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1、最新电大学位英语考试精篇复习资料 小抄版 词汇与语法: A、B开头:(At first) she seemed to find As they cant .necessary (steps) All the evidence .face (that)he is Are you.it(fixed)-Are you going to. are (far too) expensive.At that time,she (was) on a . A pair of spectacles (is) what.According to a recent .(watching)TV As the bus c

2、ame round the cornor,it ran into a bigBefore the War of Independence,the United States was an English colony. C、D、E、F开头: China is .is (much)to DO you think(that)IDo you know (how to say it) in English Dont forget(to take)yourDont forget itll .(Ive spoken) in publicDont trust him,(no matter that) he

3、says. -Do you want to wait? .(is) too long for me.During the future . (making) such mistakesEither the.sweater (is)a good buyEngland is an island.(It.its) climate is.February 12th.day(on which)we Fish cant live (without) waterFruit is one of . and (delicious) foods. G、H开头:I need.Generally speaking,.

4、(whatever) he or.His example(indicates) thatHe liked to swim(and to play football) He (helps) me do the workHe was drinking pop (while) the rest of .He (sets aside) a sunHe is not a child (any more) He (wrote) to me last weekHe talks as if he (knew) everything. He (wrote) to me last week. Helen was

5、.car(accident)How is he.-oh,he is on the(way)to becomingHow (can) you say that.He looked quite healthy .was (in his seventies)He has smoked for .can (hardly) give it upHe suddenly left for.,(which) was more.Henry is often seen (to read) English. I开头:It is a teachers.students(feels) It is possible to

6、 .()It was a great pleasure (for) me tobe .It has o(power)in that country I telephoned .to make (sure) of I thought that .(is) the best policy I took.didnt (work)I (have been) to Shanghai once I (wish) I were a bird.I feel and hurt.(was playing) basketball.I telephoned .make (sure)of the I c

7、ouldnt.dictionary(anywhere) I dont konw.(giving)herI dont konw (how) to deal with. I wouldnt rely (on) him if I were you Ive never been.place(I most want to visit)I have never (heard from) him since . I wont make the (same) mistake next timeI didnt know that . (occurred) to me If I dont (answer) the

8、 phone home. In the (course) of the lecture. J、L开头:John succeeded(in getting)whatJenny is learning.(So is) her brother James Watt (invented) the steam engine -Jim is (never) late for scool. Listen!who(is singing)in (Let) him goM、N、O、P开头:Mary told me that she(had gone) Mary told.she (had gone) to the

9、My wallet is .I (must have dropped it)when.Mathematics (is) study or science. Nancy is considered to be (as intelligent as) the other.None of them tells us (how to do it),so we.One needs a good.of(balance)toPeter blems(that he made)a lotProfessor Smith promised to look over my paper,that i

10、s,toread it carefully before the defence.Our house is about a mile from the railway stationand there are not many houses in between 。On average,a successful lawyer has to talk toseveral elients a day.S开头:She was awarded .(prize) for his She leaned (against) theSome TV .are(frightening)and full (Seve

11、ral million) people in the world. Something (has gone wrong) with my bikeSend him to the bakers (to buy) the breadShanghai is really . for (another) two weeks T开头:The reason why .stopped was (that the road was slippery)(That)this is an event ofThese flowers (give off) a fragrant This kind of plant (

12、requires) a lot of This train is going(through)the This is nothing (to) do with the . This river is so big . a (tunnel) .The bicycle you saw isnt (his).It belongs to (her).The boy is not happy . (few) friends there The girl sometimes.difficulty (understanding) whatThe number of .people (are gersuade

13、d) to eatThe audience(are)dressed im-The public store is to . (There is). The morale.ctew (was)very The car(will be going)atThe policeman.she(show)herThe policeman needs to see (either) your.The Japanese(on)averageThe machine.so something(must have gone)The machine is on sale.,at (any) chemistsTwo m

14、en suddenly.(forcing)her to The test is.(whose)nativeTown Hall is. -(Can it be seen)form hereThis is the (best) photo I have. There (is ) a book and .Twenty people were (seriously) wounded in the air .The students were all enterained in a Mexican restaurant,at Professor Braians_expense .Tom,what did

15、 you do with my documents?I have never seen such a mess and disorder!31. Tow thousand dollars Is enough for the car .32. They have learned abouthundreds of English words_in recent years.101. Two days is not enough for him. He needs a thirdday.102.The red flower goes from one to another in the class.

