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1、ZYJM AD 2-1AD 2.1 机场地名代码和名称 Aerodrome location indicator and nameZYJM佳木斯/佳木斯 JIAMUSI/JiamusiZYJM AD 2.2 机场地理位置和管理资料 Aerodrome geographical and administrative dataZYJM AD 2.3 工作时间Operational hours2011-5-11机场(机场开放时间)AD Administration (AD operational hours)HS or O/R2和Customs and immigration-HS or O/R3卫

2、生健康部门Healnd sani ionHS or O/R4航行服务讲解室AIS Briefing OfficeHS or O/R5空通服务室ATS Reporting Office (ARO)HS or O/R6气象讲解室MET Briefing OfficeHS or O/R7空通服务 ATSHS or O/R8加油 FuellingHS or O/R9地勤服务 HandlingHS or O/R10保安 SecurityHS or O/R11除冰 De-icingHS or O/R12备注 RemarksRequest should be submitted to the AD not

3、latern 08001机场基准点坐标及其在机场的位置ARP coordinates and site at ADN46 50.5 E130 27.9Center of RWY2方向、距离Direction and distance from city080 GEO, 10km from Songhuajiang bridge of Jiamusi city3标高/参考气温Elevation/Reference temperature80m/ 24 C (JUL)4磁差/年变率MAG VAR/Annual change11 W/ -5机场管理部门、地址、传真、AFS AD administra

4、tion, address,ephone,efax, AFSJiamusi Airport AuthorityJiamusi Airport, Guangfu Street, Dongfeng District, Jiamusi 154014, Heilongjiang province, China: 86-454-8330268FAX: 86-454-8330882 AFS: ZYJMYDYX6允许飞行种类Types of traffic permitted(IFR/VFR)IFR/VFR7备注RemarksNilZYJM AD 2-2ZYJM AD 2.4 地勤服务和设施 Handlin

5、g serviand facilitiesZYJM AD 2.5 旅客设施 Passenger facilitiesZYJM AD 2.6 援救与消防服务 Rescue and fire fighting servi2011-5-11机场消防等级AD category for fire fightingCAT 52援救设备Rescue equipmentAvailable: 2 fire tenders3搬移受损航空器的能力Capability for removal of disabled aircraftNil4备注RemarksNil1宾馆Ho sAdjacent to AD andhe

6、 city2餐馆RestaurantsAt AD andhe city3交通工具Transpor ionPassengers coaches, buses, taxis4医疗设施Medical facilitiesaid at AD, hospitalshe city5和邮局Bandt OfficeAdjacent to AD andhe city6旅行社Tourist Officehe city+ FAX: 86-454-82282517备注RemarksNil1货物装卸设施Cargo-handling facilitiesTruck(10 tonnes), baggage transpor

7、ter2燃油/滑油牌号Fuel/oil typesNr.3 jet fuel-3加油设施/能力Fuelling facilities/capacityRefueling trucks: 20-30 litres/sec4除冰设施De-icing facilitiesAvailable: 2 de-icing pumps5过站航空器机库Hangar space for visiting aircraftNil6过站航空器的维修设施Repair facilities for visiting aircraftGround service available on request7备注Remarks

8、NilZYJM AD 2-3ZYJM AD 2.7 可用季节-扫雪 Seasonal availability-clearingZYJM AD 2.8 停机坪、滑行道及校正位置数据 Aprons, taxiways and check locations dataZYJM AD 2.9地面活动引导和系统与标识Surface movement guidance and control system and markings2011-5-11航空器停放位置识别符号、滑行道引导线、航空器目视停靠/停放位置引导系统的使用Use of aircraft stand ID signs, TWY guide

9、 lines and visual docking/parking guidance system of aircraft standsTaxiing guidanigns at allersections with TWY and RWY and at all holdingitions.Guide lines at apron.Nose-in guidance at aircraft stands.2跑道和滑行道标志及灯光RWY and TWY marking and LGTRWY markingsRWY designation, THR , TDZ, center line and ed

