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1、老挝万象城规划设计及分析第一章 Chapter I第二章 第三章第四章 第五章 第六 VI 章全区控制,打造万象最美湖景Control region , to create the most beautifulVientiane Lakeview宣扬城市文化,树立新区开发低碳标杆To promote urban culture , establisha new district to develop low-carbon benchmark引入人流,为区域注入商业动力Introduce the flow of people,inject into thecommercial power to

2、the region打造新时尚滨河酒吧街,营造都市新休闲空间Riverfront Bar Street to createa new fashion , to create a new urban leisure space打造新区完整商业链条,注入新区商业动力Create the new district acomplete business chain,inject into the new district business power构建城市地标,焕发话题引力Build a city landmark, glow topic gravity打造万象金融街,繁荣金融行业Create Vi

3、entiane Financial Street,Flourish financial sector坐拥优越地势,独享静谧环境Sitting on advantageous terrain , exclusivequiet environment打造城市形象,提升旅游品质To build the citys image , enhance thequality of travel融合当地文化,打造特色民俗风情Fusion the local culture,to creat featuresfolk customs打造星级度假酒店,落实旅游服务行业Create star resort,impl

4、ement thetravel service industry精品酒店,不动声色的顶级享受Boutique Hotel,The top to enjoy the calmand collected商务、娱乐,打造高端住区顶级会所Business , entertainment, top clubs tobuild high-end settlements引入英伦风格,打造名校典范Introduce the British style, to create the elitemodel of加强城市基础建设,完善医疗保健设施Strengthen urban infrastructure ,im

5、prove health care facilities湖畔大宅,生活蓝本Lakeside mansion, living model引入高端住区模式,品味新生活Introduce of high-end settlements , tastenew life(宏观Macro 中观 Meso 微观 Microcosmic ) 老挝是一个位于中南半岛北部的内陆国家。它北邻中国,南接柬埔寨、东界越南,西北达缅甸,西南毗连泰国。Laos is a landlocked country located in the northern part ofIndochina Peninsula . North

6、 China , south of Cambodia, East Vietnamese community , northwest up to Myanmar , southwest adjacent to Thailand .老挝的首都万象 ( Vientiane) , 人口近万。万象意为 “檀木之城”,据传从前此处多檀木。万象位于湄公河中游北岸的河谷平原上,隔河与泰国相望。由于城市沿湄公河岸延伸发展,呈新月形,因此万象又有“月亮城”之称。万象是老挝最大的工商业城市。 The capital of Laos - Vientiane( Vientiane ), a population of

7、nearly 700,000 . The Vientiane meaning sandalwood City , the rumored front here ebony . Vientiane is located on the river plain of the Mekong River middle reaches of the north shore of the river from the sea and Thailand . As urbandevelopment extending along the Mekong River shore , crescent-shaped

8、, and Vientiane and Moon City , said . Vientiane , Laos s largest industrial and commercial city .本项目位于万象市东部,项目处于一块低洼地中。The project is located eastof Vientiane , the project is a low-lying基地西边为通往泰国的城际干道,东边通往越南的城际干道,东部有一条直通万象中心的城市干道。周边市政设施不健全,沿城际干道为2 到 3 层居民房 Base west of the inter-city roads to Thai

9、land and east of the inter-city roads to Vietnam , the eastern city roads have a direct Vientiane center . Surrounding municipal facilities are not perfect , 2-3 story residential housing along the inter-city roads本项目位于万象市东部,项目处于一块低洼地中,基地内部为一条防洪自然排污的倒Y形状河流,无居民房,部分为农田The project is located east ofVie

10、ntiane , the project is a low-lying land , the base of the internal inverted Y- shape of the river a flood of natural sewage , non - resident room , part of the farmland现存界面分析Analysis of the existing interface农田 farmland 河流 River 现有建筑Existing buildings 城市道路Urbanroad以绿色生态为主题与新城共融Green ecological Metr

