1、Journalism Translation新闻翻译技巧和方法contents1general introduction2linguistic features3headline translation4body translationGeneral IntroductionWhats news?News is the report of the latest facts.“Yesterdays newspaper is only good for wrapping fish. The all-important news element fades into history within 2
2、4 hours.” ( Williamson, 1975) General Introduction.News Characteristics: timely, important, novel Novelty: about the content of the event. a dog bites a man, or a man bites a dog Different categories of newsContent : political, economic, sports, social, cultural etc.Location: international, domestic
3、, local.Time: breaking news: sudden, unexpected events unbreakable news: gradually changing eventsReadership: hard news: serious, important and timely report (关系到国计民生及人们切身利益的重大政治、经济、社会生活的事件) soft news: not time-sensitive, serious (富有人情味、纯知识、纯趣味的新闻)Journalism featuresFeature of news: timeliness, trut
4、hfulness, accuracyFeature of news language: based on standard written language, objective, brief, vivid Feature of news writing: the inverted pyramid the most important the less important background info.Audience: choice of words, sentence structure, style varies according to audienceLinguistic Feat
5、uresStraight newsStraight news is usually short, timely, covers the facts of an event without much background information and comment.“facts”only: that is , they present what reporters see and hear, but not what they think. They should not contain any of the reportersown interpretation or evaluation
6、. (be cautious with adjectives) Linguistic Features标题(headline) 导语 (lead) 主体 (body)Summarize the newsAttract the readers attention 第一段,主要话题和最主要的事实更多的与主题相关的事实,以事实的重要性递减的顺序来安排材料(in the order of descending importance);使之更加详实、具体,并展开评论,进而得出结论。LeadA lead includes the five“W”s and one“H”, i.e., who did wha
7、t when where why and how.With an effective summary, the framework of the entire story is there.The Inverted Pyramid LeadpyramidInverted pyramidThe inverted pyramid lead always begins with the most important “W”s, usually “who” and “what”, end with less important “W”s, and may leave out the least one
8、s.它的优点是能迅速地把最新鲜、最重要的事实,开门见山地告诉读者,使读者一目了然,节省读报时间。A car collision happened on the Huning Expressway in the morning of October 13th, causing two deaths and one injury.Improved one: Two people were killed, another injured, in a car collision on the Huning Expressway in the morning of October 13th .Briti
9、sh Police said a 15-year-old boy yesterday threw a Frisbee at a parked car and enraged the car owner who subsequently shot and killed the boy, according to AP.Improved one:An Englishman yesterday shot and killed a 15-year-old boy after the boys Frisbee hit the mans parked car and enraged him, said A
