考点26 完形填空之说明文-备战2021年中考英语考点一遍过 (解析版)_第1页
考点26 完形填空之说明文-备战2021年中考英语考点一遍过 (解析版)_第2页
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考点26 完形填空之说明文-备战2021年中考英语考点一遍过 (解析版)_第5页
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1、考点26完形填空之说明文一、命题特点分析:.开头点题。说明文类完形填空中,作者一般在文章的首句直接提出说明的对象,这是掌握说明细节 的前提。.结构清晰。说明文一般按一定的顺序展开。理清文章的说明顺序,对于正确把握文意和上下文的逻 辑关系,选择正确答案具有重要意义。.难度较大。说明文往往采用比拟正式的文体,表述准确严谨,生词术语较多,句子较长,结构较为 复杂。.说明文一般采用简练的语言,按一定的方法介绍事物的类别、性质、特点、构造、成因、关系或事 物的运动变化、开展的过程及其规律。.说明文十分讲究条理性,一般采取时间顺序、空间顺序、逻辑顺序或认知顺序来说明事物或事理。 二、解题方法:.快速弄清文

2、章大意。对于此类文章我们结合选择项,进行粗读或略读,对文章的大意要先有一个大体的了解。说明文往往 生词较多,而题材又比拟广泛,所以阅读时,首先要能够掌握文章的大意。.弄清楚说明的顺序。把握了说明顺序,就能准确把握文章的脉络,加强对整篇文章的理解。.把握文章的组织结构,理清事实细节。把握语篇特征对理解文意与答题极为有利。说明性的文章一般都是一篇完整的、意思表达清楚的、逻 辑比拟严密的短文。在阅读这类文章时,我们一定要仔细研读文章的开头和结尾,从主题句着手,找出支 持句,然后寻找文章的结论。这时,我们还要特别注意,不要被外表的一些细节所迷惑,我们在理解细节 的基础上,还要斟酌文字的内涵意义,从而对

3、文章进行深层次的理解。.注重上下文语境应逐句精读短文,逐题分析选项,对特定的语境作深入的理解,克服”思维定势”,根据全文大意和 词不离句、句不离文的原那么逐项填空。.熟练做题方法,遵循四个原那么:(1)上下一致。每个选择项必须从全文出发,从大处着手,防止孤立地分析每一空格,造成误选。(2)语法正确。从语法的角度去考虑动词的时态、语态以及词类用法。16.A.saveB.makeC.countD.return17.A.soB.butC.becauseD.and18.A.takeB.takesC.tookD.taking19.A.differenceB.differentC.sameD.the sa

4、me20.A.buyB.buyingC.seeD.seeing【答案】11. A 12. D13. C 14. B15. B16. A 17. C18. B19. B 20. A【解析】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了美国最大的购物日“黑色星期五”的时间,由来,与中国双十一的不同之处以及人们的购物情况。【11题详解】句意:许多人,甚至可能是你的父母亲在那天晚上熬夜。up向上;on在上面;in在.里面;for为了,给。根据句意可知此处要表达“熬夜”之意,根据固定搭 配“stay up late,所以填up。应选Ao【12题详解】句意:他们网上购物是为了节省大笔钱。get得到,获得;gets动词的

5、单三形式;got动词的过去式形式;to get动词的不定式形式。根据“They go shopping online.可知他们网上购物,“big savings”意为“节省大笔钱”,根据句意和语境可知此处需用动词不定 式来表达目的。应选D。【13题详解】句意:好吧,美国的黑色星期五和双十一有一些相似之处。call呼叫,称呼;calls动词单三形式;called动词过去式或过去分词形式;calling动词ing形式。根据.it.Black Friday.和句意可知它被人们称为黑色星期五,it与Black Friday构成被动关系,需用过去分 词。应选C。【14题详解】句意:黑色星期五是在感恩节之

6、后的星期五那天。Saturday周六;Friday周五;Thursday周四;Wednesday周三。根据常识可知感恩节在每年11月的第四个星 期四,黑色星期五在每年11月的第四个星期五,也就是感恩节的后一天就是黑色星期五。应选B。【15题详解】句意:它是美国最大的购物日之一。day天,日子;daysday的复数;week周,星期;weeks week的复数。根据“oneof+the+最高级+名词复数” 可知此空需填名词的复数。黑色星期五是购物日。应选B。【16题详解】句意:人们想开始买圣诞礼物,所以他们在这一天去购物以节省钱。save 节约,拯救;make 制J 造;count 数数;ret

