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1、The basic reason of auditing riskWith the establishment of market economy system, the audit in the maintenance of market economic order, an increasingly prominent role, peoples understanding and awareness of the audit more profound at the same time more and more high expectations of the audit, resul

2、ting audit responsibilities and audit risk also become larger. Certified Public Accountants (hereinafter referred to cPA) as a statutory social audit practitioners, the increasing concern of the community, responsibility and role is also growing. In the new situation, how to prevent audit risk, audi

3、t risk to quantitative analysis to enhance the overall level of audit work before us has become an important issue. False accounting information in China is full of market circumstances, the auditor should not only perform the duties of social identification, but also to cooperate with the audited o

4、bject, the pursuit of certain economic interests, but also the difficulties facing a claim at any time, is the so-called CPA industry dilemma.Therefore, CPA in the law, professional ethics and self-interest continue to maintain a balance between the breaking point of balance, for balance. Is also un

5、deniable that China has a lot of CPAs audit, audit risk is too high there is a direct impact on the quality of Chinas CPA practice, the basis of international reputation and survival. National Audit Office Furniture 2001 organizations in 16 annual financial statements of listed companies qualified a

6、ccounting firm audit completed in 2001 into line quality audit services to inspect. During the inspection, the departments concerned had taken the accounting firm issued 32 audit reports and audit reports of 21 listed companies involved in the audit investigation, inspection found that 14 accounting

7、 firm issued false and 23 were seriously The audit report, resulting in false 7.143 billion yuan of financial accounting information, involving 41 certified public accountants.Moreover, audit risk also exists in the world, Enron Enron case theres four issues (use of special purpose entities over-est

8、imated profit, underestimated liabilities; through the air hanging notes receivable, overvalued assets and shareholder equity; through limited partnership, push for profits: using partnership networks, self-dealing, suspected of concealing large losses) since the independence of the audit firm Anda

9、debt is not enough, the same auditing firm Arthur Andersen created the risk.Also has “the world to pass the event”, “the silver broad summer event”, “the East electron event” and so on, has promulgated chartered accountant the audit risk universality. How to strengthen the audit risk the management,

10、 the active control and di evades the audit risk, raises to the audit quality, remoulds chartered accountant the fair social image, becomes each Accounting firm and jobholders urgent matter and may not the shift responsibility. Before the county, the academic match is mostly the qualitative analysis

11、 expectation audit risk, the inherent risk, the control risk and the detection risk. Not the special theory frame or the guide provide the assessment method for these risks, middle the actual audit work is first according to the profession custom determination expectation audit risk, then the subjec

12、tive determination inherent risk and the control risk, have not acted according to each to audit units actual situation to determine it has the expectation audit risk, expected the audit risk the Therefore, quantitative study to determine desired audit risk, inherent risk, control risk and detection

13、 risk approach, and through overall audit risk and comparing the desired audit risk is whether the audit Gongzuo, developed at such a one kind of audit risk assessment methods for reducing audit risk level, to improve the quality of audit work has important theoretical and practical significance.Res

14、earch paradigm and research methods from the point of view, audit risk study is divided into three categories: (1) Auditing and Management in the logical framework of the law or regulations of the use of theoretical study and discuss the interpretation of the audit objectives, audit environment, aud

15、it responsibilities, the audit method and the relationship between audit risk; (2) Experimental and field studies in Auditing, psychology, behavioral science and sociology of the logical framework. Analysis of the impact of audit risk factors and control methods; (3) with empirical research methods

16、in law and economics within the logical framework to discuss the institutional environment, audit risk and audit, the relationship between market structure. Internal audit risk of the past, the main use of more standard, experimental research, field research, and the relative lack of empirical resea

17、rch.The more complex the object of the audit, the audit of the contents of the more extensive and more difficult for the audit, audit the greater the risk. Reliance on the audit opinion to improve and expand the scope of audit opinions, audit risk is formed by one of the reasons. Modern economic lif

18、e, people have the reliability of financial statements provide information on the growing importance of accounting statement users want to improve through the audit the reliability of accounting information in order to reduce the decision risk, therefore, their views on the audit has become increasi

19、ngly dependent. And the impact of the scope of the audit opinion is also growing, reliance on the audit opinion can be more and more people, once they suffer losses in the market requires that there be compensation from the auditor to audit risk increases.Also, the internal audit unit was and extern

20、al economic environment is the formation of audit risk factors. These internal and external economic environment will impact on enterprise risk management, audit risk and thus affect noon.audit risk form of subjective reasons.First, the auditors experience and ability to directly led to the formatio

21、n of audit risk. As the Audit object content of the complexity and breadth of the audit, audit opinion and peoples dependence on increasing community on the auditors to make professional judgments, required audit must therefore have good experience and a higher judge ability, experience and ability,

22、 but always limited, inevitably express the error in the audit process the audit opinion, the formation of audit risk.Second, the audit staff are not strong enough sense of responsibility, failing to maintain proper professional caution is also the reason for the formation of audit risk. Auditing st

23、andards requires not only the audit staff with technical expertise, should also have a strong sense of responsibility in the audit process to maintain due professional care attitude. If the auditors responsibility is poor, work hard, work will cause many unnecessary mistakes, so have been able to fi

24、nd the problem can not be found in time. If the auditors did not keep their professional and cautious attitude, will make the audit process should be not carried out, resulting in the generation of audit risk.the reasons for the audit method itself.The auditors use the modern auditing method itself

25、has the flaw is also the substantial clause which the audit risk forms. The modern auditing method takes seriously to reduce the audit cost, emphasized the audit cost and audit risks balanced, uses the auditing routine take allows to be possible to have certain audit risk as a premise, and the sampl

26、ing audit method and the analytical reexamine the method the application penetration in the entire audit risk. Therefore the audit result has certain error inevitably.审计风险的形成基本原因随着市场经济体制的确立,审计在维护市场经济秩序方面的作用越来越突出,人们对审计的理解和认识越来越深刻,同时对审计的期望值越来越高,致使审计责任和审计风险也随之加大。注册会计师(以下简称cPA)作为法定社会审计从业人员,其越来越引起社会的关注,责




































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