11、o communion以休闲养生为主旨与万象同憩Leisure and health as the theme andVientiane with recreation天圆地方Hemispherical dome城市绿肺Urban greenlung城市名片City card城市客厅Urban livingroom缝合城市Suture city理念一 Concept of I 打造万象绿肺万象后花园Build the Vientiane greenlung - Vientiane After the Garden旅游产业Tourism Industry休闲养生产业Leisure and hea

12、lth industry文化产业Cultural industries金融办公业Financial office industry商业服务业Business services理念二落实产业链条,发动活力引擎The implementation of the industrialchain, to launch a dynamic engine自然共生Natural symbiosis三级物管Three property management低碳生态示范区Low-carbon eco- demonstration areas游艇别墅Yacht villas理念三 打造万象都市宜居生活,彰显城市地

13、位Build Vientiane city livablelife , highlighting the city status落实产业链条Implementation of the industrial chain整体开发建立都市活力引擎Overall development and the establishment ofurban vitality engine打造完整商业链条,注人新区商业动力To create a complete businesschain,inject into the new district business power提供创意文化旅游金融等多功能产业孵化天地

14、Provide the world of creative and cultural tourism and financial functions国旗: 国旗旗面中间平行长方形为蓝色,占旗地一半,上下为红色长方形,各占旗地的四分之一。蓝色部分中间为白色圆轮,轮的直径为蓝色部分宽度的五分之四。蓝色象征富饶 ,红色象征革命,白色图轮表示圆月。此旗原为老挝爱国战线旗帜。National flag: the national flag parallel for blue rectangle among, accounting for half to flag, up and down for red

15、 rectangle, the flag of the fourth part of the earth. Blue white circle round of middle, wheel diameter is four hundredth of the width of blue. The blue symbolizes rich, red symbolizes revolution, white figure round full moon said. The flag was Laos patriotic front flag. 有这样一种美丽的花朵一年四季盛开在老挝街头巷尾、房前屋后

16、:螺旋状 散开的五片花瓣,有黄有红,黄色的瓣边如蛋白,瓣心如蛋黄,犹如蛋白 把蛋黄包裹起来;红色的瓣边白色略带淡红,瓣心如奶酪的乳黄,可谓 “冠白红,心淡黄”,开放在枝条末端,散发着阵阵清香。这就是老挝的国花“占芭花”。Such a beautiful flowers throughout the year in full bloom in Laos, the streets around the house : spiral spread of five petals , yellow with red , yellow petal edge , such as protein , valv

17、e heart , such as egg yolk , like protein to wrap up the egg yolk ; red side - lobe white slightly pink , heart valve , such as cheese, butter yellow , described as the crown white and red , heart yellow , open the end of the branches , the distribution of bursts of fragrance . This is the national

18、flower of Laos accounted banana flower 占芭花是圣洁的、占芭花是宁静的、占芭花是含蓄的、占芭花是朴实的、占芭花代表了老挝,代表了生活在这片土地上的人民Share of banana flower is holy , accounting for the banana flower is quiet , accounting for the banana flower is implicitly accounted for the banana flower is modest , accounting for banana flower on behalf

19、 of Laos , on behalf of the people living in this land万象城市后花园Vientianes back garden city本案承接原方案理念,设置中心湖和延续水景线。基地西边有防洪河道临河景观,中部为水系生态长廊,塔銮湖滨湖公园以及沿河绿地为大面积绿化,景观资源优越。本案以最大限度融入周边环境为出发点,将建筑与自然完全融合,让生态景观与建筑空间合二为一.This case to undertake theoriginal program concept, set the center of the lake , and continuati

20、on of the waterscape line . Base west of the flood control river the Linhe landscape , Central River corridor , Luang Lakeside Lake Park and along the river green for the large area of ?green , superior landscape resources . Case in order to maximize integration into the surrounding environment as a