7、urn 返回,退还。根据 They go shopping online to get big savings.the US has something like it called Black Friday.可知在黑色星期五和双11这天,人们都会购物以节省开支。故 此空填save。应选Ao【17题详解】句意:它被称为黑色星期五,因为商店过去用黑墨水记录销售额。so因此;but但是;because因为;and和,且。根据Its called Black Friday.”可知它被称为黑色星期五; 根据ushops used to record (记录)sales with black ink (

8、墨水)”可知商店过去用黑墨水记录销售额。前后 句意表达因果关系,后句为原因,故用because连接。应选C。【18题详解】句意:黑色星期五的购物发生在实体店。take花费,带走;take动词单三形式;took动词过去式;taking动词ing形式。因句子主语为Shopping on Black Friday,是单数形式,所以谓语动词需用动词单三形式。应选B。【19题详解】句意:它与双H*一i不同。difference 差异,差异;different 不同的;same 相同的;the same 同样的,一样。根据 uShopping on Black Friday takes place at

9、actual (实体的)stores.可知黑色星期五购物是在实体店,而双H一是网上购物,所以两者不 相同。be different from”意为与不同,应选B。【20题详解】句意:电视、电脑和电子游戏系统是人们最喜欢买的一些东西。buy 购买;buying 动词 ing 形式;see 看,明白;seeing 动词 ing 形式。根据文中 u Shopping on Black Friday. 可知黑色星期五是人们购物日,人们可以买他们喜爱的物品。又根据Televisionsare some of peoples favorite things to. ,可知此处不定式是作定语,所缺空应填动词

10、原形。应选A。(五)Everyone needs friends. There is an old saying, Friends are Gods way of 36 care of us. But how do you find real friendship and keep it? I think finding friendship is just like planting a tree. You plant the seed and look after it to 37 it grow. First, you should choose a friend. What makes

11、 a good friend? A good friend doesnt need to have much money or good looks, but he should be 38 and helpful. For example, if you have a bad day, a goodfriend should come to stay with you and make you 39, But things can not always be so pleasant. Eventhe best friends can have 40, What should you do w

12、hen you have fights with your friends? You may talk tothem or just write a letter to say 41 to them. Let me tell you three ways to be friends again. First, let him or her know 42 you are feeling. Then you can tell your friend he or she is wrong. Third, tell him or her the 43 why you did this or that

13、. If you dont have a friend before, you had better think of having 44. As you know,friendship is the most 45 thing in your life and life will be greater if you have friends.36.A.takeB.tookC.takenD.taking37.A.bringB.takeC.makeD.do38.A.cleverB.kindC.smartD.strong39.A.happyB.unhappyC.sadD.bad40.A.needs

14、B.questionsC.problemsD.plans41.A.sorryB.helloC.thanksD.goodbye42.A.whatB.howC.whyD.that43.A.factB.questionC.wayD.reason44.A.theseB.oneC.thisD.that45.A.boringB.seriousC.funnyD.necessary【答案】36. D37. C 38. B 39. A40. C41. A 42. B43. D44. B 45. D【解析】短文大意:本文关注的是友谊话题,作者就如何交友和维持友谊给出了具体建议。【36题详解】句意:有句老话说,“朋

15、友是上帝照顾我们的方式。”take携带,took是过去式,taken是过去分词;taking是动名词形式。the way of 方式,介词of后接动名词;根据句意结构,应选D。【37题详解】句意:你种下种子,照顾它,让它成长。bring带来;take拿走;make使/让;do做。本句用不定式表目的,根据“You plant the seed and look after it 你种下种子,照顾它”,可知是让它成长,ABD三项不合句意,应选C。【38题详解】句意:一个好朋友不需要有很多钱或漂亮的外表,但他应该是善良和乐于助人的。clever聪明的;kind好的/善良的;smart聪明的;stro

16、ng强壮的。helpful有帮助的;and和,连接两个并列的 形容词;根据句意语境可知ACD三项不合语境,好朋友“应该是善良和乐于助人的,应选B。【39题详解】句意:例如,如果你有一个糟糕的一天,一个好朋友应该来和你待在一起,让你快乐。happy高兴的;unhappy不高兴的;sad伤心的;bad坏的。根据上文“if you have a bad day如果你有一个糟 糕的一天”,可知好朋友应该来抚慰并让自己快乐起来,后面三项不合句意,应选A。【40题详解】句意:即使是最好的朋友也会有问题。needs需要;questions问题,指困惑;problems问题,指困难;plans计划。根据下文举

