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1、外文翻译MMElf型磨粉机设计【摘要】就MME新型磨粉机的特点,如外观布局、铸铁底座、磨辗组自承 研磨力、弹性张紧结构、变频喂料系统、刮刀清理等进行了简要说明和分析。【关键词】磨粉机;磨辗;变频喂料系统1. MM理磨粉机的介绍MME磨粉机是2005年推出的一种新机型,该机是在MDDK磨粉机近十年的实践基础之上,吸收国内外的先进经验,开发的一种新型磨粉机,较MDDK磨粉机有如下特点:1)外观合乎人机工程学原理,门式外置开启,在工作中检查、更换元件方 便,省力。铸铁底座综合性能优良2)观察筒成椭圆锥形。椭圆形观察筒不仅外形美观,而且没有死角,改进 存料条件,不易粘料。3)轧距调节省力、容易。调节原

2、理不同,改变了受力点,在开机状态下, 容易调节到理想状态。4)轧距调节机构气动锁紧。目前国内外磨粉机几乎全部为机械锁紧, MME 磨粉机实现为气动锁紧,操作方便,绝对锁紧。5)独特的弹性自动补偿齿楔带张紧装置。该装置能自动补偿带长度的微量 变化提高带的使用寿命。6)刮刀清理自动分离机构。当磨粉机磨辗离轧时,刮刀与磨辗自动分离, 杜绝刮刀与磨辗在无料情况下直接磨擦, 保护磨辗,提高刮刀使用寿命。7)简捷的喂料辗清理单元。喂料辗不须外移就能很方便地清理喂料辗后的 积垢,活动清理单元,改善了磨粉机内卫生状况,降低了装配和维修难 度。2.独特的外形设计1)磨粉机外形磨粉机的机体高度、磨辗中心高度、微调

3、手轮中心高度、外罩分体高度、机体过渡半径、外罩圆弧半径及整体外形比例分配等技术参数分别是通过形象设计进行的;该机的外观设计获国家专利,专利号为ZL 01 3 4997216。2)进料筒进料筒为椭圆锥形,采用优质有机玻璃板整体模压成型,不仅外形美观、便 于观察,而且能更好地使物料均匀自流地分布到喂料辗的全长上。3)旋转护罩磨粉机两侧护罩采用旋转开门式结构,只需反转拉手即可打开,关上后靠磁 性自动吸附在机体上,不需要任何辅助工具即可实现快速开关护罩,操作灵活方 便,防护效果更好。4)铸铁底座该机采用铸铁底座,与钢板底座相比,具有结构坚固、不变形、减震和抑制 噪声等优点;机体采用上下剖分式结构,上部

4、侧机架采用优质钢板焊接而成,上 下部分用螺丝联接,中间有减震垫,整机无论从功能、寿命、美观、操 作和维 护等方面都进行了优化设计,具有优越的综合性能。.磨粉机结构设计磨辐组磨辗组自承研磨力结构单独承受应力磨辗组结构简单、操作灵敏。快辗轴承座 6固定在支撑横梁 13上,慢辗轴承座8骑跨在支撑横梁上,与偏心轮12配合,气缸14的活塞杆 伸出与缩回使转臂15旋转,同时偏心轮转动,使慢辗轴承座相对快辗中心平动, 完成磨辗离合闸动作,见图2。粗调轧距调整粗调螺母5 ,通过拉杆7带动预压碟形弹簧组10、慢辗轴承座8绕偏 心轮12转动,使慢辗中心相对快辗中心前后移动,使轧距得到调整。微调轧距转动微调手轮1

5、,微调螺杆3驱使微调杠杆4绕支点旋转,驱使气缸移动, 使转臂15旋转,带动偏心轮、慢辗轴承座移动,使慢辗中心与快辗中心产生相 对位置的改变。由于杠杆比较大,轧距调整准确,更为省力。辑间传动三轮系传动结构MME新型磨粉机的辗间采用三轮系传动结构,布局合理、结构紧凑,并选 用齿楔带传递动力。该齿楔带具有轴向定位功能,在传递过程中不跑偏、不跳齿。该齿楔带采用了性能优良的新型材料,抗拉体采用强度高、延伸率小的进口玻璃 纤维和钢丝纯,本体层为综合性能优良的氯丁橡胶,齿楔带表面覆盖的尼龙织物 具有低摩擦和高耐磨性,因此齿楔带是目前磨粉机辗间传动的最佳选择。张紧轮原张紧轮为楔轮,在加工、装配过程中难度大,尤

