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1、三年级下册沪教牛津版小学英语(配套新版本)全册精品教学课件Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 1 ColoursPeriod 11.词汇:black, blue, green, red, white, yellow, and, ball, colour2.句型:(1)Whats the matter?I cant find my ball. (2)What colour is your ball?Its red and white. (3)Is this your ball?Yes, it is!3.能力目标:能够用英语询问物体的颜色学习目标你能说出这幅图里的

2、颜色吗?红色黄色白色蓝色课堂导入绿色单元新词单元新词连词:和;同例句: I like bananas and grapes. 我喜欢香蕉和葡萄。单元新词名词:球例句:This ball is yellow. 这个球是黄色的。单元新词单元新词名词:颜色 例句:The rainbow has seven colours. 彩虹有七种颜色。转动指针,说一说物体的颜色单词巩固whiteyellowredgreenI cant find my ball.Whats the matter?Listen and sayIts red and white.What colour is your ball?Li

3、sten and sayYes, it is! Thank you.Look! Is this your ball?Listen and saySing a songThe rainbowLook at the rainbow,The rainbow,The rainbow.Look at the rainbow In the sky.Sing a songThe rainbowRed, orange, yellow,Green and blue,Purple and violet too.Sing a songThe rainbowLook at the rainbow,The rainbo

4、w,The rainbow.Look at the rainbowIn the sky. Whats the matter?怎么了?I cant find my ball.我找不到我的球了。(1)“Whats the matter?”意为“怎么了?”,用于询问别人发生了什么事,一般指不好的事情。其同义句为“Whats wrong?”。例:Whats the matter?怎么了? I cant find my dog. 我找不到我的狗了。知识讲解1 Whats the matter?怎么了?I cant find my ball.我找不到我的球了。(2)my ball 意为“我的球”,my 是

5、形容词性物主代词,形容词性物主代词不能单独使用,后面需要加名词。 例: This is my pen. That is your pencil. 这是我的钢笔。那是你的铅笔。知识讲解1 What colour is your ball?你的球是什么颜色的?Its red and white.它是红白相间的。(1)“What colour +be 动词+名词/代词?”用于询问物品的颜色。当物品是单数时,be 动词用 is,答语为“Its+颜 色.”;当物品是复数时,be 动词用 are,答语为“Theyre+颜色.”。例 :What colour is your bag?你的包是什么颜色的? I

6、ts yellow. 它是黄色的。知识讲解2 Is this your ball?这是你的球吗?Yes, it is!是的,它是。(1)“Is this+形容词性物主代词+可数名词单数?”用于询问近处的某个物品是否属于某人。其肯定回答为“Yes, it is.”,否定回答为“No, it isnt.”。例: Is this your rabbit?这是你的兔子吗? No, it isnt. 不,它不是。知识讲解3 Is this your ball?这是你的球吗?Yes, it is!是的,它是。(2)如果要询问的物品为两个或两个以上,应用句型 “Are these+形容词性物主代词+可数名词

7、复数?”提问。其肯定回答为“Yes, they are.”,否定回答为“No, they arent.”。例: Are these your books?这些是你的书吗? No, they arent. 不,它们不是。知识讲解31. A. red B. colour C. yellow2. A. white B. green C. pen3. A. rabbit B. zebra C. black4. A. ball B. blue C. pink5. A. brown B. and C. grey随堂练习找出不同类的单词1. What colour _ the pencil? A. is B

8、. are C. am2. The trees are _ in spring.A. black B. green C. white3.Is this _ cat? _, it is.A. you, Yes B. your, No C. your, Yes随堂练习单项选择I cant find my ball.Whats the matter?课文回顾Its red and white.What colour is your ball?课文回顾Yes, it is! Thank you.Look! Is this your ball?课文回顾Module 1 Using my five sen

9、ses Unit 1 ColoursPeriod 21.词汇:两种颜色混合后产生的颜色:grey,pink, green, orange2.句型:(1)What colour is it?Its yellow. (2)Lets mix blue and yellow.3.能力目标:能够用英语询问物体的颜色并回答学习目标45每一个方框都是一个盲盒哦,快点开看一看下面藏着什么颜色吧!317862Say and actWhat colour is it, Joe?Its yellow.Say and actWhat colour is it, Joe?Its blue.Say and actLets

