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1、Swine Production and Herd Health Management猪生产和猪群健康管理Kurt Preugschas 张克特My Background(我的背景)Grew up on a family run 800 sow nucleus herd with 3 hired employees生长于一个拥有 800 头核心母猪群场并雇佣了三个员工的家庭I was involved in management and the genetic selection program负责猪场管理及猪群遗传选育计划3 years in university taking Bachel

2、or of Science in Agriculture在农业大学学习三年并获得学士学位2 years in Western College of Veterinary Medicine在沙省西部兽医学院进修了 2 年Alberta, Canada 加拿大, 阿尔伯达Bloomsbury, Alberta, Canada 加拿大阿尔伯达省布隆斯伯里Alberta versus Heilongjiang阿尔伯达与黑龙江对比Alberta 阿尔伯达650, 000 km2650, 000平方公里3.5 million people350万人口5 people/km2每平方公里5个人205, 000

3、 sows205, 000头母猪3.2 million market hogs per year 年出栏320万头肥猪Heilongjiang 黑龙江460, 000 km2460, 000平方公里37 million people3700万人口83 people/km2每平方公里83个人1.4 million sows140万头母猪15.8 million market hogs per year年出栏1580万头肥猪Pig Breeds 种猪选育 Maternal 母本Landrace X Yorkshire = F1长白 X 约克夏 = F1代母猪High fecundity and m

4、othering ability高繁殖力,母性好Terminal sire 终端父本Duroc, Pietrain, Hampshire杜洛克,皮特兰,汉普夏Duroc X Lacombe = Trailblazer杜洛克 X 拉康姆猪 = 型杂交猪Growth, carcass and meat quality成长性,胴体及瘦肉品质Lacombe 拉康姆猪Duroc 杜洛克Trailblazer boar 新型杂交公猪 Terminal sire 终端父本Landrace 长白Yorkshire 约克夏X=X=X=Market hogs商品猪F1 gilts/sows F1 后备/母猪 Ma

5、ternal line 母系Advantages of Trailblazer for Terminal Sire新型杂交猪做为终端父本的优势Excellent meat quality优良的猪肉品质Optimum heterosis完美的杂交优势Easy boar handling公猪易于管理Increased semen production精液数量有所增加Paternal 终端父本Duroc 杜洛克 X = Market Hogs 商品猪Maternal 母系Landrace 长白 X = F1 Y x L gilt 二元杂交后备母猪Yorkshire 大白Most Common Can

6、adian Pig Breeds 加拿大最常用的三品种杂交生产体系Genetic Pyramid 遗传金字塔 Genetic Nucleus Purebreds 遗传核心纯种Landrace, Yorkshire, Duroc, Lacombe, etc. 长白,约克夏,杜洛克,拉康姆等等。Multiplier Produce F1 杂交繁育 F1 代母猪Landrace X Yorkshire = F1 长白 X 约克夏 = F1 代母本Commercial Market hogs 商品猪F1 X Terminal sire F1 X 终端父本Genetic Improvement 遗传改良

7、Use high performance genetics 应用高遗传力Pigs that have the ability to perform if managed correctlyBreeding program 育种计划Mating pigs with the desired or complementary traitsRate of improvement depends on 改良进度:Selection intensity (fewer and better animals = more progress)Heritability of traits (higher = mo

8、re progress)Generation interval (faster turnover of herd = more progress)Genetic Improvement 遗传改良Performance testing 性状检测 Estimated Breeding Value (EBV) program 评估预计育种值计划Measure of the genetic value of an animal (its value as a parent)Excellent tool to select genetically superior animals for matingC

9、ompares all pigs in CanadaMost important traits are growth rate, backfat, lean muscle, litter sizeMany factors influence performance of animalsEnvironment temperature, space, social rankPhysical appetite, condition, weightManagement diet, water, feeding programSire Line Index growth rate, feed conve

10、rsion, lean muscleDam Line Index litter size, growth rate, feed conversionGenetic Improvement 遗传改良Selection of individuals with desired traitsSelect traits that are economically important选择拥有所需性状的个体Record keeping Many different computer programsEssential to maintain identity of individual pigsAllows

11、 to visualize and predict improvements记录保存 计算机计划Continued monitoring of data/animals and improvements对动物相关数据及性状提高进行持续的监测Farm Systems 农场系统Farrow to Finish 仔猪育肥猪Breeding, farrowing, nursery, finishing all at same site/farm种猪,仔猪,保育猪,育肥猪都在同一个地点/农场Two site unit 两点式养殖One site has breeding, farrowing, +/-

