已阅读5页,还剩13页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Chapter 1 Introductionconverting n.转化Stickies Control胶黏物控制 Contaminants n.污染物;致污物 Pulping v.纸制浆(pulp 的 ing 形式) Screening v.筛选; 拍摄(screen 的 ing 形式) Cleaning v.清洁(clean 的 ing 形式) Washing and Thickening 洗涤与浓缩 Flotation n. 浮选(等于 floatation) Dispersion and Kneading 分散与疏解 Bleaching v.漂白(bleach 的 ing 形式) D

2、einking Chemicals 脱墨化学品Stickies胶粘物Novel Technology 新工艺Broad understanding 扩展了解Mastery 掌握Recovered Fiber 回用纤维Wastepaper 废纸the major grades主要的等级Utilization 利用Definitions 定义Secondary Fiber 二次纤维 previously adv.以前 manufacturing adj 制造的 reclaimed (从废料中)回收利用;再制 raw material 原材料Pre-consumer waste 用前废料 gener

3、ated 形成的 fabrication 制造 conversion 转变 finished paper 成品纸final end product最后的最终产品 Post-consumer waste 用后废料 Internal broke 内部损纸 off-specification adj. 不合格的 repulp n.重新制浆Recovery Rate 回收率 divert转移 landfill 填埋Utilization Rate 利用率Fraction 部分Statistical adj.统计的Consumption n.消费per head of 人均proportion 比例wo

4、od pulp 木浆non-wood pulp非木材纸浆recycled pulp 再生浆Recovery回收量record-high 历史最高纪录base-year 基准年original 最初的goal 目标benchmarked作为基准Recovery & Landfill 回用和填埋Newsprint 新闻纸Tissue 卫生纸Net exports 净出口Containerboard n.盒纸板;硬纸板Boxboard 箱纸板Old Corrugated Containers (OCC) 旧瓦楞纸箱纸ONP 旧报纸(Old News Papers)Mechanical Papers

5、机械纸Printing-Writing Papers 印刷书写纸Mixed Papers 废杂纸catalog 目录纸telephone directories 通讯簿cuttings 纸碎converting scraps转换残渣composed of 由组成mill wrappers工厂包装纸specialty grades 轻涂纸specified被指明的Groundwood Computer Printout含磨木浆的计算机用纸Coated Groundwood Sections 含磨木浆的涂布纸Publication Blanks 空白刊物用纸mixed groundwood混合磨木

6、浆FLYLEAF SHAVINGS 单页书刊纸纸边corrugated board瓦楞纸板;波纹纸板container cuttings集装箱岩屑kraft paper and bags 牛皮纸和包 old solid fiber containers 旧固体纤维容器 kraft bag clippings牛皮纸袋剪报Carrier Stock 手提纸袋废料 Pulp Substitutes纸浆替代品 high grade deinking 优质脱墨 sulfite and sulfate cuttings 亚硫酸盐和硫酸盐岩屑 concerting scrap 相关的碎片 predomina

7、ntly adv.主要地;显著地 composed of 由组成coated book stock涂布书籍纸 Ordinary qualities 普通质量 Medium qualities 中等质量 High qualities 高等质量 Kraft qualities 牛皮纸质量 Outthrow 废料 manufactured 已制成的 Prohibitive Material 禁止性的材料 In excess of 超过 specified maximum 指定的最大 sorted分好类的 sunburned有晒斑的 rotogravure n.(报纸的)影印页 colored sec

8、tions彩色部分baled recovered paper 成捆的回收纸 loose recovered paper 松散的回收纸 Sampling of 取样 Quality characteristics 品质特性 Moisture content 水分含量 Material composition 材料成分 fiber furnish 纤维配比 ash content灰分含量 baling打包 storage 存储 under cover 暗室存储的 enclosed tacilities封闭式的设备里 Composition 成分 Nonpaper components 非纸成分 h

