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1、:邮箱:joJoe8.26 TFD14121NO.1: Among the following profesmost important to a city? transport worker.s, which do you think is theofficer, building designer orTransport worker交通糟:堵车 fire;环境糟 肺癌。改造交通,尤其公共交通,transport workerOf course transport worker is more important. You know the city isingsohorrible,bot

2、hinitstransporion,andinitsenvironment. For instance, when I go to work, which is only 2away, I often spend moren an hour. Why? The traffic jam. Once Ieven got fired for being late. And the air quality?t even mentionit! Its so badt you can literally getg cancer living here for ayear.ts why we need a

3、better transporion system, sot wecan have better air and better roads, and better everything. Andts exactly why transport workers are important!NO.2:What type of music do you enjoy most? Explain why you enjoy thistype of music.I like pop, espelly Lady Gagas pop music. You know, shes just aninspirati

4、on. Her songs are very catchy and inspiring. She often singslyrics like you should always stick to who you really are, and youshould always let your true color shine. She herself is just liket.You know, she is never afraid of wearing the strangest clothes, justto show her true self to the world. And

5、 of course, people like meoften feel brave and hopeful just by listening to her songs. AnceI went to a concert of hers, and it was just the best day ever. She wasas fiery as always.ts why I love her music.NO.3:Which of the following would you rather be? Lawyer,veterinarian or restaurant owner. Expla

6、in your answer in details.想当兽医 我爱动物:2 猫 Tom and Jerry,3 狗,我特别喜欢和他们在一起。每天都会遛狗 2 次,我给猫猫买各种可爱的玩具,看到他们开心,我也很开心。他们让生活比以前很多,甚至是身体很多。我希望有一天能够把他们对好,回报给他们。因此,我希望有一天能够当一名兽医,我觉得这是世界上最最伟大的职业了。Of course I would choose to be a vet. You know I think its gonna bea great job. I myself is a huge animal lover. In fact

7、, I have two cats,Tom and Jerry, and three dogs, Cathy, James and Lucky. They are justmy best friends. I walk the dogs twice every day, and I buy the best toys for my kitties. When they feel happy, I feel cheered up myself.In fact, they have made my life so mumade my health better. I just wishore wo

8、nderful and event one day I would have thechance to repay their love.ts why I would wanna be a vet. I thinkits the greatest jobhe world.munity activity,给你三个任务你如果要求你去参加一个想干哪个?为啥?Work with children, plant c一个忘了us garden,最后选择教孩子 过去经历为例 去年曾经去一个地方小学,做了一周 tutor 遇到了很多孩子,灰藏开心 工作是教他们数学 因为我也是学生,我懂得上课的无聊 于是我把所

9、有数学题编成故事 他们果然接受得非常快,进步神速 他们也很喜悦,我也很有成就感 我肯定会选择教孩子Of course I would choose to teach kids. Take my own experience forexle. Last year I went to a local elementary school to be a tutor.I worked with 5 students, and we had a blast. My job was to teachthem math. Cos Im a student myself, I totally get how

10、boring mathcan be. So, I changed all the math problemso stories, with cartooncharacters. They loved it! They learned so fastt I was shocked! Ifelt so much joy. And if I could choose, I would surely choose to workwith kids again! And I cant wait fort to happen.NO.5:College students should be allowed

11、to keep petsheir dormitories.NO.6:Describe a ce good time onration you recently attended? Did all people have at day?Lady Gaga 演唱会 完美的一天 我一直都是粉 我喜歌词也都鼓励欢人,fiery, has balls 她总敢于表现真我,做自己歌 我在人 我期盼了很久 那天她唱了所有我喜欢的也一直跟着唱,直到嗓子哑 最棒的是,我还拿到亲笔签名 Oh my Lady Gaga!了I recently attendee of Lady Gagas concerts in. I

12、t wasthe best day ever! I have always been her No. 1 fan. I love herality. She is fiery, and she has balls. Shes never afraid ofshowing her true colors. And her lyrics always inspire people to bewho they really are. So Ive always wanted to go to her live concerts.Ont spel day, she sang all my favori

13、te songs, and I neverstopped singing with her.he end, I even lost my voice, and it wasso worth it. Whats best ist I even got her signature. Oh my LadyGaga, my goddess! I love you! Mua!第二题:想一个理由,能坏不好,尽量对比,多发感慨,30 秒钟准备时间选几个简单的实词,联系理由的因果,NO.1: Nowadays many people find their sol network on theernet. Do