16、103. The computer system broke down suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.104. Theres lots of fruit on the tree. Our little cat is105. How can he hear;_if he is not listening ?106. In ?general, the northerners have a particular liking for dumplingswhile the southerners are

17、fond of rice. 22. Mike is better than Peter at 107. Theres no need turning off the swimming. Mike比Peter。radio as108. How much has the 23. The baby is hungry, but theres company brought in this year? littlemilk in the bottle.109. The old houses are being make 24. Nancy is an eighteen-year-old girl. r

18、oom for a new office 25. Harry, who had failed in the final 110. The Chinese are highly thought of exam, had a great worry on his mind. both in and 26. Do you know the man lying under 111. Would you like something to the apple tree? drink ? 27. Is the library open now? No, its 112. The wild flowers

19、looked like a soft closed. covering 28. When shall we meet again? Make it any day you like. Its all the same to me. 29. The girl dressed in black is her sister U、W、Y开头:Rose. Uncle Sam (new red sports)bicycle30. Although he did no know, wayeasily We moved to London(so that)weenoughto the We are next-

20、door (neighbors)We watched the plane (disappearing) 33. With his work completed, themanager stepped back to his seat, feeling behind the clouds.pleased that he was a man of action.。 We finally (reached) an agreement.We offered him our congratulations (on) 34. Who is she_? Shes our history his . teac

21、her. -(What) is your girl. 35. Today?s weather is Much worse than Whats the weather yesterdays. forecast(for)tomorrow 36. It is said that quite a few_boys in When Laura finally . (for coming) so your school like playing football in their late spare time, though others prefer -Write to me when you .I

22、 (will). basketball.You look sunburnt,John (Did you sit) in 37. Whats his mother like? She s tall the sun? and thin . Yesterday was (such a beautiful) day 38 The new order means that we . working_overtime. You had better (see) a doctor. 39. She has two best friends Neither_of Young (as) he is,he . t

23、hem is in the country. What is the train fare to Birmingham? 40.I was giving a talk to a large group ofprople,the same talk I had given to half a 词汇与构造If she wants to stay thin,she must mak dozen other groups before.41. When the railway is completed, we achange in herYou shouldntkill your time like

24、will be able to get to town much easily.42. You will have to buy some reference that,Bob;you have to.Did you notice the guywhose head books when you go to college.43. He did t pass the final examination. looked like a big13.Both the kids and their parents_are He ought go have prepared for it.44The a

25、tmosphere consists ofcertain English,I think.I14.Never before did I see such a terrible gases mixed together in definite car accidont on proportions.15.Johns fatherhas taught mathematics 45Neither John nor his father was able in this school ever since he graduated to wake up early enough to catch th

26、e from Harvard University. morning train.16.Every year thousands of livesare 46. You dont mind my calling you Xiao lostin road accidents Li , do you ?17.The young lady coming over to us 47. The girl is something of a film star. must be our English teacher;the way she 48. Charles regretted buying the

27、 TV set walks tells us that! last year, The price has now come 18.Had you come five minutos down .earlier,you_would have caught the 49. I have the complacent feeling thattrain to Birmingham. But now you I m highly intelligent. missed it. 50. It was on the beach that Miss White 19.Eggs,though rich in

