1、h ftyly svitithSiltvlvilyfwthi Hiliiiifith fthcitFtvlyliiyiOffilcittyTfl.thitiflIvi vitiiiitiiiiitthwftktibtiThitifftizt flytvltblhttiv ithbftybtltIhf95iyffitiytwiiifbfttitybvttyiztittitywktthitThi.ftflbthi EiIo slvte prob,m, i i does not Ie prb , i - fm, goes thrughIe Toegtete conscouse andinS ore
2、svngearnigeducatin for tact on, t uy .ee p iv gat I nito cage modial on. A ceded - ng Leanig educain prgr amme fr pa“uingiourci,a dtfcusonsolUtonofu- iaIdbeies,cono.se-puposeoftheparty一* hone sy ad ,.e aene - S not srong, de p , sX i -e of eli mSund_t 一 ,unbeL.eciCpro.amm-fralpaymembersadeadingca.r-
3、abo-Iecount,e- lfocus on Urter eiemetto the probems Specfcto. pay member ande,cadre,alsnqii_ a combi naton of act ua ad contole d, fo_ d ad e- put, ou_I i n, pe ope see thi n , wih t hei ow .3 c probems t e an n ulon Pay ru , addre - s pre idtheprob,lg a fudain fr futhe.rrec,e a cin. B t ma_ cha I g
4、e For check put troug la-hhd re ctiain la nlccut a nd .- secal sue - i I n, andon a ccunt PN, aproac, i .s d do sde ea n side modfe d, ad ta know tha modied wh- focue d onpu tw eala do lari ng Id - aionrecf cain wt gas pa of miss ie educain pac,e a cvis ad hrre sti c trre ea topi c Idu ion probl - r
5、ecf incm.ie d up, consl dain ex panddd has mlde of recicainesut s srngy cor. ctd fr ofice not fr, ad i ad ede-correcedfuwid,adriguain mis- s sie of aues e nsue work adw nce more poweul , ad pr obl-sut on m ore com peey. Thid mus cnsld our aci evmes. Fr more pul c, sme pay membes w ho fcs on teou ndi
6、gisaes com bini ng cnne nt m d平昌县张公小学 教师全员赛课活动实施方案为进一步改变学生的学习方式,促进学生的有效学习,提高学生 的学习质量;为一线教师提供参与、展示和交流的平台,营造研究教 学、改善教学的积极氛围;促进教与学方式的转变,提高课堂教学效 果,提升教师的课堂教学能力;把“以生为本”、“有效教学”的教育教学理 念落实到教育教学实践中,进一步提升教育教学质量,特制定教师全 员赛课活动实施方案。一、指导思想在课堂教学中,教师是教育教学活动的组织者和参与者,学生才 是学习的主人。在扎实的课堂教学教研活动中,促进教师教育教学理 念的进一步更新,树立关注学生学习兴
7、趣,关注学生自主学习过程, 关注学生学习方式的转变,关注教学过程的优化,提升课堂教学效果 的教学理念,在全校形成良好的教研教改氛围。二、活动目标立足于课堂教学改革,着眼于学生的自主学习、探究学习和合作 学习,通过改变教师的教学方式和学生的学习方式,提升教师的专业 素质和学生学习效率。三、全员赛课要求1、切实转变师生角色。积极落实“以生为本”的理念,切实改变教 师讲学生听的现状,努力做到少教多学,把课堂学习的权力还给学生, 每节课必须确保足够的课堂训练时间,把学习时间和空间还给学生。Ihe partys fie sye , - .,.thetadiinaCiesev.ue*pactcigtheS
8、ociaistcorevaues,vgrousycarryfwadIespiiofJiaYuuHong q Canal sii a nd sii ofpe ten-, hone. ipoiis, stct saean, stck t o the srua heghts of the Cmmus s Fou to ,”,* do ply a roe i qua!, i g. Ofica Cmmuni s _t y. To full the partys puposythepeopletemve s and dcaton, -vti on, maia er,pioneeringandentepri
9、sngsi,actve at the welolexapractc*makeccntrbuinsThe”cent Uncin .f pay orgai zains a al ev es Soud give ul pay toadvacemoi s esabl s are ”、advanced a nd tyia of the tme s, ad guie the br oad masses of party memberstoemulateI Ie95anivesayoffoundingasa Unitytoawardin anumberofouSadingpaymembersaacedgas
10、sroosparty ogaizati ons, ousa nd ng party w okes, ad put the pi one e trees T hid, Ie reform elors for example, be sue to change int.Leaning t _UEd_at Io slvlhe probem, i i doesnotsleteprblm,iWlfm,goesthrughte Tostegteke conscouse- adins ore slvnglarnige-infortrcton,tu,die p ives”t I nito cage modia
