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1、2023年教师资格【高中英语】真题全仿真模拟试题一、单项选一选(本大题共30小题,每题2分,共60分)/s/ and /z/ can be d i st i ngu i shed by the .pI ace of articulationstate of tonguestate of vocaI cordsmanner of art i cuI at i on.【答案】CThe word “realization“ cons i sts of and .five; f i vefive; fourfour; threefour; four2.【答案】CWh i ch of the fol l

2、owing i s I east assoc i ated with newspaper pub Ii sh i ng?proofread i nged i tor i a Icensorshcitizensh3.【答案】DWh i ch of the fol lowing best descr i bes the re I at i on between “piece” and “peace”?synonymyhomonymyantonymyhyponymy4.【答案】B第1页/总16页 of f i fty-three mi I es an hour” so enab I i ng som

3、e cats to fa I Ifrom h i gh-r i se bu i I d i ngs and wa I k away unhurt. I d I i ke to see a dog try that.What can be inferred about cats from Bradshaw5 s research?Cats wh i skers can a them to confuse preys.Cats can detect sounds far away from them.Cats can process images better than we do.Cats i

4、nteI Ii gence has been underestimated.Accord i ng to Paragraph 3, which of the fol lowing constitutes a potent i a I research topic?Do i ng cat-psycho I ogy exper i merits.Decoding playing kittens tai l-language.D i scover i ng why cats can cI ass i fy shapes.Invest i gat i ng why cats go crazy for

5、catn.Wh i ch of the fol lowing i s cIosest i n mean i ng to the under I i ned word “ph Iegmat i c” i n Paragraph 4?A. Lone I y. B. Emot i ona IC. Sul Ien D. Ca ImFor what reason d the ecoIog i sts accuse cats?A. Reproducing more offspr i ng. B. Destroy i ng songbirds habitat.C. Killing the country s

6、 songb i rds. D. Be i ng susp i c i ous of human be i ngsAccord i ng to the author, what i s most impressive about cats dur i ng a I ong fa I I i n Bradshaw5 s writing?Cats can be tra i ned to I and safe Iy.Cats tend to use the i r cIaws as brakes.Some cats can adopt a “parachute pos it i on.Most ca

7、ts are good at playing tr i cks i n m-a i r.【答案】C.【答案】B第10页/总16页.【答案】D.【答案】B.【答案】C二、简答题(本大题1小题,20分)31、根据题目要求完成以下任务,用中文作答。简述进行短文听写(dictation)的目的(6分)与三个基本步骤(6分)。写出短文听写的一 个优点(4分)和一个缺点(4分)。参考答案:.目的:短文听写是一种重要的教学手段和测试工程,用于测试评估应试者输入(听)和输出(写) 的综合能力。,三大步骤:一、瞻前顾后,预测内容在听短文的录音之前,考生要浏览短文,对全文的内容有一个大致的了解,并对将要填写的词

8、或词组进行预测。在浏览短文时,要看每段的句,因为绝大多数的英文写作中都会先有一个主 题句,再引出下文的内容,把握好主题句,有助于预测空缺处的内容。在浏览短文的过程中, 需要运用平行结构预测所填内容,根据空前后的词推测该空在句中的作用,进而预测其词性。二、集中,逐次填空短文听写局部的录音一般会放三遍,每一遍都有没有同的作用:录音放遍时,跟着录音走,边 听边记下能填出的空,如果要填写的单词较长,可以暂时简写;录音放第二遍时,听遍没有听出 来的词或词组,尽量把所有空都补齐,把遍没有写完整的单词补充完整;录音放第三遍时,要核 对已经填出的词或词组,对于前两遍没有听出的单词要尽可能地听出来。三、检查细节

9、,确保正确在录音放完之后,一定要注意检查已填内容,排除因为粗心或笔误而造成的错误,如字母大小 写、单词拼写、名词单复数和主谓一致等。.优点:对于要考查的词汇,短语和语法能够清楚地判断考生的掌握情况,比方动词三单,名 词单复数等问题。缺点:相对于听一段听力材料,后用自己的语言答题这种题型来说,短文填空没有能考查学生 自我语言组织和输出能力。对于考生更高听力综合运用能力无法很好地考查。第11页/总16页 三、教学情境分析题(本大题1小题,20分)根据题目要求完成以下任务,用中文作答。32.下面是一节高中英语课堂教学片段实录。T: Arm yourse If with sunscreen, sung

