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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业前进类词组(论证好处)1. benefitprofit from 从.当中获益2. invest in 对.投资(钱时间)3. promote the development of 促进.的发展4. It is obvious/evident/apparent that 显而易见5. play a key/vitalcrucial role in 在.中起关键作用6. enrich ones experience 丰富.的生活7. keep society safe a

2、nd stable 保持社会稳定8. relax their bodies and ease their minds 让人放松身心9. have duty to do 有责任去做10. afford/provide people entertainment and pleasure 给人们提供娱乐11.create employment opportunities 创造就业机会12. less time-consuming and more economical 让人省钱省时间13. broaden ones horizons 开阔人的眼界14.fulfill ones potential 发

3、挥人的潜能15. remove the barrier for 为. 消除障碍16.promote the cultural communication and interaction between.and .促进文化交流17.curb the proliferation of 控制.的扩散18. raise peoples awareness(consciousness) of 提高人们的意识19. has the inherent advantage of 有的内在优势20. A is an indispensable part of B A是 b 不可或缺的一部分 21. enable

4、 sb to do sth 让某人可以去做.22. someone can utilize sth 可以使用xxx23. sth is in the best interest of someone 做某事符合.的利益24.contribute to 导致推动25.draw on 借鉴26. get a clear perspective of 对有更清晰的认识倒退类(论证disadvantage)1.live a stressful life 生活压力大2. lead to crimes 导致犯罪3.the competition is stiff竞争激烈4. avoid 避免5.suffe

5、r from 遭受6. stem from 源于 7. is a threat to 对 构成威胁8. have detrimental influence upon 对有坏的影响9. be monotonous and unmotivating 单调而且无法给人动力的10.cope with/deal with 解决11. spin out of control 失去控制12. create tension and conflicts between 在xx和xx之间产生紧张和冲突13. be overly dependent on 对某事过于依赖14. stifle creativity

6、扼杀创造力15.the population is booming 人口在激增16.is attended by 某种好的现象伴随某种坏的现象17.the morethe more有越多的.就会有越多的18. a can be attribute to B 可以归因于B19.deprive someone of sth 剥夺某人的20. sth impels sb to do 促使某人去.21. A has rendered B+ adj/n A 让B变成22. be addicted to sth 对xx上瘾23. sth is the root cause of 某事是XXX的根源24.

7、be confronted with sth 面对.(主动encounter)25. pose threat to 对xxx构成威胁26. be inundated with sth 充满xxx27. sth is unwarranted 某事做法是很不合理的28. at the high expense of 以 xxx 为代价29. run contrary to 与xxx背道而驰30. diminish individuals leisure time 减少人们的休闲时间31. this trend is not only restricted to , but also evident

8、 in 32. tend to 多半倾向于33. give priority to 把xx放在优先位置 prioritize34.be likely to be vulnerable to 容易成为xx的受害者35. it is imperative/crucial/key/essential that 至关重要36.distinguish between A and B 区分A和B各类话题教育科技媒体政府发展文化环境犯罪全球大作文全话题必备短语技能短语类(学生、儿童、员工的技能)1.developimprovebuild/boost/sharpen their skills 发展他们的技能

9、Problem-solving skills and teamwork skill 解决问题和团队合作的能力2.gain practical experience 获得实践经验3. develop good learning(eating/spending/driving) habit 形成良好的习惯4.increase their independence (活动经历)增强他们的独立性5. work closely/tightly with their classmates/ colleagues 和同学同事密切合作6.prepare them for employment 让其为就业做好准

10、备Vocational training 职业培训 Career advice 职业规划7.upgrade their skillsknowledge 升级其技能知识8.reach/achievefulfill their potential 充分发挥他们的潜能9.increase/boost working efficiency(productivity) 提高工作效率产量10.reduce distraction 减少干扰 Concentrate on 专注于11.make full use of their time 充分利用时间Is a waste of time 浪费时间12. ac

11、ademic performance 学习表现 grade13.Increase their motivation 提升兴趣Make them frustrated /unmotivated/lack motivation 有挫折感缺乏动力 14. make our lives more convenient and comfortable 让生活变得更便捷舒适High-tech equipment/device 高科技设备 gadget Labor-saving/consuming device 省力费力设备Keep in touch with family and friend 与亲友保持