10、P quoting the local police.The Inverted Pyramid BodyThe lead usually structures the story, so the following paragraphs explain or provide evidence to support the lead, and non-essential background information is presented at the end of the story. Headline translation省略:a/an/the、系动词be、助动词、连接词(如and常用“
11、,”替换) 时态: 一般现在时: 现实存在的事实;已经发生的事不定式: 将要发生的事(非谓)现在进行时(省去be):正在发生的事(非谓)语态:常出现-ed结尾的动词,常表被动 Headline translation省略:a/an/the、系动词be、助动词、连接词(如and常用“,”替换) 时态: 一般现在时: 现实存在的事实;已经发生的事不定式: 将要发生的事(非谓)现在进行时(省去be):正在发生的事(非谓)语态:常出现-ed结尾的动词,常表被动 Journalistic Present TenseHusband and Wife Team Unlocks New Gene Secret
12、s 夫妻联手解开新的基因奥秘广泛使用非谓语动词(Non-finite Verbs)Five Ways To Be Romantic 浪漫五法Looking Back to Look Ahead 回首往昔 展望未来Four Killed and Five Hurt in a House Fire 房屋起火五伤四亡Other TensesIt Was a Good Barn昔时,它曾是座好谷仓Women Are Becoming Experts At Home Repairs 妇女正在成为家庭维修能手省略(Ellipsis)Cloning Technology Unlikely to Take O
13、ver the World 克隆技术不太可能主宰世界Location of 2007 Grammys in Question 2007年度格莱美奖颁奖地点未定多用小词(midget words)即简短词,一般为单音节词。 一报纸篇幅有限,用小词可以免于移行;二小词的词义范畴很宽,一般比较生动灵活。新闻英语称这类词为synonyms of all work (万能同义词),如back(支持), ban(禁止),curb(控制)。 Headline Lexical Features help - assistance try - attempt car - vehicle ease - lesse
14、n home - residence enough - sufficient fire - conflagration probe - investigate pact - agreement check- examine bar - prevent blast - explosion nod - approval 多用缩略语(Abbreviations & Initials )NPC CPPCC UNESCO NASA EU WTO the National Peoples Congressthe Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conferen
15、ceUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationNational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationEuropean UnionWorld Trade OrganizationClipped Wordsbizbusiness libliberation adadvertisementcigcigarette grad= graduate techtechnologyflu influenza chuteparachute copterhelicopterN. Y. Offi
16、cials Want More DNA Samples纽约市官员需要更多DNA 样本US, DPRK resume talks on nuke issue 美国和朝鲜民主主义共和国恢复核武器问题的会谈ICBC and CBC step up co-operation中国工商银行和中国建设银行加强合作Headline Translation Strategies中英标题风格各异。翻译时,应适当照顾英文标题的特点。汉语标题中的修辞手段有时要做出牺牲; 汉语标题的语言结构有时要打破重组以契合英文标题的习惯特征。翻译三原则:准确理解标题意义,尤其是要透过字面理解其深层意义;在不曲解原意的情况下发挥汉语
17、特点,以增强译文可读性;在文化背景缺失的情况下,注意译文的可接受性。汉英新闻标题对比概括程度不同A.汉语新闻标题:详尽完整的综述要点(引题、评论性主标题、副标题)B.英文新闻标题:精炼的概括要点在社会主义现代化建设和改革开放事业中做出突出贡献 45位外国专家获友谊奖 某某出席颁奖仪式 (人民日报) Foreign Experts Awarded Medals (China Daily)某某总理将出访亚洲四国并出席亚太经济组织会议Premier Plans Asia Trip去掉不必要的修饰成分西部大开发 (grand) western development全面提高 to enhance (c