10、lasses and a hat in a per iod of hot weather.How can you arm yourseIf? You a I ready he two armshow do you put on more?T: Can we f i gure out the mean i ng of “arm from the text? Look for another p I ace where the word “sunscreen appears. S2: I n th i s sentence: uHea I th experts warned peop I e, w

11、hen outse, to apply sunscreen with a sun protection factor。“So I th i nk “arm yourseIfi s ki nd of “apply” . S1 : Oh, that makes sense. I s he right?T: I cou I d answer you, but I d I i ke you to f i nd out the mean i ng of arm i n the d i ct i onary. T: Got i t? Can you exp lain i t i n Eng I i sh?

12、Yes, it s a verb, d i fferent from the noun arm” , mean i ng to prove yourse I f or others with weapons or to prove what you need for a task.T: Nicely done!根据上面提供的信息,回答以下问题:(D该教学片段的语言教学目标和策略目标分别是什么? (8分)(2)该教师采取了哪三种方法达成上述目标(12分)(3)该教师教学的一个优点和一个缺点分别是什么? (10分)参考答案:语言知识目标:学生学会生词“arm”作为动词的含义并能够使用词典查阅生词;

13、策略目标:学生能够上下文语境理解生词,并查阅词典进行确认猜想。(2)采用了启发式教学法。启发式教学,就是根据教学目的、内容、学生的知识水平和知识规 律,运用各种教学手段,采用启发诱导方法传授知识、培养能力,使学生积极主动地学习,以 促进身心开展。该教学材料中,教师立足于学生的基础及现有的知识水平,通过提问等语言方第12页/总16页式启发学生了解和体会arm的动词词性,而没有是直接告知学生其用法,使学生到达了主动学 习、积极思考的目的。优点:在该案例中,当学生没有明白生词的含义时,老师并没有直接告诉学生,而是让学生 通过讨论和查字典的形式弄清楚了生词的意思,培养了学生查字典的技能和习惯,逐步养成

14、自 主学习的能力。缺点:根据高中英语课程标准,形成性评价反映学生的进步情况,对学生的学习尝试做出 肯定,以促进学生的学习积极性,帮助教师改进教学。在该案例中,学生通过自己的努力弄清 楚了生词的意思后,该老师只是简单地评价Nicelydone55 ,并未对学生“讨论”和“查字典” 的学习方法进行肯定,没有能很好地促学生的学习积极性。四、教学设计根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学,用英文作答。32.设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计20分钟的写作教学,帮助学生顺利完成 该写作任务。教案没有固定格式,但须包含以下要点:I teach i ng objectivesI teach i ng c

15、ontentsI key and difficult pointsI major steps and t ime a I Iocat i onI activities and justification 教学时间:20 分钟学生概况:某城镇普通中学高中年级学期学生,班级人数40人,多数学生已经到达义务教育 英语课程标准(2011年版)五级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。语言素材:WRITINGThink of someone famous that you admi re a Iot, for examp Ie, an art ist, a musician or wr iter.Wr i te

16、 two or three paragraphs about h i s or her I i fe. Be I ow are some suggest i ons to he I p you.第13页/总16页Wr i te about:I Where he/she was born and where he/she I i ved as a ch i I d.I H i s/her famiIy.I How he/she become famous.I H i s/her songs/ mus i c/pa i nt i ng/noveIs/poemsI To show he/she ha

17、s been i n.I Your opinion of h i s/her work. Exp lain why you I i ke h i m/her.I What you th ink wi I I happen to him/her.I Whether he/she wi I I cont i nue to be successfuI.Teach i ng type: Writing cI assTeach i ng contents: Th i s is a writing cI ass from sen i or h i gh schooI, wh i ch i s about

18、how to descr i be a person. Students are requ i red to share the deta i Ied i nformat i on about the peopIe they admi re, such as the I i v i ng pI ace, the I i fe story, and to express the reasons why they Ii ke these ceIebr it i es so much.Teach i ng Object i ves:Knowledge object i ves Students ar

19、e ab I e to know the deta i Ied i nformat i on about the peopIe they admi re and can descr i be i t correct Iy and proper Iy i n Eng Ii sh.Ability objectives:Students are abIe to arrange the writing mater i a Is they he and organ i ze them logical Iy.Through shar i ng the stor i es of the i r for i

