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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、-Linda, have you heard _ song Little Apple? -Is it the one Chopsticks Brothers sang last year? Maybe its _most popular song in 2

2、014.Aa; theBthe; theCa; anDthe; a2、- _ all _ our class will visit Danying Garden?-Yes. Every student _ about it.ADo.know; will tellBAre.known; has toldCHave.known; was toldDWill.know; told3、Have you finished your project? Not yet. Ill finish it if I _ ten more minutes.AgiveBam givenCwill giveDwill b

3、e given4、We all know another building _ here next year.Awill buildBbuiltCwas builtDwill be built5、Unless you _ your ID card, the teacher wont let you in.Awill have Bhave Chad6、The meat is_delicious. Yes, but dont eat_.Avery; much tooBmuch too; muchCso; too muchDtoo; much too7、If you watch carefully,

4、 you can see_ the man does the trick.AwhoBwhatChowDwhich8、We must get up early we can catch the first bus to school.Aso thatBsuch thatCin order toDin order9、“Underground” is the only word in the English language _ begins and ends with the letters “und”.AwhatBthatCwhoDwhom10、I can remember well the p

5、ersons and some pictures_ I see.AwhichB/CthatDwho. 完形填空11、Each December, I promised to make Christmas a relaxed and peaceful experience. I didnt spend too much time on card writing, endless cooking and decorating. Yet still, I found myself tired, unable to enjoy the valuable family moments, and of c

6、ourse, to understand the true meaning of 1 Christmas came again. My son, Nicholas, was in primary school that year. It was a very 2 season for a six-year-old. For weeks, hed been memorizing songs for his schools “Winter Celebration.” All the parents were invited to be present at their show.I didnt h

7、ave the heart to tell him Id be working. Unwilling to 3 his shining moment, I spoke with his teacher. She told me thered be a dress rehearsal(彩排) the morning of the presentation. All 4 unable to be present that evening were welcome to come then.So, on the 5 of the dress rehearsal, I arrived ten minu

8、tes early. Around the room, I saw several other parents. Because the public school system had long stopped referring to the holiday as “Christmas”, I didnt 6 anything other than fun. So, when my sons class rose to sing “Christmas Love”, I was a little bit surprised by its title.Nicholas was excited,

9、 as were all of his classmates. Those in the front row held up large letters, one by one, to 7 out the title of the song. As the class would sing “C is for Christmas,” a child would hold up the letter CThen, “H is for Happy,” and on and on 8 all the children presented the complete message “Christmas

10、 Love”.The show was going smoothly, until suddenly, a small, quiet, girl in the front row held the letter “M” upside down totally not knowing her letter “M” appeared as a “W”. The audience(观众) laughed at this little girls 9 But she had no idea why they were laughing at her, so she stood tall, 10 hol

11、ding her “W”. The laughter continued until the last letter was raised, and we all saw it together. A sudden 11 came over the audience and eyes began to widen. At that moment, we understood why we were there and why we 12 the holiday.For when the last letter was held high, the message read loud and c

12、lear: “CHRIST WAS LOVE”.1Afamily Blove CChristmas Dschool2Afresh Bexciting Csuccessful Dgolden3Amiss Bwaste Cforget Dchange4Aofficers Bchildren Cteachers Dparents5Amorning Bnoon Cafternoon Devening6Aenjoy Bexpect Cfind Dhave7Aspell Bpick Ccheck Dcarry8Asince Bbefore Cuntil Dwhen9Aletter Bmistake Cap

13、pearance Dgesture10Apolitely Bhonestly Cquietly Dproudly11Acry Banger Csilence Dsadness12Acelebrated Bremembered Cinvented Drecorded. 语法填空12、Think before we speak!It was a sunny and enjoyable day. Everyone in the railway station was waiting for the train 1 (arrive). Among the crowd, there was a grou

14、p of young friends who were on board for vacation.It was a busy station with a lot of people and some juice shops, coffee and tea stalls, newspaper shops, etc. The train 2(arrive) and everyone prepared to get into the train to their seats.The group of friends made loud noise to welcome the train as