9、andsheet 手抄纸页 Bulk纤维团Wood-containing含磨木浆的 wood-free不含磨木浆的纸张Chapter 2 ContaminantsContaminants 污染物 Large Junk大型垃圾 screw螺丝钉 foil金属薄片 film薄膜 envelope 封套包膜 Inks & Toners 油墨和碳粉 Wax蜂蜡 Coating 涂层 Filler填料Papermaking additives 抄纸助剂 deposit vi. 沉淀 Typically典型的 adhesive n.粘合剂;胶黏剂 pitch 沥青 resins树脂 papermachin

10、e wires 纸机成型网 press felts压榨毛毯 dryer fabrics 干燥部成型网 calendar rolls 压光辊 significant 显著的 neutral density 中性密度 inorganic fillers 无机填充剂 polymeric binders高聚物胶黏剂 Coating binders 涂料粘合剂 termed 被叫为 white pitch 白树脂 overall yield 总产率 slippery光滑的 machinery机器设备 Clay 粘土 desirable 合适的 starch 淀粉 gums 树胶 retention ai

11、ds 助留剂dyes 染料specification 规范的fluorescent dyes 荧光染料Wet strength additives 湿强度添加剂Chapter 3 effect of recycling on fiber propertiesProperties 属性mechanically pulped 机械浆lignin containing 木质素含量Mechanical damage 机械损伤Loss of fines细小纤维的损失Hardening and stiffening 硬化和加强Hornification 角质化Conformability 一致性Absor

12、ptive 吸附能力的Hemicellulose 半纤维素Decreased cleanliness 降低清洁chemical Pulps 化学浆cell wall细胞壁Wet kraft fiber润湿牛皮纸纤维Consistency 浆浓Irreversible 不可逆的Hornification保水值(角质化程度)Collapsed收缩的softwood kraft pulp 针叶木硫酸盐浆Typical plot突出的情节Flexible柔韧的conform符合,顺从rigid坚硬的upon exposure 一经曝露于fines细小组分stiff fiber硬质纤维stone gro

13、undwood (SGW)盘磨机械木浆three-dimensional crosslinked polymer 三维交联聚合物deter 防止bonds凝聚flatening and flexiblizing 扣紧和坚固Lower freeness 低游离度drainage aid 助滤剂Low paper strength 低纸强度Fines絮聚anionic trash阴离子垃圾Decreased cleanliness 降低清洁RCF abbr.相对离心力(red cell folate)Chapter 4 Operations - bleachingChromophores发色基团F

14、luorescent Whitening Agents 荧光增白剂Cellulose纤维素Hemicellulose 半纤维素Lignin木素Conjugated structures 共轭结构aromatic groups 芳香烃族基团electrophilic亲电子基团Carbonyl groups 羰基Peroxide Bleaching过氧化合物漂白dithionate Bleaching 连二硫酸盐漂白FAS磺酸甲脒Bleaching 漂白Sodium Hypochlorite (H) Bleaching 次氯酸钠(H)漂白Chlorine Dioxide Bleaching (C)

15、二氧化氯漂白(COxygen Bleaching (O)氧漂白(OOzone Bleaching (Z)臭氧漂白(ZSodium Silicate 硅酸钠water glass 水玻璃Chelating agents 螯合剂cellulosic materials 纤维素树脂chromophores 发色基团brightness 亮度Fluorescent Whitening Agents (FWA)荧光增白剂Dye染料Destruction 破坏Modification 改性Pigments 颜料lattice structure of molecules 分子的晶格结构 illuminat

16、ing 照明Reflectance 反射率magnesium oxide powder 氧化镁粉体diffusely广泛地integrating sphere 积分球imaginary虚构的diffusing surface. 表面扩散Scales衡量标准coordinate systems 坐标系统index指标Fluorescence Measurement 荧光追踪示意法Ultraviolet 紫外线辐射re-emitted再发辐射Brightness w/o UV filter亮度w / o紫外线过滤器Extractives 提取物alkaline environments 碱性环境a

