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1、名词和名词短语(2 )限定词和属格4.1 限定词 Determiner定义jj在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指,类指以及表示数量等限定的词1即堇!_/Determiners refer to the words which are used in the pre-modification ora noun phrase which typically precede any adj. that pre-modify the head word.A nice man. (a: determine nice: adjective)限定词和形容词区别 Difference between Determ

2、inerand Adjective.前置限定 限定词在形容词前面.Determiner usually precede adj. in pre-modification.A nice man. (a: determiner, nice: adjective).限定词的选择受中心词影响而形容词不受。The choice of Determiner is determined by the head word but not that of adj.A good man. Not these good man. (should be these good men).形容词表明中心词的特征,而限定词

3、限定中心词的意义数量。Adj. describe the head word by showing its characteristic while determiner determine the head word by identifying or quantifying.ManyGood The useful f Books.MyoldJ.形容词可位于中心词后,而限定词不可.Adj. can post-modify the head word but not Determiner.形容词有比较级而限定词没有(除few, little, many much外)。Adj. has comp

4、arative form but not Determiner ( except few, little, many much ).4.1.2 Co-occurrence of Determiners_Determiner may co-occurrence in the pre-modification of a noun phrase: two or more determiner C 定义 J may modify one and the same head word. Each determiner takes a fixed position , we identify their

5、relative positions in the case of co-occurrence.前位限定 Pre-Determiner中位限定 Central Determiner后位限定 Post DeterminerAll, BothHalf, DoubleTwice, Three times.One-third, Two-thirds.WhatSuchmanyA, TheThis, That, These, ThoseMyf your, his.John s.(Genitive)Any, Some, NoEach, Every, Either, Neither, WhatWhich(ev

6、er), Whose(ever)One, Two, Three. First, Second, Third. Next, Last, Few, Many, Much Another, Other, SeveralSuchPre-determiners and Central Determiners are mutually exclusive, that is in one and the same Noun Phrase, there could be only one Pre-determiner and Central Determiner, however, Post-Determin

7、ers are not mutually exclusive.All the other students. (Pre + Central + Post)All the other three students. ( Pre + Central +Post + Post)4.L3 Usage of some DeterminersAll and Whole (difference)1. All强调个体中的每一个,某种程度上与every 相似。She would work 12 hours a day all the year long.1. Whole更注重于整体。Whole regiment

8、s surrendered to the enemy.2. All修饰一个表示地方的短语时,一般指“所有 住被B的人All the village was excited at the news.(=the whole village)2. Whole根据原文一般指指居民或者地方本身作 为一个整体存在。The whole village was flooded,3.修饰专有名词时语法的区别。特别是地名。All Newcastle was excited at the news.3.修饰专有名词时语法的区别.特别是地名.The whole of Newcastle was excited at

9、the news.All and BothAll修饰2部分以上组成的个体.Both修饰的个体由2部分组成All, Every, EachAll侧重于整个groupEvery指Group中的个体Each则侧重于单独的个体。All the boys enjoyedEvery boy enjoyed himself atEach boy got one present atthemselves at the party.the party.the party.(全局)(全局中的个体)(个体)Both, Each, EitherBoth强调2个一起| Each, Either当表明2个中的每一个的时候

10、f both sidesThere are shops on Each side of the street.I Either sideAnyf Either; No (None), NeitherAny, No (None) refer to a group of more than 2.Either and Neither refer to a group of 2.4.L4 Article 冠词As a determine it pre-modifies a head noun, in the English Language, there are two articles: Defin

11、ite article 定冠词the and indefinite article 不定冠词An. The Two terms indicate some of the semantic implication of the article usage.泛指和特指 Generic reference vs. Specific reference:Generic reference denotes class membership and it can also refer torealized by a singular countable noun that goes with an ind

12、efinite article a(n)for with definite article the or a plural countable noun goes without an article.e.g. The panda is a rare animal.Specific reference can be made either in a definite way or in an indefinite way, definite specific reference identifies the referent in question and is realized by a n

13、oun with a definite article the .Indefinite specific reference points to a particular; actual example of the class, realized by a singular countable noun with a.e.g. A dog charged me yesterday when I was on my way home.Definite article + Generic reference The panda is a rare animal.Indefinite Articl