15、it moved into the station. They ran to get their seats before anyone entered the train.The empty seats were 3 (fill) and the train whistled (鸣汽笛) to move. An old man with a young boy 4 (age) around 15 had their seats just next to the friends group. The young boy was so 5 (surprise) to see everything

16、. He cheered, Dad, the train is moving and the things 6 (move) backward.His father smiled and 7 (nod) his head.As the train started moving fast, the young boy again screamed (尖叫) , Dad, the trees are green in color and run backward very fast. His father said, “Yes, dear, and smiledJust like a kid, h

17、e was watching everything with great 8 (interesting).A fruit seller passed 9 (sell) apples, bananas and oranges. The young boy asked his dad, I want to eat apples. His father bought some for him. He said, Oh, this apple looks a lot 10(sweet) than it tastes. I love this color. The group was watching

18、all the activities of this boy and asked the boys father, Is your son having any problem? Why is he behaving so 11(different)?His son is mad, I think, a friend from the group made fun of him and shouted.The father of the young boy, with patience, replied to the friends group, “My son was born blind.

19、 Only a few days ago he 12 (operate). He is seeing different things in his life for the first time.The young friends became very quiet. 阅读理解A13、What is the best-selling book in the world? Is it the Harry Potter series or Secret Garden? According to the Guinness World Records, the Xinhua Dictionary,

20、published by the Commercial Press in China, is the worlds most popular dictionary and the best-selling book. In 1950, Chinese language experts (专家) and scholars, Wei Jiangong and Ye Shengtao, started to edit (编辑) the Xinhua Dictionary. There was a lot of discussion, research and paper work. Some han

21、d scripts (稿件) were checked again and again like compositions, Peoples Daily reported. Many peoples hard work and interesting stories went into making the dictionary. In 1953, the first Xinhua Dictionary was published.Today, 567 million copies of the dictionary have been sold worldwide. However, rev

22、isions (修订) the dictionary continue to be made. According to Yu Guilin from Commercial Press, editors (编辑) usually summarize (总结) the meaning of words again while revising. If the example sentences are out of date, editors need to have experiences and make new examples. “To give a correct explanatio

23、n of the word焗油(deep condition), one editor went to a barber shop (理发店) to experience it for himself, ”Yu told the Beijing Times. So far, the Xinhua Dictionary has been revised 11 times.” To keep up with the times, some popular and widely used internet words are also added to the dictionary. For exa

24、mple, in the 11th edition, the phrases“晒工资(show off salary)”and“晒照片(show off pictures)”were included. All these efforts create the “National Dictionary” of China. The Xinhua Dictionary is not only a useful tool for generations of Chinese people. It also helps foreigners who are learning the Chinese

25、language and culture.1According to Guinness World Records, the best-selling book is _ .ASecret Garden Bthe Harry Potter seriesCthe Xinhua Dictionary DGuinness Book of World Records2Whats the meaning of the underlined word “scholars” in the second paragraph?A校长 B学长 C学生 D学者3Which of the following is N

26、OT true about the first Xinhua Dictionary?AThe editors had a lot of discussions, did research and paper work.BWei Jiangong and Ye Shengtao edited it.CThe first Xinhua Dictionary was published in 1950.DThe editors checked the hand scripts again and again.4While revising the dictionary, the editors _

27、.Ajust need to read and correct the printing mistakesBhave to change all the examples of the wordsChave to go to a barber shop to experience deep conditioningDmake new examples for the words5According to the article, the Xinhua Dictionary _ .Ahas to include internet words Btries to keep up with the

28、timesCis better than any other dictionary Dis little help for foreign learnerB14、Hip hop or rap (说唱) music started on the street and in the clubs of the New York City in the 1970s. People rap to express how they feel about their lives and problems.Rapping in class.Would you like to rap in class? Wel

29、l, actually hip pop music is played in more than 10,000 schools in the USAWhy? There is a new school program called “Flocabulary” in which teachers use texts and hip hop CDs to help teach different school subjects. The words of the songs are just what students are studying. This makes learning easy