12、nursery一点饲养种猪,仔猪和保育猪Other site has finishing, +/- nursery另一点饲养育肥猪,保育猪Three sites 三点式养殖One site has breeding and farrowing一点饲养种猪和仔猪One site has nursery一点饲养保育猪One site has finishing一点饲养育肥猪Pigflow 养猪模式Continuous flow全程饲养Different ages in same large airspace不同阶段的猪只生活在同一区域Increase risk of disease transmi

13、ssion增加了传播疾病的风险Decreased ability to clean降低了消毒的功效All-in-all-out 全进全出Small airspace 小的区域Pigs all of same age and size猪只处于相同生长阶段By room: multiple rooms in 1 building猪舍:一个场区有大量相同的猪舍By building: entire building场区:完整统一More efficient management更加有效的管理Gestation Sow Housing 怀孕母猪舍Stalled Housing 定位栏Easy mana

14、gement便于管理Prevents aggression预防猪群间互相攻击Ensures feeding consistency保证采食量的均衡Decreased normal behaviour减少了正常的活动Weaker muscles and bones降低了肌肉及骨胳的性能Gestation Sow Housing 怀孕母猪舍Group Housing 群养Variable 数量不定Allows normal movement & behaviour母猪可以正常活动Increased fighting and aggression增加了打架及攻击的机会Variable feed in

15、take consistency不确定的采食量Stronger bones and muscles拥有强壮的肌肉及骨胳Electronic Sow Feeder 母猪电子饲喂器Gestation Sow Housing 怀孕母猪舍Combination Housing结合式饲养The future of sow housing母猪饲养的未来Allows independent and stress-free eating达到了独立及自由采食Gives option to get exercise and socialize母猪拥有了锻炼及实现其群体性的选择Best of stalls and

16、group housing systems最好的栏舍及群养系统Ventilation 通风Good ventilation system essential to maintain health and performance of pigs为了保持猪群的健康及良好性能,完善的通风系统是必须的。Fans remove moisture and gasesBest if variable speeds with thermostat can increase/decrease speed for different temperatures and turn on/off by itself通风

17、机: 除湿及有害气体 速度可调节恒温器是最好的:可以根据温度加大或降低速度Inlets supply fresh air 入口: 提供新鲜空气Controller & sensors allows to monitor and adjust easily控制器&传感器: 使监控和调节变的易行Commonly see dirty pen/pigs if poor ventilation如果通风不好,会经常见到猪舍或猪只肮脏不堪 Nutrition 营养Many different rations for every level of production不同的生长阶段,给予不同的营养配给。Ext

18、remely important to maximize performance对发挥最好的生产性能是极其重要的。Gestation versus Lactation怀孕与哺乳的比较Nursery versus Grower保育与育肥的比较Herd Health Management 猪群健康管理Health Status 健康状况Health monitoring and record keeping健康监控与记录保存Biosecurity 生物安全Preventing disease introduction into a farm external biosecurity预防疾病传入场内

19、: 外部的生物安全Preventing disease introduction within a farm or among rooms/areas/ages internal biosecurity预防疾病在场内或不同猪舍/不同区域/不同阶段猪群之间传播: 内部的生物安全Vaccination protocols 疫苗接种计划CQA 加拿大质量保证Health Status of Herd 猪群的健康状况High Health status 好的健康状况Optimum health status良好的健康状况Free of specific pathogens (bacteria/viru

20、ses)可抵抗特定病原体(细菌或病毒)Most important if sell breeding stock如果出售繁育猪群,这将更加重要。Critical to maintain status with biosecurity对保持猪群健康及生物安全是很关键的Conventional Health Status 传统的健康状况Variable pathogens present会出现不同的病原体Decreased production efficiency降低了生产效率Monitoring and Record Keeping 监控和记录保存Keep accurate records 保

21、证记录准确Assess productivity 生产力评估Determine if disease is affecting performance确定疾病是否影响了生产性能Visual inspection for illnesses 疾病的视觉检查Taking blood samples 抽取血样Veterinarian health checks 兽医健康检查Ensures health status is maintained确保健康状况的持续性Internal Biosecurity 内部生物安全Proper pig flow 恰当的猪群转移All-in-all-out 全进全出Minimize mixing of ages 把不同阶段的猪只降到最低Treatment of sick animals 病畜处理Killing of animals who do not improve宰杀没有好转的性畜Personal hygiene of employees dealing with sick animals处理病畜时雇员的个人卫生Foot baths 足浴External Biosecurity 外部生物安全Quarantine replacement animals隔离补充的性畜Isolated location 隔离区域Control e


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