10、 mix blue and yellow.Say and actLook! What colour is it now?Its green.Colour and writeColour and write?Colour and write?Colour and write?Colour and writeblueyellowredorangegreenColour and writeblackwhiteredgreypinkColour and write猜一猜问号的区域是什么颜色blackColour and write猜一猜问号的区域是什么颜色orangeColour and write猜

11、一猜问号的区域是什么颜色redColour and write猜一猜问号的区域是什么颜色greenPeter: Hello, Linda!1. _ are you? Linda: Im fine. Is this your 2. _? Peter: 3. _, it isnt.Linda: What 4. _ is your ball? Peter: Its 5. _.随堂练习从方框中选词填空orange colourHow No ball课文回顾What colour is it, Joe?Its yellow.?What colour is it, Joe?Its blue.课文回顾?Le

12、ts mix blue and yellow.课文回顾?Look! What colour is it now?Its green.课文回顾?Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 1 ColoursPeriod 31. 复习前两节课所学2. 复习26个英文字母学习目标说一下三匹马分别是什么颜色whitebrownblack看一下布朗先生的农场,说一说所圈出事物的颜色greenyellowpinkblack and whiteblueReview the lettersReview the lettersReview the lettersReview the l

13、ettersReview the lettersReview the lettersReview the lettersReview the lettersReview the lettersLets readI like to go to the zoo with my parents(父母). We almost(几乎)go to the zoo every week(每周). We can see many green trees in the zoo. We can also(也)see many animals. The elephants are grey. They are so

14、 big. The pandas are black and white. They like eating bamboo(竹子). There are many rabbits. They are white. I see a fox. Its red. Its so beautiful.( )1. We go to the park every week.( )2. The trees are green in the zoo.( )3. The elephants are black and white.( )4. The pandas like eating bamboo.( )5.

15、I see a red fox.FTFTTzoopandas判断正误课时小结本节课需要掌握以下内容:26个英文字母的书写Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 2 TastesPeriod 11.词汇:candy, ice cream, lemon, how, sour, sweet, taste2.句型:(1)How is it?Its sweet. (2)What is it?Its candy. 3.能力目标:能够用英语询问及回答食物的味道学习目标What colour are they?课堂导入Yes!它们的颜色一样吗They are yellow.它们的

16、味道一样吗?课堂导入No!酸的甜的单元新词名词:糖果例句:I like candy. 我喜欢糖果。名词:冰淇淋例句: The ice cream is white. 这个冰淇淋是白色的。单元新词名词:柠檬例句:This lemon is yellow. 这个柠檬是黄色的。单元新词Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 2 TastesPeriod 11.词汇:candy, ice cream, lemon, how, sour, sweet, taste2.句型:(1)How is it?Its sweet. (2)What is it?Its candy. 3.

17、能力目标:能够用英语询问及回答食物的味道学习目标What colour are they?课堂导入Yes!它们的颜色一样吗They are yellow.它们的味道一样吗?课堂导入No!酸的甜的单元新词名词:糖果例句:I like candy. 我喜欢糖果。名词:冰淇淋例句: The ice cream is white. 这个冰淇淋是白色的。单元新词名词:柠檬例句:This lemon is yellow. 这个柠檬是黄色的。单元新词单元新词副词:怎么;怎样 例句:How is the apple?这个苹果(尝起来)怎么样?单元新词形容词:酸的 例句:The lemon is sour. 这

18、个柠檬很酸。单元新词形容词:甜的 例句:Candy is sweet. 糖果很甜。单元新词名词:味道动词:尝 例句:The orange tastes sweet. 这个橙子尝起来很甜。给单词和图片配配对单词巩固lemonsweetcandyice creamsour好酸!Its sweet.Taste it, Joe.How is it?Listen and sayWhat is it?Its candy.Its sour.Taste it, Kitty. How is it?Listen and sayWhat is it?Its a lemon. Taste it, Joe. How i

19、s it? 尝一尝它,乔。它(尝起来)怎么样?Its sweet. 它是甜的。(1)“Taste it.”是以动词原形开头的祈使句。taste 除了可以用作动词,意为“尝”外,还可以用作名词,意为“味道”。如:a good taste 味道很好。(2)“How is it?”意为“它(尝起来)怎么样?”,可以用来询问某样食物的味道,回答时用“Its+表示味道的形容词.”知识讲解1 What is it?它是什么?Its a lemon.它是一个柠檬。(1)“What is it?”用来询问某物是什么。回答时用“It isa/an+可数名词单数.”。(2)如果询问某些物品是什么,需要用“What