17、例“What should you do when you have Eghts with your friends当你和你的朋友吵架时,你应该怎么做”,可知是好朋友之间出现 了问题,ABD三项不合句意语境,应选C。41题详解】句意:你可以和他们谈谈,或者写封信向他们抱歉。sorry 对不起;hello 你好;thanks 多谢;goodbye 再见。say sorry to 向抱歉;根据上文 “when you have fightswith your friends当你和你的朋友吵架时”,可知是建议向对方抱歉,应选A。【42题详解】句意:首先,让他或她知道你的感受。what什么,表事情;h

18、ow怎样,表状况或方式;why为什么,表原因;that无实义。本句是宾语从句,根据 “let him or her know让他或她知道,可知是让对方知道你(吵架后)感觉如何,ACD三项不合句意,应选Bo【43题详解】句意:第三,告诉他或她你做这个或那个的原因。fact事实;question问题;way方式;reason原因。本句是why引导的定语从句,why表原因;根据awhy you did this or that你为什么做这个或那个“,可知reason符合句意,应选D。【44题详解】句意:如果你以前没有朋友,你最好考虑有一个。these这些,复指代词;one代指同类不同物的单数名词;t

19、his这个,单指代词;that那个,单指代词。ACD 三项多用于指代上文提到的事物,根据上文“Ifyoudonthaveafriend before如果你以前没有朋友” ,a friend 不是确指,需用。ne替代,应选B。45题详解】句意:正如你所知道的,友谊是你生活中最必要的东西。boring 无聊的;serious 严肃的;funny 有趣的;necessary 必要的。根据下文life will be greater if you have friends如果你有朋友,生活将会更美好”,可知友谊在我们生活中很重要,necessary符合句意,应选D。垦真题再现(一)【2020四川省乐山

20、市中考】Do you like exercising in the sun? How much sunlight do you get every day? How much time do you spend in the 16? As we all know, enough sunlight is good for our health. It gives us strong bones (骨骼)and goodeyesight. It makes us happy and sleep better. Now scientists find out that it can even mak

21、e you 17.Scientists did tests on mice. They give mice lots of sunlight. After that, the mice 18 a special thing named glutamic acid (谷氨酸)in their bodies. Glutamic acid does many things for our body. It can improve some of our abilities such as learning and remembering things.It is OK to enjoy some s

22、unlight for about an hour every day. But you should be 19 because it is summer now. The sun is very strong around noon. Keep yourself away from the sun around the noon, or it may 20 your skin (皮肤).Tt is best to enjoy sunlight in the morning or before sunset.Why not go out and enjoy the 21 with your

23、family or your best friends? Im sure you can be smarter soon.16.A.moonB.sun17.A.smarterB.taller18.A.inventB.find19.A.carefulB.serious20.A.shineB.burn21.A.timeB.airC. nightC. thinnerC. produceC. cleverC. dryC. sunlight【文章大意】这是一篇说明文,文章主要讲述阳光对人的健康有好处,而且让人变得更聪明,但是要注意 夏天中午的强烈阳光伤害皮肤。16.B【解析】句意:你在阳光下度过多少时间

24、? moon月亮;sun太阳;night晚上。根据前文“exercising in the sun”可知此处用in the sun。应选B。17.A【解析】句意:现在科学家发现它能使你更聪明 smarter更聪明的;taller更高;thinner更瘦的口根据 后文“Fm sure you can be smarter”可知此处讲述的是让人更聪明,用形容词比拟级smartero应选A。18c【解析】句意:那之后,老鼠在体内产生了一种叫做谷氨酸的特别的东西。invent创造;find找到;produce 生产,制造。此处用动词produce表达老鼠在体内产生谷氨酸。应选C。19.A【解析】句意:

25、但是你应该小心,因为现在是夏天。careful小心的;serious严肃的;clever聪明的。根据 because it is summer now. The sun is very strong around noon”可知夏天阳光很强要小心,用形容词 carefulo 故 选Ao20.B【解析】句意:让自己远离中午的太阳,否那么它可能灼伤你的皮肤。shine照耀;burn燃烧,灼伤;dry 干燥。根据前文“The sun is very strong around noon”中午的太阳很强烈,可能会灼伤你的皮肤,可知此处用 burn。应选 B。21.C【解析】句意:为什么不出去,和你的家

26、人或朋友享受阳光? time时间;air空气;sunlight阳光。根据 前文讲述“enough sunlight is good for our health”可知此处用sunlight表示阳光。应选C。(二)【2020 四川省成都市中考】Now people can pay by scanning(扫描)their faces while shopping. Is it 16 to pay by scanning other parts of our bodies? Amazon has a new technology that scans 17.The technology can t