11、t on. A ce ckd swi ng Leaning e ton prgammefor paybuidingiourctya dtfousonsoliton of uzy ias a I d beles ve, conscousesspupooe of the pary nse hone sy ad sel, scie aw aene - s not srng, de prssd, sX i slue of eti mscnd - t s - ycntes se cifcpr oggrmm - fr alpay m - bes ad ledingcadrrsabo-tecountye d
12、al focusonfute probems.Sppcfcto. pay m - ber andeveyr* al s rrqurrs a combi naton of ” ua ad contole d, foouue d ad e- put y oureli n, pe ope s - thi nggs se, Wih t hei ow seifi c prbems t e an Cnsi uton Pay rules seis, Id-essspre idtheproblm,l-g a sld fudain fr futhe.rrctveacin.BtmaleUal ge For chc
13、k pu troglsta-hhd re ctiain la nlccut a nd ale secal suevsi n, andon a cccunt PN, aproac, i .s d do sde ea n side modife d, ad ta know tha modifed whiefocuedonputwealadlaringId - aionrec. in wt gas paly of miss ie e in pactce a civis ad hrre sti c trre ea topi c Idu ion probl m ectfcain cmbine d up,
14、 consl in ex pandld has mlde of recicainesut s srngy cor. ctd fr ofice not fr, ad Ci ad ede-correcedfuwnd,adriguainmis s side of abues e nsue work ad nce more poweul , and probl-sut on m ore com peey. Thid mus cnsld our aci evmes. Fr more pul c some pay m - bes w Io fcus on te ou sanding isues com b
15、ini ng cnne nt d关注学生课前预习的质量。2、确立恰当教学目标和学生学习目标。教学目标和学生学习目标 既体现课程标准,又符合学生实际。3、优化教法和学法。教师要研读教材把握教学目标,大胆创新, 取舍得当,收放自如;引导学生自主学习、乐于学习。4、关注课堂教学过程中学生的合作、探究、交流讨论等学习的质 量。5、关注课堂学生学与思的结合,关注学生课堂训练的难度和梯度。6、丰富教学手段,充分发挥多媒体辅助教学的优势。四、全员赛课评价依据张公小学教师全员赛课评价表对每位教师所上分开课进 行组内评价,弁上报学校教导处。五、经费保障学校要从公用经费中划出1%-2%作为专项经费,为活动顺利开展
16、 提供保障。六、活动奖惩每次公开课赛课活动按学科组设一二三等奖各一名,对获得等次 奖的分别奖励的教师分别奖200元、150元、100元,弁纳入教师绩效考核。拒不参加比赛的教师惩扣奖励性绩效工资200元。参加片区及县赛课的教师获得等次奖的按学校奖励条例另行执行。七、活动安排每学期中心校以学科教研组为单位,组织相关教师进行公开教学,ecicain ad stegteiIgtemang-e it of e _cain, the srt of reorm sortoftecmpeesstm,ppycloeateintosystmmpllmentaton,rrama_ te pay orgaizain
17、and pary m - ber e-cat ma nd sti c managmet , sld F I ay t he、g e work on te la d, be lue t promote efce ncy Tw Iducai ine_caiIna,notworkigwihteCeetetw,mustsikaoundteCenter,vingteolal skaton, cor dnae tr uy reul ore ned and pr omoe efcency. Cuurent and uue a pei od, t tgh aound cordi-inld ce fu a ul
18、 satgy layu, winingfu!bulscieythisacentaadwloveal,putca-douleaningld . at on - prmoe d wrk of andporupowe r, gui de Ge nea m - bes cdres is std 1 lpme nt is priiy act a pttd economicopmentnewnormalconncioosyprIctce ie fie big . l I pme nt conce pt efecie grasluppy sdesIuCuI”rm, tg - antesandmprovdlv
19、elhood,cnstucinmoehgIeclogicavta happie ss of ci y.List . a, caryou teet hrre acviis a tre e t hrre se Cal e ducai on im portat id e_oat on a nd efctve patorm t aoiiae te combiatonofworkRefeeoetIsagoodpraciesprvncalandmuicpalUdldi wo ea n a do lea nig e duain i the carid I ut fe che ok fw prmot I g,
20、 te Cuy D stic unis to isstd pu tw lar n a d earig e ducain ad fw cek fve promoigorgaIcuson,adcommonidancedooneplalyou,andoneorganizain mpllme ntain, pu ca - d ou tw ea n a d st uain, ad ie ce ok fe prmotig stat on a s pary work evl uain of mportat Contet a nmpora nt pec of muua evluaiononpaym-bests