28、 have_a large found the kid lying dead. amount of fat. 51. We all thought it pity that you were 20.No matter how hard it was snowing , unable to attend our meeting.21. I dont know the park, but its said to 52. I had my meals broughtwhen I was be quite beautiful. ill in bed with a bad cold.53. What a

29、 bad memory Ive got! I evenforgot taking the book with me.54. The dean of the Philosophy Department requested that the visiting scholar give a lecture on the philosopher Sartre.55. After the Minister of Education had finished speaking at the press conference, he was made to answerall sorts of awkwar

30、d questions.56. Jane s dress is similar in design to her sister s.57. I was satisfied with her explanation, so were my classmates .58. The sports meeting was put off till the next week because of rain.59. I will count three hundred and not one of you is to move a bit.60. His salary as a driver is mu

31、ch higher than that of a porter。61. Its time we started the lecture because everybody has arrived. .62. Besides these honours he received a sum of money.63. Would you let me go to the park with my classmate, Mum?64. The policeman gave the thief a blow in the stomach.65. I have been looking forward t

32、o hearing from my parents.66. A police officer claimed that the young man had attempted to avoid paying his fare.67. While I was in the university, I learned taking a photo, which is very useful now for me.68. This kind of material expands with the temperature increasing.69. People at the party worr

33、ied about him, because no one was aware of where he had gone.70. A sudden noise of a fire-engine made him hurry to the door.71. I wish everyone would attend the meeting tomorrow. 72. You object to their coming, dont you?73. Having finished his examination of the patient, the doctor wrote out a presc

34、ription.74. Each person at the reunion was required to talk to other relatives to find out if they would buy one of the histories if it were printed.75. Hardly had he come on stage whenthe audience started cheering. 76. There was so much noise in the classroom that the teacher couldnt make himself h

35、eard .77. It is the best that I have seen.78. The old lady is quarrelling with others as if she were mad.79. My wallet is nowhere to be found. I must have dropped it in the store.80. I would rather you had come here two weeks earlier.81. The manager will not allow us to see use his car.82. Watch her

36、 and then try to copy what she does.83. Will you do me a favor, please? 84. Its bad behavior for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.85. Its a good idea. But whos is going to carry out the plan?86. Before the final examination, some students have shown signs of tension. Th

37、ey even have trouble in sleeping. 87. The problem is not nearly so easy as you think. Its far from being settled. 88. Its time to tidy your room, Harry! See the tidy room, Mum! _ Everything _is where it should be.89. What will you buy for your boyfriends birthday?I want to buy a small black leather

38、wallet for him.90. The young actor who had been thought highly of turned out to be a great disappointment.91. He is fond of playing the piano while his brother is interested in listening to / music.92. Dont you feel surprised to see George at the meeting? Yes. I really didnt think he would be here.9

39、3. Children under fifteen are not permitted to see such kind of movies as is bad for their mental development. 94. Nancy was badly injured in the accident yesterday and she was sent to hospital.Oh, really? I didnt know . I will go to visit her.95. Take this medicine twice a day, Peter?Do I have to t

40、ake it? It _ tastes so terrible.96. The young are interested in pop music.97. Important as his discovery might be, it was regarded as a matter of no account in his time.98. Why does he look sad?There are so many problems remaining to be settled.99. The physics exam is not difficult, is it??Yes. Even

41、 Harry belonging to the top students failed in it.100.Not having prepared tomorrows lessons, Frank has no time to go out with his friends.113. What is the population of Paris? 114. As the busiest woman there, she made it her duty to look after all theother peoples affairs in that town. shelter and p

42、rotection without which I 115. It was getting darker and darker _, _C would have died of hunger.48. This article deals with the natural he had to stop to have a rest116. This overcoat cost too much . phenomenon which _D_ it is most Whats more, they are much too small interesting to everyone.49. He s

43、tudied hard in his youth, _B_ it for me.117. The film brought the hours back to contributed to his great success in later me . when I was taken good care of in life.50. The population of many Alaskan that remote village.118. -Did the medicine make you feel cities has _C_ more than doubled inthe past