21、 starting point , fully integrated architecture and nature , so that the ecological landscape andarchitectural space into one .基地为市民提供了各种节日活动的场所(赛龙舟、泼水节等),也让世人更加了解了这座城市的民俗风情Base for citizens provides various activities of thefestival places (dragon boat racing, the water-sprinkling festival, etc), a

22、lso let the world know more about the citys folk customs原有城市分布Original city distribution现有城市分布Existing city distribution低洼湿地Low-lying wetland湄公河 Mekong river过去:城市沿河流河谷分布,主要集中湄公河沿岸The past: the city along the river valley distribution, mainly concentrated along the Mekong river现状:城市沿河流沿岸分布,在低洼地的东侧边缘也

23、逐渐形成了分布区,但是由于中间的低洼湿地的原因阻隔了城市的发展进程。Situation: the cityalong the river coast distribution, low-lying areas in the east side of the edge also gradually formed the distribution area, but because of the cause of the wetland among low-lying blocked the development process of the city.未来:我们将阻隔两片城市主要分布区域的低洼

24、湿地进行设计改造之后,城市开始由西侧向东侧发展了,更加有效地利用了天然湿地来改善城市的整体面貌。In the future: we will cut off two of the main distribution area ofthe city wetland low-lying design after modification, the city begins to the east by the west development, more effective use of the natural wetland to improve the whole city.目标行业Target

25、 industry 目标群体Target group咨询 consulting居民和员工Residents and staff 媒体和设计Media and design 短期访客Short-term visitors 卫生保健Health care运输 transportation旅游tourism 其他服务Other services游客tourists商务business购物shopping休闲leisure24 小时覆盖的使用空间:星级酒店、写字楼、文化、休闲、购物、娱乐和景观住宅,创造中央活力区24 hours of coverage use space: star hotel, o

26、ffice buildings, shopping, leisure, culture, entertainment and landscape residence, create the central energy area自然共生三大要素Natural symbiosis three big essential factors什么是自然共生 What is a natural symbiosis自然共生是指平衡处理设计主体和周边环境的关系,达到共生共荣的关系。在本设计这样一个居住用地的案例中,需要关注的共生主体有:居住区与自然的关系、居住生活与社交生活的关系,景观内部各种自然元素的组合关

27、系。Natural symbiosis is refers to the balance design main body and environment relationship, achieve co-existence and co-prosperity between relationship. In this design such a habitable land cases, need to focus the symbiosis of mainbody has: residential area and the nature of the relationship, livin

28、g life andsocial life, the relation between the internal landscape of natural elements of the combination relations自然共生Natural symbiosis社区与公园共生Community and park symbiosis社交与生活共生Social life and coexistence水景与绿地共生 Water and green space symbiosis 景观与景观的互动Landscape theinteraction of the landscape全景别墅Pa

29、noramic villa多层次景观体系Multi-level landscape system生态水环Ecological water ring水环意向图Water ring intention figure临水而居,动静相宜Near the water and house, Movement affordable景观意向Landscape intention传统二级物管Traditional level 2 content canal只有小区入口和住宅单体两级门禁,存在安全隐患,也容易造成认同感缺失, “老死不相往来”的邻里关系。 Residential entrance and resi

30、dentialmonomer two access control , security risks, are likely to cause a sense of identity missing , never in contact with neighborhood创新三级物管Innovation level 3 content canal增加组团人口两道管理,不仅提高社区安全感,更便于提升管理的效率和品质。Increase in two groups of population management, not only to improve the community a sense

31、of security , easier to enhance management efficiency and quality .一级物管Level 1 content canal(社区入口Community entrance二级物管(小区入口Village entrance三级物管(公寓入口Apartment entrance小区大门Village gate 组团大堂Lobby group公寓大堂Apartment lobby高层建筑的碳中和循环系统,低碳生活实践High-rise building carbon neutral circulation system, low carbo