20、te peop I e, students speaking abi I ity wi I I be s i gni f i cant Iy improved.Emot i onaI object i ves:Students can I earn the correct and pos it i ve vaIues from the peopIe they I i ke.第14页/总16页Students are ab I e to enhance the ab i I i t i es of cr i t i ca I th i nk i ng and rat i ona I th i n

21、k i ng through assess i ng someone reasonabIy.Teach i ng key and difficult points:Teaching Key point:How to co I Iect the writing mater i a Is and organ i ze them proper Iy.Teach i ng Difficult point:Build the I i fe goaIs and pos it i ve attitude.Teach i ng Procedures:Stepl: Pre-wr i t i ngBra i ns

22、torm:Ask students to I i st the names of the peopIe they admi re most.Ask students to I i st the detai led i nformat ion about these peopI e, such as the b i rth pa I ace, the reason why they succeed, the i r op i n i ons on theses successfuI peopIe and these peopIeJ s future.Share some usefuI sente

23、nce structure to he Ip students to descr i be the above i nformat i on i n deta i I.Group work: share the peopIe who students admi re most i n a group.Show students a samp Ie to gue students to organ i ze the i nformat i on i nto every paragraph.(Justification: Bra i nstorm he Ips to choose the peop

24、Ie and deta i Ied i nformat i on they wi I I wr i te about, and shar i ng the sentence structure I ays a good foundation for the next step. Beses, group work i s a good way to improve students5 speak i ng ability and awareness of cooperat i on.)Step2: Wh i Ie-wr itingStudents need to wr i te an art

25、i cIe about the peopIe they admi re most accord i ng to the requ i rements .第15页/总16页(Just i f i cat i on: Students wi I I cu11 i vate the i r ability of writing an art i cIe within certa i n mi nutes and the i r good habits of writing will be formed as well.)Step3: Post-wr it i ngExchange with desk

26、-mates to do peer-ed it i ng.Show the contents.Eva Iuate the wr i t i ng.(Justification: Editing can prove a perfect writing for students, meanwh i Ie the comments wi I I he I p students I earn more from others and improve the i r writing ab iI i ty prompt Iy.)Step4: Summary and homeworkSummary: Ask

27、 students what they I earn form th i s Iesson and summar i ze the writing strategies with students.Homework: Ask students to th i nk about a question: Shou Id we admi re the on I ine ceIebr ities and movie stars, why?(Justification: Summary can make students know the ma i n i nformat i on about the

28、cI ass. And the homework can improve students or itical th i nk i ng ability.)第16页/总16页She was not impressed by the story Pau I shared with her, for she had a I ready heard of i t.i n the I eastat the mostI east of a I Ifor the most【答案】AWithout facts, we can t form worthwh i I e op i n i ons, forwe

29、need to he factual knowledge our th i nk i ng.A.Wh i ch to be based uponupon wh i ch toupon wh i ch tobasewh i ch to baseuponupon wh i ch tobe based【答案】BIt s true that water wi I I cont i nue to be i t i s today-i n importance to oxygen.A. howwh i chaswhat.【答案】D. He i s he IpI ess under such c i rcu

30、mstances,A.howeverbr iI Ii ant a mind he may heB.however a br i I I i ant mi nd he may hehowever br iI Ii ant a mi nd may he heHowever a br i I I i ant mi nd may he he.【答案】A. Which of fol lowing refers to uthe part of input that has been i nterna I i zed by learners” ?第2页/总16页A. feedbackB outputi nt

31、akewashback9.【答案】CWh i ch of the fol lowing descr ibes the I anguage of an indivual speaker with i ts un i que character i st i cs?i o I ectTabooRegionaI dialectSoc i a I dialect10.【答案】AWhat ro I e does he/she p I ay when a teacher exp Iains the purpose of a task, the steps to do i t and its t i me

32、I imit?An organ i zer.An observerAn evaIuatorA prompter11.【答案】AWhat does he/she intend to do when a teacher wr ites the fol lowing sentences ”She gets up ear I y. She wears a un i form. She works very hard. on the b I ackboard at the presentat i on stage?Pract i ce sentence patterns us i ng mode I s

