



1、教案019-2020 年高中英语 Unit2 阅读 Cloning Where is it leading us新人教版选修8授课题目授课教师所在学校职称或称号中教一级授课类型阅读课教学目标Be able to get familiarwith some readingstrategies:paragraph ing, skim ming and sca nning.Let stude nts get aware of both cloning s ben efits to us andits disadva ntages.Reflect ion to clone tech no logy.重

2、点难点Apply the readi ng strategies efficie ntly to the readi ng.Get the stude nts in volved in the class activities.教学方法 创新点Lear ner-ce ntered, task-based, group work, discussi on教具puter, students page, blackboardTeach ing ProceduresTeacher s Activity (What and How)objectivesStep 1.Lead-i nAsk some qu

3、esti ons related to the content of the movieThe CloneIsland.Letstude ntsgetin terestedintoday s topic by a videoStep 2.Prese ntati on& Predictio nShow the picture of Dolly to get simple in formati on of clone and e into the text.Lear ntopredictin formati on from the titleandillustrati onStep 3.Skimm

4、i ngFind out the main sentence of each paragraph.Learn to read quicklyStep 4ScanningPara 1&2Main idea:The defi niti on of clone and its work procedure.Qs: What is cloningIn what creaturesdoes thistech no logy happe n?What major uses does cloning have?What is it that make clone dream achieved?Para 3M

5、ain idea: There are some problems of cloned Dolly.Qs: What two con tradictoryn ews dothe scie ntists get?What illnessdoes Dolly sufferfrom?What does the word“ fate ” referto?Learn to get detailed in formatio nA press conferenceC. P12 Para 4&5Main idea: The impact of Dolly raises great concern among

6、differe nt group who give their attitudes towards cloning.Qs: Can you guess the word “ con troversial” ?How do evil leaders want to use clone?What groups does this part mention and findout theirattitudetowards cloning?Step 4:Discussi onWhat are the adva ntagesanddisadva ntages of cloning?Lear ntogiveattitudesStep 5:HomeworkHumancloning


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