20、 are they?”, 回答时用“They are+可数名词复数.”。例 :What are they?它们是什么? They are mice. 它们是老鼠。知识讲解21.Taste the ice cream. Its _.A. sweet B. yellow C. small2. What are they? _A. Its an apple. B. They are sour. C. They are apples.随堂练习单项选择3. How is the lemon? _A. Theyre sweet. B. Its sour. C. Its yellow.4.How are t

21、he grapes? _A. They are sweet. B. Its sweet. C. It is sour.随堂练习单项选择Its sweet.Taste it, Joe.How is it?课文回顾What is it?Its candy.Its sour.Taste it, Kitty. How is it?What is it?Its a lemon.课文回顾 本课需要掌握的单词:candy, ice cream, lemon, how, sour, sweet, taste 本课需要掌握的句型: (1)How is it?Its sweet. (2)What is it?It

22、s candy. 课时小结Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 2 TastesPeriod 21.词汇:orange2.句型:(1)How is it?Its sweet/sour. (2)Its red and round. Its sweet. What is it?3.能力目标:能够用英语描述物体的颜色;能够用英 语询问某物是什么学习目标Play a game!两人一组,根据提示完成对话。A: Taste it. How is it?B: Its sweet/sour.A: What is it?B: Its.Play a game!两人一组,根据提示完

23、成对话。A: Taste it. How is it?B: Its sweet/sour.A: What is it?B: Its.Play a game!两人一组,根据提示完成对话。A: Taste it. How is it?B: Its sweet/sour.A: What is it?B: Its.Play a game!两人一组,根据提示完成对话。A: Taste it. How is it?B: Its sweet/sour.A: What is it?B: Its.Play a game!两人一组,根据提示完成对话。A: Taste it. How is it?B: Its sw

24、eet/sour.A: What is it?B: Its.Play a game!两人一组,根据提示完成对话。A: Taste it. How is it?B: Its sweet/sour.A: What is it?B: Its.Play a game!两人一组,根据提示完成对话。A: Taste it. How is it?B: Its sweet/sour.A: What is it?B: Its.Look and readIts red and round. It is sweet. What is it?Look and readIts yellow and long. It i

25、s sweet. What is it?Look and readIts orange and round . It is sweet and sour. What is it?Look and readIts yellow . It is sour. What is it?Mrs Liu: Lets have(吃)some 1. _.Tom: I want(想要)an 2. _.Mrs Liu: OK. Taste this orange. Is it 3. _? Tom: No. It is sweet.Peter: I want a 4. _ apple, please.Mrs Liu:

26、 Sorry, I dont have green apples. Taste this red apple, please.Peter: OK. Oh, this red apple is very 5. _随堂练习从方框中选词填空orange sweetgreen sour fruitIts red and round. It is sweet. What is it?课文回顾?Its yellow and long. It is sweet. What is it?课文回顾?Its orange and round . It is sweet and sour. What is it?课

27、文回顾?Its yellow . It is sour. What is it?课文回顾?Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 2 TastesPeriod 31. 复习前两节课所学2. 学习p/b的发音学习目标来看看那个水果消失 了,并说明它是甜的还是酸的来看看那个水果消失 了,并说明它是甜的还是酸的来看看那个水果消失 了,并说明它是甜的还是酸的来看看那个水果消失 了,并说明它是甜的还是酸的Sing a songApple treeApple red,Apple round,Apple juicy,Apple sweet,Apple, apple, I lov

28、e you.Apple sweet, I love to eat.Learn the soundspigp/p/picture Peter sheep pen pencil Learn the soundsbagb/b/big but boy bed book Learn the soundsBetty has a new bag,But its not very big.On the front of her bagIs a picture of a pig.随堂练习选出画线部分发音不同的一项1. A. candy B. cat C. panda2. A. ice cream B. clea

29、n C. head3. A. lemon B. hot C. orange4. A. apple B. animal C. taste5. A. white B. big C. kite6. A. picture B. bag C. pigI like fruit very much. In spring, I like eating mangoes(芒果). They are yellow. They are sweet and sour. In summer, I like eating peaches. They are pink and round. They taste sweet

30、and juicy. In autumn, I like eating apples. They are red and round. They are sweet. In winter, I like eating bananas. They are yellow and long. They are soft(软的)and sweet.( )1. I like eating mangoes in spring. ( )2. Peaches are red and round.( )3. I like sweet apples. ( )4. Bananas are soft and sour