18、ompletely)认真执行 to execute (conscientiously) 秭归是产桔大县 切实加强治安管理 彻底肃清封建迷信思想 有了新的突破 大切实彻底新的转换标题形式结构英文标题无引题,因此应将汉语标题中的引题和主题合二为一。例如: (引题)大坝出现“大裂缝”? 资金是个“无底洞”? (主题)三峡总公司避谣:空穴来风 Big Rift and Fund Shortage: A Rumor 直译英语标题的含义明白,译成汉语以后中国读者不至于产生理解上的困难,考虑采用直译。Putin faces harsh press criticism over terror普京因恐怖事件受媒
19、体严厉批评Olympics Begin in Style; Swimmer Takes 1st Gold奥运盛妆开幕 泳将喜夺首金添加注释性词语新闻标题中如果出现读者可能不太熟悉的有关信息、文化背景知识以及不符合读者阅读习惯的表达方式进行必要的变通,该删则删,该增则增。刘宓庆在文体与翻译中说的:“即使是明白、易懂的新闻标题,我们在汉译时也常需加上逻辑主语,或电讯中有关的人的国籍、事件发生的地点等等,总之必须增补介绍性、注释性词语以利中国读者的理解,避免读者产生误会”For Beslans children, a legacy of nightmares(俄罗斯:) 劫后相逢,别城孩童仍似恶梦中
20、尽量再现原文修辞特点A Tale of Two Debtors这则消息的作者巧妙地借用Charles Dickens双城记的标题,翻译的时候,用“两个欠债国的故事”,使文章显得幽默,更有内涵。To Save or Not to Save这个标题显然借用了莎士比亚哈姆雷特中的名句To be or not to be.如果读者没领会到这层含义,就不会体会到作者的用典(allusion)的巧妙。No Fans? “No fret(烦躁)!”赛场没人气?“咱可没生气!”标题由两个f起首的单词fans(球迷)和fret(烦恼),构成了英语中常用的头韵(alliteration)修辞手法,汉语没有这种修辞
21、方式,但译文通过押韵加叠词的手段,用“人气”和“生气”这两个词,在相当程度上体现出了原文的风味。增加词语使意义完整英语标题倾向于将某一内容作“重点化”(accentuation)处理,不讲究面面俱到。所以英语新闻标题一般比较精炼简短。而汉语新闻标题侧重“全面性”(totalism),加上汉语是一词一意,所以汉语标题用词相对较多。 在标题翻译时,可以结合汉语新闻标题的特点,适当增加一些词语,使标题的形式更趋汉化,意义更趋完整。Older, wiser, calmer人愈老,智愈高,心愈平 英语新闻词汇 新事生新词;旧词转新义(如source);临时造新词Euromart(European Com
22、mon Market 欧洲共同市场)Reaganomics(Reagan-economoics) 里根经济 haves and have-nots(富人和穷人)等。 (1)Diplomatic sources in Beijing say the Chinese are upset with the restrictions banning transfer of the U.S. technology to other countries. 在北京的外交官员说,中国对美国限制技术转让给其他国家一事感到不满。(2)An urgent task is to turn it into “yesab
23、le” proposition. 紧迫的任务是将其转化成“可以接受”的建议。借用词 外来词:visa 签证 kungfu 功夫 人名、地名、建筑物名称的借用: White House, Pentagon, Beijing In line with such thinking, President argued last week for continued American assistance for the Kremlins economic reform.根据这样的想法,总统上周为继续援助克里姆林宫的经济改革进行辩护。借用行话(jargon) 为了唤起读者的亲切感(sense of to
24、getherness),英语新闻文体大量借用体育、军事、商业、科技、文学、娱乐业等方面的专业词汇或外来词。如:schmuck: 蠢货(源于意大利语); macho:有伟男子气概的 (源于墨西哥语); the odds:可能性(体育用语,高尔夫); showdown:摊牌(赌博); package deal: 一揽子买卖;dark horse: 指出人意料的获胜者 (赛马);get to first base:取得初步成功 (棒球);play for high stakes:下大赌注。1)插入语的使用。由于插入语在语义上有相对的独立性,既可对所叙述的新闻事件加以补充说明,以提供更多的背景资料和相
25、关信息,又可反映有关人员在新闻事件发生后的意见、观点2) 直接、间接引语的广泛使用新闻报道中常用引语,这样既可以增加报道的真实性和生动性,又能提高所述内容的客观性。 As the competition intensifies to excel in information technology, the division will likely widen. And as more individual Asians catch up with, or even surpass, Western counterparts in terms of IT skillssuch as e-comm
26、erce, computer development and Internet use many more will be left behind. 信息技术领域中的竞争正日益加剧,这种信息技术差距也将会不断扩大。随着越来越多的亚洲国家在信息技术方面诸如电子商务、计算机开发和互联网运用赶超西方时,也将会有更多的国家落在后面。3)丰富多彩的修辞 (1) To rivals, making Microsoft kinder and gentler is like getting a tiger to not only change its stripes but become vegetarian