27、ell if the person is the right one by scanning his or her hand. The scanner examines things such as finger prints. It then sends a picture to a certain center which can decide who the person is.In September 2019, Amazon made a payment system for a US supermarket. People can pay 18 by scanning their

28、hands under a machine. Their hand scan is connected to their bank cards, so they can pay successfully. Its quite convenient, especially for 19 people. With this new technology, people 20 take their cards with them. They just scan their hands.16.A.possibleB.importantC.strange17.A.eyesB.facesC.hands18

29、.A.usuallyB.simplyC.really19.A.oldB.poorC.smart20.A.mustntB.cantC.neednt【文章大意】本文向我们介绍了亚马逊新开发的支付系统,可以通过扫描手进行支付。.A【解析】句意:有没有可能通过扫描我们身体的其他部位来支付呢? possible可能的;important重要的; strange奇怪的。分析上下文可知,此处表示目前人们可以通过面部识别技术进行支付,那么扫描其他部位 可不可能进行支付呢?强调“可能的,应选A。.C【解析】句意:亚马逊有一项扫描人手的新技术。eyes眼睛;faces面部;hands手。根据后文“The tech

30、nology can tell if the person is the right one by scanning his or her hand.” 可知,是通过扫描手部进行识别的。应选 C。18.B【解析】句意:人们只需在机器下面扫描自己的手就可以支付。usually通常;simply简单地;really真 地。分析句子可知,此处表示“人们只需在机器下面扫描自己的手就可以支付”的含义,强调方式简单, 其他两项语意不通。应选B。19.A【解析】句意:它很方便,尤其是对老年人来说。old年老的;poor贫穷的;smart聪明的。根据前文“Their hand scan is connecte

31、d to their bank cards, so they can pay successfully.?可知,他们的手扫描与他们的银行卡相 连,所以他们可以成功支付,方式非常简单,所以适合老人使用,其他两项不符合语境。应选A。20.C【解析】句意:有了这项新技术,人们就不需要随身携带信用卡了。mustrft禁止;cant不能;needn*t 不需要。分析上下文可知,这项技术只需扫描手即可完成支付,所以很方便,不需要随身携带信用卡了, 此处强调必要性。应选C。(三)【2020云南昆明中考】Do you know what Hpaying it forward* means? Its not p

32、aying for something before you buy it. HPaying it forward is to do something nice for another person for no 36 . Then that person does something nice for someone else.You may think this doesnt seem like much. But this nice act can spread quite 37.One day in December 2015, a woman was buying a meal a

33、t McDonalds in Florida, US. She also 38 a meal for the person standing in line behind her. That person did the same thing, and the next person did it, 39. Soon, 250 people had done another person the act of 40!But you 41 spend money to pay for it forward. There are examples of paying it forward ever

34、y day like volunteering, giving food to 42 or doing something nice for someone around you.Try it out for 43. All you have to do is to look for 44 things that you could do to make someone happy. Then, ask them to spread the word and do three kind things for someone else. And when someone does somethi

35、ng nice foryou, dont 45 to do thesame!36. A spaceB. actionC. reason37. A. fastB. slowlyC. hardly38. A. madeB boughtC. sold39. A. tooB.eitherC. also40. A madnessR. politenessC. kindness41.A. would like toB are supposed toC. dont need to42. the richB. the homelessC. the missing43. A myselfB. yourselfC

36、. itselfB. awfulC. strange45. agreeB. forgetC. decide【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章举例说明了什么叫paying it forward。那就是“一帮三% 将爱传递出 去。【解析】36.C考查介词短语辨析。for no reason意为“毫无理由,联系上下文“为别人做点好事”可推断出, 无需回报,应选C。A考查副词辨析。fast “快地;迅速地”;slowly “慢地” ;hardly “几乎不”。联系下文的例子:很 快250个人都在为另一个人做了相同的事情,故可推知,这种行为会传的很快,所以选A。B考查动词辨析。根据上文“buying a

37、 meal”和下文的also可推断出,这个妇女也为站在她后边排队的人 买饭,应选B。A考查副词辨析。too “也”,用于肯定句句末;either “也”,用于否认句句末;also “也”,用于句中。 该句为肯定句句末,应选A。C考查名词辨析o madness “疯狂”;politeness “礼貌;kindness “善良”。联系上文可知,paying it forward就是把爱传递出去,这是一种善举。应选C。C 考查固定搭配的用法辨析。would like to ”想做 ;are supposed to “应该;dont need to “不需要”。根据下文中的volunteering可知

