烤 ) season in the US.These days, 1 people say theyre going to a barbecue,they usually 2 that theyre going to cook the food over a grill( 烤架 )out doors.Popular barbecue foods include hamburgers, hot dogs, and vegetables.Barbecue fans say that this is not real barbecue;its just grillin

13、g.True barbecue,which is also 3 BBQ,is an American tradition (传统)that is as old as the country itself.Barbecue refers to meat that is cooked for a very long time(sometimes as long as 24 hours) over low heat from a wood fire.The smell of the burning wood adds flavor (味道) 4 the meat,which becomes soft

14、 as it cooks.Different parts of the US have different 5 of making barbecue. In Texas, people often use beef. In North and South Carolina, pork is the most common. In Kansas City, pork ribs ( 猪肋排 ) are the favorite. Each region( 地区 ) says that its own barbecue is the 6. There are barbecue competition

15、s every year, and even magazines about the art of making great barbecue.Most Americans dont have the time or patience to dig a hole, fill it with special wood, light a fire and 7 cook meat carefully over it all day and night. So when they want a real barbecue, they go to restaurants that do the hard

16、 work for them. For those who want to have 8 own, easy barbecues, theres always grilling. 阅读理解A13、Katie was in big troubleShe was such a sweet kid; a third-grade teacher always dreamed of having a classroom filled with Katies, she was never ever a discipline(纪律) problem. I just couldnt imagine why s

17、he had made her parents so angryIt seemed that Katie had been spending money in the lunchroom. Her parents explained that Katie brought a great homemade lunch each day, and there was no reason for her to buy school lunch. They wondered why but failedSo they asked me to help them get to the bottom of

18、 this situation.The next day, I asked Katie to my office. “Why are you buying lunches, Katie? What happened to your homemade lunch?” I asked. “I lose it,” she replied. “I dont believe you, Katie. Is someone stealing your lunch, Katie?” I asked. “No. I just lose it,” she saidWell, there was nothing e

19、lse I could doThe problem was still unsolved the next week when I noticed a boy who was new to the school sitting alone at a lunch table. He always looked sad and scared. I thought I would go and sit with him for a while. As I walked towards him, I noticed the lunch bag on the table. The name on the

20、 bag said “Katie”.Now I understood and I talked to Katie. It seemed that the new boy never brought a lunch, and he wouldnt go to the lunch line for a free lunch. He had told Katie his secret and asked her not to tell anyone that his parents wanted him to get a free lunch at school. Katie asked me no

21、t to tell her parents, but I drove to her house that evening after I was sure that she was in bed. I had never seen parents so proud of their child.Katie still buys lunch every day at school. And every day, as she heads out of the door, her mom hands her a delicious homemade lunch1What did the write

22、r think of Katie?AShe behaved well at schoolBShe often tells lies at schoolCShe often made trouble at schoolDShe used to be a discipline problem2Why did Katie eat school lunch instead of her homemade lunch every day?AShe lost her homemade lunchBShe had her homemade lunch stolenCShe didnt like the ta

23、ste of her homemade lunchDShe gave her homemade lunch to a hungry boy3How did Katies parents feel when they knew the truth about the lunch?AThey were very angry.BThey were quite proudCThey were rather sad.DThey were so scared4What can we learn from the passage?AKaties secret of lunch was discovered

24、by the writerBKatie was told that her parents had known her secretCKatie told the writer the truth of her lunch during their first talkDKatie stopped buying lunch at school after her secret was discoveredB14、Like many people, I have no clear idea about heroes. At some point, we all wonder if we need

25、 a hero and what a hero really is.Although there are a lot of differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics (特点) which give us courage and make us want to learn from them. A hero does something worth talking about. A hero has a special story to tell and

26、 people think highly of it. But a hero is not just the person with great fame (声誉) .A hero has powers (力量) larger than himself. Some people want to live like a hero, and they have to experience life with new and further meaning. A sure test for would-be heroes is what or whom they serve. What do the

27、y want to live and die for? If the answer suggests they serve only their own fame, they may be famous persons but not heroes.A hero has a vision from the mountaintop. He has the power to move people. He creates new possibilities. Without Gandhi, India might still be part of Britain. Without Martin L

28、uther King, Jr., Americans might take different buses, eat in different restaurants, go for walks in different parks, and shop in different stores because of the different colors of their skin.There might be changes in society without a hero, but the speed of change would be rather slow. Thanks to h

29、eroes in history, they make the society develop so rapidly.1According to this passage, a hero is a person who always .Agives us courageBthinks highly of othersCshares great fameDstands on the mountaintop2If you want to live like a hero, you should .Aexperience a new and meaningful lifeBlisten to som

30、ething worth talking aboutCserve your own fame and try to be famousDknow where and how you want to live3The underlined word “vision” in the passage means “ ”.A风景B想象C远见D形象4Black people in America used to before Martin Luther King, Jr.Ashop at the whites storesBtake buses with the whiteCtake walks in

31、the whites parksDeat in restaurants without the white5What can we learn from the passage?AWe dont need heroes anymore at some point now.BHeroes are all the same though different in cultures.CPeople get power from heroes to move to a new place.DOur society has developed faster because of heroes in hi

32、story.C15、 Ukuleles(尤克里里)look like small guitars, but unlike guitars, they usually only have four strings. Ukuleles come from Hawaii(夏威夷)and make bright, happy sounds. They make people think of island vacations and summer days. Even though ukuleles come from Hawaii, they are now popular around the w

33、orld. One of the reasons is because they are fun and easy to play.Playing a ukulele may be easy, but making one is not. Ukuleles must be made step by step. First the head and neck are glued to the body. As soon as the glue is dry, the fingerboard is glued onto the neck. Once(一旦)that is dry, the ukul

34、ele maker sands the fingerboard to make it smooth.Next, the bridge is glued onto the body. The bridge holds the strings and allows them to make sounds. After the bridge is in place, the ukulele can be painted and decorated. The next step is to connect tuning heads to the top of the ukulele. Then fin

35、ally the strings are put on the instrument. Now a player can make music.1According to the article, what kind of music does a Ukulele make?ASad music. BFun music. CDifficult music. DUnpopular music.2How is a Ukulele made according to the article?AIn an easy way. BLike a big guitar. CIn several steps.

