



1、PAGE PAGE 4 代表处注册协议书甲方:乙方:xx*商务咨询顾问有限公司一 :甲、乙各方经过友好协商,本着平等互利、友好合作的意愿达成本协议书.Through friendly negotiation of both party A and party B, in the interests of both parties, its agreed that Party A entrusts Party B to finish the following items. 二:乙方提供的代办咨询服务范围仅限如下:Party B offers the services below:材料整理 Ma

2、terials sorting;为首席代表办理首代证 Transaction of working certificate of chief representative;代表处xx登记 Registration in Municipal Bureau of Industry & Commerce ;刻章和备案 make seals and Be reported to the Public Security Bureau组织机构代码办理 Transaction of Organization code;税务登记证办理 Tax Registration Certificate;外汇管理局备案

3、Approval of State Administration of Foreign Exchange ;银行开户:Get the certificate issued by bank三、各方权利义务Rights and Obligations of Both Parties1. 甲方应给乙方提供按现行法律、法规、条例报批项目所需的详尽资料文件资料、资料文件。甲方所提供的资料文件资料资料文件必须真实、准确。如资料文件与事实不符,造成损失后果由甲方承担。1. Party A should provide Party B with exhaustive materials and documen

4、ts needed for project approval according to current laws, regulations, and statutes. The materials and documents provided by Party A should be true and accurate. If the documents do not correspond with the fact, the damages should be undertaken by Party A. 2. 此协议视为甲方向乙方出具的授权书,在代理过程中不得随意更改审批、注册事项,如需改

5、变应与乙方协商解决,并支付因此给乙方带来的重复工作费用。2. This contract is regarded as the certificate of authorization that Party A provided to Party B, and the examination & approval and registration items cant be changed randomly. If change is needed, it should be resolved with Party B through consultation, and Party A sho

6、uld pay the expenses of repeated job brought to Party B.3. 乙方应准确掌握现行法律、法规并严格把握相关政策,告知甲方需筹备资料文件资料,确定注册可行性后承接此代理业务。3. Party B should know well of current laws and regulations, handle relevant policies accurately. Meanwhile, it should tell Party A to prepare information, and carry on this agency busine

7、ss after the confirmation of registration feasibility 4. 乙方应按甲方所提要求,及时准确地履行委托代理业务。不得擅自更改其中条款,如有与政策相抵触时,应及时通知甲方。4. Party B should finish the trust agency business timely and accurately according to demands of Party A. Any clause contravening the policy should be notified to Party A in time, otherwise

8、 it cant be changed without authorization.5. 各方所提供的所有资料文件资料为商业秘密,各方不得以任何理由提供给除政府职能部门之外的第三方。甲方在委托代理过程中应积极与乙方合作,不得无故干涉乙方的正常办理过程。5. All the materials provided by both parties are business secrets. Besides functional department of the government, either party should not offer them to any third party in

9、any reason. Party A should cooperate with Party B actively in the course of trusting the agency, while cant interfere the normal handling course of Party B without reason.四、服务费用及付款方式:1.乙方支付总服务费为:(大写)陆仟元整(小写)6000 元人民币Total amount of service charge: RMB 6000 (this charge include address cost)2协议签订后甲方支

10、付服务费:(大写)叁仟陆佰元(小写)3600 元人民币。After the contract is signed, Party A pays 60% of the service charge to Party B as advance payment, i.e.: RMB 3600。3协议履行后,甲方支付剩余服务费(大写)贰仟肆佰元(小写)2400 元人民币。(四)违约责任 IV. Default Liabilities 1. 协议一经依法签订,甲乙各方应认真自觉遵守,履行各自的权利和义务,不得擅自变更、终止协议。1. Once the contract is signed in accor

11、dance with the law, both parties should obey it consciously to fulfill their own rights and obligations, while cant alter or terminate the contract without authorization.2因甲方原因终止协议,甲方需支付相应服务费,因乙方原因终止协议,乙方应全额返还甲方已付费用。2. On condition that the contract is terminated by Party A, it should pay the releva

12、nt service charge, whereas Party B should return all the received payment to Party A, in case the contract is terminated due to its fault. 3协议履行期间,因法律、法规及政策调整,未能继续履行的,委托代理协议自动解除,乙方已取得的预付金100退还给甲方。3. If the contract cant continue its fulfillment due to the adjustments of laws, regulations and policies,


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