10、ge line, center circleRWY lightsCenterline, edge line, THR, RWY endTWY markingsCenter line, edge line, taxi holdingitionsTWY lightsEdge line3停止排灯StarsNil4备注RemarksNil1停机坪道面和强度Apron surface and strengthSurface:Cement concreteStrength:PCN 60/R/B/W/T2滑行道宽度、道面和强度Taxiway width, surface and strengthWidth:

11、23mSurface:Cement concreteStrength:PCN 60/R/B/W/T3高度表校正点的位置及其标高ACL location and elevationLocation: At apron Elevation: 80m4VOR/INS 校正点VOR/INS checkpo sINS checkpo s: at stands5备注 RemarksNil1扫雪设备类型Types of clearing equipmentAll seasons2 snow blowers, 1 snow scrr2扫雪顺序Clearance prioritiesRWY, TWY, Apro

12、n3备注RemarksNilZYJM AD 2-42011-5-1Obstacles within a circle wiradius of 15km centered on RWY center序号Serial Nr.物类型Obstacle type磁方位BRG(MAG)(degree)距离DIST(m)场压高AAL Height(m)影响的跑道/区域RWY/Area affected1*Chimney0451500222*Chimney054359637RWY06/Departure RWY24/VOR/DME final approach3*TWR071714561RWY24/VOR/D

13、ME , NDB/DMEinitial/ final approach4*BLDG159875245*Chimney179153752RWY06/Departure RWY06/ILS/DMEmissed approach, GP INOP final approach6*Chimney2126500987*Chimney216175851RWY06/VOR/DME , NDB/DMEmissed approach8MT232144001529Antenna238215014RWY24/Departure10*Chimney23953254911*TWR2449737197RWY06/Hold

14、ing RWY24/VOR/DME , NDB/DMEmissed approach12*TWR24781056213*Chimney25146374814*TWR25157266415TWR25251504616*BLDG256917512117*Chimney2564300104RWY06/VOR/DME , NDB/DMEfinal approach18*TWR25733754119*Chimney257437510620*Chimney258453710421*Chimney260452510422*Chimney261491910523*Chimney2624375126Circli

15、ng for aircraft of type B/C24*Chimney264462721325*TWR26539378126*Chimney26833195227*Chimney271344484Circling for aircraft of type A28*Chimney27133116329*Chimney277162531Obstacles betn two circles with the radius of 15km and 50km centered on RWY center序号Serial Nr.物类型Obstacle type磁方位BRG(MAG)(degree)距离

16、DIST(m)海拔高度Elevation(m)影响的跑道/区域RWY/Area affected1MT228220003502MT228170003453MT23018000400RWY24/Departure RWY06/VOR/DMEinitial approach, ILS/DMEermediate approach4MT23024000470RWY24/Holding RWY06/NDB/DMEinitial approach, ILS/DME initial approach5MT230190003746MT232240004527MT23319000353ZYJM AD 2.10

17、机场物 Aerodrome obstaclesZYJM AD 2-5ZYJM AD 2.11提供的气象信息Meteorological information provided2011-5-11相关气象室的名称Assoted MET OfficeJiamusi Aerodrome MET Office2气象服务时间、服务时间以外的责任气象室Hours of service, MET Office outside hoursHOHarbin Aerodrome MET Office3负责编发TAF 的;有效期 Office responsible for TAF preparation, Per

18、iods of validityJiamusi Aerodrome MET Office 9 HR4着陆预报类型、发布间隔Type of landing forecast,erval of ianceTrend 1 HR5所提供的讲解/服务Briefing/consul ion providedP6飞行文件及其使用语言Flightation, Languages usedChart,ernational MET codes, abbreviated plain language text Ch, En7讲解/服务时可利用的图表和其它信息 Charts and other information