36、 DWith some strings.3The underlined word sand probably means .A撒沙 B制作 C烘干 D打磨D16、In the world, football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years.To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup, children from different co

37、untries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and drew a big picture called “Dream World Cups” for a few days in Japan. The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a blue bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags of all t

38、he countries that would take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea. The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama. Some football teams would have games there.Are you a football fan? The World Cup makes more and more people interested in football. Teenagers like playing and

39、watching football. Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favourite players on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan.1If a country wants to take part in the World Cup, it must have_.Amany footbal

40、l fansBa very good teamCmany football playerDa big playground2The next World Cup will be held in_.A2006B2007C2005D20043From the passage, in the picture children drew many things except_.Apeople playing footballBpictures of some football starsCa sunny skyDflowers4In “Dream World Cup”, the children dr

41、ew the flags of some countries_.Ato show their love for their own countryBto tell the people their storiesCto show their good wishes for the football teamsDto show their new ideas about football5Many teenagers own the pictures of some football stars because_.Athey are interested in footballBthey are

42、 football fansCthey think their favourite players are greatDall of A, B and CE17、“Josie Metzs father wont live long enough to walk her down the aisle on her wedding dayBut thanks to photographer Lindsey Villatoro,the 11-year-old girl was able to experience what it might be like anywayHer father, Jim

43、,62,had already been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer when he and his wifeGrace,hired Villatoroa photographerTwo years ago,Villatoro began offering photography sessions for people with serious illnesses to document their journeys and was hired by the Metz family”I try to really showcase(充分展示)the per

44、son for who they are and not the illness,”she told The Huffington Post during a phone conversation Tuesday afternoonVillatoro went to Jim and Graces home for a shoot and offered to do one with their young daughter,JosieAfter she left,she posted about the family on her website to get gift donations f

45、or the girl to help make her last birthday with her father memorableBut she decided to take a step further as a surprise and dreamed up the idea of a wedding for the girlcomplete with,flowers,desserts,a promise ring and a dress from LAFashion Weekso that her father could walk her down the aisle”For

46、today,appreciate those you loveGive them lots of hugs and be grateful they are in your lifeYou never know what can happenSay more“I Love Yous”and show more appreciation for all of your friends and familyAppreciate the blessings you haveIm going to hug my husband Rich more today,call my Dad,call my f

47、riend in NC,and give lots of kitty hugs to my petsHugs to all of youI appreciate you all so much and am grateful to have you in my life every single Day!1Villatoro was hired by Josies parents to _Atake care of themBtreat Jims cancerCtake photographsDfix Josies wedding2What do we know about Josies fa

48、ther,Jim?AHe wants to attend Josies weddingBHe is fond of photographyCHe had all idea of a weddingDHe suffered from cancel3Villatoro posted about the family on her website to _Ashow her gratitude to her customersBcollect birthday presents for the girlCraise money for people with illnessesDcelebrate

49、the poor girls last birthday4What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?AWe should Treasure loved onesBBlood is thicker than waterCWithout love,nothing can go farDTime and tide wait for no man5Which of the following best describes Villatoro?ATalented and popularBHumorous and friendlyCIntelligent

50、 and proudDCreative and helpfullF18、The other day I came across a few local musicians and happened to hear them talking:I hate all the terrible pianos in this town. I hate that rubbish they play on the radio. They cant even understand a bit of music.Im never playing in that club again. Too many drun

51、ks and nobody listens to us.But one younger musician said, There are a few clubs that book my band (乐队) a few nights a month, and Im trying to find other places to play. Im also looking forward to booking a few summer festivals this year.Its said that you are the average (平均) of the five people whom

52、 you spend the most time with, or to put it another way, you are who your friends are.Attitudes(态度) are important. Whether theyre positive(积极的)or negative (消极的),_If youre always around people who complain about short of work and about other musicians or say bad words about others, and you play the r

53、ole of a victim, its possible that you will start to as well. So its time to take a look at the people you call friends, as what kind of friends you have decides what kind of life you are going to live.This is an easy exercise: Make a list of the people who you often go out with, and simply stop spe

54、nding time with the negative people on your list. Set a new standard for yourself and dont become friends with people who fall below that standard.Keep successful people around you and your own chances for success will be much better. Ask them how they do it and learn from them. Ask if they will hel

55、p you get the work youre looking for, or maybe give you some advice to help you on your career path.1The musicians words at the beginning are written mainly to show_.Athe musicians live a poor lifeBpeople have poor taste in musicCpeople have different attitudes towards the same thingDyoung people ha

56、ve greater chances of succeeding2The underlined sentence theyll rubbing off on you in Paragraph 6. means_.Atheyll push you aheadBtheyll have an influence on youCtheyll cover your feelingsDtheyll help you succeed3By taking the exercise mentioned in Paragraph 7, you can_.Aimprove a lot in making more

57、friendsBplan the time with your friends properlyCdevelop a better relationship with your friendsDcome to the right way of making friends4Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?AYou are who your friends are.BHow to make friendship long.CA friend in need is a friend indeed.DFriends are the most important in ones success.书面表达19、书面表达(原创)今年春节,很多人加入了抢红包的游戏,但也有人表示担忧。学校英语校刊英语天地对此进行调查,


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