33、entences.Check i f students can pronounce the sentences correct Iy.Mon i tor whether students can accurate I y express the i r eas.Draw students5 attention to the form of a new Ianguage item.12.【答案】D第3页/总16页What skill does he/she use when a student uses I anguageknowledge and contextual c I ues to f

34、 i gure out the mean i ng of a new word?Contrast i ng.Summar i z i ngDeduc i ngPred i ct i ng13.【答案】CSupp I ement i ng, de let i ng, simp I ifying and reorder i ng are often used i n .adapt i ng teach i ng mater i a Isde I i ver i ng teach i ng mater i a IsevaIuat i ng teach i ng mater i a Ispresent

35、 i ng teach i ng mater i a I s14.【答案】AWh i ch of the fol lowing i s I east recommended at the I ead- i n stage i n a read i ng c I ass?Act i vat i ng students schema of the top i c.Giving advice on how to use readi ng strategies.Shar i ng background i nformat i on about the text.Correct i ng Ianguag

36、e mi stakes students he made.【答案】D. Wh i ch of the fol lowing best descr i bes the phenomenon that I earners app I y the skills acqu i red i n one field to another?TransferDeduct i onContextuaI i zat i onInduct i on.【答案】A. I f the focus i s p I aced on , students are supposed to go through the stage

37、s of draft i ng, rece i v i ng feedback, and rev i s i ng before submitt i ng the final vers i on of the i r wr iting.第4页/总16页A. productprocessgenreformat【答案】BWhat wou I d he/she do i n a read i ng c I ass i f a teacher wants to deve I op studentsi nferent i a I comprehens i on?A. Ask them toreteI I

38、 the story.B.Ask them tounder I i ne difficult sentences.C. Ask them toread the text sentence by sentence.i mpIi ed mean i ng.D. Ask them to read the text for 18.【答案】DWh i ch of the fol lowing act i v i t i es can be used i f thefocus i s on deve loping students5 ora I fIuency i n Eng I i sh?BI ank-

39、f i I I i ng.Story-teI I i ng.Transformat i on.Translation.【答案】B. What i s the focus when a teacher says to the cI ass“Rewr i te each of the fol lowing sentences us i ng the passi ve voice.SkillMeaningC. StructureD. Funct i on20.【答案】CPassage 1第5页/总16页I he persona I I y come to understand that “empow

40、erment”i s not a I esson that can be thought by way of textbooks or I ectures, projects or field trs, and not even by way of pr i nc I es and i nsp i rat i ona I teach i ng. 11 must be taught by persona I examp I es.When we ask our students who come from d i sadvantaged backgrounds, or those, who fa

41、ce a persona I I i festy I e that i s i n d i rect conf I i ct to the pr i nc I es that we teach, we he to be wi I I i ng to show them how to overcomer, how to make the trans i t i on from one state of being i nto the next, how to be empowered. We must make the lesson of empowerment come to I i fe,

42、i n a rea I, up-dose and persona I way. And the on I y way th i s can be done i s when we allow ourseIves to become I i v i ng examp Ies of what we teach.Preparatory school for GIoba I Leadersh (PSCL) i s aschoo I that I started because I be I i eved that I had method, a way of teach i ng and I earn

43、 i ng that wou I d empower the urban d i sadvantaged chi Id. But as I sit back and th i nk about i tnow, PSGL was a schoo I that I started so that I wou I d showcase empowerment to a group of students (and stuff) who needed a rea I I ife, examp I e of how to grow beyond one s current c i rcumstance.

44、When I ref Iect on my journey of start i ng the schooI, Irea I i ze that every step a I ong the way was persona I I y teach i ng about empowerment. It i s one th i ng to teach it, but i t i s another to I i ve it. Un I ess we exper i ence empowerment on apersona I I eve I, we can not help students I

45、 earn i t, c i rcumvent obstac I es as they ar i se an d deve I op and emp I oy the new skills needed to funct i on to be empowered.How can we get i n the face of a student and push him to a pI ace that i s forei gn and scary, asking h im to become greater than hi s envi ronment? We can, t, why? Bec

46、ause we do not know what i t I acks I i ke, we do not know what it fee I s I i ke. Our ro I e as a teacher becomes techn ica I, caus i ng us to mi ss out on the sp i r i t of tru Iy good teach i ng, where one teaches with re Ievancy, authent i c i ty and exper i ence.When I Iook at the faces of thes