38、,把爱传递出去是自愿的,故可推知,无需花钱,应选C。B 考查短语辨析。the rich “富人”;the homeless “无家可归的人;the missing “迷路的人”。根据 上文中的giving food可推断出,应该是给无家可归的人分发食物,应选B。B考查代词辨析。联系下文“为别人做点力所能及的事情,并把它传递下去”可推断出,此处是号召大 家要自己去试试,应选B,意为“你自己”。A考查形容词辨析。small “小的;awful “极坏的;strange 奇怪的;陌生的。联系下文的things that you could do“力所能及的事情”可推断出是小事,应选A。B考查动词辨析

39、。agree “同意”;forget “忘记”;decide “决定”。联系上文“当别人为你做了好事” 和下文的do the same可推断出此处选B,即不要忘记去做同样的事。(四)【2020 内蒙古通辽中考】re going to cut science class today. I know you want to come with us. Lets go!” Maybe youve 26 one of the popular kids at school say something like this. So what do you do? Do you just give in an

40、d do what the other kids 27 , or do you go to class no matter what they say?Situations like this often come up. And it is not easy to make your own 28 when your friends want to do something youre not quite sure about. Sometimes, you feel you should do something because everyone else isdoing it, and

41、it is 29 to go against the majority. This is called “peer(同龄人)pressure, because peers arepressuring you to do what they want.Some people give in to peer pressure because they want to be more popular. Some worry that others will make fun of them 30 they dont go along with the group. The 31 that every

42、one is doing it“ makes them follow the crowd. Sometimes peer pressure can be 32 if your peers encourage you to be a better person. But most peer pressure pushes you to do something you dont really want to do. And it affects almost everyone without exception. So what can you do to 33 it?First of all,

43、 you should follow your own feelings and beliefs and be self-confident. When you are self-confident, you can say no to the people 34 to pressure you. It also helps to have a good friend who respects your beliefs. That way you wont be 35 when you stand up to peer pressure.26. A. madeB. helpedC. feltD

44、. heard27. A. completeB. controlC. suggestD. avoid28. A. friendsB. rulesC. searchD. decision29. A. slowB. hardC. clearD. useful30. A. unlessB. untilC. ifD. although31. A. doubtB.ideaC. hopeD. promise32. A. goodB. commonC. seriousD. strong33. A. freeB. showC. deal withD. talk about34. A. failingB. tr

45、yingC. learningD. refusing35. A. aloneB. luckyC. quietD. popular【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要说明同龄人的影响力以及相关的建议。【解析】26.D考查动词词义辨析。句意:也许你听过学校里一个受欢迎的孩子说过这样的话。根据前面引 号里的内容可知,此处表示听说过别人说那些的话,应选D项。.C考查动词词义辨析。句意:你是会屈服,按照其他孩子的建议去做,还是不管他们说什么你都去上课? 根据前面的Lefs go!可知那是表示建议,应选C项。.D考查名词词义辨析。句意:当你的朋友想要做一些你不太确定的事情时,你很难自己做决定。结合前 一文w

46、hat do you do?和卜文的do something可知这些属于一个人的决定,所以此处用短语make decisions (做决 定)o29.B(3)逻辑合理。在完形填空题中,逻辑推理非常重要,有时每个选择项从语法上讲都正确,但是有的是不合语境逻辑的。(4)符合搭配。英语中固定搭配很多,需要熟练掌握,才能做好此类题目。司充跟踪训练(一)A picture is worth a thousand words, but it cant always tell 21 whole story. The sailor in the famous photo V-J Day in Times Sq

47、uare. George Mendonsa, died last month at age 95.22 Aug 14, 1945, when World War II ended, American photojournalist Alfred took his camera to the 23 of New York. In Times Square, people were celebrating the victory everywhere.“I saw a sailor 24 along the street grabbing (抓住)any and every girl in sig

48、ht. Whether she was a grandmother, strong, thin, old, didnt make a difference,“ Alfred said.He then took the photo, which later became one of the most 25 photos in history. But Alfred forgot to ask fbr the pairs 26!Since then, many people have said to be the people in the photo. One book, The Kissin

49、g Sailor, writes every thing about the 27 ,The authors also 28 people in the background of the photo. They said that Greta Zimmer Friedman, a dentisfs assistant, was the woman pictured.Friedman. 29 died in 2016, said she didnt mind the kiss, 30 it was quite sudden. It was just somebody really celebr