27、, too. 对于对手而言,要想让微软变得善良而有风度,无异于让老虎改变其斑纹并成为素食者。 (2)Ancient Mongol tribes inhabited it; Persian Shahs fought for it and the Russian conquered it. 古代蒙古各族栖息于此;波斯诸国王为此而战;而俄罗斯人征服了此地。(排比)语法方面第一,较多使用省略句和扩展的简单句。由于报刊篇幅有限,新闻文体一个重要特点是句型的高度扩展,结构严谨,将丰富的信息压缩在有限的篇幅中。常见的方法有使用同位语、介词短语、分词短语等语言成分扩展简单句。有时还较多的使用插入语代替从句,从
28、而简化句子结构.Hundreds of armed anti-government forces backed by rebel troops who control Zawiya, the city closest to the capital Tripoli, appeared to be readying on Sunday to repel an expected offensive by surrounding forces loyal to Muammar Gadhafi. Body Translation第二,新闻写作为使句式简练,常采取用连字符的复合性短语做前置定语,来代替定语
29、从句,把句子由长变短,由繁到简。 on-site-service 现场服务 most-favorednation treatment最惠国待遇Thirty-five foreign ministers from the“group of 77” developing nations will be present and other member countries are expected to be represented by high-level non-ministerial delegations at the two-day meeting. 77国集团中有35名外长将出席这次为
30、期两天的会议,而其余的国家则将派出非部长级别的高级代表团到会。第三,被动语态使用频繁。因为新闻中最受读者关注的往往是动作受动者,例如战争灾难中的遇难者人数,所以被动语态的使用多于其他文体。但翻译时要灵活处理,没必要处处译被动。More than 50 million acres of farmland have been submerged and grain store damaged. Thousands of peasants have been shown on television trying to save their grain by loading sacks into bo
31、ats or trying to move them to higher ground. 五千多万亩粮田被淹,很多粮仓被毁。电视屏幕上,成千上万的农民在设法抢救粮食。他们或把麻袋装的粮食运到船上,或者把它们转移到高处。第四,时态方面,多使用一般现在时和现在进行时。这两种时态给人以事件正在进行的效果,给人以真实感和现实感。如:A Ground War Begins (一场地面战打响了);Deposits, Loans Rising in HK (存贷款额在港回升)。甚至在said,told,reported,added等动词过去时后面的that宾语从句中,过去时也常常为现在时态所替代。 Tips
32、 in journalism translation注意把握词语的政治内涵和情感色彩宣传: 在中文里完全是褒义,即传播真理,对群众说明讲解,使群众相信并跟着行动。但在早几年出版的汉英字典中,其英文对应词propaganda在英文里却有强烈的贬义。 Propaganda is information, often inaccurate or biased information, which a political organization publishes or broadcasts in order to influence people. (1995年版的柯林斯英语词典)1997年,中央
33、发出正式通知,“宣传”不再译为propaganda, 而是改译为 publicity“对外宣传”一词,新华社的译文为: Publicize China overseas 或者 international communication“对外宣传报道”译为Reporting on China for the audience abroad2004年7月11日,中央电视台“东方时空”的高端访问节目对华裔美国劳工部部长赵小兰进行专访。初次谈到“进入政坛”,主持人用的是“When you entered politics”; 赵小兰则用“when I got involved in government”
34、。 当主持人再次说到“when you joined politics”, 赵更正道“I prefer to call itgovernment”“politics”这个词有“政治职业,政治事业”之义,字典里也可以找到enter politics (从政)的说法。从事政治的人却不喜欢自己与该词相联系,因为该词更多指“手腕、权术”,有负面意义。“精神文明建设”中的“精神”一词,中文完全是正面的意思,是指培养人民群众具有高尚的社会主义道德观念。但在英语中,“精神”(spirit) 具有强烈的宗教色彩,有负面含义。如果直译为spiritual civilization 容易让英语读者产生误解。 较合
35、理的翻译是:To promote cultural and ethical progress (进行文化和道德建设)必须广泛开展优生优育知识的宣传工作There must be extensive promotion of and publicity about the knowledge of having healthier babies and better upbringing of children.此处“优生”不可译为eugenics (此词由于在二战期间被德国纳粹分子歪曲为改良其他种族对犹太人大开杀戒而受人憎恨,成为暗含贬义的词。)可以有选择地借鉴外国媒体的用语,但对于不利我国形
