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1、2010职称英语强化班完形填空讲义 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“2010职称英语强化班完形填空讲义”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对92的支持!新东方在线 2010职称英语网络课堂电子教材系列 强化班 The Worlds Longest Bridge . 207 Obesity Causes Global Warming . 208 The Value of Motherhood . 209 Ludwig Van Beethoven . 210 Einstein Named Person of Century . 210 Reinventing the Table . 211 Dont

2、 Rely on Plankton to Save the Planet . 212 Dung to Death . 212 Robotic Highway Cones . 213 The Arctic Ice is Thawing . 214 Bedwetting . 215 What Makes Me the Weight I Am? . 215 How One Simple Movement Can Let Slip the Secrets of the Mind . 216 Why Do Peoples Shrink? . 217 Leukemia . 217 What Is Insu

3、lin-dependent Diabetes? . 218 补全短文参考答案 . 219 第五部分 概括大意与完成句子 . 220 The Making of a Success Story . 220 The Paper Chase . 221 English and English Community . 222 Alaska . 223 Architecture . 225 Earthquake . 226 Transport and Trade . 227 Is There a Way to Keep the Britains Economy Growing? . 228 Screen

4、 Test . 229 Heartbeat of America . 231 LED Lighting . 232 Washoe Learned American Sign Language . 233 The Tiniest Electric Motor in the World . 235 Face Masks May Not Protect from Super-Flu . 236 Maglev Trains . 237 Napping to a Healthier Heart? . 238 Lung Cancer. 240 Ginseng Shows Benefit in Cancer

5、 Treatment . 241 Ward off Travel Bugs . 242 A Babys Growth . 244 概括大意与完成句子参考答案 . 245 第六部分 核心词汇 . 246 职称英语通过率居全国第一 全国统一客服专线5 新东方在线 2010职称英语网络课堂电子教材系列 强化班 前 言 ? 职称英语等级考试介绍 全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试是由国家人力资源和社会保障部专业技术人员管理司组织实施的一项外语考试,它根据英语在不同专业领域活动的应用特点,结合专业技术人员掌握和应用英语的实际情况,对申报不同级别职称的专业技术人员的英语水平提出了

6、不同的要求。考试共分三个专业类别:综合类、理工类、卫生类。每个专业类别的考试各分A、B、C三个等级。A、B、C三个等级考试的总分各为100分,考试时间均为2小时。每个等级的考试各由6个部分组成,每个级别的考试题型一样、题量相同,但不同级别考试总的阅读量及难易程度不同。考试主要考查应试者理解书面英语的能力。 1. 考试内容及试卷结构如下: 考试内容及试卷结构一览表 第一部分 题型 词汇选项 (四选一) 阅读判断 (三选一) 概括大意与 完成句子 (选择搭配) 阅读理解 (四选一) 补全短文 (选择搭配) 完形填空 (四选一) 材料内容 答题要求 给出15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底

7、15个句子 横线,要求应试者从所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。 1篇短文 (300450词) 1篇短文 (300450词) 3篇短文(各300450词) 1篇短文 给出7句话,要求应试者根据文章内容做出判断(正、误、没有直接或间接提到)。 分两部分: 1概括大意(6选4); 2完成句子(6选4)。 每篇短文后有5道题,每道题后面有4个选项,要求应试者从中选择1个最佳答案。 短文中有5处空白,要求应试者通读短文并将移出的15 5 15 45 10 15 8 8 7 7 15 15 题量 分值 第二部分 第三部分 第四部分 第五部分 第六部分 (300450词) 部分重新放

8、回短文的相应位置(6选5)。 1篇短文 (300450词) 短文中有15处空白,每处空白给出4个选项,要求应试者从中选出1个最佳答案。 2. 考试要求学员: 级别 阅读任务量 词汇量 6000个左右的单词和一定数1. 考试不直接对应试者所掌握的语法知识进行考查,但应试者必须掌握量的短语 基本的语法知识,主要包括: 2. 英语句子的基本语序及其意义; B 2600词左右阅读任务 5000个左右的3. 英语句子的结构和常用句型; 单词和一定数4. 各种时、体的形式及其意义; 量的短语 5. 各种从句的构成及其意义; 6.句子中词语的所指、省略、替代、C 2200词左右阅读任务 4000个左右的单词

