1、奧林匹克主義及運動津貼簡介及學校奧運教育計畫示例Briefing on “Olympism and Sports Grant” and “Exemplars of School Olympic Education Programmes”PE Section, Education Bureau18-4-20081奧林匹克主義 Olympism提高人類身、心和精神的一種人生哲學 A philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind.將運動、文化和教育
2、融為一體Blending sport with culture and education.宣揚人類尊嚴和世界和平Promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity.推廣奧林匹克精神(公平競技、團結與友誼),以促進人類的和諧發展Promoting the Olympic spirit ( friendship, solidarity and fair play). Place sport at the service of the harmonious development of man.
3、2提倡的生活方式Seeks to create a way of life based on- 從奮鬥中體驗樂趣 the joy of effort- 學習欣賞傑出人物的情操 the educational value of good examples- 尊重普世基本道德原則 respect for universal fundamental ethical principles奧林匹克主義 Olympism3行動Action奧林匹克主義Olympism奧林匹克格言Olympic Motto奧林匹克精神Olympic Spirit奧林匹克運動Olympic Movement相互了解 友誼Mut
4、ual understanding, Friendship團結Solidarity公平競爭Fair Play更快、更高、更強Citius, Altius, Fortius會旗Flags會徽Emblems吉祥物Mascots奧運會會歌Olympic anthem聖火Flame哲學Philosophy象徵Symbol目標Goals4價值觀和態度 Values & Attitudes相互了解 友誼Mutual Understanding, Friendship團結Solidarity公平競爭Fair Play更快、更高、更強Citius, Altius, Fortius 和平Peace 基本道德標準
5、Universal Fundamental Ethics 尊重別人Respect Others堅毅Perseverance承擔精神Commitment責任感Responsibility國民身分認同National Identity5目標 Aims在校內推廣奧林匹克主義Promote Olympism in Schools培養學生正面價值觀和態度Nurture Positive Values & Attitudes6奧運教育 體育組 Olympic Education, PE Section05-06 體育教師暑期學校2006Summer School for PE Teachers 20060
6、6-07 體育教師暑期學校2007Summer School for PE Teachers 2007 在中、小學推廣奧林匹克主義研討會Seminar on Promoting Olympism in Primary and Secondary Schools (re-run) 如何善用認識馬術教材套研討會 Seminars on “Effective Use of Learning and Teaching Kit - Understanding Equestrian Sports”7奧運教育 體育組 Olympic Education, PE Section07-08 在中、小學推廣奧林匹
7、克主義研討會(重辦 課程)Seminar on Promoting Olympism in Primary and Secondary Schools (re-run) 結集各校成功經驗,編製學校奧運教育計畫示例Based on good practices of various schools, produced“Exemplars of School Olympic Education Programmes”8奧運教育德育及公民教育組 Olympic Education, MCE Section9奧運教育 個人社會及人文教育組Olympic Education PSHE Section 學
8、與教資源 Learning and Teaching Resources 10網上資源 Web-based resources教育局 - 體育 - 中、小學奧林匹克參考資料EDB PE Olympic Education Reference Materials for schools“簡易運動教室”Easy Sport Programme “教育城 體育譯站”HKedCity PE奧運教育參考資料Olympic Education Reference Material11奧運教育參考資料Olympic Education Reference Material其他機構 Other organis
9、ations香港奧林匹克委員會、第二十九屆北京奧林匹克運動會網站、 康樂及文化事務署、學友社 SF&OC of HK, China, The Off. Websites of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, LCSD, Hok Yau Club 社區資源 Community Resources浸會大學奧林匹克資料中心HKBU Centre for Olympic Studies12教育局通告EDB Circular Memorandom 奧林匹克主義及運動津貼 “Olympism & Sports Grant” (OSG) EDBCM No. 42/2008,
10、17/3/2008 香港各界青少年迎奧運系列活動-香港五四青年節2008及 第二屆中華民族文化周Activity Series for the “Pre-Olympic Games Celebration by the Hong Kong Youth Sector” - May Fourth Youth Festival 2008 and The Second Chinese Cultural WeekEDBCM No. 55/2008, 9/4/200813教育局通告EDB Circular Memorandom 彩瞬間,永恆奧運香港2008奧運圖片巡展 “Hong Kong 2008 Ol