31、.( )5. I like eating fruit very much.Lets readTFTFTpinksweet判断正误课时小结本节课需要掌握以下内容:b/p的发音;简单描述常见的水果Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 3 SoundsPeriod 11.词汇:bike, bus, plane, ship, car, train, can, hear, listen2.句型:What can you hear?I can hear a plane. 3.能力目标:能够用英语询问对方听到了什么; 能够回答自己听到的事物学习目标课堂导入你平时是乘坐什么交通

32、工具上学的?oror课堂导入你还乘坐过什么交通工具呢?单元新词名词:自行车例句:I like the green bike. 我喜欢这辆绿色的自行车。名词:公共汽车;巴士 例句: I go to school by bus. 我乘坐公共汽车上学。单元新词名词:飞机例句:I see a plane in the sky. 我看到了空中的一架飞机。单元新词单元新词名词:船 例句:The ship is very big. 这艘船很大。单元新词名词:小汽车 例句:I go to work by car. 我开车去上班。单元新词名词:火车 例句:The train is red. 火车是红色的。单元新

33、词情态动词:能 例句:I can see an orange ball. 我能看见一个橙色的球。单元新词动词:听到 例句:Peter hears a dog. 彼得听到一只狗(的声音)。单元新词动词:听搭配:listen to 例句:She is listening to music. 她正在听音乐。根据图片说出单词单词巩固planetraincarbusshipbikehearI can hear a dog. I can hear a bus. What can you hear?Listen! What can you hear?Listen and sayI can hear a pl

34、ane. I can hear cars.Tick and say12345A: What can you hear?B: I can hear. Listen!What can you hear? 听!你能听到什么?I can hear a plane. 我能听到一架飞机的声音。(1)“What can you hear?”用于询问对方能听到什么声音,回答时用“I can hear+a/an+可数名词单数.”或“I can hear+可数名词复数.”。(2)listen 和 hear 用法不同。listen强调“听”的动作,可以单独使用,如果后面需要加名词,需要在名词前加介词 to。 hea

35、r 强调“听”的结果,后面可以直接加名词。知识讲解1. Listen!What can you _? A. see B. eat C. hear2. Look at the sky. What can you _? A. run B. see C. jump3.Its big. It can fly in the sky. What is it? Its a _.A. ship B. plane C. bus随堂练习单项选择随堂练习选词填空1.How does this jelly _(look/hear/taste)? Its sweet.2. _(Look/Listen/Hear)!Wha

36、t can you hear?3. I can hear a _(car/bus/ship)on the sea(海洋).4. _(See/Listen/Look)!What colour is it ? Its red.tasteListenshipLookI can hear a dog. I can hear a bus. What can you hear?Listen! What can you hear?I can hear a plane. I can hear cars.课文回顾 本课需要掌握的单词:bike, bus, plane, ship, car, train, can

37、, hear, listen 本课需要掌握的句型:What can you hear?I can hear a plane. 课时小结Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 3 SoundsPeriod 21.句型:(1)Listen!What can you hear? I can hear“Gu Dong”! (2)Dont worry.2.能力目标:能够读懂故事,能正确回答问题学习目标Play a game!两人一组,根据提示完成对话。A: What can you hear?B: I can hear_.a busPlay a game!两人一组,根据提示

38、完成对话。A: What can you hear?B: I can hear_.a bikePlay a game!两人一组,根据提示完成对话。A: What can you hear?B: I can hear_.a shipPlay a game!两人一组,根据提示完成对话。A: What can you hear?B: I can hear_.a trainPlay a game!两人一组,根据提示完成对话。A: What can you hear?B: I can hear_.a carPlay a game!两人一组,根据提示完成对话。A: What can you hear?B:

39、 I can hear_.a planeEnjoy a storyGu Dong is coming!Gu Dong!Listen! What can you hear?I can hear “Gu Dong”!Enjoy a storyHelp! Help! Gu Dong is coming!Enjoy a storyWhats Gu Dong?Its a monster.Its mouth is big.Its eyes are green.Gu Dong!Enjoy a storyDont worry. Look!Read and answer.1. What can the rabb