9、和一定数量的短语 重复,以及句子之间的意义关系等。 语法 阅读理解能力 A 3000词左右阅读任务 1. 掌握所读材料的主旨和大意; 2. 了解阐述主旨的事实和细节; 3. 利用上下文猜测某些词汇和短语的意义; 4. 既理解个别句子的意义,也理解上下文之间的意义关系; 5. 根据所读材料进行判断和推论; 6. 领会作者的观点、意图和态度。 6 职称英语通过率居全国第一 全国统一客服专线新东方在线 2010职称英语网络课堂电子教材系列 强化班 3. 职称英语考试词典的要求: 职称英语考试是闭卷考,但允许考生携带词典进入考场。关于词典,国家有明确的规定,以下词典不允许带

10、入考场: (1) 有职称字样的词典不要带入考场; (2) 针对职称英语考试编写的词典不能带入考场; (3) 电子出版物,即电子词典不能带入考场。 其它的词典国家没有明确的规定。因此建议尽量选择具备同义词、收词量相对较大的词典,如新思维英语用法词典等。 提示:请报VIP全程班、零基础通关协议班及保过班的学员不要着急自购词典,我们会为您免费赠送新思维英语用法词典。 ? 讲义使用说明 强化班讲义的编写主要依据职称英语考试大纲题型和国家指定教材。授课老师会针对不同题型的文章内容进行全面系统的精讲,授课同时融合了老师对每个题型自己多年总结和积累的解题技巧和方法等,帮助学员在对教材中的重点文章有一个全面而

11、深入了解的同时,提高综合分析和解题能力。通过强化班的学习,使学员对国家指定教材中的内容有一定的了解和记忆,且能在短时间内帮助学员得到综合阅读能力上的快速提高,为学员顺利通过考试、进行冲刺阶段的巩固学习打下坚实的基础。 1. 强化班讲义对阅读理解题型的文章是按照类别和级别进行分类整理的,其中文章标题后标有括号且标有其他级别和类别时表示该文章还在其他的类别和级别中出现,就不再进行重复印刷。例如:显示在综合C级里的Snowflakes文章后面就标有(理工C)则表示该文章不但属于综合类C级还属于理工类C级的文章,请报考不同类别的考生在使用这本讲义时特别注意; 2. 强化班讲义只对阅读理解文章进行了类别

12、和级别的区分,其它题型的文章未进行类别和级别的分类,完型填空题型老师在授课时会详细说明,其他题型考试时一般不会出书中原文,因此要求大家重点听老师讲解的方法和技巧,通过文章进行方法和技巧的练习,达到考试时柔韧有余; 3. 职称英语考试允许学员考试时带一本纸版词典进入考场,所以对词汇选项题型没有过多的讲解。讲义最后列举的核心词汇是对国家指定教材中必备词汇的汇总,这些都是常考的同义词词汇,主要为了帮助学员轻松记忆一些常考词汇,常言道背的总比查的快,这样在考试中就可以节省查词典的时间,轻松应对词汇选项题型; 4. 职称英语考试出题的一般规律是(此部分解释仅供参考):阅读理解题型会有一篇文章(15分)出

13、自国家指定教材,问题和答案有可能会变化,另外二篇文章为教材外文章,这就需要学员学习和掌握老师在授课过程中传授的方法和技巧来答题(至少得15分才能通过考试);完型填空题型的一篇文章(15分)一般规律是出自国家指定教材,选择题目时有可能空格会有变换,需要学员对文章完全了解并熟练掌握,这样才会应用自如。 职称英语通过率居全国第一 全国统一客服专线7 新东方在线 2010职称英语网络课堂电子教材系列 强化班 第一部分 阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,每篇短文的后面有五个问题,每个问题有四个选答案。请根据短文的内容选择最佳答案。 C级综合类 Snowflakes (理工C) You

14、ve probably heard that no two snowflakes are alike. Of course, nobody has ever confirmed that statement by examining every one of the estimated one septillion snowflakes that drift to Earth each year. still, Kenneth Libbrecht, a professor at the California Institute of Technology, is confident that

15、the statement is true. Snowflakes arent flaky, says Libbrecht. At their basic level, theyre crystalline. The lattice of every snowflake is six-sided in shape. The simplest snow crystals are six-sided flat plates and six-sided columns. Such crystals are common in places where the air is extremely col

16、d and dry. Snow crystals acquire their special beauty when their simple six-sided symmetry blossoms. Under the right conditions, each of the six corners of a crystal sprouts what is called an arm. In a matter of minutes, the arms can become highly ornate and give the crystal a star like appearance.