12、联系Scientific researchsurvey 科学研究调研15. make/enable the country more competitive 让国家更具有竞争力权利类短语1.givereduce them more freedom 给减少他们更多的自由2.increase/widen/vary their choices 丰富选择Provide them with a wide selection of products 提供大量选择(NCE)3. can have more flexible schedules(timetable)有更加灵活的时间安排Online-learn

13、ing远程教育在线教育Can study at their own pace 照自己的进度来学traditional/psychically classroom 传统教室 can have face-to face discussion/ interaction/communication 可以进行面对面的交流 develop good learning habit 形成良好的学习习惯School is a society in miniature. 学校是社会的缩影 form close relationships with their classmates 与同学形成亲密的关系 Telec

14、ommuting 远程办公(SOHO)Can achieve a work-life balance 能够在生活工作间实现平衡Spend more time with their family 更多地和家人在一起Save money on transport costs 节省交通费Help to reduce traffic jams/congestion 有助于缓解交通堵塞4. have a job security 拥有工作的稳定性5. employee benefits 员工福利Paid holiday 带薪休假 Health insurance / 医保6. promote gende

15、r equality 促进男女平等 Gender bias 性别偏见Have the equal opportunities for employment and promotion 享有 平等的就业和升职机会7.violate their privacy 侵犯他们的隐私 责任类(家庭学生学校政府媒体)1.teach their children good behavior 交给孩子良好的行为习惯 2. parenting/schooling 家庭教育学校教育3.give them advice and support 给予他们建议和支持 Respect their feeling/indiv

16、iduality 尊重他们的感受与个性help them to achieve their potential 帮助他们发挥出自己的潜能Encourage them to think independentlycritically 鼓励他们独立思考批判性地Family/community member 家庭社区成员4.working parents 工作的家长Spoil their children 溺爱孩子Lead a busy lifestyle生活忙忙碌碌 feel disconnected from their family 感觉他们的家人缺少沟通 alien-alienated-al

17、ienation(疏远)学生的责任学生的责任5.good behavior/perform well at school 6.develop self-discipline 发展自制力Become responsible members of society 成为有责任感的社会成员Drop out 辍学 Do not follow the rule/regulation of school 不遵守校规老人的责任7.elderly people 老人Look after their grandchildren 照看孙辈Share their life experience with their

18、grandchild 分享人生经验Have conservative views on many things 对于很多食物持有保留的看法 Generation gap 代沟Misunderstanding 误解 feel lonely and isolated 感到孤独和孤立 学校的责任8.meet students needs 满足学生的需求Provide a broad and balanced curriculum 提供科目广泛、不偏科的课程安排Core subjects 核心科目Optional / compulsory 选修课必修课Provide a friendly learni

19、ng environment 提供一个适于学习的环境社区成员的责任9.do volunteer work 做义工Respect their neighbors 尊重邻里Help people in need 帮助贫困的人Contribute to their communitycountryeconomy 为社区国家经济做贡献政府的责任10. Improve public services/infrastructure 提高公共服务基础建设11. create jobs/employment opportunities 创造就业Take jobs away from 抢走.的就业机会12.ru

20、dece povertyhunger 减少贫困饥荒13. fulfill responsibility 旅行义务14. introduce laws to. 通过立法来.Is a long/short term solution 是一个长期有效短期的解决方案15.run campaigns to encourage to举办大规模的宣传会去鼓励人们去Encourage people to .鼓励人们去.16. promote fair competition 促进公平就业媒体的责任17. provide reliable information提供可靠的信息Help consumers to

21、make better decisions 帮助消费者做出更好的选择Provide fair and balanced reports 提供公正的、不偏颇的报道 are driven by profit( profit-oriented/profit-centered)受到利益的驱动False information 虚假信息Mislead the public 误导大众Reliable (energy/healthcare/service) 环境类(环境污染能源危机转基因食物动植物)1.Damage environment 破坏环境Create waste and pollution 产生垃

22、圾和污染Householdindustrial waste 家庭生活工业垃圾 2. industrial production工业生产Cause smog and acid rain导致雾霾和酸雨Toxic/poisonous 有毒的Car fumes/pollutant 汽车尾气污染物PM2.5解决交通问题的方法Control the number of carsRaise vehicle taxes Improve public transport services Reduce peoples dependence on carsEncourage people to buy eco-f

