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1、男子地震不顾父母先救9岁儿子 母亲生气不理他You cannot Burn the candle at both ends.-A tough choice but the best of a bad bunch at critical moment Yan Chengxi 2013-05-111Mr Yans Translation1 年迈的父母在对面哥哥家的厨房内,9岁的儿子在自家二楼的卧室。地震那天早上,地动山摇,房间摇摇欲坠,雅安市雨城区的李国斌也面临着这样两难的选择。1Li Guobins parents both in advanced years were busy at his

2、brothers kitchen just opposite to his own building while his 9-year-old son were sleeping in his bedroom on the second floor. On the very morning when the earthquake unexpectedly struck the area, everything was violently tumbling and crumbling. His own building was shaking and seemingly on the verge

3、 of collapse. Just at this critical moment, Li Guobin, a native living in Yucheng District, Yaan City, was thrown into a dilemma: Can I burn the candle at both ends? 2Mr Yans Translation2 最终,他先冲上二楼,穿过客厅,到卧室,抱起被地震惊醒,坐在床上惊恐不已的儿子;但当他迅速冲下楼时,却看到年迈的父母已经被屋顶坠落的砖块砸倒在地,身边还有一摊血迹2 He rushed like crazy upstairs

4、without much ado, running across the living room and then to the bedroom and immediately grabbed his son into his arms, who was struck dumb by the sudden earthquake and stayed numb and terrified on bed; he rushed downstairs with his son when he saw his own father and mother heavily knocked down into

5、 the debris falling from the roof with the kitchen floor stained with a pool of blood. 3Mr Yans Translation3 李国斌:“对于一个人来说,必须先有老人,再有我们。但我们都是人类,必须延续后代,所以必须先顾娃娃,娃娃是未来的希望,也是社会的希望。所以,救年轻一代,这是正儿八经、义不容辞的事情。”3 Li Guobin says, “I, as a son, should give first priority to protecting my elderly parents who gave

6、 me the life and brought me up. However, in view of the development of the human beings, we are duty-bound to contribute to the human reproduction. So in this regard, I think the top priority is to be given to our children at this critical moment as they are the hope of the future and the hope of th

7、e entire society. So I will explain myself and say loudly for myself that it is a tough choice but the best of a bad bunch and it is incumbent on me to do what I should have done without doing justice to my parents.” 4Featured Skills今天为大家带来的翻译技巧叫做“貌离神合”,所谓的“貌离神合”就是说译文从表面上看与原文相距甚远,而其内在的本质却与原文高度的吻合。闫老

8、师一直强调,翻译的精髓不在于字句的高度匹配,而在于把握住原文的灵魂,对其进行充满个人特色的诠释和重构。重视神合而非局限于表面,不仅之中国翻译人追求的理想翻译境界,也是中国传统文化重视的一点,大家不妨想一下,我国的绘画艺术中是否也有类似的追求?好,我们回归正题。让我们看一下闫老师是如何翻译标题的:男子地震不顾父母先救9岁儿子 母亲生气不理他You cannot Burn the candle at both ends.-A tough choice but the best of a bad bunch at critical moment5Highlights乍一看,闫老师是不是看错行了?标题中的几个关键信息,男子,母亲,9岁,儿子,生气,不理他在译文里都没有出现。然而闫老师巧妙的运用了一个成语“Burn the candle at both ends”,这个成语本身就把这种左右为难的困境描绘的活灵活现。副标题的解释进一步的解释了成语的含义。这样的翻译,表面上和原文毫不相干,然而却把原文标题的所有含义都表达出来。同时由于使用了成语,艺术效果比原文标题更上一层楼。亦可吸引读者进一步阅读,可谓一箭多雕。6Exercise为了配合今天的课程,闫老师特地从新闻稿中精选了一些有代表性的新闻标题,以供大家练笔,希望大家将今天所


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