6、其是装配时快辗轮和张紧 轮的轴线必须平行,相关的三带轮的轴向定位必须确保每一根齿楔带在垂直于 轮轴的各自的运动平面内运动,若有一轮发生轴向位移,势必造成齿楔带与轮上 齿槽的啮合发生偏离,使齿楔受力不均,齿楔磨损快,最终导致整条带搓齿、断齿 以致于断裂。而现在张紧轮设计改进为光轮,降低楔轮的加工难度,提高了加工精 度,当带轮在装配发生较小位移时,齿楔带的楔齿不再受张紧轮齿槽的限制,从而减少齿楔带的磨损,提高了齿楔带的使用寿命。弹性张紧结构过去张紧结构为刚性调整结构,齿楔带在传递过程中,齿楔带的长度有微 量变化时,就必须调整张紧轮的位置,否则就会影响齿楔带的使用寿命。现用弹 性张紧结构能自动补偿,

7、齿楔带长度的微量变化不需随时调整张紧轮的位置。我 厂通过反复实践对比,证明了改用弹性张紧结构,齿楔带的寿命延长了 35 倍。喂料系统磨粉机要保持稳定、高产、高效地运行,喂料系统就应将一定流量的物料,以 一定的速度均匀准确地喂入研磨区。喂料效果的好坏直接影响研磨效果及出粉率 的高低。同时,喂料连续均匀,对减少磨辗的磨损,延长磨辗及轴承的寿命也有 着重要的意义。简单有效的喂料机构确保喂料的均匀性为了达到最好的喂料效果 ,对喂料辗与磨辗之间的位置 关系进行了合理的定位。应用特殊的喂料活动挡板机构,使进料筒与喂料辗之间 有足够的自由散落角度与空间;加之喂料门的开启灵活方便,喂料辗的齿形根据 用户工艺位

8、置以及来料的不同在梯形齿、螺纹齿、矩形齿、绞龙齿及光轴之间方便地选择。变频喂料系统为了保证喂料的稳定性,采用最先进的变频喂料系统,其基本工作程序是: 磨粉机料位的高低由料位传感器检测后,通过接口板的A/ D转换输入PLC控 制器,控制器再根据输入的料位信号,输出一个模拟信号到变频器,由变频器控 制喂料电机的转速,从而准确控制磨粉机的料位。喂料辗电机的转速可在40260r/ min的范围内根据料位的高低自动无级变速,上下喂料辗由同步齿形带按 一定的速比传递,使入磨物料保持基本稳定,面粉质量也得到了保证。简单、方便、卫生的清理活动单元在料仓的清理方面,我们没有机械地照搬国外的磨粉机,把喂料辗做为一

9、个 整体移出,增加零部件的作法,而是从生产实际出发,在中心横梁与喂料辗之间 加活动板,方便简单的机构达到了同样的清理效果,很方便地清理喂料辗后面的 积垢,从而提高了卫生标准,也降低了装配和维修的难度。增加负压吸风装置,改善喂料状况,提高研磨效果在喂料辗下部与研磨区之上设计了一种特殊的吸风道 ,即负压吸风装置。该 装置能降低物料入磨时因两辗相向旋转产生的“泵气”现象 ,并降低磨膛的温度 和湿度,这对于心磨、渣磨可提高流量,不喷粉,并提高研磨效果。同时,上磨门 的玻璃能经常保持清洁、透明,可以很好地观察喂料室的工况。刮刀清理光辐先进的磨粉机都是用刮刀清理光辗,刮刀比刷子清理得更干净卫生。我厂设 计

10、的刮刀清理机构装配简单、调整容易,耗电量降低了 30 %左右,现已在多数面 粉厂家使用,用户反映效果比刷子好得多。电控系统整个控制系统的元件、显示面板、模块、PLC都选用进口电器,整个编程控 制系统的设计更科学、更准确、更齐全、抗干扰能力更强。单台磨粉机的控制箱 安装在机体的正前方,多台磨粉机的电器元件也可集中安装在远离磨粉机的控 制柜里面,实行分别控制,从而远离粉尘源,保护电器元件,提高控制质量,便 于安装维修。质量的保证为了保证磨粉机的整体质量,我厂对该机各零部件的加工工艺和精度做了 高技术的要求。在加工、装配、检查等各个环节都严格地按质量标准执行。为了 保证整体的使用性能,关键的零件如轴

11、承采用瑞典 SKF自动调心滚子轴承;气 动元件采用日本SMC公司的元件;磨辗、碟形弹簧、标准件等采用国内最好厂 家的产品。.结束语综上所述,我们推出的MME新型磨粉机,具有外观布局更合乎人机工程学 原理,铸铁底座综合性能更优良,承受研磨应力的独立单元结构更先进,调节轧 距更省力方便,先进的齿楔带、自动补偿的弹性张紧装置,易调整的刮刀清理结构 国际领先的控制系统等突出的优点。 同时,该机在用户的需求下也可安装气控伺 服喂料系统。总之,MME新型磨粉机被专家认为是当今国际领先、国内一流的磨粉机。MME new milling machine designAuthor: Patton WJTrans