17、Several factors in the environment affect the shape and growth rate of a snow crystal. One factor is humidity. Crystals grow faster and in more intricate shape as humidity increases. A second factor is air temperature. A snowflake is born when several molecules of water vapor in a could land on a sp

18、eck of dust and freeze to form a simple crystal. As the young crystal bops around in the cloud, it passes through air pockets of varying temperatures. If the crystal passes through a pocket of air that is, says,15 degrees Celsius, it will grow quickly and sprout six arms, says Libbrecht. If the crys

19、tal is then tossed into a warmer pocket, one about-10, the arms tips will stop growing quickly and form six-side plates. If the crystal then drifts into an even warmer pocket of about -, its top and bottom will grow more quickly than its sides and become more column like in shape. In the course of i

20、ts life span, a snow-crystal might flutter through many warmer and colder pockets, acquiring a complicated and unique growth history. Such a history will give rise to a snowflake that is unlike any other. Each arm on the snowflake will look exactly like every other one, but the crystal itself will b

21、e one of a kind. Using his cooling tanks, Libbrecht has learned how to create snow crystals of different shapesplates, colhuns, needles etc. Libbrecht has even refined his techniques so that he can make crystals that look highly similar to one another. Still, he lacks the control to manufacture iden

22、tical twin snowflakes. A slight difference in humidity and temperature can upset the growth profile of a crystal. 练习: 1. What does Professor Libbrecht believe to be true? A. No two snowflakes are exactly the same in shape. B. Somebody has examined all the snowflakes that on Earth. 8 职称英语通过率居全国第一 全国统

23、一客服专线新东方在线 2010职称英语网络课堂电子教材系列 强化班 C. The statement that no two snowflakes are alike is confirmed. D. None of the above. 2. What do the simplest snow crystals look like? A. They have six columns. C. They are cubic in shape. B. They are flaky. D. They are six-sided. B. Water and falling

24、speed. D. Both B and C. 3. What are the factors that affect the shape and growth rate of a snow crystal? A. Humidity and temperature. C. Air and altitude. 4. It can be felt from the description in the 2nd paragraph that the author A. admires the beauty of the snowflakes. B. dislikes the changing gro

25、wth history of the snowflakes. C. has a particular feeling for those flower-like crystals. D. likes to compare snowflakes to the stars in the sky. 5. Libbrecht is not able to A. create snow crystals of different shapes. C. create snowflakes that are exactly alike. B. make crystals that look similar

26、to one another. D. refine his techniques. Eat Healthy this from a parent or grandparent. Often, its accompanied by an appeal: think about those starving orphans in Africa!take too many bites. Instead of staying According to news reports, US restaurants are partly to blame for the growing bellies. A

27、waiter puts a plate of food in front of each customer, with two to four times the amount recommended by the government, according to a USA Today story. Americans traditionally associate quantity with value and most restaurants try to give them that. They prefer to have customers complain about too m

28、uch food rather than too little. Barbara Rolls, a nutrition professor at Pennsylvania State University, told USA Today that restaurant portion sizes began to grow in the 1970s, the same time that the American waistline began to expand. Health experts have tried to get many restaurants to serve small

29、er portions. Now, apparently, some customers are calling for this too. The restaurant industry trade magazine QSR reported last month that 57 percent of more than 4,000 people surveyed believe restaurants serve portions that are too large; 23 percent had no opinion; 20 percent disagreed. But a close

30、r look at the survey indicates that many Americans who cant afford fine dining still prefer large portions. Seventy percent of those earning at least $150,000 per year prefer smaller portions; but only 45 percent of those earning less than $25,000 want smaller. Its not that working class Americans d

31、ont want to eat healthy. Its just that, after long hours at low-paying jobs, getting less on their plate hardly seems like a good deal. They live from paycheck to paycheck, happy to save a little money for next years Christmas presents. 练习: 职称英语通过率居全国第一 全国统一客服专线9 新东方在线职称英语 强化班教材 新东方在线

32、2010职称英语网络课堂电子教材系列 强化班 目 录 前 言 . 6 第一部分 阅读理解 . 8 C级综合类 . 8 Snowflakes (理工C) . 8 Eat Healthy . 9 Find Yourself Packing It On? Blame Friends . 10 Outside-the-classroom Learning Makes a Big Difference . 12 The National Park Service . 13 Importance of Services . 14 Feast on Turkey and Good Wishes at Tha

33、nksgiving . 16 Forecasting Methods (理工A) . 17 Income . 18 TV Shows and Long Bus Trips . 20 Clone Farm (理工B) . 21 Modern Sun Worshippers . 22 The Only Way Is Up . 24 One-room Schools . 25 Some Things We Know about Language . 26 Single-parent Kids Do Best (卫生A). 27 Spacing in Animals (卫生B) . 29 New Yo