30、and fun. Students and teachers are excited about the good results it has had on exam marks. Mr. Lee, a teacher in a high school, said, “Ive used hip hop songs in class, and I have never seen my students so crazy about history! You cant imagine how well they remember what I teach! We even try to writ

31、e our own songs.”Whose idea was Flocabulary?Blake Harrison, a high school student, was the first person to come up with the idea of Flocabulary. The word “Flocabulary” comes from the word “flow” and “vocabulary”. “Flow” is a rap word for “style”, or the way a rapper says the words of a song. “Vocabu

32、lary” means the words you have to learn in a language. How did he get the idea? Well, he realized he could remember the words of a hip hop song very easily. So, why not make lessons into songs? Today together with Alex Rappaport, a song writer, Blake produces hip hop songs for math, science and lite

33、rature (文学). They are now used in schools with great success.1Rap music started _ in the New York City in the 1970s.Ain a high school Bin a music classCon the street Din a CD shop2From the passage, we can learn “Flocabulary” is a program to _.Awrite rap music Bremember the words of a songCwrite our

34、own songs Dhelp teach school subjects3Blake has produced hip hop sings for school subjects EXCEPT _.Amath BhistoryCscience DLiteratureC15、Toothpaste (牙膏) does more than just keep our teeth bright and white. It can be used wisely in many other ways. Here are some useful tips that can save us time and

35、 money. If you follow them, you will have a fresh smell of using toothpaste!Clean a Dirty MirrorIf you want to clean a dirty bathroom mirror, try to put a bit of toothpaste on the mirror and wipe it dry. The glass can be cleaned up beautifully. And doing this can also stop themirror from fogging. Th

36、en you can still see yourself in the mirror after taking a shower.Remove the Unpleasant Food SmellHave some bad food smell, like the smell of onions or fish, on your hands? You can remove it by washing your hands with toothpaste. Youll be fresh-smelling in no time.Make Your Sports Shoes WhiterThis t

37、ime, clean your sports shoes by yourself, not by your mother. Wipe some toothpaste around your shoes and then clean it with a wet cloth. See? Your shoes are white as new!1What does the passage mainly tell us about?AHow to buy the toothpaste.BHow to choose the toothpaste.CHow to use toothpaste wisely

38、.DHow to sell the toothpaste.2How many ways can you save your time and money by using toothpaste?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.3If there is some smell of fish on your hands, what can you do?AWash your hands with soap.BWash your hands with toothpaste.CEat some onions.DBrush your teeth with toothpaste.4The p

39、assage doesnt tell us that .Atoothpaste can clean a dirty mirrorBtoothpaste can remove the food smellCtoothpaste can make your ring become new againDtoothpaste can remove fish smell5Where can we probably find the passage?AIn a science magazine.BIn an amusement magazine.CIn a history book.DIn a math

40、book.D16、Today, I felt terrible. My head was full of problems and confusion(暴乱). I decided to take a walk even though I didnt know where to go. The most special thing happened when I was out for this walk.I saw an old man sitting on a chair. He was a seller of second-hand shoes. I thought he looked

41、at least 70 years old. He seemed so tired and nobody was buying his shoes. I wanted to give him something but I had not brought anything with me.Then, a little girl came toward him. I heard the child say, Grandfather, may I polish (擦干净) your shoes? That old man took pity on her, smiled and gave her

42、a shoe to polish.The girl told him she needed money to buy her brother a new school uniform.Oh, little girl. Just stop doing this. Come with me and I will buy you a uniform. Then they walked to a market , and he bought her brother a uniform.The girl said “thanks” to him and left, leaving the old man

43、 smiling.He walked away from the market, but I stopped him. I whispered in his ear, You are a hero! Thank you for your kindness! As I walked away, I looked back and I could see him still smiling.I was blown away by the kindness I had just seen. Someone who had so little was so generous! Amazing! My

