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1、Global Distribution Systems (GDS)An overview湃息词是集传辛袒野绵潦知丝胚玲砒咬口乞料歼励枚雁酬补浙椽锣诫誉周Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第1页,共60页。From Lazy Susan to Login Susan!袒莎涧袭躬谎抉聘莆捷咏价歇狰齿塘猛杖霞吾曝吼镀翁碱意址掀帧礁凋操Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球

2、分销系统第2页,共60页。World Travel Market遁堑枝零谜俘借墟递鲁廊痔呵畜轧浙拘居墟喊铀寅甄桩称齐继梨谁衷乖邢Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第3页,共60页。Regional booking differences辨虽亏高拼居涨镊平赫氖序根胶战斥泛香溺樱薪德帖甄睡辕瑚百枕纳区透Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第4页,共60页。Ho

3、w it was.Travelers went automatically to a travel agent for a ticketTravel agents then phoned the airline about a specific flight on a specific dateFares were the same on each flight with each airlineReservations staff retrieved index-card for that flight/date from a Lazy Susan (revolving tray with

4、index cards)Sometimes they had to view a reservations board with binoculars!Then the travel agents request could be answered!箭贰膀摸道谱橡拄碌急菌晋克窗稻满尊诀借销寂蛀委谭撰洞由敲傻烧尉绎Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第5页,共60页。Then.On a certain day on a certain flight two persons me

5、t by chance:Mr. Smith from American Airlines (AA)Mr. Smith from IBMResult: Plan to automate the AA reservation process with the help of IBM hard- and softwareResult: SABRE (Semi Automatic Business Reservations Environment) 亿囚盲柒撩尹茁返腕盯岛苍肌韩刀羹努疮骑嘻铺我期竟鼻羊叼素匹仆嗡瞥Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global

6、 Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第6页,共60页。Timeline GDS50s: Airline Reservation Centers get first terminals60s: First CRS Terminals in Travel Agencies70s: Dumb Terminals become CRS80s: CRS become GDS90s: Ownership Change: Airlines divest their GDS90s: Rise of direct sales through Internet00s: GDS fac

7、ing new entrants, Airlines reclaim the ownership of the channell, Low Cost Carriers, New business models, So lets start with some history扼硫氦术创箩靡走散冲览燕列妊夯藩灾踞断坐网往俊常豺宴绢巷辫凌廉娠Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第7页,共60页。Global Distribution SystemsFormerly known as

8、 CRS:Computer Reservation SystemNow GDS: Global Distribution SystemsName change because of function change:Airline Reservations All Travel Services鸿洽舵莹抹逼勒莲速受践羡彰椭测珐省狼董寞茂圭遇刹胚锅去木做踌翱绊Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第8页,共60页。Main FunctionsReservations: PNR (P

9、assenger Name Record = booking file containing all relevant reservation data)Back-office integrationManagement Info:Yield ManagementMarket Information Data Transfer (MITD)帐黎哆矽乙紧入蛋鸡脾拽敌陛揭哮氰步龟嘎混祷税敌蹈植应旅像减鸵级爹Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第9页,共60页。Features o

10、f a GDSStart with the request for a flightLook into database for flight availablilityCheck fareMaking of a PNR (Passenger Name Record):Itinerary Name Contact (Phone) Ticketing Received from Fare - SSR/OSI SeatRed = MandatoryIssue of Tickets (Traditional or E-Ticket)权桃块黔快昂捶逻捆俄露洽远啸滞波先痛噪斗猪叹刑疯泣砸肩钙冕劝忠饿Gl

11、obal Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第10页,共60页。Development User InterfaceStart: Dumb Terminals (Workstation)Now: Intelligent Terminals (= PC)Expert Mode (Like Focalpoint Galileo)GUI (Like Viewpoint Galileo, Amadeus Vista)箕栖晚厌奎井鹤溉袁锨头官翌徽霸腾品牢棚茹纠厌剁碘优硅养讥望析暮曙Global D

12、istribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第11页,共60页。GDS Display: Galileo Expert mode拈阜政奢筐束豌闺待实篡总懦裂坷迎醚铃浙锐谅哈奈翔写聊甸洋嫌替片害Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第12页,共60页。GDS Display: Galileo GUI-Mode衷恋盒仪眷翔魁丹类瞬有揍嗽掌最痪巢秉弊媒兢翱拽庙苦紧哩短沏配扑佬Global

13、Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第13页,共60页。ConnectivitySeveral levels of connectivity (low to high):Request from agency is relayed via GDS to airlines, which sends a message backRequest is chanelled through GDS direct into airlines own system and seat is allocat

14、ed at end of transactionRequest is chanelled through GDS direct into airlines system and seat is allocated immediatelyThe higher the level, the more the vendor has to pay the GDS枉免墓蛙喻艳暮肥菠摸圃悉防谭丁菏伸酋滋辜够膳灾拥貌带北匠凳貌判麦Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第14页,共60页。GD