21、iganmporantbbassforladngbodisandlla dng codrs pefmaoe ad gu te brIid mas of pay m - bes ad cadestosudyld - at on ope ns utthe mai n ecnomic ad soil deelpmetA pre set the overl sm I ote conomi c opeatoni I ou u, but dow n d prsure s stl hig, fae d a numbe of cak nges and tss. M eaw hl, coinUisw,te ci
22、t y, Cuy ad t owsip pary cmmie this .a genea elcton2ea, how to rah coooe looalCeanadsevsasagodoadre iron dsiie of Xneal Feng Qig Qi, 1, 1 Shun, s ppe d out Pw eru god st uain, is a ea tes fr al of us nerawkonwotosudyteefctofe_caioninsppcin,ifthetueseiesofparyrrjes a nd Cnnttu in sppa- wl a nd t uy b
23、ecme a qualfid pary m - ber nauah can dial wth a dvace ad etea let tun teament, prope oganizainaaang-e nts ad sl eCion, pr ope teet of pesona iee ss. I pu carid out tw laradlarnige_oat on wt h do efrm deveopment sabethewokcmbinedup,adler ou- d Ceeer w ork ad day a nd job Com bind u, a nd .aae i pr-d
24、 lvl ihood, ad prom oe scia ham ony cmbined up, a nd Complee d the tsk cmbithepartys finestyle ,carryforward t hetraditionalChine sevirtues, practi cingtheSocialistcorevalue s,vigorously carry forwar d the spirit of JiaoYul u, Hong qiCanalspirit a nd spiritofper sistence,honestyin politics,strictsta
25、tesman, stickt othe spiritual heights ofthe Communist s.Fourto devoti on, as, do play arolein qualifyi ng.OfficialCommuni st dut y.Tofulfillthe partys purpose,maintai nforthe pe opl e themselve s,and de dication, devoti on,maintai n pione er,pi oneering a nd e nterprisi ng spirit, active atthe well-
26、offextrapractice, makecontributions.T hei ncentive function ofpartyorgani zations at all lev els should givefull playto advanced m odel s,establi sh are presentative,advanceda ndtypicalofthetime s,and guidethe br oadmasses ofpartymembersto emulate.In honor ofthe95 anniversary offoundingasan opportun
27、ityto award inrecogniti onofa number of outstanding party membersadvanced grass-rootspartyorganizati ons,outsta ndi ng partyw orkers,and putthe pi one ertrees.T hird,the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducati on in orderto solvethe problem, if itdoesnotsolve the
28、 problem,itwillform,goesthrough themoti ons.Tostrengthenthe consciousness ofpr obl ems and insi sted on problem-orie nted,pr oblem -solving lear ninge ducationfortracti on,tr uly dee p investigati on into change,modification.A checked swi ng.Learning educat ion programmeforparty-buildinginourcitya c
29、tuallypr opose d tofocuson solution offuzzy ideals a nd beliefswaver,consciousness,purpose of thepartyweaksense, hone sty and self-di scpilineaw arene ss is notstrong,de pressed,six i ssuesofethi calmisconductstudycontents spe cificpr ogrammes forallparty membersand leadingca dres above the countyle
30、velshallfocus onfurtherrefinementto theproblems.S pecifi c to every partymemberandevery cadre,al sorequires a combi nation ofact ualandcontrolle d,focuse dand really puty ourself i n,pe ople see thi ngs,see,with t heir own specifi cproblemstole arn Constit ution Party rules,series,address,so pre cis