17、romatic芳香族的carbonyl羰基的azo groups 偶氮基conjugated adj.共轭的the conjugated double bonds 共轭双键linerboard挂面纸板Condensed缩合的double bonds of carbon 碳碳双键chlorine dioxide 二氧化氯oxidize使氧化interrupting 打断conjugation 结合non-degrading无压损,无降解Peroxide 过氧化物Dithionate连二硫酸盐Soluble可溶解的perhydroxyl anion过氧化氢阴离子nucleophilic adj.

18、亲核的delignifying 脱木素chromophore 发色集团optimized最佳的activation 激活作用alkali强碱性Application 适用性interfering substance 干扰物质Heavy metal ions重金属离子Decompose 分解Stabilize 稳定Colloidal胶体状的Deactivate V 使无效Surfactant表面活性剂Penetrant渗透剂Anticorrosion 防腐剂Enzymes 酶Catalases过氧化氢酶Chelating agents 螯合剂Complexes复合物hydrogen peroxi

19、de 过氧化氢microorganisms 微生物vegetal cells植物细胞toxic有毒的thermally denature热处理使其变性biocide抗微生物剂Pulper碎浆机Compensate 抵消Decolorize 使脱色Alkaline碱性的alkali darkening 碱致暗Disperser分流扩散器Residence time 停留时间Degrade 降级Tower 塔Suction 吸嘴medium consistency pump 中浓浆泵upflow tower向上流向塔Caustic苛性钠Conveyor输送带Standpipe圆筒形水塔the hi

20、gh density storage chest / tower 高密度储浆塔High Shear Mixer 高剪搅拌器market pulp 商品浆neutralized 中和degradation 降解hydrosulfite bleaching 次硫酸盐漂白incorrect term不正确的术语Sodium Hydrosulfite 连二亚硫酸钠 Dithionate ion连二硫酸盐离子 Calcium or magnesium 钙和镁离子 Precipitate 使沉淀 Chelant 螯合剂 diluted and pumped 稀释和泵送 Formamidine Sulphi

21、nic Acid(FAS)磺酸甲脒Odor气味 Crystanline 结晶的 Slightly soluble 微溶 Initial初始的 calcium carbonate n.无化碳酸钙Sodium Hypochlorite (H) Bleaching次氯酸钠(H)漂白Oxidative bleaching 氧漂 Inexpensive 便宜的 no chlorine free label 不含氯标签? dissolving chlorine gas 溶解氯气 caustic solution苛性碱溶液 chloroform n. 氯仿; 三氯甲烷 carcinogen n.致癌物质 h

22、ypochlorous acid 无化次氯酸Chlorine Dioxide Bleaching (D 二氧化氯漂白(D excellent color stripping优秀的颜色剥离detackify防止粘连 tolerate 适用 pressurized vessel 压力容器 optical whiteners 光学增白剂 capital cost会计资本成本frequently 经常性 reagent n.试剂试剂;反应物 fluorescence n. 荧光;荧光性 Single stages 单级 Oxidative氧化的 Reductive还原的 Susceptible 敏感的

23、Chapter 4 Operations - cleaningTapered 锥形的conical adj.圆锥的;圆锥形的cone angle 锥角,圆锥角;锥体角度cylinder 气缸,泵体cylindrical adj.圆柱形的;圆柱体的inward 向内部的upward adj.向上的downward adj. 向下的Overflow vi.溢出Underflow n.水文底流;计下溢High density cleaner高密度清洁器forward cleaner 迅速清洁器through flow cleaner 通流清洁器centrifugal force 力离心力;地心引力d