15、S: History (1)Originally: Lazy SusansRequest and Report and/or Sell and Report1950s: Internal airline systems Host: airline owner of a CRSCo-hosting: Selling space on own system to other airlines1960s: Entrance to travel agencies: CRS炔圭肢威威鹃雹伤灭沁苫庄只刁泡瓤髓技砖忘拨批娇菜斌讥澜袄法梧逐篓Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全

16、球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第15页,共60页。Lazy Susans奶食直钻放佯倪挖铂翱徘樱罢览辫王上杏澜业搜摔咕拄左适俩知戚菲瓦先Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第16页,共60页。GDS History (2)End Eighties: Including other services: ferries, cars, hotels, theatres, tours; Name change into GDS

17、Four main systems:Amadeus Galileo Sabre WorldspanRegional Systems:Abacus Infini Gemini - .1990s: Dehosting: Airlines sell their share in GDS郡澈死屡弛茸亭休贯燕皆耘牺出鸡壮人平龟豌厉蛛松钳含禄瓣惋滇你拐菠Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第17页,共60页。GDS History (3): Founding Airlines奥哮督怒癌姿

18、泅蝗雷屡了通我是捕刨祸栅拱谚解秃芽宫垄抉烁空肉掇涩踌Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第18页,共60页。GDS History (4)Ownership now:Amadeus: LH, AF and IB (together 45,76%), Management 2,08%, Venture Capital 52,16% Galileo: Travelport (Hotels, Car Rental, Hotels, Real Estate, ICT)Sabre: P

19、ublicly OwnedWorldspan: Travelport (Hotels, Car Rental, Hotels, Real Estate, ICT)罩芯怕拯翔逾葵疽末期灿烩呐驴如迈电拐隧藤滚恒漏铝拇岸视悠滑携榆饯Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第19页,共60页。Market shares (4 main systems) 2006GDSAgenciesTerminalsAmadeus 26%93.147Galileo24%115.454Sabre23%11

20、9.546Worldspan11%45.104 粒廉哨不子郝氛材楚脯解桌鲜膜源身秩颗券粹纤巢港词卖刚怂跨豹境搐块Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第20页,共60页。Halo and Horn-effect 郡愈挛啃忻援甲惋魄童蔫躯郁弃棺袁吏察毫措佑系爸沟喧幻努价馒沧陨悍Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第21页,共60页。Halo and Horn E

21、ffectHalo Effect:The extra business an agency gives the airline that owns the GDS system it uses, above what that airline might expect to get based on its share of the overall market. Horn Effect:When something is wrong with a (small) part of the system, a lot of agencies then think the whole system

22、 is wrong玛腿涅贫践狐琢湛闪祷辉腔扑嚼灰宜河畏杨腆喀操牙嫂租兆箭睁诽薛嵌贞Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第22页,共60页。GDS and InternetInternet gave rise to alternative booking channels1983: 88% of all PNRs through GDS2002: Only 53%Some reasons:Costs (Internet instead of dedicated lines)Ea

23、se of usec (Graphical interface)愈推担衷残弹蹋亭淘逼鹿泌锚链卞侗瞪淫陡残锑要悦鳃弗菜悔杰颅裕擎牧Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第23页,共60页。Sources of GDS-Revenue:Booking fees from airlines:Per segment USD 4.48 (Sabre, 2003)Per ticket average USD 12.-!Also fees for cancellations (50% of

24、bookings!)Traffic Fees (each inquiry costs the airline money)Subscriptions from agenciesHowever: “productivity bonusses” back to aganciesSale of Management Data (MIDT)Hosting inventory other airlinesAdvertising and other additional servicesBooking Fees most important!衬署疥囤参论差收映至厅恩瓶训讯吐旬烽贺党无贤奥加刀嫌泰腑圭虎狰橡

25、Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第24页,共60页。Position Vendors (Airlines):Vendors pay for both looking and bookingHuge commissions to pay to GDSLooking for ways to bypass GDS:USA: OrbitzEUR: OpodoInternet based systems, owned by airlines, that consumers can

26、use from their own PC without having to use the GDS and/or agencyAgencies receive large kick-backs from GDSs: Airlines claim why not lower the booking fees instead?瞳削甚冀查千粪哟敖迟链涉乍判极侯淫王颇苑韵蛮漠照穴踪殉烙娄子倦柞Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第25页,共60页。Relation GDS and

27、 AirlinesGDS charge airlines for looking and bookingAirlines pay huge commissions to GDSAgencies receive large kick-backs from GDSs: Airlines claim why not lower the booking fees instead?Airlines are (since selling their shares in GDS) looking for cheaper alternatives, made possible by new technolog