47、e students, I know that my process of start i ng the schoo I was for them. When I became第6页/总16页 what I taught, when I empowered myse I f i n spaces where there was no one there to empower me, when I chose to succeed without excuses, I became a I i v i ng Iesson.These students saw me and our staff a

48、s extens i ons of the I essons we were trying to teach. Our I i ves, not by our perfect i on, but by our effort, showed students how to app I y what we taught.Which of the fol lowing can be regarded as a necessary condition for teachers to empower the i r students?H i ng been successfuI i n empower

49、i ng students.Possess i ng the expert i se i n the subject they teach.H i ng rece i ved adequate tra i n i ng on empowerment.Be i ng ab I e to integrate personal exper i ences i nto the i r teach i ng.Which of the fol lowing can be inferred from the passage?On I y ch i I dren from d i sadvantaged ba

50、ckground need to be empowered.The author i s ab I e to empower her se I f when faced w i th difficulties.Teachers with personal exper ience of empowerment cannot teach.The author does not pract i ce what she advocates i n her own I i fe.Wh i ch of the following i s true about the Preparatory Schoo I

51、 for GI oba I Leadersh?11 i s the most renowned of i ts k i nd i n the wor I d.Its graduates are we I I rece i ved by the i r empIoyers.I ts staff are unw i I I i ng to empower themse I ves as I i v i ng examp I es.D It a ims at empower i ng tra i nees to grow beyond the i r c i rcumstances.Which of

52、 the fol lowing i s cIosest in meaning to the under I ined word “ci rcumvent,J i n Paragraph 4?A. Overcome. B. Encounter.C. Move around. D. Take away.Why does the author h i gh I y va I ue a teacher s exper i ence of empowerment i n teach i ng?To enable students to I earn and use new skills.To turn

53、teach i ng techn i caI with dogmat i c Iectures.第7页/总16页To make teach i ng re I evant, authent i c, and conv i nc i ng.To extend and perfect h i s profess ionaI career as a teacher.【答案】D.【答案】B.【答案】D.【答案】A.【答案】CPassage 2Cats he the west hear i ng range of near I y any mamma I n not on I y can they pe

54、rce i ve sound i n what we def i ne as the Uu I trason i cn range, they can a I so apprec i ate a I I the bass Dr Dre can throw at them. They can swivel the i r wh i skers forwards while hunt i ng to prove a k i nd of short-range radar. And they can see exceptionally well i n the dark thanks to a re

55、flective surface beh i nd the ret i na that bounces I ight back, giving it a second chance to hit a photoreceptor. They see more d i st i net images per second than we do.Dog part i sans wi I I appea I to the dog5 saileged Iy super ior i nte I I i gence 一 though if that were the primary criterionfor

56、 choos i ng a pet, one wou I d expect to see a I ot more crows and squ on I eads around town. In fact, cats are rather cIeverer than common Iy assumed, as the biologist and animal -beh i our expert John Bradshaw shows i n h i s new book. They can even be tra i ned to an extent wh i ch was news to me

57、 Bradshaw5 s book mi xes pe I I ets of cat lore with accounts of fe I i ne evo I ut i on, anatomy, genet i cs and deve I opment from newborn k i tten to adu I thood, pI us desert i onsof cat-psycho I ogy exper i merits i n the I aboratory, many of wh i ch he has conducted h i mse I f. Some of the mo

58、st i nterest i ng parts i nd i cate ho I es i n our current sc i ent i f i c know I edge. “Many mother cats try to move the i r I i tters at I east once beforethey wean them, 5, he observes, “but sc i ence has yet to f i nd out why” . No one knows why cats go crazy for catn, nor why they are able ut

59、o c I ass i f y shapes accord i ng to whether they are cIosed or open. Kittens, meanwh i I e, “may a I so use spec i a I movements of the i r ta i I s to s i gna I p I ayfu I ness, but so第8页/总16页 far no sc i ent i st has been ab I e to decode these55 . As far as potent i a I research projects go, de

60、cod i ng the tai l-l anguage of p I ay i ng k i ttens must be about the i nterest i ng unso I ved prob Iem i n sc i ence.The cat i s an apparent I yph I egmat i c beast, but Bradshaw po i nts out that cats exper i ence strong emot ions, and somet imes might be suffer i ng i n s i Ience. They aren5 t


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