44、 three years. better?-No. The more medicine I take , the 51. Hes determined to finish the job_Bhowever long it takes. worse I feel.119 It is not until you have lost your 52. Hardly ever _C do people get agood job these days without a good health that you know its value.120. Its high time that he set

45、tled down education.53. Nowhere else in the world _C_ can in the country and started a new liyou find more attractive scenery thanin Switzerland. Test 146. Jean did not have time to go to the 54. Children learn best by studying at concert last night because she was busy their own_A rate.55. The comm

46、ittee is due to _A_ release _C preparingfor her examination.47. The computer doesnt work well, so its report by the end of this year.something _C must have gone wrong. 56. She is an only child, but they didnt 48. Although Mary is satisfied with her really_C spoil her. A. hurt success, she wonders_C

47、what will 57. His parents _D_ deniedhim theopportunity to go to university. happen to her private life49. The concert usually takes place at 58. _D_ Despite all our efforts to save the Peoples Square, with the audience the school, the authorities decided toclose it. _B_ seated on the ground.50 If th

48、e whole program _D had not 59. For a successful business, friendly been planned _ beforehand, a great and _C efficient staff are essential. deal of time and money would have 60. To_C_promote their new shampoo,they are selling it at half price for a been lost.51. Isnt it about the time you _A began m

49、onth.Test 3 to do morning exercises?52. I am very grateful to you for what 46. Air pollution _A being greatly youve given me and _D_ all that you reduced, this city is still a good place tolive in. have done for me.53. It was not until she had arrived home 47. Many Americans worry about leisure _B t

50、hat she remembered her and hurry from one activity to the next,_B_ leaving little time to stop and appointment with the doctor.54. Determined to _A carry on as if think.everything were normal, he responded 48. I wont be able to attend the meetingtonight because_C_ I will be teaching a with a kind of

51、 indifference.55. He _C managed to arrange a loan class.49. Great changes _A_ have taken place through a finance company.56. Jack is good , kind, hard working in our institute in the last few years.and intelligent. _B_ In a word, I cant 50. If the building project _C_ to becomplete by the end of thi

52、s month is speak too highly of him.57. I _D_ put off going to the doctor, delayed, the construction company willbe fined. but I wish I hadnt.58. Young children often cant _B 51. _A_ To give a teacher in a distinguish _ between TV programs university, it is necessary to have at leasta masters degree.

53、 and commercials.59. The morning paper _A_ carried a 52. I dont know why she avoids _C_ story about demonstrations in New York giving her opinion on the subject.53. If I had remembered _A_ to close and Washington D.C.60. And what we got to _C_ put up with the window, the thief would not have gotin.

54、is a disgrace.54.Cambridge has announced plan to Test 246. TOEFL is a test for students_C_ establish a business school _B_ offeringthe masters degree in business whose native language is not English.47. He told me how he had given me administration.开展以“科学发展挖穷根”为主题旳解放思想大讨论活动,是抢抓机遇、科学发展、做好本职、奋力向前旳活动,是


56、方公里,城区人口达到11.5万人,城乡化水平达到28%,城区绿地覆盖面积达到66万平方米, 顺利通过了省级卫生县城验收。但按照科学发展观旳规定来衡量,仍然存在着都市规模小、基本设施配套和管理不到位、城乡建设不协调等不符合、不适应科学发展旳突出问题,必须切实加以整治完善,建立符合科学发展观旳体制机制,推动都市建设持续健康发展。二、科学推动都市建设管理科学推动都市建设,规划是龙头,建设是基本,管理是核心。按照“持续、完善、巩固、提高”旳规定,在具体实践中解决好四个方面旳关系。一是统筹规划与建设旳关系。在都市开发建设中,要一方面保证规划旳龙头地位,统筹协调都市人口、产业基本设施、生态环境和资源等都市



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