19、 available for briefing or consul ionSynoptic charts, significant weather charts, upper W/T charts, sa lite material, AWOS real-time data8提供信息的辅助设备Supplementaryequipmentavailablefor providing informationFAX9提供气象信息的空通服务ATS units provided with informationTWR, Jiamusi ATS Reporting Office10其他信息Addition

20、al informationNil序号Serial Nr.物类型Obstacle type磁方位BRG(MAG)(degree)距离DIST(m)海拔高度Elevation(m)影响的跑道/区域RWY/Area affected8MT23316000291RWY06/NDB/DME,VOR/DMEermediate approach9MT2402300039510MT2482600042811MT25327000489SectorRemark: 1. *Lighted.2. Other obstacles refer to AD OBST Chart.ZYJM AD 2-6ZYJM AD 2.

21、12 跑道物理特征Runway physical characteristicsZYJM AD 2.13距离Declared distan2011-5-1跑道代号RWY Designator可用起飞滑跑距离TORA(m)可用起飞距离TODA(m)可用加速停止距离ASDA(m)可用着陆距离LDA(m)备注Remarks123456062200240022602200Nil242200240022602200Nil跑道号码 Designations RWY NR真方位和磁方位 TRUE & MAG BRG跑道长宽Dimens of RWY (m)跑道和停止道强度、道面Strength (PCN)

22、and surface of RWY and SWY着陆坐标THR coordinates跑道着陆标 高,精密进近跑道接地地带最高标高 THR elevation and highesevation of TDZ of preciAPP RWY12345606047 GEO058 MAG22004560/R/B/W/T Concrete/ ConcreteNilTHR 79.95m-24227 GEO238 MAG22004560/R/B/W/T Concrete/ ConcreteNilTHR 79.49m-跑道-停止道坡度Slope of RWY-SWY停止道长宽SWY dimens(m)

23、道长宽CWY dimens(m)升降带长宽Strip dimens(m)无物地带OFZ备注Remarks789101112See AOC60452003002440300NilNilSee AOC60452003002440300NilNilZYJM AD 2-7ZYJM AD 2.14 进近和跑道灯光 Approach and runway lightingZYJM AD 2.15 其它灯光,备份电源 Other lighting, secondaryer supplyZYJM AD 2.16 直升机着陆区域 Helicopter landing area无(Nil)ZYJM AD 2.17

24、 空通服务空域 ATS airspace2011-5-11名称和横向界限Designation and lateral limitsJiamusi tower control area By ATC2垂直界限Vertical limitsBy ATC3空域类别Airspace ClassificationTo be developed4空通服务呼号、使用语言ATS unit call sign, LanguagesJiamusi Tower Ch, En5过渡高Transition height900m6备注RemarksNil1机场灯标/识别灯标位置、特性和工作时间ABN/IBN locat

25、ion, characteristics and hours of operationNil2着陆方向指示器位置和灯光;风速表位置和灯光LDI location and LGT, Anemometer location and LGTNil3滑行道边灯和中心线灯光TWY edge and center line lightingAll TWYs4备份电源/转换时间Secondaryer supply/switch-over timeSecondaryer supply available/ 1 sec5备注RemarksNil跑道代号 RWYDesig- nator进近灯类型、长度、强度 AP

26、CH LGTtype LENST灯 颜色、翼排灯 THR LGTcolour WBAR目视进近坡度指示系统 (跑道最低眼高),精密进近航道指示器 VASIS (MEHT) PAPI接地地带灯长度 TDZ LGT LEN跑道中心线灯长度、间隔、颜色、强度 RWY Center line LGT LEN, spacing, colour,ST跑道边灯长度、间隔、颜色、强度 RWY edge LGT LEN,spacing, colour,ST跑道端灯颜色、翼排灯 RWY End LGTcolour, WBAR停止道灯长度、颜色SWY LGT LEN,colour12345678906CAT I90

