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1、三一口语四级考试考官在考试中的问题回顾汇总周末活动What do you often do on weekends?What will you do tomorrow?What did you do yesterday?What are you going to do this afternoon?What do you often play in the park?! o!食物Whats your favorite food ?When did you go to eat KFC/Macdonalds last time?学习和工作Whats your favorite book?Which

2、 is your first bood you read ?商店购物When do you go shopping?#Who do you go shopping with?How often do you go shopping?What kind of goods fo you often buy?Are there any interest when you go shopping?What do you think is the best shop in your mind?爱好与体育运动Whats your hobby?Whats your favorite sports ?Who

3、taught you ?Where did you learn it ?Whats your parents favoritHow often do you play football?Which book did you read yesterday?e sports?$ UDo you like playing computer games?why?假日Where did you go last summer holiday?What did the place look like?How did you go there ?4Whats your favorite holiday?:Wh

4、at do people do on this holiday?When is Christmas Eve?/What do you think of Christmas?/Whats the difference between Christmas and Spring Festival?% G what do you often do in Spring Festival?天气典型表达What sthe weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?What sthe weather going to be likeat the weekend?周末天气会怎么样呢?It fine

5、s / cloudy / rainytoday. 今天天气不错/多云 / 有雨。It gettings cold / warm in two days. 两天后要变冷/ 暖和。It rathers warm / cold/ hot today, isn it?今天很暖和 /冷 /热,是吗?It as beautiful day today. 今天天气很好。Beautiful day, isn it? 天气不错,不是吗?Yes, it is. 是的。Hopefullytomorrowwillturn out fine. 希望明天是个好天气三一口语话题: My first time cooking

6、1. When and what I coked by myself for the first timeWhen I was seven years old, I remember it was in a summer holiday, I stayedat home alone. I felt a little bit hungry, and I didn t want to buy food down stairs. So I had a great idea, I decided to cook for myself. My first dish wastomatoes and egg

7、s. It was tasty and a little bit salty, but I was so happy that I can cook for myself and for my parents.2. Why I want to cook by myselfFirst, my mother is good at cooking, and I have learned something from her.Second, I thought cooking is an interesting thing and it shows that you lov e your life.T

8、hird, I had the idea of cooking by myself for a long time before I cooked for the first time.Forth, I was willing to give a surprise to my parent, because they never le t me do that, they thought cooking is a dangerous thing for a child. And I want ed to prove that I can do it.The last was that I wa

9、s really hungry and my parents werent at home thatday. So I have the chance to do it.3. what I prepared for my first time cookingI was so excited that I had the chance to cook a meal. I began to prepare m y meal. First I found out two eggs and two tomatoes. I washed the tomatoes and cut them into pi

10、eces. Then, I mixed eggs. Put all the slices, such as oil, sugar, and so on, around the electric cooker. At last I began to cook.4. How I cookedI was a little nervous and afraid when I lit the fire. I encouraged myself and put some oil in the pan. Further, I fried the egg and cooked them together, p

11、ut the slices in the pan, then spooned it out after about 3 minutes cooking.I was successful. My parents were surprised and praised me. I felt really happy though my dish was a little salty.5. How my I think about my first time cookingI felt really happy. I thought it was a good beginning. After tha

12、t I can cook for my parents when they are busy. I can cook for myself when I feel hungry.It is not only healthy but also can save me a lot of money. And now I usuallycook for myself or cook for my family once a week. I enjoy doing that. I have been cooking for 3years, I hope I can cook better and be

13、tter.三一口语三级话题的考点解析今天我和大家分享一下三一口语三级话题的考点解析(未完待续):三级的考点分为:1. 简单语句交谈日常生活,例如描述日常生活和活动(例如:what do you usually do after school?What does your father do?), 这是在考察一般现在时的用法,但要注意“三单”。2.简单介绍本人情况:例:Where do you study?Where does your friendstudy?( 注意三单 ) 。3. 时间日期表达方法:这里面有两个考点:1) 问的是星期几:例如day? Its Sunday。2) 问的是日期,

14、What is the date today?- Its March 8th.(What day is to这里考察三十一以内的序数词,大家都要会)4. 问时间: Whats the time ?/ What time is it? -这里考察的是时间表达方式,半点是 half ,三点半就是half past three,再有就是常规表达:例如:9:50 , ten toten 或者 nine fifty. 10:10,Ten ten或者 ten past ten.大家要知道什么情况用to ,什么情况用。这与分针是否过半点有关,分针过半用表示差几分几点,分针未过半用表达,表示过几点过几分。在词

15、汇方面:有关工作,职业(teacher ,engineer, doctor等等)有关个人熟悉的社区场景( school,community, campus, office, company等等),有关天气的(sunny,windy ,rainy等)有关业余时间活动的(singing dancing flying kite) 有关时间和日期的(日子用序数词first, second ,third等,要记住十二个月份)名师分享三一口语应试技巧第一 :为考试准备的话题, 一定要考生自己准备。这样, 学生才会对话题有切身的感受和体会。而这样,考官在提问的时候,才不会使得学生一问三不知。第二 :考试前,