12、lator:程本【Abstract : MME on the characteristics of a new milling machine, such as the appearanceof the layout, cast iron base, since the mill for grinding roll group, and elastic tensionStructure, frequency feeding system, scraper, such as cleaning up a brief description and analysis.【Key words : Mil

13、l; Roll; frequency feeding systemMME-milling machine introducedMME Mill Food Machinery Factory is the 2005 launch of a new model,The aircraft is in MDDK Mill for nearly 10 years on the basis of the practice, absorbing the advanced experience at home and abroad, the development of a new milling machi

14、ne, a milling machine MDDK have the following characteristics:appearance in line with ergonomic, an external door opened, the work of the inspection, to facilitate the replacement of components, and effort.Cast iron base of integrated high-performanceobserve the tube into a cone-shaped oval. Oval tu

15、be observed not only beautifulshape, and no dead ends, the expected improvement of the conditions and difficult to stick materials.rolling from the adjustment effort, easily. Regulating different principle, to changethe force, under the boot, easy to adjust to the ideal state.rolling bodies from the

16、 air conditioning locking. Milling machine at home and abroad for almost all the mechanical locking, MME Mill for the realization of pneumatic locking, easy to operate, the absolute lock.the unique flexibility with automatic compensation tooth wedge tensioning device.The device can automatically tra

17、ce the length of compensation with improved with the changes in life.Blade automatic clearance from agencies. When Mill from the rolling mill roll, andRoller Blade automatic separation, eliminate scraper and roller mill in the absence of direct friction material circumstances, the protection of Roll

18、er, raising scraper life.simple feed roller clean-up unit. Feeding roll relocation can not be very easy to cleanup after fouling feed roller, clean-up activities unit, milling machines to improve the health status and reduce the assembly and maintenance difficult.A unique form factorMill appearanceA

19、s shown in Figure 1, the body height of the milling machine, grinding roll centre height and fine-tuning hand wheel center height, the housings of height, the body radius of the transition, Housing radius and the overall shape of the distribution, and other technical parameters were by Image Design

20、Conducted; aircraft designs of national patents, patent No. ZL 01 3 4997216.The entrance of materialsThe entrance of materials into the cone-shaped oval for the use of quality plexiglass plate overall molding, not only aesthetic appearance, for observation, but also better able to make materials dis

21、tributed evenly gravity feed to the full-length on the roll.rotating shieldingMill use of revolving door on both sides of shielding structure, simply reverse handle to open and close automatically after rely on magnetic absorption in the body, do not need any tool to achieve rapid switch shielding,

22、operating flexibility, protection Better.cast iron baseThe aircraft used cast iron base, compared with the base plate, a solid structure, deformation, damping and noise suppression, and other advantages of using the body from top to bottom mesh structure, the upper side of a high-quality steel frame

23、 welded together, from top to bottom part with a spring-connected , Damping the middle pad with two in terms of function, life, beauty, operation and maintenance, and other aspects of the design has been optimized, integrated with superior performance.Mill structural designRoller GroupRoller grindin

24、g of the groupself-supporting structure Roller alone to bear the stress group structure is simple, sensitive operations. Express roller bearing fixed at 6 support beams 13, the slow roller bearing 8 to ride in support of cross-beams, and the round of 12 with eccentric, the 14-cylinder piston rod to

25、turn out and the retractable arm 15 rotating, Eccentric round of rotation, so that at a relatively slow roller bearings fast-moving roller center, complete roll grinding moves from the reclosure, shown in Figure 2.from the rough-rollingRough-nut adjustment 5, 7 driven by drawbars preloading disc spr

26、ing Group 10, Block 8 slow roller bearings around the eccentric round of 12 rotating, so that relatively slow roller center before and after moving faster roll center, rolling from the get adjusted.fine-tuning before rollingMoment of fine-tuning a hand wheel, fine-tuning screw driven by three fine-t

27、uning lever fulcrum around 4 rotation, driven by mobile cylinder, to arm 15 rotating, driven eccentric round, moving at slow roller bearings so that the slow roll center and a center roll faster relative position Changes. As more leverage, rolling from the adjustment accurate, more effort.Roll of tr

28、ansmissionThree of the transmission structureMME New Mill between the use of the roll of three transmission structure, a rational layout, compact and optional power transmission belt tooth wedge. The tooth wedgeWith a axial targeting, in no deviation in the transfer process, not jump teeth. The toot