24、rag force 拖曳力,水利曳力gravitational force 万有引力,地心引力; 重力Cyclone旋风分离器hydrocyclone n.水力旋流器;涡流除尘器;旋液分离器impurities 杂质bark树皮rotational fluid motion 流体旋转运动tapered cylinder 锥形气缸denser particles 密集的粒子accepted stock inlet 合格浆入口staples 订书钉downstream equipment 后续设备glues粘合剂adhesive 胶黏剂foam 泡沫reverse cleaners 反向清洁器Fu

25、nctional adj. 功能的Reject Rate 废品率parallel fashion 平行时尚typical industrial flows 典型的工业流Canister n.筒,卧式吸尘器Cascade Arrangement of Cleaners 除尘器的阶梯式排列Tertiary第三级的Stock原料的density 密度dirt 灰尘body diameter 凹模外径feed inlet configuration 饲料进口配置accept diameter良浆出口直径spiral grooves application 螺旋细槽应用fixed orifice 固定孑

26、 Lback pressure 反压力Parameters 参数particle properties粒子性质favorable hydrodynamic shape 良好的流体力学形态sphere球状的flat plate平板状brief简短的particle slip velocity 颗粒滑落速度Chapter 4 Operations - dispersionDispersion 分散Adhesive胶黏剂hot melt glues 热熔胶Pressure sensitive 压敏材料Bitumen 沥青Kneading 揉捏Shear force 剪切力Peripheral spe

27、ed 圆周速率Circumferential speed 圆周速率Velocity周转速度Axial轴向的Casting 铸造Housing 夕卜壳Fitting 装置Recovered Paper Stock 回收纸原料Varnish亮光漆Microns 微米sub-visible低于可见的Disk Dispersion 盘磨疏散Bars or teeth栅栏或牙Protruding 伸出的Shaft 杆Dewatered 脱水Screw螺旋体diluted and agitated 稀释与搅动preheater预热器stationary 固定的Single Shaft Kneader 单轴

28、机Discharged 排出Double Shaft Kneader 双轴机Drawbacks 弊端High initial capital cost 高投入成本Sticky粘性的Mechanism n.机制;原理,途径;进程;机械装置;技巧Shear剪切Rub摩擦Tappi Dirt Tappi标准的污垢Substantial 大量的Chapter 4 Operations - flotationBuoyancy 浮力 Collide 碰撞 Collision 碰撞 Hydrophobic疏水性的 Hydrophilic亲水性的 Affinity亲和力 Momentum 动力 stream

29、line 流水线 flow rate 流速 turbulent 湍流的 foaming agent 发泡剂 circuit 回路 in series连续的 attachment 附着 air bubbles 气泡 steadily稳定的 Flotation Cell 浮选池flotation device 浮选设备Foam泡沫Incorporated 被合并Suspended悬浮着的Hydrophobicity 疏水性Detachment 分离Density 密度Affinity吸引力contact and adhere 接触和依附 preferential separation 选择性分离h

30、airy particles 毛状微粒lodge嵌入promotes 促进Collector Soaps肥皂收集器 salts of fatty acids 脂肪酸盐 agglomerates团聚体,聚合物Synthetic Collectors 合成剂收集器Non-ionic非离子的Dispensator 供给者Dosage用剂量disrupt flow patterns 破坏流动模式knock off 中断flowrate流速流量likelihood 可能性enhance 提高Black Clawson Flotator布莱克克劳森浮选机Pressurized Deinking Modul

31、e 加压脱墨模块Parameters 参数Yield产量Opacity透明度Chapter 4 Operations - pulpingslurry 悬浮液pulp suspension 浆料悬浮液pulp stock 浆料Batch pulping 间歇打浆continuous pulping 连续打浆Agitation 搅动baffle挡板protrusion 突出物swirling 涡流detach分离hydraulic power 流体传动Fiber bundle 纤维束Bale wire 打包铁丝nail 钉子bolt螺栓ragger水力碎浆机用绞绳装置conveyor传送带conv