40、it hear?He can hear“Gu Dong”.2. Whats Gu Dong?Its a monster.Enjoy a storyRead and answer.3. How is Gu Dongs mouth?Its mouth is big.4. How are Gu Dongs eyes?Its eyes are green.Enjoy a story随堂练习问答匹配1. What can you hear? 2. What colour is it? 3. What is it?4. How is it? 5. Whats the matter? A.Its orang

41、e.B. I cant find my bag.C. I can hear a plane.D. Its an orange.E. Its sweet.Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 3 SoundsPeriod 31. 复习前两节课所学2. 学习t/d的发音学习目标What can you see in the picture?planeWhat can you see in the picture?carWhat can you see in the picture?busWhat can you see in the picture?trainThi

42、nk and write1I can hear a_.dogThink and write2I can hear bikes and _.busesThink and write3I can hear a _and a _.shipplaneLearn the soundsrabbitt/t/Tina toy whitetall hot eight Learn the soundsredd/d/and under bed door good dog Learn the soundsTina has a toy rabbit,Its ears are white and red.Tinas to

43、y rabbit is under her bed.随堂练习选出画线部分发音不同的一项1. A. candy B. plane C. can2. A. bike B. ship C. listen3. A. blue B. ruler C. bus4. A. taste B. white C. red5. A. sweet B. candy C. andSix children are watching cartoons. Tom can hear a train. He can see two cats on the train. Jack can hear a bike and he ca

44、n see a white sheep. Joe can hear a ship and see a plane in the sky. Lily can see two birds and she can hear them. Kitty can see a black and white dog and she canhear a mouse. Mary can see an orange bag and she can hear a bell(铃铛).1. Tom can hear a _.2. _ can hear a ship.3. Lily can hear two _.4. Ki

45、tty can see a _ and white dog.5. Mary can see an _ bag.Lets readtrain完成句子Joebirdsblackorange课时小结本节课需要掌握以下内容:t/d的发音;描述听到了什么事物Module 2 My favourite thingsUnit 4 Animals in the zooPeriod 11.词汇:bear, elephant, lion, monkey, panda, tiger, like2.句型:(1)I like monkeys.(2)Do you like monkeys?Yes, I do./ No,

46、I dont. 3.能力目标:能够用英语表达自己喜欢什么; 能够询问对方是否喜欢某类事物学习目标课堂导入你去过动物园吗?你在动物园都看见过什么动物?课堂导入Lets go to the zoo to see some animals!单元新词名词:熊例句:I can see a big bear. 我能看到一头大熊。名词:象 例句: The elephant is drinking water. 这头象正在喝水。单元新词名词:狮子例句:Look!The lion is big. 看!那头狮子很大。单元新词单元新词名词:猴子 例句:That monkey is clever. 那只猴子很聪明。单

47、元新词名词:熊猫 例句:Pandas are black and white. 熊猫是黑白相间的。单元新词名词:老虎 例句:The small tiger is cute. 这只小老虎很可爱。单元新词动词:喜欢 例句:I like cats. 我喜欢猫。形容词:强壮的;坚固的例句:They are very strong. 它们很强壮。单元新词单词巩固火眼金睛,说出你看到了什么动物bear单词巩固火眼金睛,说出你看到了什么动物elephant单词巩固火眼金睛,说出你看到了什么动物lion tiger No, I dont. I like elephants. Theyre big and st

48、rong. Do you like elephants, Kitty?Look at the monkeys. Theyre cute. I like monkeys. Do you like monkeys, Ben?Listen and sayYes, I do. Look at the monkeys. 看那些猴子。look at 意为“看”,后加具体要看的物品。look 也有“看”的意思,但是 look 后不能直接加名词。look 常常单独使用,用来引起他人注意。例:Look at the elephants. They are big. 看那些象。它们很大。 例:Look!Theyr

49、e pandas. 看!它们是熊猫。知识讲解1 I like monkeys. 我喜欢猴子。“like+可数名词复数/不可数名词”表示“喜欢某物”。在可数名词复数前还可以加限定词指具体哪些事物。常用的限定词有 the、these、those、形容词性物主代词等。例:I like candy. Its very sweet. 我喜欢糖果。它很甜。例:I like these elephants. 我喜欢这些象。知识讲解2 Do you like monkeys, Ben?你喜欢猴子吗,本?No, I dont. I like elephants.不,我不喜欢(猴子)。我喜欢象。“Do you l

50、ike+可数名词复数/不可数名词?”用来询问对方是否喜欢某类事物。如果对方喜欢,则回答“Yes, I do.”;如果对方不喜欢,则回答“No, I dont.”。可以在其后加“I like.”补充说明自己喜欢的事物。例: Do you like lions?你喜欢狮子吗? Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。知识讲解31. _ are my favourite animals.A. Elephants B. An elephant C. The elephant2. _ Yes, I do.A. Does he like lemons? B. Do they like animals? C.

