



1、语法填空问天发射成功!北京时间2022年7月24日14时22分,搭载问天实验舱的长征五号B遥三运载火箭,在我国文昌航天发射场准时点火发射,约495秒后,问天实验舱与火箭成功别离并进 入预定轨道,发射取得圆满成功。阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。China launched its Wentian space laboratory on Sunday afternoon at 2:22 pm/ sending the countrys largest-ever spacecraft to Earth*s orbit to become part of the Ti

2、angong space station.Wentian laboratory module1(consist) of three parts: crew working compartment, airlock cabin and service module.2a length of 17.9 meters and a takeoff weight of 23tonnes, the 3_(high) of Wentian is almost equal to a six-story building and the weight of ten cars.There are three 4_

3、(sleep) areas and one sanitation(卫生)area in theWentian laboratory module. With six beds, the Chinese space station will be cozy and 5(comfort).After the subsequent launch of Shenzhou 15 manned spacecraft, crews of Shenzhou 14 and Shenzhou 15 can join forces and once they do, the space station will b

4、e fully occupied.The wingspan of the solar panel in Wentian laboratory module is more than 55 meters,6(long) than half a football field; each solar panel has 7 area of about 110 square meters, roughly the size of a three-bedroom apartment, setting a new record for Chinas solar panel in orbit.Working

5、 together, the two giant solar panels will 8(efficient) collectmore solar energy, generating electricity of more than 430 watts on average per day, _9_ provides enough energy for space station operations. The electricity it generates is enough10(power) a normal household for oneand a half months.答案:

6、.consists.With.height.sleeping fortable.longer.an.efficiently.which.to power必胜客北京两家门店被立案查处7月20日上午,针对媒体曝光的必胜客和谐广场店、魏公村店存在为过期食品原 材料更换标签,烹炸油长期不更换等问题,北京市丰台区市场监管局、海淀区市场监 管局介入调查。阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Two Pizza Hut restaurants in Beijing are being inspected for suspected food safety issues.The st

7、ores, in the capitals Haidian and Fengtai districts, are accused 1 serving expired(过期)food, changing expiry date labels and 2(repeat) using old oil to fry food, according to _3_investigative report from Beijing News.The operation of the stores has been suspended for 4_(investigate), Pizza Hut China

8、said on social media platform Sina Weibo on Wednesday.Officers from the market regulation bureau in Fengtai carried out on-site inspection on Wednesday, 5(examine) the expiry dates of raw and semi-cooked materials, storage and operating practices.It found a bag of bread _6 expired on Tuesday in the

9、kitchen. Other food safety _7(issue) were also found such as a dirty cleaning and disinfection room with unwashed dishes, and the storing of 8(person)clothes in the food storage room.The bureau filed a case accordingly and shut down the store.It is not the first time the store 9(receive) a penalty f

10、or food safety. The restaurant was fined 50,000 yuan ($7,400) for using expired food materials and ingredients in March.Pizza Hut has more than 2,600 restaurants on the Chinese mainland. All Pizza Hut restaurants on the mainland 10(operate) by Yum China, whichoperates 12,000 restaurants in China, in

11、cluding KFC and Taco Bell.兹索口l.of.repeatedly.an4.investigation5.examining6.that/which7.issues.personal.has received.are operated语法填空张小泉拍蒜断刀中文导读创立于1628年的张小泉是闻名遐尔的中华老字号与中国著名商标,2021年9 月7日,成功登陆A股的张小泉也顺理成章成了 刀剪第一股,然而,纵跨400 年历史的张小泉,却因近日的断刀门事件,置身风口浪尖。2022年7月14日,包括上游新闻在内的多家媒体报道了一那么匪夷所思的新闻, 广州市民王女士用刚买不久的张小泉菜

12、刀拍蒜后刀却断了,王女士质问张小泉售后, 得到的答复是菜刀不能拍蒜,一石激起千层浪,张小泉断刀事件很快冲上了热搜。 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Zhang Xiao Quan, a well-known Chinese knife and scissor brand with a 400-year history, was in a tight spot recently. A consumer posted online that she was disappointed in 1(tell) that the brands knife cannot be

13、 used to smash garlic after she complained that its blade had broken when she tried to do 2.The 3(complain) has triggered a hot discussion online with netizensdebating _4 a kitchen knife can smash garlic or not. Even Zhang Xiao Quans competitor, Wang Mazi, posted several videos on Thursday at its on

14、line flagship store to show how its knife smashes garlic again and again.The brand attracted more criticism online when someone dug out a video interview, published in March, in which its general manager 5(show) saying that the way youve been taught to chop for decades is wrong. Michelin 6(chef) do

15、not chop that way.In this regard, the general manager apologized for his 7(appropriate) remarks and announced that the company would send a new kitchen knife to customers whose knives had broken 8(accidental) in the past five years, including Zhang Xiao Quans brand and its competitors.9(establish) in


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