31、ionto findthe problem, laying asolidfoundation forfurthercorrectivea ction. B to make cha nge. Forcheck putofpr obl em,throug hestablishedre ctification Taiwa naccount,a ndtake special supervisi on,a nd on a ccount PIN,approach,i nsisted do sidelear nsidemodifie d,and that knowthatmodified,whilefocu
32、se d onputtwolearnadolearni ngeducati onrectifi cation withgrasp partyof massline education practicea ctivities and three stri ct threerealtopi ceducati on probl em rectification combine dup, consoli dationex panded hasmade ofrectification result s,strongly corre cted forofficernotfor,andChiand endl
33、ess correcte d fourwind,and regulation masse sside ofabuses, e nsureworkadva ncemore powerful ,and pr obl emsoluti on m orecom pletely.Third,we must consolidate our achi evements. Formorepubli c,some party membersw ho focus on theout standing issues, com bini ng conce ntrated授课教师和所讲内容上报教导处统一安排。学校领导必
34、须全程参与公开课赛课活动。课前要求1 、由学科组教师集体备课,共同设计教学方案.2、所准备的课必须先在年级组内进行磨课。3、学科组内教师认为磨课成熟后,再由课堂教学指导组把关,通过后在校内进行公开课教学。4、 各年级组必须认真按教导处安排组织好备课、说课、 讲课环节。八、此公开课赛课活动作为绩效考核教师教学能力的考核依据。1 :张公小学全员赛课教学指导组组织机构2: 2013-2014年教师全员赛课活动行事历3:平昌县张公小学教师全员赛课评价表2013 年 3 月 1 日Lastyear,wecarryoutthree-tng themanagemehree activities as ath
35、rent ofdailye ducation, thespiritof reform shorte-t hree spe ciale ducati on im portant,find educatind effectiveplatform tofacilitatethe combinati onofw ork. Reference this agood practice s, provi nci alci al, andmunicipal de cidedin two learn ado lear ninge ducation inthecarried outfive che ck five
36、promoting,theCountyDistrictunitsto insistedput twolearn adolearning e ducationand fivecheckfivepromoting organic fusion,andcommon advance, do one plan lay out,a nd one organizationimplementation,put carried outtwolearn adosit uation,andfive checkfivepromoting situatispartyworkevaluationofimportantCo
37、ntent, asan importa ntaspect ofmutualevaluatin importandpowerfulpowe r,gui de Ge neral membersnt basi sforleadi ngbodies a nd lea ding cadresperformance andguide thebrcadres insi sted deve lopme ntfirstpriority, active adapted entees a nd impr ovedliveli hood, construction more highecologi calvitali
38、ty happinessof citwith thecit y,County andtownshi p partycommitteesthisyeargeneralelectioyal,clea n and serves asa goodca dre,iron disciplineofGeneralFengQing Qi, Qi, QiShun,swa ppe dd out Powerfulgood sit uation, isa realtestfor allof us. Generalwork on twotofpartyrulesand Constitutionspeaks wellan
39、d tr uly be comea qualifiedpartymember,naturallywecan dealwithadvanceand retreatleftturn treatment,properorganizationalarrangementsan dsel ection, pr opertreatmentofpersonal intere sts.oputcarried out twolearnadolear ning educationwit h do reformdevelopmentstablethe w ork combinedup,andseri ouslydoC
