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1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1Jane cant attend the meeting at 3 oclock this afternoon because she _ a class at that time.Awill teachBwould teachChas taughtDwill be teaching2.-W

2、ould you have told him the answer had it been possible? .-I would have, but I _ so busy then. Ahad been Bwere Cwas Dwould be3No decision _A_ about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed.Awill be madeBis madeCis being madeDhas been made4We can communicate_people in ever

3、y part of the world _the Internet.Awith;withBwith;throughCthrough;throughDthrough;with5He is good at a lot of things but it doesnt mean he is perfect. _ Actually no one is.AWhats going on?BLets get going.CThank goodness.DIm with you on that.6Do you really mean it when you say he will a good presiden

4、t?AjudgeBduitCturnDServe7If he _hard, he would have passed the exam.A were to work B had workedC should work D was to work8I think that this is the best mobile phone available in the world. No other one can _it.AcompareBmatchCproduceDwin9The new supermarket has announced that the first to purchase g

5、oods on the opening day _ get a big prize.AmustBcouldCwouldDshall10_ you have seen he is poor, you should understand why he has to take up two part-time jobs.AAs long asBUnlessCNow thatDWhile11The use of computers has made _ possible for more people to work at home.AitBthatCwhichDwhat12_ by many pot

6、ential customers, the salesman had to gather his courage and sell the product in different ways.A. Having deniedBDenyingCBeing deniedDHaving been denied13The days are gone physical strength was all you needed to make a livingAthatBwhenCwhereDwhich14 ,dear! Things wont be as bad as you think. There c

7、ertainly will be chances for you.AHurry upBLook upCCheer upDMake up15Once published, the novel was a(n) success and was soon translated into nine foreign languages.Aoccasional BinstantCconstant Dindividual16In my opinion, parents and teachers are supposed to set an example of good behavior to childr

8、en _ they are role models to them.AalthoughBeven ifCunlessDas17You will have to stay at home all day _ you finish all your homework. Aif Bunless Cwhether Dbecause18- How about _ plan to open a branch?- I should say it was _ failure.Aa; aBa; /Cthe; /Dthe; a19_to work overtime that evening,I missed a

9、wonderful film.AHaving been asked BTo askCHaving asked DTo be asked20Playing with their peers, children learn to and not do exactly what they want to do.Acompromise BcompeteCcontribute Dconstruct第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)These days I am on my very best behavior whenever

10、I leave the house. If I am wearing pantyhose(连裤袜), I double-check to ensure there is no hole on it. I drive thoughtfully as if Im being tested for a license. I wont even allow myself to frown when another driver is blocking my path.My kids have noticed my fear in public. “Why are you looking all aro

11、und, Mum?” they asked.“You cant be too careful,” I said. “Every single person around us is hiding one of cell phone cameras. They are glad to catch somebody doing something stupid or embarrassing. Then theyll put it on YouTube and a million people will see. Im not taking any chances.”“But I dont thi

12、nk anyone is interested in filming you putting on your lipstick for a YouTube video.” answered one kid.“Oh, really? Dont count me out so quickly.” I said.Actually, in some cases, I am all for public shaming. For example, I admire the cleverness of the man who put up a website where he posts photos o

13、f cars and license numbers of people who occupy two parking spots. And I take secret pleasure in photos of politicians with their fingers in their noses. Throwing light on bad behavior can awake the sleepy conscience(良知).But what about the poor guy who has already had a bad day at work and then lose

14、s his temper at a rude store clerk? What about the woman whose only crime is a terrible judgment error at the hairdresser? Do they deserve to have their images uploaded onto the Internet for all the world to see?None of this is new, of course. Allen Funt pioneered the art of catching people during u

15、nguarded moments back in the 1940s with “Candid Camera”. But theres a difference. On “Candid Camera”, people are set up in staged situations, such as riding in an elevator that goes sideways. And they must give permission before they enjoy their fifteen minutes of fame. Now we are a nation of Allen

16、Funts. This cant be a good thing.1、What is the author like?AShe is poor at driving.BShe is a very fashionable dresser.CShe is very cautious about her behavior.DShe is sick to death of others rudeness.2、What is the author truly afraid of?AMaking mistakes before her kids.BBeing filmed while doing some

17、thing stupid.CGetting involved in a quarrel with others.DWatching videos on YouTube.3、From the text, the author thinks it good_.Ato keep the poors mistakes secret.Bto download images from the Internet.Cto take pleasure in making funny videos.Dto make the public aware of bad behavior.4、What does the

18、underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggest?APeople can be easily caught in embarrassing moments.BWe are permitted to upload images onto the Internet.CIt was once a fashion to film people in unguarded moments.DCell phones make it convenient to catch illegal behavior.22(8分)How Did the Ancient C

19、hinese Keep Food Warm in Winter?Facilities like electric rice cookers, microwaves, and electric kettles, make it easy for people to keep food warm and enjoy a comfortable winter. So how did Chinese people in ancient times keep food warm in winter without these? In fact, ancient Chinese people used t