32、n life practice 减少利用源水,中水和雨水的合理利用Reduce the use of source water,water and rainwater and reasonable use平衡空间功能的使用Balance function of the use of space利用绿色环境来提高空气质量和感官体验Use green environment toimprove air quality and sensual experience随着“低碳社区”中听运用到的环保技术日益成熟,少数写字楼也开始尝试着使用这些“绿色科技”,使整栋建筑能与住宅一样实现节能减排。就目前来说,

33、在写字楼中普遍被采用的绿色科技有:地源热泵系统、外墙外保温系统、外遮阳卷帘窗系统、全新风置换系统、行为节能系统、建筑检测与展示系统、呼吸幕墙体系、地下车库自然采光、通风系统、楼盘埋管系统、辐射平面空调系统、太阳能光电系统、照明自动控制、屋面雨水回收系统、3R 材料再利用等等。As low carbon community by the environmental protection to drawing technology matures, a few office also began to try to use these green technology, make the whol

34、e building can achieve the same with the house energy saving and emission reduction. For now, generally been adopted in office building of green technology is: the ground source heat pump, and exterior insulation system, outside the window system, and the fresh air to book the replacement system, be

35、havior energy conservation systems, building detection and display system, respiratory curtain wall system, underground garage natural light and ventilation system, estate buried tube system, radiation plane air conditioning system, solar photovoltaic systems, lighting automatic control, roof rainwa

36、ter recovery system, 3 R material recycle, and so on.从这些专业技术名词来看,打造“低碳写字楼”显然比“低碳社区”更为复杂, 但通过这些绿色科技而取得的节能效果,写字楼无疑比住宅更有 “节能潜力” ,从以下几项技术的简单介绍,我们便可以了解到其节能原理与优势From these professional technical term to see and to build a low carbon office obviously better than low carbon community is more complex, but th

37、rough these green technology and obtain energy saving effect, office buildings are more than the house is energy saving potential, from the following a few simple technology is introduced, then we can learn the energy saving principle and advantages 引入高端住宅产品,提高生活品质Introducing high-end residential bu

38、ildingproducts, improve the quality of life两心辉映Two hearts reflect(塔銮湖Luang Lake、大使馆区Embassy District)双轴并展Dual axle and exhibition(城市发展轴City development axis、生态长廊轴Ecological corridor shaft)曲水绕城Song city water(护城河moat )三区争辉(游艇别墅区Yacht villa、城市中心区City centre、高层公馆区High-rise residence area)总体结构是以人、自然与建筑、

39、环境有机融合为主旨建构,通过景观轴线景观节点、景观控制界面、地标与对景建筑、建筑特色、行为特征等设计意象的要素精心组织,从而形成丰富生动、特色鲜明的城市整体景观结构。General structure is based on people, the natural and the architecture, environment of organic integration of the construction as purpose, through the landscape axis landscape node, landscape control interface, landma

40、rks and DuiJing construction, architectural features, behavior characteristics of imagedesign elements elaborate organization, so as to form the vivid, distinctive characteristics of the whole city landscape structure生态长廊Ecological corridor 城市发展轴City development axis护城河 moat规划中心Planning center 三区 Th

41、ird District18 米主干道18 m main road24 米主干道24 m main road36 米主干道地面与地下停车Ground and underground parking地面停车Surface parking居住区内部配套停车Residential interior supporting parking规划医院Planning hospital规划幼儿园Planning kindergarten 规划小学Planning primary school规划寺庙Planning temple污水处理站sewage treatment station以生态通廊为核心建立“带

42、状+发散”主体公共绿地系统,并结合沿河防护绿地、社区绿地、绿化广场及林荫大道,共同组成完整的绿地系统。Ecological corridor is arranged as thecore to establish ribbon + divergent main body public green space system, and combined with protective green space, community along the river green space, greening plaza and boulevard, to form a complete green s

43、pace system防护绿地Protection green space公共绿地Public green space 社区绿地Community green space景观在绿化区域的延伸部分发展新的开放空间,并且加入更多的元素以建立城市中的新景观。同时,视觉的联系为我们的体验增加了更多的敏感性的活力。Landscape green area in the outspread part of the development ofnew open space, and add more elements to establish new landscape in the city. At th