50、ating. it wasnt a romantic event. It was just. thank God the war is over.21. A.aB. theC. anD./22. A. InB. OfC. AtD. On23. A. hospitalsB. cinemasC. streetsD. cafes24. A. cyclingB. goingC. comingD. running25. A. importantB. famousC. interestingD. disappointed考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有时候,你觉得自己应该做一些事情,因为其他人都在做,很难违背

51、大多数 人的意愿。根据常识以及语境可知,其他人都做一件事,自己却违背大多数人的意愿,那可是难的事,故 选B项。30.C考查连词词义辨析。句意:有些人担忧如果他们不配合团队,其他人会取笑他们。此处表示一种情况, 所以用假设,应选C项。31.B考查名词词义辨析。句意每个人都在做”的想法让他们随大流。根据常识和语境可知everyone is doing it应该属于人们的主意/想法,应选B项。32.A考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有时候,如果你的同辈鼓励你成为一个更好的人,同辈的压力可能是好 的。根据后面的encourage you to be a better person,运用逻辑推断可知那是好的,

52、应选A项。33.C考查动词和动词短语词义辨析。句意:那么你能做些什么来应对呢?根据下一段的说到如何做可知此处 表示如何处理这问题,应选C项。34.B考查动词词义辨析。句意:当你自信的时候,你可以对那些试图强迫你的人说“不”。根据句意可知此 处表示尝试那样做,应选B项。35.A考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这样,当你顶住来自同伴的压力时,你就不会孤单。前一句提到有朋友, 再结合常识可知有朋友就不会感受到孤单,应选A项。(五)【2020 上海中考】How to Succeed in High SchoolYou have been familiar with the learning environm

53、ent in your middle school , and it feels like home. So it is not always easy to say 75 ”to middle school.After entering high school, you may face some new challenges. The schoolwork may become more difficult and require greater skills. Most students need support. Teachers and parents may give you a

54、hand. However, you cant 76 others all the time. What can you do? Here are some suggestions:Understand what kind of learner you are. Do you need silence to focus? Then make sure the TV is not on when you are studying. Provide yourself with a 77 learning environment at home. Some students focus better

55、 in the morning; others at night. Find the right 78 so that your efforts will work well.Learn to be better organized. It might be helpful when you get used to making a to-do-list of all your school work, and checking each item off when it is completed. Try to 79 your work. This will create smaller,

56、more manageable tasks out of the larger ones. Big projects seem less difficult if they are done step by step.Form good reading habits. Read every day the more, the better. It doesnt matter what you read. Reading newspaper regularly is a good choice. Newspapers provide plenty of details and backgroun

57、d. 80 , informationyou get from newspapers is usually official and true.High school life can be enjoyable. Old friendships might come undone and new ones will develop. Hope you willfeel confident and perform well in high school!75. A. helloB. bye-byeC. sorryD. thanks76. A. care forB. depend onC. com

58、pete withD. worry about77. A. warmB. cleanC. quietD. safe78. A. timeB. placeC. habitD. skill79. A .divideB. finishC. rememberD. correct80. A. For exampleB. In briefC. On averageD. In addition【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。本文主要介绍了进入高中后,你可能会面临一些新的挑战。课业可能变 得更加困难。大多数学生需要支持,但又不能总是一直依赖别人。文章就如何顺利渡过这些难关提供了一 些建议。【解析】75.B考查感

59、叹词辨析。hello喂;bye-bye再见;sorry对不起;thanks谢谢。固定搭配say hello to sb./sth.与 打招呼;say bye-bye to 与 说再见;say sorry to 向 抱歉;say thanks to 向 道谢。根 据语境及句意马上就要离开初中升入高中了,对初中说再见是很不容易的。应选B。B考查动词短语辨析。care for关心;depend on依赖;compete with与竞争;worry about担忧。根据 上一句Teachers and parents may give you a hand.,结合本句然而你不能一直依靠别人,逻辑上表示

60、转折。 应选C。C考查形容词辨析。warm温暖;clean干净;quiet安静;safe平安。根据本段第一句中的关键词“silence” 以及本句语境“Provide yourself with a 77 learning environment at home.”可推知此处是提供一个安静的学 习环境,silence的近义形容词是quiet。应选D。A考查名词辨析。time时.间;place地点;habit习惯;skill技巧,技能。根据上一句Some students focus better in the morning;others at night.” 的关键词 in the morn


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