34、rkThe Melting Pot . 30 Sleep Lets Brain File Memories (理工C) . 31 Late-night Drinking (理工C,卫生C) . 33 Taxi Riding . 34 Smuggling . 35 Goal of American Education. 36 The Barbie Dolls . 38 Eiffel Is an Eyeful (理工C) . 39 Sleep(卫生C) . 40 Driven to Distraction (理工C) . 41 C级理工类 . 43 Digital Realm . 43 Ford

35、Abandons Electric Vehicles . 44 Food Fright . 46 Electric Backpack . 47 Male and Female Pilots Cause Accidents Differently . 49 Underground Coal Fires a Looming Catastrophe . 50 Hair Detectives . 52 Powering a City? Its a Breeze . 53 Sugar Power for Cell Phones . 54 Plant Gas . 56 Explorer of the Ex

36、treme Deep . 57 职称英语通过率居全国第一 全国统一客服专线1 新东方在线 2010职称英语网络课堂电子教材系列 强化班 Young Female Chimps Outlearn Their Brothers. 58 Prolonging Human Life . 60 The Net Cost of Making a Name for Yourself . 61 Thirst for Oil . 62 Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass . 64 A Sunshade for the Planet . 65 Invisibili

37、ty Ring . 66 Japanese Drilling into Core of Earth . 67 Japanese Car Keeps Watch for Drunk Drivers . 69 Winged Robot Learns to Fly . 70 C级卫生类 . 72 Warm People Likely to Keep Cold at Bay . 72 Bringing Nanotechnology to Health Care for the Poor . 73 Dreams . 74 Medical Journals . 75 Drug ReactionsA Maj

38、or Cause of Death . 76 Need for Emphasis on Treatment . 78 Common-cold Sense . 79 Multivitamins Urged for All Pregnant Women . 80 Sleeplessness. 81 Cigars Instead?. 82 Pushbike Peril . 84 U.S. to Start $3.2 Billion Child Health Study in January . 85 Attitudes to AIDS Now . 86 B级综合类 . 87 New US Plan

39、for Disease prevention. 87 Pool Watch (卫生A) . 88 Eat to Live (理工C) . 90 The Cherokee Nation . 91 Immigration and Problems. 92 A Ride in a Cable-car . 93 Who Wants to Live Forever? . 94 The Wasteland . 96 B级理工类 . 98 Air Pollution Cloud Measured on Both Sides of Pacific . 98 Sauna (综合A) . 99 Smart Win

40、dow . 101 Dont Drink Alone Gets New Meaning . 102 Listening Device Provides Landslide Early Warning . 103 Putting Plants to Work . 105 B级卫生类 . 106 In-line Skating and Injuries. 106 Eating Potatoes Gives Your Immune System a Boost . 107 Fruit and Vegetable Juices as Beneficial to Health as Fruits and

41、 Veggies . 109 2 职称英语通过率居全国第一 全国统一客服专线新东方在线 2010职称英语网络课堂电子教材系列 强化班 Adaptation of Living Things . 110 FDA: Human, Animal Waste Threatens Produce. 111 Silent and Deadly . 112 Early or Later Day Care . 114 Obesity . 115 After-birth Depression Blamed for Womans Suicide . 116 Diseases of Ag

42、ricultural Plants . 118 Controlling the Growing TB Crisis in China . 119 New Attempts to Eradicate AIDS Virus . 120 Medicine Award Kicks off Nobel Prize Announcements . 121 Obesity: the Scourge of the Western World . 123 A级综合类 . 124 Older Volcanic Eruptions . 124 The Operation of International Airli

43、nes . 125 The Beginning of American Literature . 127 Can Buildings Be Designed to Resist Terrorist Attack? (理工A) . 128 Finding Enlightenment in Scotland . 130 U.S. Marks 175 Locomotive Years . 132 Defending the Theory of Evolution Still Seems Needed (理工A) . 133 A级理工类 . 135 Black Holes Trigger Stars

44、to Self-Destruct . 135 Too Little for Global Warming . 136 U.S. Scientists Confirm Water on Mars . 138 . 139 Thirsty in Karachi (卫生A) . 141 A级卫生类 . 142 15 Million Americans Suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder . 142 A Gay Biologist . 144 Dangerous Sunshine to Children . 145 IQ-Gene . 146 Hypertension

45、 Drugs Found to Cut Risk of Stroke . 148 Drug Resistance1 Fades Quickly in Key Aids Drug . 149 Pregnancy Anomalies May Lower Breast Cancer Risk . 150 Malnutrition . 152 Kidney Disease and Heart Disease Spur Each Other . 153 More about Alzheimers Disease . 154 DNA Fingerprinting . 156 Water Pollution