23、riendly carsDevelop cleaner energyWork or cycle to work or school3.fossil fuels 化石燃料 Solar/wind/water energy Energy crisis 能源危机Non-renewable energy sources 不可再生能源Alternative energy 替代能源 Rely too much on/ depend on 过度依赖于对nuclear 的看法Pros:Nuclear power 核电Does not depend on weather conditions 不依赖于天气Can

24、help to reduce greenhouse gas emissionCons:Nuclear accident 核事故Cause health and safety problem 造成健康安全问题Irreversible radiation 不可逆的辐射Fukushima 福岛(日本)4.contribute to climate change 加速环境变化(工业生产和飞机等)Global warming 全球暖化 Reduce carbon emission 减少碳排放5. rapid population growth/boom 人口高速增加爆炸Use more energy/c

25、reate more waste and pollution Promote sustainable development 促进可持续发展Increase the demand for 增加对xx的需求(能源医疗土地Put pressure on (人口消费的增长)对xx构成压力(自然资源基础假设医疗)6. meetfulfill their environmental responsibilities 履行他们对于环境的义务个人对于环境的义务Lead eco-friendly lifestyles Reuse shopping bagsRecycle cans and bottles Us

26、e public transport more oftenWalk or cycle to work or school公司对于环保的义务Reduce their wasteRecycle their wasteTreat their waste properly Develop cleaner energyPay more taxes政府的职责Improve public transport Run campaign to encourage people to use public transportIntroduce laws to protect the environmentFine

27、 companies that pollute the environment Give financial support to research on renewable energy7. become crowded (城市)变得拥挤Urban areas 城市地区Rural areas 农村地区8. genetically modified food 转基因食物(GM food)9. cut down forests/ log forests 砍伐森林Human activity 人类活动Wildlife habitats 野生动物栖息地Lead to natural disaster

28、 导致自然灾害10. endangered animals 濒危动物 Die out/ extinct 灭绝 Ivory trade 象牙交易Be hunted for sth 因为某物而受到捕猎 健康类(生活方式老龄化心理健康)1.Lead healthy life style 保持着健康的生活方式Do more physical activities 做更多体力活Have a balanced diet 保持平衡的饮食结构Eat more fruit and vegetables 多吃蔬菜和水果Keep a regular sleep schedule 保持有规律的睡眠时间Sedentar

29、y lifestyle 缺乏运动的生活方式Heart disease 心脏病 High blood pressure 高血压Diabetes 糖尿病 Obesity 肥胖病Asthma 哮喘Lung cancer 肺癌 (与抽烟和环境有关)2. outdoor and indoor activity 室内室外运动Increase ,strength ,speed and balance 提高力量、速度和平衡能力Improve memory and concentration 提高记忆力和注意力Improve hand-eye coordination 增强手和眼的协调能力打电子游戏和运动的好处

30、Feel lively and energetic 感到有活力而且精力充沛 develop strong will power 形成顽强的意志力Build self-confidence 树立自信Develop their teamwork skills 发展团队合作能力 give them a sense of achievement 带给他们一种成就感 3.Promote healthy lifestyle (政府媒体)推广健康的生活方式Regulate fast food advertising 对快餐广告进行严格的监管Encourage people to make healthy f

31、ood choices 鼓励人们去选择健康的视频Raise peoples health awareness 提高人们的健康意识4.population ageing 人口老龄化Retired people 退休的老人们Life expectancy 寿命人口老龄化带来的问题Cause labor shortages(老龄化低出生率)导致劳动力短缺Put pressure on the healthcare system 对医疗体系构成压力Increase the burden on taxpayers 加重纳税人负担 人口老龄化的解决方法Save money for retirement(个

32、人)为退休养老存钱Retire later 更晚退休Raise the retirement age(政府)提高法定退休年龄Encourage immigration 鼓励其他国家向本国移民5. cause stress and anxiety 导致压力和焦虑Damage their emotional health 造成心理伤害 is a good way to reduce stress and anxiety 是一种减轻压力焦虑的好方法Frustration 挫折Overtime 加班 Peer pressure 同辈压力Face tough/keen competition for j

33、obs/promotion/business 在工作升职商业方面面临激烈竞争6. develop good relationships with their neighbors 与邻居们发展好良好的关系Lack a sense of belonging/community 缺乏归属感/社区感 feel homesick 思乡Screen time 盯着屏幕的时间Limit childrens screen time 限制孩子看电视电脑的时间(家长的责任)Rely heavily on 严重依赖于Be addicted to 对上瘾财务类(个人财务贫富差距个人资产国际贸易援助)1.Consume