20、heir own methods of heat preservation as early as the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. “Wen Ding”, ancient rice cookerOne of the major functions of an electric rice cooker is to keep food warm. The “Wen Ding”, an ancient cooking container, served the same purpose, but instead of using electric energy, the

21、ancient cooking container preserved heat by burning fuels like charcoal.The “Wen Ding” unearthed in Nanjing in 1989 is thought to be the oldest of its kind discovered in China, dating back to the Stone Age. The craftsmanship of making the “Wen Ding” was developed in the Bronze Age. The bronze Ding f

22、rom the Shang and Zhou Dynasties took on different shapes and structures. “Ran Lu”, ancient small hot potThe “Ran Lu” is a small size cooking vessel (器皿) made of bronze, which can be divided into three parts. A charcoal stove forms the main structure, with a bottom tray to hold charcoal ashes, and a

23、 movable cup at the top. Some experts have concluded that the vessels structure suggests it may have been used as a small hot pot and that these vessels became popular in the Warring States Period (475221 BC). Bronze You, ancient kettleThe Bronze You was one of the most common wine containers during

24、 the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. The Bronze You can also be used to warm wine. For example, the Bronze You with beast mask design, unearthed in Jiangxi Province, has an opening where charcoal could be placed. Just as people today cant do without an electric kettle, the Bronze You allowed people to enj

25、oy a hot drink. Bronze Yan, ancient steamerAlthough the “Wen Ding” was effective at keeping food warm, the ancient Chinese people later found that its burning process produced pollution. As a result, the Bronze Yan made with a two-tier structure and used to steam rice and other grains. After the Eas

26、tern Han Dynasty (25AD-220AD), further improvements to the Bronze Yan led to the modern-day steamer.1、When did the “Ran Lu” become popular?AIn the Zhou Dynasty. BIn the Eastern Han Dynasty.CIn the Warring States Period. DIn the Stone Age.2、The Bronze You, unearthed in Jiangxi Province, has an openin

27、g to _.Aplace charcoal Bstore wineCpour water Dhold charcoal ashes3、What is the unique advantage of the Bronze Yan?AIt is warm. BIt is convenient.CIt is useful. DIt is environment-friendly.23(8分)Predictions about higher educations future often result in two very different visions about what is next

28、for colleges and universities. In one camp: those who paint a rosy picture of an economy that will continue to demand higher levels of education for an increasing share of the workforce. In the other: those who believe fewer people will enroll(入学)in college as tuition costs go out of control and alt

29、ernatives to the traditional degree emerge.“We are living in an age for learning, when theres so much knowledge available, that one would think that this is good news for higher education,” Bryan Alexander told me recently. Alexander writes often about the future of higher education and is finishing

30、 a book on the subject for Johns Hopkins University Press. “Yet weve seen enrollment in higher education drop for six years.”Alexander believes that for some colleges and universities to survive, they need to shift from their historical mission of serving one type of student (usually a teenager fres

31、h out of high school) for a specific period of time. “Were going to see many different ways through higher education in the future,” Alexander said, “from closer ties between secondary and postsecondary(中学后)schools to new options for adults. The question is, which institutions adopt new models and w

32、hich try desperately to hang on to what they have.”“The fact is that to maintain affordability, accessibility and excellence, something needs to change,” Rafael Bras, Georgia Techs provost (院长), told me when he unveiled the report at the Milken Institute Global Conference this past spring.The commis

33、sions report includes many impressive ideas, but three point to the possibility of a very different future for colleges and universities.1) College for life, rather than just four years. The primary recommendation of the Georgia Tech report is that the university turns itself into a place for lifelo

34、ng learning that allows students to “associate rather than enroll.”“Students who we educate now are expected to have a dozen occupations,” Bras said. “So a system that receives students once in their lives and turns them out with the Good Housekeeping seal(印章) of approval to become alums (校友) and co

35、me back on occasion and give money is not the right model for the future.”2) A network of advisers and coaches for a career. If education never ends, Georgia Tech predicts, neither should the critical advising function that colleges provide to students. The commission outlines a plan in which artifi

36、cial intelligence and virtual tutors help advise students about selecting courses and finding the best career options. But even for a university focused on science and technology, Georgia Tech doesnt suggest in its report that computers will replace humans for all advising.3) A distributed presence

37、around the world. Colleges and universities operate campuses and require students to come to them. In the past couple of decades, online education has grown greatly, but for the most part, higher education is still about face-to-face interactions.Georgia Tech imagines a future in which the two world

38、s are blended in what it calls the “atrium” a place that share space with entrepreneurs and become gathering places for students and alumni.In some ways, as the report noted, the atrium idea is a nod to the past, when universities had agricultural and engineering experiment stations with services cl

39、oser to where people in the state needed them.Whether Georgia Techs ideas will become real is, of course, unclear. But as Alexander told me after reading it, “There is a strong emphasis on flexibility and transformation so they can meet emergent trends.” This is clear: colleges and universities are

40、about to undergo a period of deep change whether they want to or not as the needs of students and the economy shift.1、What can we learn from the two camps opinions about future colleges?AFuture workforce will have high levels of education.BThe expensive traditional degree is losing its appeal.CTradi

41、tional higher education is not practical.DDeclining enrollment in college results from easy learning.2、What should traditional colleges do according to Alexander?AThey should provide new options for adults to enter colleges.BThe should strengthen the ties between secondary and postsecondary schools.