14、e + Specific ReferenceA god charge me when I was on my way home last night.不定冠词 A(n) Indefinite Article “A(n)”Main function: to indicate class membership. typically used with singular countable noun, refer to a class as a whole.当专有名词或者不可数作为一种可数名词的分来来讲的话,前面可加AHe looks forward to owning a Benz.职业,工作为补

15、语的名词需要不定冠词修饰.John is a writer.仅可一个人担任的职业名词不需要不定冠词的修饰。He was selected chairman of the committee.As president of the United State.*定冠词 The Definite Article TheThe Definite Article The”不需要加定冠词“The”的情况需要加定冠词Th。”的情况1.公共机构在习惯性表达里不需要冠词。They go to church every Sunday.1.指公共机构本身的建筑时.用The (bed, class, table, t

16、own etc.用法相同)The church was pulled down for a new and bigger one.2 ,体育运动不需要加定冠词Play basketball/ football/ tennis.2.指某人有能力弹奏某乐器时用the Play the Piano/ Guitar/ Cello/ Violin3. by后面接交通工具名词时不加“the By taxi/ by bus/ by plan/ by train3.当一些指独立事物或者人物的名词表示某些“特 定的系统或服务的时候,要加 the” Ring for the taxi if it* s raini

17、ng.How long does it take on the bus?4.季节名词前一股不加theWhy don t you go in summer?4.除了短旨的某一时间的某一季节, The summer of 1995.5.指某一a寸问点的时候不加 At dawn/ At sunrise/ At night5.指”臬一时间段”的时候可用定冠词In the morning/ During the afternoon (for.)6.复数可数名词泛指时,不加定冠词.6 .特指时需要加定冠词。不可数名词用法相同。With the Pandas (联)Pandas are rare anima

18、l.(:珏)The desk is made of the mahogany fromThe desk is made of mahogany.(泛与旨)Thailand4特指)*Proper noun专有名词除了一下几种情况,一般不加定冠词.复数名字前加“the指“一家人”The Greens/ The Johns.海洋.河流,海峡,山脉等地理专有名词前要加“the”The Mediterranean/ The Alps./ The pacific/ The Nile.普通名词组成的组织名词The United Kingdom/ The State Department.某些特定的酒店,餐厅

19、,剧院,电影院,博物馆,画廊要加“the”The Grand Station./ The British museum/The Gourmont.有限制性说明的专有名词The 21st century China/ The London in Dickens novels.名牌,作品要加“the”Why don t you hang the Picasso on the wall?*Special Usage of theThe + Adj.表示一类人The Pool穷人The old老人The ugly丑陋的人.2 Genitives属格/所有格考点4Comparison between G

20、enitivesand Of - phraseGenitivesOf phraseInterchangeable when:Geographical Proper noun, nouns referring to Place, Institutions.Collective nouns.Animate noun, especially People The boyr s advise/ Mary s dressCan be used with first name.Jake s carThe relationship of the 2 nouns are Definition; classif

21、ication.Men s clothes/ Teacher, s bookNouns denoting Time: three years timeIdiomatic combinations.A pound s worth/ A arm s length.Inanimate noun, lifeless object.The color of the car/ the arrival of the trainUsed with full names.The passport of John SmithPossession.Clothes of mineUsed with classifyi

22、ng adj. The welfare of the poor The experience of the old.422 Genitives vs. of - phrase42.5 Group Genitive 集体属格The Group genitive is a term that refers to the genitive formed by adding s to the last element 考点5 of a post-modified or coordinated noun phrase.e.g. : Someone else* s car An hour and a ha

23、lf* s testw但是当名词短语包含L 无论是限定或者非限定的后置修饰定语”时,2.名词前置修饰过长3.前置修 饰会引起歧义时不可以用隼体属格。(这时可以用of Phrase )e.g. : The man I know* s car (Wrong !)The man with the dog s food (Wrong !)Local Genitive 地点属格考点 6 4 The genitive is sometimes used alone without a following nounf Nouns used in local genitive are invariable nouns referring to persons and denoting residence, public buildings, place where business is c


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