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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业九年级英语词性/词形变化Unit 11.help n. help v. helpful adj. 2.speak speaking spoken speaker 3.read reader 4.quick quickly 5.main mainly 6.mean meaning 7.probable probably 8.difficult difficulty 9.call called 10.name named 11.fun funny 12.expess exp

2、ression 13.cover discover 14.interest interesting interested 15.bore boring bored 16.relax relaxing relaxed 17.real really 18.much more most 19. loud loudly aloud 20.understand understanding 21.use useful 22.increase raise rise 23.create creative 24.good well 25.active activity 26.success successful

3、 successfully succeed 27.night overnight 28.time times 29.wise wisely 30.write writer learn learner read reader 31.agree disagree 32.worry worried 33.develop development developing developed 34.easy easily 35.life longlife 36.advice suggestion information news 37.important importance Unit 21.wonder

4、wonderful 2.whether weather 3.strange stranger 4.true truly truth 5.luck lucky luckily 6.miss miss Miss. 7.tradition traditional 8.touch touching 9.god goddess 10.celebrate celebration 11.medicine medical 12.thank thankful 13.lay laid laid 14.lie lay lain 15.busy business 16.die dead death 17.care c

5、areful carefully 18.care careless carelessly 19.visit visitor 20.scary scared 21.happy happiness 22.decide decision 23.warm warmth 24.begin beginning 25.popular popularity 26. difference different differently 27.magic magician 28.special specially 29.culture cultural 30.foreign foreigner Unit 31.bes

6、ide besides 2.left left 3.right right 4.ride ride 5.normal normally 6.scary scared 7.suggest suggestion 8.late later latest lately 9.naer nearby 10.east eastern 11.south southern 12.hungry hunger 13.expensive inexpensive 14.crowded uncrowded 15.safe safety 16.polite politely 17. impolite impolitely

7、18.direct director 19. direct direction directly 20.correct correctly 21.speak speaker speaking spoken 22.who whom 23.include including 24.lead leader municate communication 26.post poster 27.please pleased pleasant 28.possible possibly 29.active activity 30.travel traveler 31.noise noisy 32.surpris

8、e surprised 33.tour tourist 34.clean clean 35.advice advise Unit 41.fun funny 2.use useful used 3.help help helpful 4.silence silent 5.friend friendly friendship 6.quite quiet 7.shy shyness 8.crowd crowded uncrowded 9.able unable disabled 10.appear disappear 11.care careful carefully careless carele

9、ssly 12.possible impossible possibly 13.most almost 14.slow slowly 15.prepare preparation 16.normal normally 17. success successful successfully succeed 18.China Chinese Japan Japanese America American Africa African Europe European English British 19.little less least 20.speak speech speaker speaki

10、ng spoken 21.hard hard hardly hardly ever 22.difficult difficulty difficulties 23.alone lonely 24.happy unhappy happiness unhappiness 25.absence absent 26.exam examinate examination 27.decide decision 28.advice advise 29.peron personal 30.exact exactly municate communication 32.active activity 33.im

11、portant importance 34.last last 35.introduct introduction 36.interest interesting interested relax relaxing relaxed bore boring bored excite exciting excited tire tiring tired surprise surprising surprised 37.main mainly remain Unit 51.wood wooden 2.paper paper 3.steel steal 4.fair unfair fairy 5.en

12、vironment environmental 6.protect protection 7.paint painting 8.leave leaves 9.science scientist 10.produce production 11.difference different 12.wide widely wise wisely polite politely impolite impolitely 13.know known 14.health healthy 15.busy business 16.visit visitor 17.everyday every day 18.cov

13、er discover like dislike agree disagree 19.with without 20.Germany German 21.post postman poster postcard 22.internation international interview internet 23.form from 24.beauty beautiful beautifully 25.celebrate celebration 26.rise raise increase 27.happy happiness unhappy unhappiness 28.wish wishes