29、h with a wedge of the excellent performance of new materials, high tensile strength of use, extension of the import of small glass fibers and rope, into an integrated body of the excellent performance of the chloroprene rubber, wedge tooth surface covered with nylon fabric with low Friction and high

30、 wear resistance, the tooth wedge milling machine with rollers is the best choice of transmission.Take-up roundThe take-up round for the round of wedge in the processing and assembly process is very difficult, especially when the assembly is quick roll round and round the axis of tension must be par

31、allel, related to the three pulley axial positioning must ensure that each wedge with tooth root Perpendicular to the axle in the respective sports plane of the movement, if one occurred axial displacement, it is bound to cause tooth wedge zone and on the alveolar round departure from the engagement

32、 occurred, the teeth are Shouli Bu wedge, wedge tooth wear faster, leading to The whole of rubbing with teeth, broken teeth resulting in the fracture. Now take-up round-round to improve design, reduce wedge round of the difficulty of processing and improve the accuracy of processing, when the pulley

33、 assembly in a smaller displacement, with the teeth wedge wedge teeth no longer subject to the restrictions of tension round alveolar , Thus reducing tooth wedge with the wear and improve the Tooth wedge with life.flexible tension structure (see Figure 3)Tension over the past rigid structure for str

34、uctural adjustment, with teeth in the wedge in the course of transmission, gear wedge with a trace changes in the length of time, we must adjust the location of tension round, otherwise will affect the teeth wedge with life. Tension is flexible structure can be used automatic compensation, the lengt

35、h of the tooth wedge with no trace changes at any time take-up round of the location. I plant through repeated practice contrast to prove that the flexibility to switch to take-up structure, with teeth wedge to extend the life span of three to five times.Feeding SystemMill confidential remained stab

36、le, high-yield, efficient operation, the feeding system should be on a certain flow of materials to a uniform rate of accurate feeding ground area. Feeding results have a direct impact on the grinding effects and the level of extraction rate. At the same time, feed for uniformity, to reduce the wear

37、 and tear roll grinding, grinding to extend the life of roller bearings and also have an important Italian Justice.Feeding the simple and effectiveinstitutions to ensure that Feeding the uniformity of the feed in order to achieve the best results, the feed roll and roll grinding relationship between

38、 the location of a reasonable position. Feeding activities of the special baffle institutions, and feed into the roll between Liaotong have sufficient freedom of the scattered point of view and space; In addition, feed the door open flexible, roll-feed the profile of users based on location and to T

39、he different materials in the trapezoidal teeth, tooth thread, rectangular teeth, teeth-cutter and optical axis To choose between convenience.Frequency feeding systemIn order to ensure the stability of feed, using the most advanced frequency-feed system,and the basic procedures are: Mill at the leve

40、l expected by Level sensors detect, through the interface board of A / D converter input PLC controller , Controller accordancewith the expected signal input and output to an analog signal converter from the inverter control feed motor speed, accurate control of the Mill Level. Feeding roller motor

41、speed in the 40 260 r / min within the scope of materials based on the level of automatic CVT, from top to bottom-feed roller by the timing belt on a certain ratio transmission, make the mill to maintain the basic stability of materials , Flour quality has been guaranteed.a simple, convenient and cl

42、ean-up activities of the health unitSilo in the clean-up, we did not mechanically copy the foreign Mill, the feed roll out as a whole, the increase in parts of practice, but from the production reality, in the centre between the beams and feed roller Increase activity boards, agencies to facilitate

43、a simple cleaning up the same effect, it is easy to clean up after the feed roller fouling, thereby improving the health standards, but also reduce the assembly and maintenance more difficult.increase vacuum suction device windfeeding conditions improve, enhance grinding effects In the bottom and fe

44、ed roller Grinding area on the design of a special Suction Road, which winds vacuum suction device. The device can reduce the material to the mill roll in both directions due to the two rotating the pump gas phenomenon, and lower the mill bore the temperature and humidity, the heart grinding, grindi

45、ng residue can increase traffic, dusting, polishing and improving results . At the same time, the grinding of glass doors kept clean, transparent, can be well observed feeding room conditions.Scraper cleaning RollAdvanced milling machines are used scraper cleaning-roller, scraper brushes clean up mo

46、re than clean health. I plant clean-up institutions designed scraper assembly simple, easy adjustment, reducing power consumption by 30 percent, is now in the majority of mills home use, users reflect the results are much better than the brush.Electronic Control SystemThe control system components,

47、display panels, modules, PLC imports of electrical appliances are selected, the entire programming control system design more scientific, more accurate and complete, stronger anti-interference capability. Single milling machine installed in the control box in front of the body, multiple Mill electrical compo


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