36、象的表达要慎用。亚洲四小龙(香港, 台湾,新加坡,韩国)NICs (newly industrialized countries)NICs (newly industrialized economies)对外开放 Open-door(让人联想起清朝末年外国列强强加给我们的“门户开放”的屈辱政策)Opening up/opening up to the outside台独运动 Taiwan Independence Movement Taiwan-secession activities 美国独立宣言 Declaration of Independence法律成型后将对台独有所遏制,对所有的台湾
37、同胞也是很好的保护。 After it takes effect, the law will more and less contain the Taiwan-secession activities, and will well protect the interest of all the Taiwan people. 2. 增加背景信息“铁饭碗”如今已经被一个新出现的词“跳槽”代替。The phrase “iron-rice-bowl”, which refers to the job-for-life system, has been replaced by a new term, “
38、Tiao Cao”, meaning “to seek a better job”.“希望工程”Project Hope, a program to aid poor children who are unable to continue their studies.3. 意译对新闻稿里一些一旦直译,会显得冗长、累赘、或与语境格格不入的中国国情词语、成语、比喻、俗语和缩略表达,以及一些空泛的议论文字,可以舍弃原文说法, 采用意译的方法进行简化或明晰化处理。在今日中国, 最引人注目的是农民企业家的出现。许多昨天还是“面朝黄土背朝天”的农民,今天成了闻名遐迩的企业家。In todays China
39、, the most exciting story is the emergence of farmer entrepreneurs. Yesterdays weather-beaten farmers have today become renowned business people. 译文用西方读者熟悉的语言表达去翻译充满中国乡土味的比喻,对其语用义进行明晰化处理。4. 删减由于语言差异,在一种语言中明了得体的表达,翻译成另一种语言可能累赘不堪,或重点不够突出,可作必要删减。2014年度全国煤炭订货交易会在福州隆重开幕The National Conference on Coal Ord
40、er and Trade 2014 opens solemnly in Fuzhou订货交易会并非大会,其内涵为英语中的“fair”“开幕”搭配“隆重”,是汉语陈词滥调,删。National Coal Fair 2014 opens in Fuzhou5. 改写接天莲叶无穷碧 映日荷花别样红Lotus flowers in full bloom6. 编译 33天3次累倒在世博安保岗位上 记忘我工作的武警上海总队参谋张少锋 这是一个“拼命三郎”他每天平均工作时间超过15小时,连续411天没休过一个周末和节假日,3个月编写修订7个世博执勤训练教案,超过百万字。 这是一个差点“英年早逝”的“拼命三郎
41、”他持续23天发热不退,3次高烧至40仍坚持工作,33天里3次累倒在世博安保岗位上,直至生命垂危。 这是一个“把使命看得比天大,把责任看得比命重”的“拼命三郎”他就是忠诚的世博卫士、武警上海总队训练处参谋张少锋。 坚守岗位,忘我工作 武警上海总队参谋张少锋 这是一个“拼命三郎”他每天坚持超时工作,甚至牺牲周末和节假日,短时间编写和修订了大量的世博执勤训练教案。 这是一个差点“英年早逝”的“拼命三郎”他带烧仍坚持工作,曾累倒在世博安保岗位上,直至生命垂危。 这是一个“把使命看得比天大,把责任看得比命重”的“拼命三郎”他就是忠诚的世博卫士、武警上海总队训练处参谋张少锋。 World Expo pa
42、ys tribute to dedicated police officer Zhang Shaofeng, staff officer of Shanghai peoples armed police and security guard of Shanghai World Expo, dedicated himself to his duty and proved worthy the honorable title of“the peoples guard”. He compiled and revised volumes of teaching plans for the traini
43、ng and operation of police officers within a short time through overwork even at the cost of weekends and holidays. Giving top priority to the responsibility for duty, he didnt relax despite high fever until he fainted on his post through exhaustion. 世界主要新闻机构名称(一)Reuters: Reuters News Agency 路透社(英)AP: Associated Press 美联社AFP: Agence France Presse 法新社UPI : United Press International 合众国际社(美第二大通讯社)TASS : Telegraph Agency of the Sov
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