51、Do you like red?随堂练习单项选择3. I like monkeys. _Yes. I like monkeys too.A. Whats it? B. Do you have robots? C. Do you like monkeys?4. This is _ elephant. Its big and cute.A. an B. / C. a随堂练习单项选择No, I dont. I like elephants. Theyre big and strong. Do you like elephants, Kitty?Look at the monkeys. Theyre

52、cute. I like monkeys. Do you like monkeys, Ben?Yes, I do.课文回顾? 本课需要掌握的单词:bear, elephant, lion, monkey, panda, tiger, like 本课需要掌握的句型:(1) I like monkeys.(2)Do you like monkeys?Yes, I do./ No, I dont. (I like.)课时小结Module 2 My favourite thingsUnit 4 Animals in the zooPeriod 21.词汇:man, old, our, strong2.

53、句型:(1)Theyre my hats. (2)I dont like this hat! (3)Do you like.?Yes,./No,.3.能力目标:读懂故事The old man and the monkeys,并能够复述学习目标课堂导入根据图片提示拼写单词bearmonkeyelephant课堂导入根据图片提示拼写单词liontigerpandaTick and sayA: I like.Do you like.?B: Yes, I do./No, I dont. I like.名词:男人(复数men)例句:He is a young man. 他是一位年轻的男士。单元新词形容词

54、:老的例句:My grandfather is old. 我爷爷有些年老。单元新词形容词:我们的例句:She is our English teacher. 她是我们的英语老师。单元新词classEnjoy a storyThe old man and the monkeysOh, its hot.Enjoy a storyIts cool here.Enjoy a storyLook! Whats this?Its a hat.I like this hat.Enjoy a storyTheyre my hats!Theyre our hats!Enjoy a storyI dont lik

55、e this hat!I dont like this hat!Read and answer.1. Whats the weather like?Its hot.2. What does the old man have(有)?He has(有)some hats.Enjoy a storyRead and answer.3. How many monkeys are there in the story?There are three monkeys.4. How many hats are there in all(总共)?There are four hats.Enjoy a stor

56、y I dont like this hat! 我不喜欢这顶帽子!“I dont like.”表示自己不喜欢某(些)事物,是“I like.” 的否定形式。例: I like pandas. I dont like bears. 我喜欢熊猫。我不喜欢熊。知识讲解随堂练习从方框中选词填空Kitty: Wow!I can see many animals here! Joe: How many 1. _ can you see? Kitty: I can see three monkeys.Joe: How many 2. _ can you see? Kitty: I can see two p

57、andas. They are fat and 3. _.Joe: I can see horses. Do you like horses? Kitty: 4. _, I dont. I like tigers.cutemonkeyspandasNoModule 2 My favourite thingsUnit 4 Animals in the zooPeriod 31. 复习前两节课所学2. 学习k/g的发音学习目标45每一个方框都是一个盲盒哦,快点开看一看下面藏着什么小动物吧!317862Draw and writeI like monkeys.Look at this monkey.

58、Its tail is long.Its ears are small.I like _.Look at this _.Its _ is _.Its _ are _.pandaspandatailshorteyessmallLearn the soundskitek/k/park desk thankbike monkey Learn the soundsgirlg/g/goes great green big good dog Learn the soundsThe girl is in the park.The kites are in the sky.The girl flies her

59、 red kite.It goes up very high.随堂练习选出画线部分发音不同的一项1. A. like B. tiger C. big2. A. hat B. man C. panda3. A. bear B. ear C. hear4. A. hot B. dog C. colour5. A. cute B. cut C. busAnimals are our friends. I like giraffes best. They have long necks(脖子). They like eating leaves. I also like rabbits. They ar

60、e white. They can jump. Some rabbits have red eyes. My sister likes foxes. Some foxes are red. They are clever. We both like dogs. We have a black and white dog. We call him Diandian. He is three years old now.( )1. I like pandas best.( )2. Giraffes like eating leaves.( )3. Rabbits are red.( )4. Fox


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