44、own sadness had completely disappeared, chased way by the light of this kind act.I began realizing that I have a lot to be thankful for. I hope, some day, I can show my appreciation (感激) of what I have by following the example of the old man. He only had a little, but shared it so beautifully with s

45、omeone who had nothing.1What did the girl need?Aa pair of new shoes Ba uniform for her brotherCa uniform for herself Da pair of second-hand shoes2Who did the girl clean the shoes for?Aher brother Bthe writerCthe old man Dherself3From the passage, we know that the old man was .Arich BdishonestCselfis

46、h Dpoor4What would be the best title for the passage?AA kind shoe seller BA pair of old shoesCA clever little girl DA girls new uniform5What can we learn from the passage ?AIf we have only a little, we shouldnt help othersBWhen we have problems, we must ask others for helpCWe should learn to be than

47、kful and share what we have with othersDWhen we meet with difficulties, we should complain about them.E17、_y from an Afghan rich family. He regards the servant (仆人) Hassan as a brother. However, after a kite match, Amir blames himself for his cowardice (怯懦) and feels quite sad. He cant face Hassan a

48、gain, so he cheats Hassan and forces him to leaveSistersBy Danielle SteelFebruary, 2008Disaster always comes in the twinkling of an eye. An unexpected traffic accident makes Mother dead and the third sister blind. A happy and peaceful family is broken by surprise. The eldest sister who is a lawyer m

49、akes a decision. She asks other sisters to move back to New York from Paris, Florence and Los Angeles immediately. After that, the four sisters live together and help the blind third sister overcome the difficulties.The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-TimeBy Mark HaddonMarch, 2011 (an origi

50、nal edition: 2003)Christopher has the talent in math and the amazing memory. He knows names of all countries and capitals in the world. He can also easily solve the difficult math problems in his head. However, he is used to living in his small world. He dislikes talking with others. He also does no

51、t know how to understand others thoughts. During the process of exploring truth of the puppys (小狗) death, the odd boy shows excellent intelligence and courage.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。1Who created the character “Amir”?AKhaled Hosseini. BDanielle Steel.CMark Haddon. DChristopher.2When did the book Si

52、sters come out?AIn July, 2007. BIn February, 2008.CIn March, 2011. DIn 2003.3What do we know about Christopher?AHe travels to all countries and capitals in the world.BHe is good at solving math problems in his head.CHe likes talking with others very much.DHe can understand others thoughts successful

53、ly.4Whats the book Sisters about?AGetting amazing memory.BTreating the servant as a brother.CFinding out the death of the puppy.DHelping the blind sister overcome difficulties.5Which of the following is TRUE?AHasson is a servant of a rich family.BThe eldest sister works as a teacher.CChristopher lik

54、es talking with others.DAmir is good at flying kites.F18、Super International Crafts (工艺品) Market1/F, Super Shopping Center, 12 Shopping Road, ssKowloon, next to Dandys Store and Cleos Cafe. The Super Shopping Center is proud to hold the Super International Crafts Market. The market owns hand-crafted

55、 products from all over the world. Come to learn about other cultures and see beautiful things from different countries! A part of the sales will be given to the International Childrens Fund (ICF). Some of the interesting products include:Beaded bracelets (圆珠手链) from AfricaDo you love bracelets? Her

56、e you can find bracelets made from special wooden beads, and no two pieces are the same! Each bracelet looks expensive, but costs only $20. What is more, if you buy two, you can get a card for a free drink at Cleos Cafe!Silk handbags from ThailandThese colorful bags are beautiful and useful! You can

57、 use them every day. Each bag is as much as $150. If you buy more than one, they will be 10% cheaper for you.Fantastic!We will have introductions about the different countries, as well as a lucky draw (M!) for a free trip to one of the special countries in the market! You can also taste foods from t

58、he different countries at our International Foods Stand.Visit the International Crafts Market and learn about different cultures.Buy beautiful, interesting things and support the International Childrens Fund!1The passage above is probably _.Aa piece of newsBa visitors letterCa shopping guideDa trip introduction2The Super Internat


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