14、 you think it is aitive trend?Nope 举例:Jason Jason:阳光、灿烂、勤奋、热爱生活 不知怎的,上了,遇到了“大” Lucy 坠入爱河,不能自拔 有一天,Lucy 说家中急事,急缺钱 Jason 想都没想就借了 5,000 刀 借完 Lucy 就随风而去 Jason 才及 看,这就是交网友的下场然大悟、后悔莫Its never a good idea to meet people online. Take the experience, Imean, terrible, terrible experience, of my roomie Jason f

15、or instance.He used to be a great guy, shiny, loyal, optimistic and pasate forlove. It know why, one day he got ontoand met this “hotchick” Lucy. He fell for her like, within a day. He became so crazy forherhimt he almost lost his mind. One day, Lucy all of a sudden toldt her family had an emergency

16、, and she was short of cash.Without any hesiion, he lent her like 5,000 bucks.t was justdumb. You can imagine, the next day, Lucy was gone, just compleygone, like shes never existed. Jason was broke. He couldnt bevewhad happened. See? This is what you get from meeting peopleonline.NO.2: Do you agree

17、 or disagree with the following sement? Itsimpolite to make calls or send text messages on a dinner table.Explain in details.Yes, impolite! terrible experience lastk date this womanLucy kinda hot so rude constantly texting ling herabout my family in the middle, went away to pick up a call horrible f

18、eeling 感慨Of course its impolite. No one should text or call during dinner! Takemy terrible experience lastk for exle. I was dating this girlLucy. Well, she was, sorta, hot. Butts no excuse for being rude!She was constantly texting, to whom, It know, her ex-boyfriend?And righthe middle of a conversat

19、ion, she went away to pick upa call. I mean, how important could it be? The? I was justtalking about how difficult a life my mom had. It was serious! I mean,I felt horrible. It was one of the worst dates Ive ever had.NO.3:在电视上看体育运动不是好的利用时间的方式, 同意与否sports program is not a good use of time同意 老公 超级球迷 这

20、个夏天,他就没有一天晚上不看球到半夜六点的 这还可以理解,毕竟是,四年一次 不是世界的时候,比如昨天,他 TMD 看球还到三点,不就是个什么破英超么,天天都有 整得工作不思进取,整天,被骂 三十多了买不起房,买不起车,还得我养家 都是看足球惹得I totally agree. Take my husband for exle. He is a super soccerfan, so crazy. Thinot a single daymmer, during the World Cup, literally, there wast he did not stay up til 6he morn

21、ing. Well,this is understandable. After all, its the World Cup. You waited 4years for it. But even when theres nothing like the World Cup, he stillwatches a shitload of soccer. Like last night, he didnt go to bed til 3.What did he watch? Just some stuEnglish football. And Englandsucks. Even I knowt!

22、 As a result, he often gets up late and goesto work late. He never makes any progress at work. Hes in his 30sand hes achieved nothing. He has to rely on me to support thefamily! I blame soccer!NO.4: 问ernment 该不该 spend money on encouraging citizensto lead a healthy lifestyle该 人,尤其年轻人,生活太不健康 举例,cousin

23、 Jason 16岁,胖成 200 磅 天天吃 KFC, Mcald,看在电视里吃 喝可乐,看喝 从不运动,怕累,天天窝着打 DotA,刷,好像他那身材能吸引到女神似的 现在的传递了太多不健康的信息,引领孩子们必须做点什么I think its a great idea, cos todays people, espelly the youngpeople, are living such an unhealthy life. Take my little cousin Jasonfor exle. Hes only 16, but he weighs like 200 pounds. He

24、eatsjunk food, KFC, Mcalds, every day, cos he sees Yao Ming eat BigMac on TV. He also loves Pepsi, costs what David Beckham does,at least inexhausting.wonder hecommerls. He never exercises, cos he thinks itsHe only plays DotA on theernet, constantly. Noes so fat. I seriously think its time ourernmentdo something, or else one day our society is gonna be filled by fatkids like Jason.NO.5:Some students prefer to study in a library. Others prefer to study athome or in dormitories. Which way do you prefer and why


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