1、常年法律顾问服务合同编号: KC 甲方:地址:乙方:地址:邮编 :本着互信、互利、长期合作的精神,甲方 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 就中国 xxxxxxx 委托乙方北京京都律师事务所(简称“京都所”)提供常年法律顾问服务事宜,双方进行充分协商,达成如下协议以便遵照执行:1、服务方式:双方约定,乙方为甲方在中国 xxxxxx 的投资提供涉及中国法律事务的常年并不定期的专项法律服务, 乙方作为法律服务提供方,根据需要配备业内权威专家和一流律师团队,保证甲方能及时得到各类配套相关法律服务。2、职责范围:乙方为甲方提供该项目框架性的法律咨询服务。除非乙方事先以书面方式通知甲方,否则所有甲方要求的、乙方
2、同意提供的法律服务事项均应受本合同约束。 甲方提出法律服务要求时,必须全面、真实地向乙方律师提供事实情况及其它有关的材料。双方一致确认,甲方自行做出商业或技术决策,而非仅仅依靠乙方出具的 法律意见、商业调查或个人信用调查结果。乙方不对甲方就非法律因素所达到的特定结果、肯定得到之利益予以保证,甲方对此表示理解。甲方承诺,在本合同服务 期间甲方不再聘请乙方以外的律师提供本合同约定的法律服务,但乙方书面同意的除外。乙方承诺,在本合同服务期间,乙方不再为与甲方有直接利益冲突的任何第 三方提供法律服务。3、律师费用:乙方作为甲方的常年法律顾问,甲方应向乙方支付:3、 1每年度的日常法律服务费 xxx 万
3、元人民币( xxx,000.00 ),首年度的律师费于本合同签订后七日内支付;此后年费于每服务年度的第一个月的前七日支付。3、 2此项年费的服务内容为乙方的律师团队为甲方提供 xxxx 日常法律咨询服务事项。甲方要求乙方提供的各具体专项法律服务, 包括但不限于公司设立、公司或资产收购、土地取得与转让、项目开发及销售、金融、政府关系协调等, 甲方应另行向乙方支付律师费。双方约定,非诉讼业务律师费按标的额 0.5% 收取;诉讼、仲裁业务律师费按标的额 5% 收取。3、 3具体的专项法律服务,双方也可商定按计时收费方式计费。详见附 件标准。4、其它费用:乙方律师因从事本合同约定工作而发生的交通费、差
4、旅费等项费用和支出(“其它费用”),由甲方另行支付。此外,其它费用还包括但不限于:诉讼、仲裁 费,为诉讼或仲裁而发生的财产保全费、审计评估费,邮递费,向相关行政部门或中间机构的调查支出、电脑查询费用,专家费用等。通常情况下,甲方无需支付乙 方打字及影印费用。此项费用除另有约定外,由乙方按月和甲方结算。如果甲方在收到此项费用单后的日内没有以书面方式提出异议,则视为甲方认可此项费用单 上的全部事项。5、争议解决:双方由于履行本合同或者与本合同有关的其它事项而发生的任何争议、争端或请求,应通过协商解决;若协商不成,任何一方可以向中国国际经济贸易仲裁委 员会北京分会提请仲裁。如因甲方违反本合同约定导致
5、仲裁,甲方因承担由此发生的一切费用,包括但不限于乙方的经济损失,以及仲裁费、鉴定费、交通费、律师 费等。6、合同变更:本合同未经甲、乙双方书面同意并签字,项下条款不得自行修改、变更。如因情势变更,双方应依法合理协商解决。除合同项下及双方同意的书面委托外,乙 方与甲方不存在其它服务或代理行为。7、法律适用:本合同的解释、履行、变更、终止及其他争议,均适用中华人民共和国相关的法律、法规,由此而引起的仲裁适用中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会北京分会的仲 裁程序和规则。8、合同期限:本合同期限五年,自本合同双方签字确认后起算。若期满后双方同意继续签署协议的,双方另行商议。双方约定,在本合同有效期内,甲方如在
6、中国大陆开展 其它业务,亦委托乙方根据本合同原则执行。9、其它:本合同以中 / 英文文本签署,共 4 页,双方各执两份,自双方签字确认后生效。若有仲裁裁决本合同部分条款无效,则其它有效条款不应受到影响。甲方或乙方的继承者应受本合同约束。(本页无正文。)甲方: 乙方:签约代表人:签约代表人:电话: 电话:FAX: FAX :签约地点:签约地点:日期:日期:附:乙方银行帐号:人民币帐户:开户单位:开户帐号:开户行:同城:异地:Contract No.: KCAnnual Retainer as A Legal AdvisorService ContractParty A:Address:Party
7、 B:Address:Post code:Party A authorizes Party B, Beijing King & Capital Lawyers (hereinafter referred to as King & Capital Lawyers) to provide permanent legal services for Party A with respect to investment thereof in xxxxxxx, China in the spirit of mutual trust, mutual benefits and long-term cooper
8、ation. In witness therefore, that both parties enter into the following contract through negotiation.1. Service ModeBoth parties agree that Party B shall provide permanent and intermittent special legal services relevant to Chinese legal business for Party A with respect to the investment thereof in
9、 xxxxxxx, China, and Party B shall, as a legal service provider, provide authoritative legal experts and a top-ranking attorneys group as required to ensure that Party A can timely obtain various relevant supporting legal services.2. Terms of ReferenceParty B shall provide a framework of legal advic
10、e services for the project of Party A. Unless Party B gives a prior written notice to Party A, the legal services required by Party A and to be provided by Party B by agreement shall be subject to the Contract. Party A shall provide complete and true circumstances of fact and other relevant informat
11、ion to Party B when Party A puts forward a request for legal services. Both parties thereto agree that Party A shall not merely rely on legal opinions, business surveys, or personal credit investigations issued by Party B to make business or technical decisions. Party A shall be aware that, Party B
12、will not ensure specified results and definite benefits achieved by the extra legal factors for Party A. Party A shall promise not to engage attorneys other than Party B to provide legal services agreed in the Contract within the valid period of the Contract, except the attorneys agreed in writing b
13、y Party B. Party B shall promise not to provide legal services for any third party who constitutes a direct competing interest with Party A within the valid period of the Contract.3. Attorneys FeesParty A shall pay to Party B, who serves as annual retainer as a legal advisor:3.1 Party A shall annual
14、ly pay attorneys fees of xxx,000.00 RMB yuan (xxx,000.00) to Party B and pay attorneys fees due for the first year within 7 days upon signature of the Contract, and afterwards pay attorneys fees within 7 days of the first month every year of service.3.2 The services, compensated by the annual attorn