11、ympic Photograph Roving Exhibition” EDBCM No. 62/2008, 11/4/2008 北京2008年奧運會香港區火炬接力及奧運教育Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay in Hong Kong and Olympic EducationEDBCM No. 64/2008, 11/4/200814奧林匹克主義及運動津貼Olympism & Sports Grant (OSG)香港學界迎奧運系列活動“Welcoming the Olympics in the Hong Kong School Sector” 15奧林匹克主義及
12、運動津貼Olympism & Sports Grant香港特別行政區政府發放予每間學校5,000元,以資助學校在二零零八年三月至九月期間,舉辦各種推廣奧運教育及體育活動,或購買有關參考刊物 The HKSAR Government provides the OSG of $5,000 for each school to organise relevant learning activities or purchase reference books to promote Olympism and sports from March to September 2008. 16用途 Usage奧
13、林匹克主義及運動津貼是一筆過津貼 OSG, a one-off grant可以用於支付交通費用、場租、門票及購買書籍、消秏物品、小型器材和獎品等 Can be used for transportation, venue charges, ticket fees and procurement of books, consumables, small equipment, prizes, etc不能用於購買飲料和食品 (附件一及二) Cannot be used for refreshments and meals. (Appendices 1 & 2)17會計安排Accounting Arr
14、angement為會計及核數上的需要,學校須備存獨立帳目,以記錄該津貼的所有收支項目。學校應保存所有帳簿、收據、支款憑單及發票作會計及審核用途。Schools should keep separate ledger accounts to reflect all income and expenditure on the programme funds. All books of accounts, receipts, payment vouchers and invoices must be kept by the school for accounting and auditing pur
15、poses.18會計安排Accounting Arrangement若是項津貼不足以全數支付有關活動或購買參考書的開支,可利用下列補足活動或購買書籍的開支:In case the OSG is inadequate for organising the learning activities or procurement of reference books, schools can use it together with:未設有法團校董會學校:營辦開支整筆津貼一般項目的盈餘營辦開支整筆津貼For non-IMC schools: surplus in the General Domain
16、of the Operating Expenses Block Grant 設有法團校董會學校:擴大營辦開支整筆津貼的盈餘IMC Schools:surplus in the Expanded Operating Expenses Block Grant19會計安排Accounting Arrangement若是項津貼不足以全數支付有關活動或購買參考書的開支,可利用下列補足活動或購買書籍的開支:In case the OSG is inadequate for organising the learning activities or procurement of reference book
17、s, schools can use it together with:官校:擴大科目及課程整筆津貼的盈餘Government Schools : Surplus in Expanded Subject and Curriculum Block Grant其他類別學校:本身其他款項Other types of schools: Own funding20行政安排Administrative Arrangement簡易行政手續Easy administrative procedure30/4 前把填妥附件三傳真至民政事務局 Fax completed Appendix 3 to HAB on o
18、r before 30/431/10 前把填妥附件五傳真至民政事務局Fax Appendix 5 to HAB on or before 30/4(傳真號碼 Fax Number : 2591 6002)21有關運用津貼的報告,納入學校報告內, 並上載學校網頁。 For aided and special schools, the report should be included in the School Report and endorsed by their School Management Committees or Incorporated Management Committees to be uploaded onto the schools homepage 行政安排Administrative Arrangement22奧林匹克知識產權Olympic Intellectual Properties民政事務局將向中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會(港協暨奧委會)及第29屆北京奧林匹克運動會組織委員會(北京奧組委)法律事務部備案(只適用於校內活動)提交申請以作審批(只適用於校外活動、附件六) 。HAB will submit application to
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