16、学生在填写话题表的时候,一定要注意语句的正确。这样,考官在提问时候, 才不会随意更改考生所写的问题, 而一旦考生填写话题表的语句有误, 那么考官将会针对学生所选话题,更改提问。第三 :学生在回答考官问题的时候, 通常要回答三至四句。 这样学生比较容易控制考官,而学生回答越短,考官问的问题会越多,这样学生回答的错误几率也会越大。第四 :学生在回答问题的时候,要会正确运用所报考级别要求的语法项目。生在考前准备的时候,充分了解所报考级别的考试要求。这就要求学第五 :学生选择话题的时候,不要将话题选得太宽太广,大,考官提问的范围就会很宽,这样,学生不好把握考官的提问。那样话题不好谈论,而话题太第六 :

17、向考官所提的问题要与自己所选的话题相关。第七 :不要对考官说:“ Can you change your question?”为了避免考官问的问题,考生听不懂的现象, 考生应该力求控制考官的提问, 甚至可以用考官的问题, 来对考官进行反问。三一口语轻松过级的四项准备如何让自己在应对伦敦三一口语考试的时候,变得更加从容不迫,并赢取考官对自己的青睐获取高分, 除了本身需要具备所报伦敦三一口语考试级别的能力之外, 还需要学生从各个方面做好准备:面对伦敦三一口语一对一的应试模式,学生一定要做保持镇定自若的心态。在考前学生可以先听一些英语内容的录音。这样有利于对语言环境的提前适应,便于学生更快的进入考试

18、状态。 另外最重要的一点是参加伦敦三一口语考试的时候, 学生一定要保持良好的心态,对自己有信心。2. 对于参加三一口语的学生来说,除了要将自我准备的话题进行反复操练之外,更重要的一点是要灵活的表达相关内容,不要机械化的背诵不带一点情感。在给学生进行三一口语测试的时候,我们经常会发现,很多学生回答问题的时候,总很机械化不带任何一点情感的回答问题,对于广大的考生来说,三一口语的一大考核内容,就是学生在实际英语语言环境中运用英语的能力。因此,学生一定要注意在熟练的掌握所准备话题上,多一些感情色彩。让英语就好像平时用自己的母语说话一样,变得顺畅起来。 同时有感情的起伏迭宕,只有这样学生才可以在三一口语

19、考试中获取更好的成绩。在考试当天为了增加口语表达中的生动程度,学生可以带一些与话题相关的实物诸如:与考试话题相关的书籍、 旅游时购买的礼物以及其他物品 ( 切忌带有生命物体 ) 配合自身准备的话题与考官进行互动。对于参加四级以上三一口语考试的考生,一定要提高自身在考试中的灵活度,适时的反问考官问题, 另外不要问诸如; What is your name? How old are you ?这类问题。 所问考官问题, 应该有一定的深度和可建设性。反问考官问题的过程,其实也是学生将与考官交流内容, 引导到自己所准备话题的过程。而且,考生问问题的深浅度也足以让考官了解到你的语言水平高低。因此, 考生

20、一定要时时刻刻准备好反问考官的问题,并找到适合时机反问考官问题。最后,有几点也是需要广大考生特别注意的,就是在考试前一定要检查好所有的东西都是否带齐, 像准考证和填写话题时用到的笔以及相关考试中使用的实物道具,这些都记得一定要带。另外, 对于不太了解考场的学生,最好是在考试前先了解一下考试地点,以免影响考生当天的考试情绪。面对三一口语考试,学生一定要在仅剩下的时间,有针对性地进行操练,而且除了复习现报级别的内容之外,也要讲所考级别之前的内容进行复习。对于考试大纲中的各项要求考生也应该有一定了解。只有做到这几点才能为考试中获取高分打下深厚的根基。家长晒为三一口语四级考试准备的Topic先罗嗦几句

21、,因为我们没参加过三一口语 4-6 级的考试,所以我只知道要准备一个话题,并不知具体如何应用,以及怎么准备。我在 E 度论坛里溜达, 发现很多家长都说三一口语4 级口试的时候, 考官特爱问孩子们关于 job 的话题。这个话题是4 级所有话题中孩子们最难理解的一个,因为孩子们在生活中很少有这方面的经验,所以往往被考官问晕了。因此, 我琢磨着要不咱就明知山有虎,偏向虎山行, 准备一个关于 job 的自选话题,考官不至于别的不说光说这一个话题吧, 这样就避免了在考官问题环节还问 job 的问题。但是往往聪明反被聪明误。 直到考前 3 天老师来做最后辅导, 我说已经让天一准备了这个话题的时候,才被老师