32、ert改变成slurry悬浮液components 成分most critical operation 最关键操作 downstream 顺流的irreversibly不可逆地 inappropriate 不合适的 sub-objectives 局部目标debris 碎片Category 种类pumpable fluid可泵送流体conveyor 传送带adjacent相邻的Attrition 消耗helical screw螺旋碎浆机dominates 控制Comparison 对比non-fluid pulp 非液浆viscosity 粘度Attrition forces 剪切力tensil

33、e拉紧的burst爆破的susceptible 敏感的gentle温和的plugging 堵塞Dilution Zone 掺混区External Detrasher外置垃圾去除器 dilution water 稀释水unpulped flakes 未打碎薄片attrition 消耗strings 带状物entangled 缠住Drum pulping 转鼓碎浆机inclined倾斜的minimizes fiber degradation 纤维降解最小化aggressive 非常好的defiberize分离纤维Remove Large Debris移除大件碎片Detach contaminant

34、s 分离污染物Chapter 4 Operations - screeningDeformability 可变形性 Barrier 栅栏 circumference 圆周 perforation 孑匕眼 negative 消极的 positive 积极的 purge 净化 contoured 波纹状的 Pressure drop 压降 slot 沟槽 magnification 放大率 Stiff僵硬的 coarse holes粗孑匕fine holes 细孑 L coarse slots 粗缝 fine slots 细缝 resistance 阻力 passage 通过 Blinding 堵

35、塞 foil金属箔片 rotating foil 旋转箔 pulse 脉冲 sweeping foil 席卷箔 momentarily 随时地 reverse 颠倒,逆转purging 清除Configurations 配置Screen Plates 筛板Contour 轮廓Plate Opening 二头平通Cleanliness 清洁Layout布局cascaded screens串联的筛板Open Gravity Screen 户外重力筛Summary Pressure Screen 简要压力筛promote 促进throughput 生产量Chapter 4 Operations -

36、washingWasher洗涤器Filtration process 过滤过程Filter过滤器Filter mat滤水毡垫Filter cake 滤饼Debris particles 碎屑颗粒Conventional ink传统的墨水Aqueous ink水性墨水Colloidal使胶体化Thickener浓缩机Dewater使脱水Decker脱水机Wet laps 湿圈Sludge沉淀物Slurry泥浆,悬浮液Blade刀片Rinse冲洗掉Laden装载的Intended预期的Pulp Mat Formation 纸浆垫成型Subsequent 随后的discharge level 泄流液

37、位water loops regarding chemical 水循环有关化学品Theoretical maximum 理论最高限度Interception 拦截Inertia 惯性Diffusion 扩散Gravity 重力hydrodynamic effects 流体动力效应Belt filter带式过滤机Static filter静态过滤器Schematic原理图,图解double nip thickener双夹层浓缩机Sidehill Screen倾流式过滤筛Filtration 过滤式Filter mat滤水毡垫Mechanical pressing 机压成型Belt and dru

38、m皮带和鼓Twin wire press 双网压榨Screw press螺旋压榨机chapter 5 Deinking Process and Deinking Chemistryprinting inks印刷用油墨dispersed分散到efficacy 功效ease松弛,轻松impact影响Flotation Chemicals 浮选剂Prior先前的Soda苏打Portion 部分saponify and hydrolyze 皂化和水解mixability混合程度reflocculation 凝聚stabilizes alkalinity 稳定碱度stabilizer 稳定剂polyme

39、rized sodium silicate 聚合硅酸钠 soluble polymer可溶性聚合物polyatomic ions多原子离子boundary layers 边界层Silicate of soda 硅酸钠Enhance 提高Dispersion 分散Reprecipitation 再沉淀Thermoplastic 热塑性的Impurities 杂质Inadequate不适当的offset inks胶印油墨chemical covalent bonds 化学共价键molecules 分子insoluble难以溶解的Synthetic surfactants合成的表面活性剂Foam泡沫Soap肥皂Residual soap残留肥皂Ultimately precipitate 最终沉淀Agglomerates


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