44、e same time, the visual contact for our experience increased more sensitivity vigor.主要景观轴Major landscape axis 次要景观轴Secondary landscape axis水景绿地Waterscape green space核心景观区域Core landscape area 景观节点Landscape node公共水域面积Public water area尽可能利用绿化等自然要素和人文要素资源塑造生态型绿色城市风貌。建立多层次点、线、面结合的开放空间体系,通过开放空间体系与步行系统的结合,

45、串联区内的步行、绿化和街道空间As far as possible use of thegreen natural elements and human factors resources. Shaping ecological green city style. Establishing multi-layer dot, line, face of the combination of the open space system, through the open space system and walk the combination of the system, the walk, t

46、he series greening and street space社区开敞空间Community open space重要性开放空间Importance open space绿地公园Green park半公共开放空间Semi-public open space动态规划:根据市场需求,流动开发和分期,规划设计力求具有可操作性和应变性,随着不断的开发完善,采用动态平衡的设计理念,适应商品经济的发展,做到经济效益和社会效益的统一。Dynamic planning: according tothe market demand, the current development and staging

47、, planning design tries to be operable and should be modified, as the continuous development perfect, the use of dynamic balance design concept, to adapt to the development of commodity economy, do economic efficiency and the social efficiency unification所有水域面积All water area水域形式单一,只有河流一种,形态单调,缺少变化,且

48、与地块内部的联系少。结构层次单一,乏味Waters form a single, only a river, form drab, lack of change, and with the plot of the internal contact less. The levels of the structure of a single, boring 水域形式多样,由河流,湖泊,社区水景组成,水域结构层次丰富,各种水域相互联系,观赏性趣味性强。设置多处亲水空间,提供节日活动平台。 设置水上巴士,开发旅游产业。Waters various in form, by the rivers, lak

49、es, and community of waterscene, water levels of the structure is rich, all kinds of water each other, entertaining interest are strong. Set in more close water space, provide festival activities platform. Setting water bus, the development of tourism industry原方案,仅有一条东西贯穿的道路进行连接,过于单薄,效果不明显Theorigina

50、l plan, only one thing the road for connection through, is too thin, the effect is not obvious本案 The scheme.借鉴原规划,以东西向城市主干道作为东西城市的连接桥梁。The originalplan for reference, the main city in east of the city bridge connection as things.通过功能布局和规划、业态分配,由第二层面将东西进行连接缝合。Through the function layout and planning,

51、 distribution formats, by the second level will connect things suture.原方案,万象进入雨季,雨量充沛,基地内地块单侧排洪,进入中心水域易洪涝。The original proposal , Vientiane, the rainy season , rainfall, landunilateral discharged from the base , easy to flood into the center waters本案 The scheme 在保留原规划排洪方案的前提下,又在基地西南侧增加了“L”型泄洪河道,使基地内

52、地块可以多向排洪,缓解汛期防洪压力。Retain the original plan was discharged from the program under the premiseof an increase in the base of the southwest side of the L type spillway channels , so that Base block can be more than the discharge of water to ease the pressure of the flood season of flood control河道 river排

53、洪方向Discharged from the direction污水处理站sewage treatment station排污水方向Sewage water direction原方案,自然排污,污水进入中心景观水域,影响水质和景观效果。Theoriginal proposal , the natural sewage , sewage into the center of the landscape waters , affecting water quality and landscape effects .本案,污水导入地块外沿L 形河道,并在L 形河道与内部水域相接处均设置处污水处理站,

54、将污水集中处理,再导入内部,以保证中心景观的水质不受污染。The present case , sewage import L-shaped block outer edge of theriver , and the phase at the L-shaped channel and the internal waters are set atthe sewage treatment station , centralized sewage treatment , and then into internal , to ensure no contamination of the center of the landscape .原方案业态分布The original program format distri


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