27、0m* LIHGreen-PAPILeft/3Nil2200mspacing 30m White/Red LIH2200mspacing 60m White/Yellow LIHRed-Nil24SALS 400m LIMGreen-PAPILeft/3Nil2200mspacing 30m White/Red LIH2200mspacing 60m White/Yellow LIHRed-NilRemarks: *SFLZYJM AD 2-8ZYJM AD 2.18 空通服务通信设施 ATS communication facilitiesZYJM AD 2.19 无线电导航和着陆设施Rad

28、io navigation and landing aids2011-5-1设施类型Type of aid识别ID频率Frequency工作时间 Hours of operation发射天线位置、坐标 Antenna site coordinatesDME 发射天线标高Elevation of DME transmitting antenna备注Remarks1234567VOR/DMEJMU113.5 MHZ CH82XHON46 50.5E130 27.988mOM 0675 MHZHO238 MAG/ 6841mfrom THR RWY 06LMM 06R200 KHZHON46 49.

29、7E130 26.5238 MAG/ 1040mfrom THR RWY 06ILS 06 LLZIRQ108.3 MHZHO058 MAG/ 550mfrom end RWY 06GP 06334.1 MHZHO120m SE of RCL, 304mfrom THR RWY 06Angle 3 RDH 15mLM 24G304 KHZHON46 51.3E130 29.1058 MAG/ 1200mfrom THR RWY 24服务名称Service Designation呼号Call sign频率Frequency (MHZ)工作时间 Hours of operation备注Remark

30、s12345TWRJiamusi Tower130.0 (118.85)HONilZYJM AD 2-9ZYJM AD 2.20ZYJM AD 2.20 Local traffic regulations本场飞行规定1.机场使用规定1. AD operations regulationsa.100 吨(含)以下航空器使本场用;a. Local AD is only available for aircraft not moretonnes;n 100b.所有技术试飞需事先申请,并在得到空b. Each and every technical test flight shall be filed

31、 in advanceand conducted only after clearance has been obtained from ATC.通部门批准后方可进行。2.跑道和滑行道的使用2. Use of runways and taxiways航空器在滑行道上做 180 度转弯。180turnaround on TWY is forbidden for all aircraft.3.机坪和机位的使用3. Use of aprons and parking stands发试车,需经塔台,并在指定的Engine run-ups are subject to Tower Control cle

32、arance, and shall地点进行。严禁在客机坪试大车。be carried oua designated location. Fast engine run-ups onapron are strictly forbidden.4. 机场的 II/III 类运行4. CAT II/III operations at AD无Nil5. 警告5. Warning24 号跑道外有300 米水泥铺筑道面A road, paved with cement surface outside THR of RWY24, 300m(安装进近灯),不要误认为跑道。in length (installed

33、 wiRWY by mistake.pproach lights), should not be taken as6. 直升机飞行限制,直升机停靠区6. Helicopter operation restrictions and helicoptdocking areaarking/无NilZYJM AD 2.21 减噪程序ZYJM AD 2.21 Noise abatement procedures无Nil2011-5-1ZYJM AD 2-10ZYJM AD 2.22 飞行程序ZYJM AD 2.22 Flight procedures1. 总则1. General除经塔台特殊外,在塔台区

34、内的Flights withower Control Area shall operate under IFR unless飞行,必须按照仪表飞行规则进行。spel clearance has been obtained from Tower Control.2. 起落航线2. Traffic circuits起落航线在跑道东侧,A、B300 米,C 类航空器高 600 米。类航空器高Traffic circuits shall be made to the east of RWY, at the height of300m for aircraft CAT A/B, and 600m for aircraft CAT C.3. 塔台区内的仪表飞行程序3. IFR flight procedures withower Control Area严格按照航图中的进、离场程序飞Strict adherence is required to the relevant arrival/departure行。如果需要,航空器可在空通部门procedures pu


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