46、 . 157 Education of Students with Vision Impairments . 158 阅读理解参考答案 . 160 第二部分 完型填空 . 164 Diet, Alcohol Linked to Nearly One Third of Cancers . 164 Men Too May Suffer from Domestic Violence . 165 Better Control of TB Seen If a Faster Cure Is Found . 166 职称英语通过率居全国第一 全国统一客服专线3 新东方在线 201

47、0职称英语网络课堂电子教材系列 强化班 One Good Reason to Let Smallpox Live . 167 Once-daily Pill Could Simplify HIV Treatment . 168 Many Women Who Beat Cancer Dont Change Habits . 169 Scientists Develop Ways of Detecting Heart Attack . 170 Is Your Childs Stomach Pain All in His Head? . 171 A health Profile . 172 An E

48、arly Form of Jazz Music . 173 Freezing to Death for Beauty . 174 The Ideal Husband . 175 Car Thieves could Be Stopped Remotely . 176 Wonder Webs . 177 China to Help Europe Develop GPS Rival . 178 Cell Phone Lets Your Secret Out . 179 Crashed Cars to Text Message for Help. 180 完形填空参考答案 . 181 第三部分 阅读判

49、断 . 182 Studies Show U.S. Spending Doesnt Get Health. 182 Most Adults in U.S. Have Low Risk of Heart Disease . 183 TV Game Shows . 183 American Sports . 184 The Workers Role in Management . 186 Food and Cancer . 187 Stomach Ulcer . 188 Smoking . 189 Rescue Platform . 190 Engineering Ethics . 190 Red

50、 Meat Links to Higher Risk of Breast Cancer . 192 Plants and Mankind . 193 Brands . 194 The Cold Places . 195 The First Settlement in North America . 196 Continuing Medical Education . 197 Easy Learning . 198 Micro-chip Research Center Created . 199 Disease, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention . 200

51、 Some Sleep Drugs Do More Than Make You Sleep . 201 阅读判断参考答案 . 202 第四部分 补全短文 . 203 What We Take from And Give to the Sea . 203 Teamwork in Tourism . 203 Happy Birthday to You . 204 The First Four Minutes . 205 Financial Risks. 206 Mobile Phones . 207 4 职称英语通过率居全国第一 全国统一客服专线新东方在线 2010职称

52、英语网络课堂电子教材系列 强化班 1. Parents in the United States tend to ask their children A) to save food. B) to wash the dishes. D) not to eat too much. B) Because Americans have big bellies. D) Because Americans are greedy. C) not to waste food. 2. Why do American restaurants serve large portions? A) Because Am

53、ericans associate quantity with value. C) Because Americans are good eaters. 3. What happened in the 1970s? A) The US government recommended the amount of food a restaurant gave to a customer. B) Health experts persuaded restaurants to serve smaller portions. C) The United States produced more grain

54、 than needed. D) The American waistline started to expand. 4. What does the survey indicate? A) Many poor Americans want large portions. B) Twenty percent Americans want smaller portions. C) Fifty seven percent Americans earn $150,000 per year. D) Twenty three percent Americas earn less than $25,000

55、 per year. 5. Which of the following is Not true of working class Americans? A) They work long hours. B) They live from paycheck to paycheck. C) They dont want to be healthy eaters. D) They want to save money for their children. Find Yourself Packing It On? Blame Friends Obesity can spread from pers

56、on to person, much like a virus, researchers are reporting today. When a person gains weight, close friends tend to gain weight, too. Their study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, involved a detailed analysis of a large social network of 12,067 people who had been closely followed f

57、or 32 years, from 1971 until 2003. The investigators knew who was friends with whom, as well as who was a spouse or sibling or neighbor, and they knew how much each person weighed at various times over three decades. That let them reconstruct what happened over the years as some individuals became o

58、bese. Did their friends also become obese? Did family members? Or neighbors? The answer, the researchers report, was that people were most likely to become obese when a friend became obese. That increased a persons chances of becoming obese by 57 percent. There was no effect when a neighbor gained o

59、r lost weight, however, and family members had less influence than friends. It did not even matter if the friend was hundreds of miles away, the influence remained. And the greatest influence of all was between close mutual friends: There, if one became obese, the other had a 171 percent increased c

60、hance of becoming obese, too. The same effect seemed to occur for weight loss, the investigators say. But since most people were gaining, not losing, over the 32 years of the study, the result was an obesity epidemic. Dr. Nicholas Christakis, a physician and professor of medical sociology at Harvard


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