34、r society 消费型社会Follow the latest trends 跟风Become greedy and selfish 变得贪婪和自私Earn more money 赚更多钱 Have a higher standard of living 有更高的生活水平Budget 预算Save for future 为将来存钱Buy things on impulse 冲动地购物 2. involve high costs 涉及到高昂的费用High housing/ rent price 高房价高昂租房费用Affordable 可以接受的3. the gap/discrepancy be

35、tween rich and poor 贫富差距Homeless 无家可归的Unemployed 无业的Face financial difficulties 面临经济困难 reduce income inequality 减少收入不平等现象 4. Give/provide financial support/help to(政府大学慈善组织发达国家)为提供资助Support themselves 自食其力Reduce their dependence on the government 减少他们对于政府的依赖Should give priority to 应当把当作主要的关注对象Is a w

36、aste of public funds/time/energy 是一种.的浪费 5.Government tax revenue 政府税收(income) Impose taxes on (政府) 对.征税Is an important source of government tax revenue(旅游广告体育烟草)是政府税收的重要来源Increase the burden on 加重.的负担6.Contribute to/boost local economy/ economical growth 促进经济增长7. long-distance food 远距离运送的食物Provide

37、consumers with more choices 给消费者更多选择Take away jobs from local farmers 抢走当地农民的就业机会 8.Multinational companies/ corporations 跨国公司Poor working conditions 恶劣的工作环境Threaten cultural diversity 威胁文化多样性9. International aid 国际援助Long term solution 长期解决方案Misuse the aid 滥用援助Recipient country 接受援助的国家 1.Reduce crim

38、e rates 降低犯罪率Prevent crime 预防犯罪Commit a crime 犯罪 violent crime 暴力犯罪Deter+宾语 表示震慑违法者或违法行为Deter crime/ criminal /dangerous driving/anti-social behavior 2. Reform criminal 改造罪犯Provide them with career advice 为他们提供职业规划Law-abiding citizens Criminal record 犯罪记录 3.Give them harsh punishment 给他们严厉的惩罚Are sen

39、t to prison 被送去监狱Serve long sentences 长时间服刑Lose their freedom 失去其自由Lead to resentment 导致憎恨Are likely to re-offend 很有可能会再次犯罪4. Address the root causes of crime 从根本上去解决犯罪问题Create jobs/ reduce poverty 创造就业减少贫困 5. Media violence 媒体里的暴力内容Violent image 暴力画面Glorify violence 美化暴力Youth crime /Juvenile delinq

40、uency 青少年犯罪Aggressive 有攻击性的6. Break traffic rules 违反交通规则Pay fines 交罚金Install red light cameras 安装交通灯监控摄像头 Protect their heritage 保护文化传承erode their sense of cultural identify 削弱他们的文化认同感Feel disconnected from heritage/nature/family 感到自己与传统自然家庭想脱节2. Customs and traditions 风俗和传统 value 价值 morals values 道

41、德观念3. Are expose to + 宾语(重要相当于 immerse in )Are expose to different cultures /languages/ media violence 接触到不同的文化语言媒体暴力 4. Promote peace and understanding( 国际交流)促进和平与理解 international corporation 促进国际合作Build understanding and trust 建设相互理解和信任Improve international relations 改善国际关系Transcend national borde

42、rs 超出了国家间的边界Global problems Global warming 全球变暖Poverty 贫困 Population aging 人口老龄化The increasing demand for energy 对能源的日益增长的需求Air and water pollution 空气和水的污染Overpopulation人口过多 5.Cultural globalization 文化全球化Share the same fashions and brands 分享相同的时尚和品牌Watch the same films and television programmes看同样的电

43、影和电视节目Satellite TV 卫星电视Spread their own culture 传播自己的文化6. The expansion of English 英语的扩张A global language 全球性的语言Make communication and cooperation easier 让沟通与合作变得更加容易Is widely used around the world 在全世界范围内被广泛地使用International conferences 大型国际会议Language barrier 语言障碍Expansion/ invasion/proliferation 扩张侵占扩散(三者意思相近 7. An endangered language 一种濒危的语言8.Introduce laws to protect historic buildings 通过立法来保护具有历史意义的建筑Famous landmarks 著名的标志性建筑8. Adapt old buildings to meet modern needs 让老房子适应现代生活的需要Update the equipment 对设


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