42、CThey should abandon what they have and change their historical mission.DThey should offer more freedom to students throughout their life.3、What can we infer from the commissions report?AStudents can return for further study or make donations freely after graduation.BArtificial intelligence and virt

43、ual tutors will perform better in career guidance.CIt focuses on how to make people enjoy good education without stress.DThere is no point in requiring students to be present at school.4、The underlined words “two worlds” refer to _.ABasic education and higher educationBentrepreneurs and studentsCpre

44、sent education and future educationDvirtual education and real classes5、What does the author think of atrium idea?AIt corresponds to the past idea in some way.BIt is hard to realize despite its flexibility.CIt makes some industries more accessible.DIt is a practical solution to the declining enrollm

45、ent.6、The passage mainly talks about _.Aa reflection on the drawbacks of current higher educationBthe key factors which determine higher educations futureCtwo camps opposite opinions abouthigher educationsfutureDa comparison between traditional and future higher education24(8分) Humans and many other

46、 mammals have unusually efficient internal temperature regulating systems that automatically maintain stable core body temperatures in cold winters and warm summers. In addition, people have developed cultural patterns and technologies that help them adjust to extremes of temperature and humidity (湿

47、度).In very cold climates, there is a constant danger of developing hypothermia, which is a life-threatening drop in core body temperature to below normal levels. The normal temperature for humans is about 37.0CHowever, differences in persons and even the time of day can cause it to be as much as 6C

48、higher or lower in healthy individuals. It is also normal for core body temperature to be lower in elderly people. Hypothermia begins to occur when the core body temperature drops to 34.4CBelow 29.4C, the body cools more rapidly because its natural temperature regulating system usually fails. The ra

49、pid decline in core body temperature is likely to result in death. However, there have been rare cases in which people have been saved after their temperatures had dropped to 13.9-15.6CThis happened in 1999 to a Swedish woman who was trapped under an ice sheet in freezing water for 80 minutes. She w

50、as found unconscious, not breathing, and her heart had stopped beating, yet she was eventually saved despite the fact that her temperature had dropped to 13.7CIn extremely hot climates or as a result of uncontrollable infections, core body temperatures can rise to equally dangerous levels. This is h

51、yperthermia. Life-threatening hyperthermia typically starts in humans when their temperatures rise to 40.6-41.7COnly a few days at this extraordinarily high temperature level is likely to result in the worsening of internal organs and death.1、What keeps our body temperature stable?ACulture and techn

52、ologies.BThe stable earth temperature.COur strong determination.DSome kind of in-body system.2、What is a Swedish woman mentioned for in the text?AProving the strength of life.BArguing against some conclusion.CShowing the limit on humans body temperature.DIntroducing an exceptional case about our bod

53、y temperature.3、Which of the following may cause hyperthermia?AExtreme climates.BVery cold climates.CControllable infections.DTemperatures below 29.4C4、What can be a suitable title for the text?AHumans Temperature Regulating SystemBChanges of Body TemperaturesCHumans TemperatureDA Ice Trap Survivor2

54、5(10分)Researchers continue to show the power behind our sense of smell. Recent studies have found, among other things, that the smell of foods like pizza can cause uncontrollable anger in drivers on roads.The review explains that smell is unique in its effects on the brain. According to Conrad King,

55、 the researcher who carried out the review, “more than any other senses, the sense of smell goes through the logical part of the brain and acts on the systems concerned with feelings. This is why the smell of baking bread can destroy the best intentions of a dieter.”Smell, which dictates(决定) the unb

56、elievable complexity of food tastes, has always been the least understood of our senses. Our noses are able to detect up to 10,000 distinct smells. Our ability to smell and taste this extremely large range of smells is controlled by something like 1,000 genes (基因), which make up an amazing 3% of the

57、 human genome. Researchers Richard Axel and Linda Buck were together awarded a Nobel Prize in 2004 for their ground-breaking research on the nature of this extraordinary sense. These two scientists were the first to describe the family of 1,000 olfactory (嗅觉) genes and to explain how our olfactory s

58、ystem works.According to one study in the research review, smelling fresh pizza or even the packaging of fast foods can be enough to make drivers feel impatient with other road users. They are then more likely to speed and experience uncontrollable anger on roads. The most reasonable explanation is

59、that these can all make drivers feel hungry, and therefore desperate to satisfy their appetites.In contrast, the smells of peppermint and cinnamon were shown to improve concentration levels as well as reduce drivers impatience. Similarly, the smells of lemon and coffee appeared to promote clear thin

60、king and mental focus.However, the way genes regulate smell differs from person to person. A study by researchers in Israel has identified at least 50 olfactory genes which are switched on in some people and not in others. They believe this may explain why some of us love some smells and tastes whil


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