14、 29.luck lucky luckily 30.live lively 31.love lovely 32.history historical plete completely 34.usual unusual usually 35.invite invitation 36.class classic 37.night midnight overnight pete competition competitor Unit 61.invent inventor invention 2.word world 3.please pleased pleasant pleasure 4.day d

15、aily diary 5. wide widely wise wisely polite politely impolite impolitely 6.accident accidental 7.drink drink drinking water 8.near nearly 9.boil boiling 10.leave leaves 11.main mainly remain 12.sometimes some times sometime some time 13.describe description 14.appear disappear 15.national internati

16、onal 16.trade trader 17.popular popularity 18.culture cultural nature natural 19.understand understanding 20.with without 21.translate translation 22.advice advise 23.safe safety 24.sudden suddenly 25.music musical 26.salt salty 27.active activity 28.enjoy enjoyable 29.history historical 30.create c

17、reative 31.play player 32.some same 33.hard hard hardly hardly ever 34.information message news advice Unit 71.choose choice 2.sixteen years old sixteenyearold sixteenyearolds 3.worry worried 4.safe safety 5.cloth clothing clothes 6.ill silly 7.ring earring 8.sleep asleep sleepy 9.homework housework

18、 schoolwork 10.look look look 11.protect protection 12.discuss discussion 13.hungry hunger 14.warm warmth 15.danger dangerous 16.fall fell feel felt 17.bad badly 18.teen teenager 19.pass past 20.write writer learn learner read reader 21.poem poet 22.society social munity communicate communication 24

19、.decide decision 25.educate education 26.older elder 27.run runner running 28. profession professional professor 29.train train training 30.again against 31.university universe 32.fair unfair fairy 33.achieve achievement Unit 81.cloth clothes clothing 2.who whom whose 3.truck duck 4.attention attend

20、 5.value valuable 6.rest rest test best 7.live alive lively 8.round around 9.happen happening 10.interview international internet 11.noise noisy noise-maker 12.strange strangely stranger wide widely wise wisely polite politely impolite impolitely live lively 13.worry worried 14.maybe may be 15.easy

21、uneasy easily 16.neighbor neighborhood 17.way away 18.sleep asleep sleepy 19.crowded uncrowded 20.express expression 21.circle bicycle 22.history historian historical 23.visit visitor 24.rise raise increase 25.lead leader 26. community communicate communication 27.true truth truly 28.direct directly

22、 direction director 29.medicine medical 30.ill illness silly 31.health healthy 32.special 特殊的/专门的 specially (反义词: general一般的)especial 特别的/主要的/突出的 especially (反义词: ordinay普通的)33.build building 34.victor victory 35.volunteer volunteer 36.center central 37.color color colorful 38.right right left left

23、39.plan planner planning run runner running Unit 91.long along 2.electronic electricity 3.quite quiet 4.music musician musical 5.difference different differently 6.loud aloud loudly 7. noise noise-maker noisy 8.week weekly weekday weekend 9.relax relaxing relaxed tire tiring tired amaze amazing amaz

24、ed 10. direct directly direction director 11.down down 12.end ending 13.fun funny 14.sudden suddenly 15.sad sadder sadness red redder 16.certain certainly 17.act actor actress action active activity 18.supermarket superhero 19.alone lonely 20.scary scared 21.describe description fortable uncomfortab

25、le expensive inexpensive 23.clear clearly 24.usual unusual usually 25.main mainly remain 26.move moving touch touching 27. special 特殊的/专门的 specially (反义词: general一般的)especial 特别的/主要的/突出的 especially (反义词: ordinay普通的) 28.pain painful 29.sound sound 30.die dead death 31.marry get married be married 32.

