财务制度sky.06.it system change control policyIT系统变更管理制度_第1页
财务制度sky.06.it system change control policyIT系统变更管理制度_第2页
财务制度sky.06.it system change control policyIT系统变更管理制度_第3页
财务制度sky.06.it system change control policyIT系统变更管理制度_第4页




1、ITITSystemChangeControl1目的eEffectively control and manage IT system changes, perform detailed examination and overchangestotheproductionsystemenvironmentastoreduceITITSystemChangeControl1目的eEffectively control and manage IT system changes, perform detailed examination and overchangestotheproductions

2、ystemenvironmentastoreducerisksbroughtbythechangesand to increase IT system stability.2适用范围IT 适用于本公司的ITd to Sky Solar and its subsidiaries. Other subsidiaries may establish localized IT system change management standard as based on this standard.d to the following systems: Production -production Sys

3、tem, and 3定义Change management procedure: The procedure beginning from the change applicationtotheactualchangeheproductionChange request application: Request of the changes with identification of the change reasonofthechanges,change owner,scheduleofthechanges,andrelatedrisks,Change initiator: Applica

4、nt of system changes in charge of application, coordinationofsystemion 风险等级Risk1文件名IT系统变更管理制ITSystemChangeControl文Doc 版生效日Effective拟制责Prepared文件审Risk Level 1: The system changes are expected to have impact to global users and business. For le, operating system upgrade for core business server, core

5、software ion and material changesRisk Level 1: The system changes are expected to have impact to global users and business. For le, operating system upgrade for core business server, core software ion and material changes or hardware upgrade for network 2:区域性用户和非关键性业务可能会受到中等程度的影响。例如,关键的补丁程序分发,RiskLe

6、vel2:Thesystemchangesareexpectedtohavemoderateimpacttoregionalusers-core business. For le, delivery of key patches, adding new application ,-coreapplicationserveroperatingsystemupgrade,immaterialchangesfornetworkRisk Level 3: The system changes are expected to have limited or immaterial impact. erru

7、pt-coreapplicationRiskLevel4:Thesystem changesareexpectedtohavenoimpactoverrelevant IT application system: Systems including production infrastructure-production system 4职责 Corporate IT department is in charge of drafting, confirming and updating related managementpolicyonperiodic各运行中ITAll IT system

8、 changes described in the above section are requirementsetbythisto the 5内容变更申请的提交和批准/Changerequestsubmitand所有提交到ITIT总监All change requests ernal change applications, which are submitted to IT shouldbeapprovedbyrelatedbusinessdepartmentheadandglobalITdirectorviasignatureFor changes related to IT infra

9、structure, related systems dependency over the should be identified and evaluated as to avoid potential risks brought by the changes. changerequestapplicationshouldfollowthechangeapprovalprocedureSufficient testing should be conducted prior of actual change negativeimpactbroughtbythechangestotheprod

10、uctionion changerequestapplicationshouldfollowthechangeapprovalprocedureSufficient testing should be conducted prior of actual change negativeimpactbroughtbythechangestotheproductionion as to Whenbeingrejected,the change requestapplication shouldbemarkedas “notapproved”returnedtotheapplicant.Theappl

11、icant shouldprovideadditionalpersuasiveinformation when updating and submitting the revised change request.变Changes can only be implemented after receiving final confirmation and approval over the change application.变更实施/ChangeChangesshouldbey 。Evaluation over the potential impact brought to IT appl

12、ication system by the system shouldbeperformedpriorofactualionofthechanges.nelofthe system hechangesshouldbepre-informedoftheevaluationChange solution and effect should be confirmed by the user or relevant people prior iontoproductionenvironment. ITdepartmentshould arrangeand provide usertrainingasb

13、asedonuserrequestswhenconsideredA notice should be sent out to users who will be impacted by the change before ion. The notice should cover at least the following information: change rangeoftheexpectedimpact,impactduration,systemrestorationtime,risklevel,Actual change ion to production environment should follow the required stepsandproceduresastoensureappropriateAfter actual change o the production environment, testing should performed After actual change o the production environment, testing should performed to examine if the chan


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