22、告知考试要求中有自选话题要尽量避免考官话题的范围的说法, 特别是题目里绝对不能出现相同的单词。情急之下, 和老师赶紧分析了一下形势。了对话模式。 老师说尽量避免并不是绝对不能,官也这么想。先把题目中的job 字样去掉, 然后把文章改成所以稍微变通一下也可以去考试的,但愿考还有,我准备的内容还是太少了, 原来以为 4 级考试有篇 300 字的文章够用了, 但是老师说应该准备 A4 纸两页左右才合适。反正也没时间增加了,就是增加了天一同学也记不下来了,就死马当活马医吧!下面是 Topic :A Conversation with My Mum1.How did the conversation b

23、egin and what was it about?From Monday to Friday,every morning,my parentsgo to theirofficeto work.Inthe afternoon, they go back home and my family stay together in the evening.Inthe weekends, we play, go shopping or go to visit friends.I thought work meantgoing to officefrom Monday to Friday,from mo

24、rning to afternoonuntilone day, Kimiko,my private English teacher came into my room.I couldnt understand why shedidn tgo back home afterteachingher students.So mumtoldme thatshe was doinga part-time job.At thatmoment, I knew thatsome peoplein thisworldare doing part-timejobs.Part time job is a kindo

25、f work thatcarrieslesshours each week than a full-timejob.People do parttime jobsformany reasons.some of them are doing part time jobs for their interests.Some of them need to earn more money,2.At first, I thought I was not going to do part time job in the future.I told my mum I was not going to do

26、part time job because I want to say at homeand enjoy family life in the evening and weekend days. I have many things that am going to do with my family. We are going to the countryside in autumn day; we are going skiing in winter. Even in the rainy days, we can play computer games and watch TV toget

27、her.3.I changed my idea.My mum asked me, do you think you will never do a part time job? Orfor somereasons you may do it?I thought again. First, I thought about money. So I told my mum,If I needmore money than what I can earn in dailywork.I may need to do a parttimejob. Then, I got another opinion.

28、I said,But I can also try tospend less moneyso that I will not need to leave family in the evening or weekend days.Mum said, So do you have any other reasons?EnMay be the full-time job I get is not what I really want to do.Then Ithought about my dream.I wanted to be an inventor since I was seven yea

29、rs old,so I will need many kinds of abilities.If I cant learn everything I need inmy daily work, why not choose some work else?I told my mum,Maybe I will doa part time job to get more abilities and more experience. 4.What happened then, and what I learnt from the conversation.Mum said It looks like

30、you changed your idea, right?I smiledand said,yea,mum.It s not too bad to have a parttime job onlyif I like it.Mum asked me, Do you like the conversation?I said,yeah, mum.I like to discuss some serious topics with you.NowI got some reallygood ideasand I knew I shouldthinkabout thiskindof big questio

31、nfrom different angles of view.资料赠送以下资料考试知识点技巧大全一、考试中途应饮葡萄糖水大脑是记忆的场所, 脑中有数亿个神经细胞在不停地进行着繁重的活动,大脑细胞活动需要大量能量。科学研究证实 ,虽然大脑的重量只占人体重量的 2%-3%,但大脑消耗的能量却占食物所产生的总能量的20%,它的能量来源靠葡萄糖氧化过程产生。据医学文献记载 ,一个健康的青少年学生 30 分钟用脑 ,血糖浓度在 120 毫克 /100 毫升 ,大脑反应快 ,记忆力强; 90 分钟用脑,血糖浓度降至 80 毫克 /100 毫升,大脑功能尚正常; 连续 120 分钟用脑, 血糖浓度降至毫克

32、/100 毫升,大脑反应迟钝,思维能力较差。我们中考、高考每一科考试时间都在 2 小时或 2 小时以上且用脑强度大,这样可引起低血糖并造成大脑疲劳,从而影响大脑的正常发挥,对考试成绩产生重大影响。因此建议考生,在用脑 60 分钟时,开始补饮 25%浓度的葡萄糖水 100 毫升左右,为一个高效果的考试 加油 。二、考场记忆“短路”怎么办呢?对于考生来说,掌握有效的应试技巧比再做题突击更为有效。1.草稿纸也要逐题顺序写草稿要整洁,草稿纸使用要便于检查。不要在一大张纸上乱写乱画,东写一些,西写一些。打草稿也要像解题一样,一题一题顺着序号往下写。最好在草稿纸题号前注上符号,以确定检查侧重点。为了便于做完试卷后的复查,草稿纸一般可以折成4-8 块的小方格,标注题号以便核查,保留清晰的分析和计算过程。2.答题要按 先易后难 顺序不要考虑考试难度与结果,可以先用5 分钟熟悉试卷,合理安排考试进度,先易后难,先熟后生,排除干扰。考试中很可能遇到一些没有见过或复习过的难题,不要 蒙 了。一般中考


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