26、perform performer performance 33.life longlife lifetime 34.popular popularity 35.beauty beautiful 36.strange stranger strangely 37.experience experience 38.national international 39.call recall tell retell Unit 101.wow cow bow 2.make cake lake take shake 3.invite invitation 4.fun funny 5.happen happ

27、ening 6.polite politely impolite impolitely 7.turn return call recall tell retell 8.surprise surprising surprised relax relaxing relaxed tire tiring tired amaze amazing amazed interest interesting interested 9.find mind kind 10.value valuable 11.stop shop drop 12.friend friendly friendship 13.plan p

28、lanning planner run running runner 14.important importance 15.tie lie die 16.pass passport 17.eastern southern western northern 18.coat coast 19. society social 20.possible impossible 21.forgeign forgeigner 22.understand understanding 23.manner runner winner planner winner 24.birth birthday 25.stick

29、 chopsticks 26. information message news advice 27.change exchange 28.actual actually 29. comfortable uncomfortable 30.have behave 31.cut cut 32.difference different differently 33.strange strangely wise wisely wide widely polite politely impolite impolitely 34.suggest suggestion Unit 111.would coul

30、d should 2.sleep asleep sleepy 3.late later latest lately 4. friend friendly friendship 5.happy happiness unhappy unhappiness 6.bad badly 7.king queen 8.exam examine examination 9.either neither 10.power powerful 11.bank bank banker 12.wealth health 13.worry worried 14.care careful carefully care ca

31、reless carelessly 15.importance important 16. comfortable uncomfortable 17.rubblish litter 18.sudden suddenly 19.general generally 20.weigh weight high height 21.should shoulder 22.alone lonely 23.Miss miss miss 24.down down 25.probable probably 26.beside besides 27. manner runner planner winner 28.

32、teammate classmate schoolmate deskmate workmate 29.courage encourage 30.pull full 31.agree disagree agreement 32.luck lucky unlucky luckily 33.advice advise 34.disappoint disappointment disappointing disappointed 35.sure pressure 36.experience experience Unit 121.expect expected unexpected unexpecte

33、dly 2.oversleep stay up late 3.ready already 4.wake awake 5.of off 6.quick quickly 7.cloth clothes clothing 8.tooth teeth foot feet 9.lift left 10.east least 11.full fill 12.build building 13.decide decision 14.line online 15.loud aloud loudly 16.dislike disagree disbelief disappear disappoint 17.ri

34、se raise increase 18.running planning burning 19.live alive lively 20. late later latest lately 21.stare start e become 23.collect collection 24.week weekly weekday weekend workday 25.fish finish 26.fool fool 27.invite invitation 28. embarrass embarrassing embarrassed surprise surprising surprised r

35、elax relaxing relaxed tire tiring tired amaze amazing amazed interest interesting interested 29.change exchange 30.trick stick 31.introduct introduction 32.celebrate celebration 33.difference different differently 34.farm farming farmer 35.cross across 36.cover discover discovery 37.costume customer

36、 38.once once 39. marry get married be married 40.happy happiness unhappy unhappiness 41.end ending 42.describe description 43.believe believable 44.true truly truth 45.create creative 46.accident accidental 47. luck lucky unlucky luckily Unit 131.loud aloud loudly 2.rubbish litter 3.noise sound voi

37、ce 4.pollute pollution 5.bottle bottom 6.fish fish fisherman 7.bad badly 8.real really 9.cut cut 10.advantage disadvantage 11.health healthy 12.wood wooden 13. difference different differently 14. act actor actress action active activity 15.expensive inexpensive 16. special 特殊的/专门的 specially (反义词: g

38、eneral一般的)especial 特别的/主要的/突出的 especially (反义词: ordinay普通的)17.eastern southern western northern 18.bin fin 19.cure curel 20.harm harmful 21.environment environmental 22.die dead death 23.danger dangerous endanger endangered 24. believe believable 25.trade trader 26.protect protection 27.govern government 28.science scientist scientific 29.develop development developing developed 30.strong strongly 31. dislike disagree disbelief disappear disappoint 32.sale sell 33.help help helpful 34.use reuse r


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