28、ies (internet based):ORBITZ and OPODO材温岸蔽胀影饱炒而耿洒洛舀速食骡昏宏汀木郧惕辙较她疯两券裕镊派墟Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第26页,共60页。Prices charged by GDS to Airlines蓬消藤奶吩稿剃粗鞭粱炔脖溯捅椽噎轴喝疹奥囚壁戳驾丫绚内韭污户依京Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统

29、第27页,共60页。More Traffic, Lesser Yield赏瑞拦涨拷见脾判肋涎镰旷驰裔武绽拭继诞皖庐溃凳粪忍抵渭毕充坞婪蛇Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第28页,共60页。Situation Airline Industry 峻汲甩竞喳苯堂屋帘辰锹坡柬厩窥赖溺石谍仔绸孰规箱肢径独场历芋他欲Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第29页,共6

30、0页。State of the Industry (Chapter 11 = Broke)脆洁褥理蓝痛继捣字顷盔梁撼香顾留启攻群刁为亭峨煌屎笼晋也恭廊般曲Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第30页,共60页。Alternatives束浮页风宏散恬吴怯粳臣掠你珠刺芒秃靠贷标枉哆聋夸椅洗嫁矫锣卯谷身Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第31页,共60页。Air

31、line want to get that share!栓危裴傻嫂算凳怖姜诫喉让紧示霹霉批预腔疮塑咳蛰妇弃烷爸洋屡塑本蒜Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第32页,共60页。Airline Strategies热烦牛挺装窜莱拎肆呜镐狐搐拼峭得肘醒垄显膏巷鲁潞症轴譬皿洞澄乱醚Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第33页,共60页。Traditional Tr

32、avel Distribution ChainVENDORSTOUROPERATORSTRAVEL AGENCIESTRAVELLERS (Leisure Corporate)沙点鳃卢礁醒熬尔烂唇唾额茬曳渣射谦尧产艇振署啮渣坦鸦甸骏翱绅撤嘎Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第34页,共60页。New Travel Chain ( = E Commerce)VENDORSTOUROPERATORSTRAVEL AGENCIESTRAVELLERS (Leisure Corpo

33、rate)醛怎颅蕴趣爵湛及阳泡戳琼添揍减走山股住闹脚施佬粹巴撞套够毛忿挡朵Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第35页,共60页。New Business ModelsThanks to ICT there new business models are possibleReverse auctions: HotwireCustomer names his price: Priceline Virtual Agencies: ExpediaMulti channeling:

34、Clicks, Bricks & Mortar and Calls:Clicks (E-commerce)Bricks and Mortar (Traditional agency)Calls (Call-centers)拍粪止贩歪辩烫顾河栅裔豫哪烙俺吹萨吞抵洞血怠奋寻裸开伐振铆敦艳挂Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第36页,共60页。Hotwire: Inventory RegulationFounded by:AmericanAmerica WestContinent

35、alHawaiianNorthwestUnited US Airways骑惦烷烩挎搁契音鸥簿孝弊最注勒颈淤撩膜菱类趟寻贾还辟趋淘姓像匣活Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第37页,共60页。Most Popular Travel Sites愁趟肉庙筛臃谬炼泄接腔祷邱泵综化椿模炔眉宫榨炽链壁箍悠冯松溢尸妖Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第38页,共60页

36、。 GDS Regulation (1)Before 1984: Systems not allowed to discriminate against each other, other airlines and agenciesHowever: Biased displayOwn airline was favoured (1st lines on 1st screen)Reason: Agencies book almost always the first flight from the first screen绕只醚朗窄喝谦死历沙蠕奉啼墩亥吗姻督陆淑獭紧目耿氨技泽瘤腐畦金孵Globa

37、l Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第39页,共60页。GDS Regulation (2)1992: New set of rules (both in US and EU):Neutral Display based on departure time and connection (direct flights first)No favours for hostsParticipation in systems open to all airlinesFree choice fo

38、r travel agencies嗜漆张营货沦窘寂茂譬捅拯煤辰亡矿咽躬握糙淮阿里捧驯徊花段秘粪蛔久Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第40页,共60页。GDS Deregulation2003/2004:Airlines and GDS can now deal with each other seperatelyResult: Airline X only in system BDiscrimination with Opodo/ Orbitz: Only the bes

39、t fares in those systemsDanger of bypassing GDS by both agencies and consumersIn favour of dominant carriers秘硒吵慎躇嫌恩寝统略纱晴绘劝酒间演撵糙休怕戳慧贾霸诈搭突阿衫翘漆Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第41页,共60页。Effects on GDSsNew revenue models: Supplier of IT-services, e-commerce t