15、eys fees, shall include xxxx daily legal advice services provided by attorneys group of Party B for Party A. Various specific and special legal services required by Party A for Party B shall include, but not limited to, the establishment of a company, acquisition of a company or property, requisitio
16、n and transfer of land, development and marketing of projects, finance and government relations coordination. Party A shall also pay additional attorneys fees to Party B. Both parties agree that the attorneys fees for the case not involving litigation shall be charged based on 0.5% of subject-matter
17、 amount and the attorneys fees for court case and arbitration case shall be charged based on 5% of subject-matter amount.3.3 With regard to specific and special legal services, both parties may agree to adopt an hourly rate reimbursement system. (Refer to standards in the appendix for detailed infor
18、mation)4. Other ExpensesParty A shall separately pay to the attorneys group of Party B expenses and expenditures such as costs of travel, traveling fees (“Other expenses”) resulting from Party Bs legal work agreed in the Contract. In addition, Other expenses shall include, but not limited to, court
19、fees, arbitration fees as well as costs associated with the possession of property, audit and appraisal fees, and mail carrying charges arising from arbitration and litigation, expenses for investigation to relevant administrative departments or intermediary agencies, expenses incurred for informati
20、on searches by the computer as well as expert consulting. Under normal conditions, Party A does not need to pay expenses for typing, facsimile and photocopy to Party B. Unless otherwise agreed by both parties thereto, Party B shall pay expenses for typing, facsimile and photocopy borne by Party A on
21、 a monthly basis. If Party A has not submitted any objections in writing, within 5 days upon receipt of the list of the said expenses, Party A shall be deemed to have accepted the whole items on the list of the said expenses.5. Settlement of DisputesAny disputes or petitions arising from the executi
22、on of, or in connection with, the contract shall be settled through friendly consultations between both parties. In case no settlement can be reached through consultations, either of the parties thereto may submit the disputes or petitions to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commis
23、sion Beijing Branch for arbitration. In the case that arbitration arises from the failure of Party A to abide by the previsions under the Contract, Party A shall bear all expenses arising thereby, including but not limited to, economic losses suffered by Party B, arbitration fees, appraisal costs, t
24、raveling fees, and attorneys fees.6. Alterations of ContractThe articles under this contract shall not be amended and altered without written consent and signature of Party A and Party B. In the event of alterations arising from special situations, both parties thereto shall legally and reasonably s
25、olve problems through consultation. Besides written Powers of Attorney under the Contract that are agreed by both parties, no other services or acts of agency shall exist between Party A and Party B.7. Applicable LawsThe interpretation, execution, alteration, and termination of the Contract and sett
26、lement of disputes in respect thereof shall be governed by the relevant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China. Arbitration arising there from shall be comparable to arbitration procedures and rules of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Beijing Branch.8. Dur
27、ation of ContractThis contract shall be valid for a period of five (5) years as of the signing by both parties. If both parties desire to renew the Contract upon expiration of the validity period of the Contract, both parties shall separately reach an agreement in this regard. Both parties hereto agree that, if Party A desires to deve
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