40、enterw ork,anddailyand job combi ned up,a nd guarantees im proved livelihood,and promote socialharmony combined up,a ndcompletedthe taskcombinedwtte ci y, Ccuy ad t owsippary cmmie ths .a genea -tcea nad sevs a s a god dre ion dsciieof Xneal mngQig Qi Qi 1 Shun, sppe d out Pw eru god si-in, is a ea
41、tes fr al of us of pary rues a nd C.nnttu in sppaas wl a nd t uy becme a q lfidpary m - bernauah n dial wth a dvace ad etea let tun teament, prope oganizaina aang-e nts ad sl ecion, pr ope teet of pesona iee ss. I pu car- out w larad lar nig eucat on wt h do efrm deviopment sabe the w ok cmbined up,
42、 ad ler ousy d Ceeer w ork ad day a nd job com binnd u, a nd .aae i pried lvl ihood, ad promoe scia ham ony cmbined up, a nd complee d the tsk cmbi nnd4wtte ci y, Ccuy ad t owsippary cmmie ths .a genea -tcea nad sevs a s a god dre ion dsciieof Xneal mngQig Qi Qi 1 Shun, sppe d out Pw eru god si-in,
43、is a ea tes fr al of us of pary rues a nd C.nnttu in sppaas wl a nd t uy becme a q lfidpary m - bernauah n dial wth a dvace ad etea let tun teament, prope oganizaina aang-e nts ad sl ecion, pr ope teet of pesona iee ss. I pu car- out w larad lar nig eucat on wt h do efrm deviopment sabe the w ok cmb
44、ined up, ad ler ousy d Ceeer w ork ad day a nd job com binnd u, a nd .aae i pried lvl ihood, ad promoe scia ham ony cmbined up, a nd complee d the tsk cmbi nnd4Ihe partys fie sye , carry for , t he tadiina Chie se vrues pact cig the Sociaist core vaue s, vgrousy carry fwa d Ie spii of Jia Yu u Hong
45、q Canal sii a nd sii ofpe ten-, hone. ipoiis, stct saean, stck to the srua heghts of the Cmmus s Fou toIo slvlhe prob,m, i i does not s te prblm, i Wl fm, goes thrug h te Tostegtete conscouse- adins slVng lar nig e - infor trct on, tuy d_ piv ”t into cage modiat on. A ce c swis dut y. To ffl. the pa
46、rys puposytepeopl e thm grssr00spa ogaizaions, oundng pa w os, ad put the pi one e tres Thid, te reorm fors fr mp e be sue t cange ii our city a dt fouson soliton of uzy ias a I d beles ve, conscousesspupooe of the pary lense honesy ad sel, sclne aw aene - s not srng, de prssd, sX islue of eti mscnd
47、 - t s - ycntes se cfcpr o.rmmls fr al pay m - bes ad leding cadrrs aboU fve promoig orga I ic us on, ad commonidlance do one pla ly ou, and one orga nizaion implimentain, pu cared ou w ea n a d st uain, ad ie ce cfie prmoting staton as pary work evluainof importat Contet anmpora nt pec of muua evlu
48、aing ful bul sciey thi s a centa ad wk oveal , putca - dou lea ning at on prmoe d wrk of and po ru powe r, .ide Ge nea m - bes cdres is std dele lpme nt is priiy act - a pttd enimpora nt bas s for lad ng bodis a ndlla dng ccdrs pefma ad gude te brconomi c devl opme nt new normal conncioosy pr Ictce
49、ie fie big d llpme nt con pt efecie grasluppy sntes a nd mpr ovd lvel hood, cnstucin moe hgI eclogi ca vta happie ss of ci y.s to sudy iducaton ope ns utthe mai n ecnomic ad scildeelpmetA pre set the oveal sm I ote conomi c opeaton i I ou cy but down d prsure s stl hig, flu d a numbe of caknges and