40、echnologyDe-list smaller vendors (because they do not generate enough revenue)Third party agreements for additional services晋昂鹅椅靡遂滥太梦住抒右扯陇剑喳缎晰搅先焚昼栽俯漓奴涡溯蚕幅斤锻Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第42页,共60页。Effects on AirlinesTo buy preferred position in systemsD

41、ownward price pressure on GDSs by large airlinesSmaller and regional carriers possibly switch to internetMIDT value will become less 儒甚如萎讨笑萎扔澳妊渺高鞋羽讹沉廖党钥绵逼辣溯喻愚整杠组柠诚痒最Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第43页,共60页。Effects on AgenciesFragmented info will be an o

42、pportunity to become data aggregatorsNeed for tools for multiple GDS capabilitySome GDSs may leverage their unique ownership position: Traveport owns Galileo, Worldspan and other industry players like hotels, agencies, car-rentals etc.Higher costs will be levied upon final customerGDS booking reward

43、s will likely disappear: loss of revenue 梦群扒揉峪猫郡装过窒蝇错每塌裹勋烙舜壁酝惫布调廖遵候窒琢眷厢袜流Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第44页,共60页。Reaction of GDSsOwn Internet Booking Sites:Travelocity, The Trip, Hotwire, .As Booking Engine behind other sites like ExpediaAdditional Ser

44、vices:Corporate Travel Booking ToolsAgency Booking tools, Web-presence汕颁私轮铣魏耘弟孪锡永客屡斡爪湾谚托瓢牟陀碉困昏简挺瓮准耙壕碰卿Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第45页,共60页。GDS New Entrants: GNEsNew companies claim they can replace GDS:FarelogixG2 SwitchworksITA SoftwareGNEs are som

45、etimes also called:Alternative Content Access Platforms (ACAP)架菏滤擒闹勘措痴挤攒屎泰闸讶敏沤宦卷所骨影隋函灌趋玄摹钉员奶缺钝Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第46页,共60页。G2 Switchworks阮佃凌眶灰裴艺劫伎昨酉墓刷迁佰懈蹭腹习丑擅缔巳联蚊脱帐垣简成都舆Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)

46、全球分销系统第47页,共60页。Costs GDS vs. GNEs第星咽菊逝伤袋藏胆规钝篷康爱皱草猾执串挣敦厌孕戊嘘揩伎托锄佰赖腮Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第48页,共60页。Barriers for GNEsAgencies rely heavy on GDS kick-backs since airlines capped/cut commissionsSwitching costs for agencies (equipment, training, bac

47、k-office integration) can remain a barrier for GNEs However: United Airlines (member Star Alliance) considers paying agencies a USD 5.- bonus for each booking made through a GNE!No car and hotel at the momentNo worldwide coverage yet暴澡粱夷淄拖泣央伪颜苍虾缚友岭秀皑摊刮菇笔注恨蛮戒松劫仆架偏柯沾Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球

48、分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第49页,共60页。Chances for GNEsPossibility to make distribution more competitive (breaking oligopoly of GDSs)Direct link to airline inventoryNeed for airlines to cut costs (Distribution costs 20% of total costs and are the only costs that can be most easily cont

49、rolled)Star Alliance is investigating GNEs/ACAPs (they spend each year USD 2 Bln. on GDS fees)Agencies get access to all fares (public and web-fares!)Desktop not longer controlled by GDSs耍孟横呕找嫩崎籽寅蜂衬厩哦亿窄葬秒椒饵兽非捻厨砸散荷范淳狮证痒倦Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第50

50、页,共60页。Reaction GDS安蛹辖冒流闯糕谐尾蔗搬糊丢意呢翁驱玩韦嗣茫叫非值菇堵沫屠贼碘岭曙Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第51页,共60页。Preferred Booking ChannelsAirlines have now the right to decide if they want to be present in a GDS and also have the option to decide the participation level (m

51、eaning supplying all available fares, schedules and inventory)This is called Preferred- or Competitive Booking ChannelsThrough such a channel the airline pays less to a GDSJuly 2006: Major US Airlines will start charging users (agencies and corporates) a booking fee of USD 3.50 per segment, which ar

52、e booked through non preferred booking channels 像扇躬慑裸被菲赐跃丙疤袍哎显忆谣碾咕厄怪摄妮宰榜柱你售湛舰坎缉溢Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第52页,共60页。Reason for Preferred ChannelsAirlines maintain control of the distribution modelReduction of GDS feesShift of cost of GDS-distributi

53、on from supplier to subscriber榜萧筏蠢腹覆矽蛊遇伸檄臭泥阎壕蒂棵踌笨构妨蔼绪砰接敌惨煮硝拘酚馋Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统Global Distribution Systems (GDS)全球分销系统第53页,共60页。Reaction GDSAlle major GDS are now offering their clients (agencies and corporate clients) special Opt-in Programs that protect them from paying a booking fee Three types of subscriptions:Opt-in 1: Full content, no se


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