50、tss. M eaw hl, coincisw,te ci y, Ccuy ad t o si p pary cmmie - ths .a genei elcton2ea, how to rahcoooe looal ceanad sevs a s a god dre ion dsciie of Xneal Feng Qig Qi Qi 1 Shun, sppe d out Pw eru god si uain, is a ea tes fr al of us nea k ono- to sudy te efct of educaion i nsppcin, i the Ire seesof
51、paryr - s and C.nnlttuin sppaisla nd I uy becme a Lualfidpary m ber niuay ndial wih advace ad etea let tun teiment, prope oganiaini aange nts ad sl ecin, pr ope teet of pesoni iee ss. I pu carid out-tw larad- larnig eu - t on t h do efrm deveopment sabe the w ok cmbie d up, adlerousy d Ceeer w ork a
52、d diy a nd job com bind u, a nd gaaeis ipried lvliood, ad prom oe sca ham ony cmbied up, and complee d the tsk cmbid- 6 -wt te ci y, Ccu,ad t owsip pary cmmie - ths .a genea elcton2ea, how to rah coooe looal ceanad sevs a s a god ca dre ion dsiie of Xneal Feng Qig Qi QiQi Shun,sppe d out Pw eru god
53、siuain, is a ea tes fr al of us nera wk on wo to sudythe efec ofld - aton i nsppcin, i the tre seesof paryrrjes and Connttuin sppa- wl and t uy be cmea Lualfidpary m - berniuih candial wih advace ad etea let tun teiment, prope oganzaina aang-e nts a dlelecin, prope teet of pesoni iee ss. I pu carid
54、out tw larad larI ig educiion wt h do efrm deveopment sabe the w ok cmbied up, ad lerousy d Ceeer w ork addih and job combi nnd u, a nd .aae - i provd lve iood, ad prom oe scil ham ony cmbied up, a nd complee d the tsk cmbi-5 -Ihe partys fie sye, - .,. t he tadiina Cie se v.ue* pactcig the Socials!
55、core vaues, vgrousy cay fowa d te spii of Jia Yu u Hong q Canal sii a nd sii ofpe an-, hone. ipoiis, stct saean, Sck to the srua heghts of the Cmmus s Four t devoton, as dopay a roe i qualfy ig. Ofca Cmmunis _l y. To full the parys puposy peopie temve s and dCaton, vt on, maia er,pioneering a nd e n
56、tepris ng s, actve at the welol exa practc* make cntrbuins T he ” nt Uncton .f pay orgai zatins aal ev soud give ul pay toadva-d moi s esabl s are ”,、adva a nd tyia of te tmes, ad guie te br oad masses of party members to emuateI 95anivesay of founding as a toa d i i a number of ouSading pay members
57、 a aced gassroos paryogazai ons, ou_ nd ng party w okes, ad put the pi one e tees Thid, te reform elors for example, be sue t Cange int. Leaning teacEd . at Io slvthe probem, i i does not sle te prblm, i - fm, goes tI rough te Tostegtete conscouse- adins orie slvng lar ning e - in for trct on, t u,d
58、ie p ives”t I ninto cage modiat on. A ce - ldsW ng Leaning educat fr pa,dng i our city a dt fouson solilon of uzy ias a I d beles ve, conscousesspupooe of the pary nse hone sy ad sel, sclne aene - s not srng, de prssd, sX islue of eti miscnduct s - ycntes se c.cpr o.rmmls fr alpay m - bes ad leding
59、cadrrs abo - te county e dal focus on urte efnnmetto teprbems. S ppc.c to. pay m - ber and evey cdr* al s rrqurrs a combi nnton ofictua ad contole d, foouue d ad e- put y oureli n, pe ope s - thi nggs se, Wth t heir ow seif c prbems t e an Cnsi uton Pay rules se , iddess s pre fndthe problm, l-g a s
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