2022年人教版八年级升九年级英语暑期衔接训练-语法填空(解析总结 专项训练)_第1页
2022年人教版八年级升九年级英语暑期衔接训练-语法填空(解析总结 专项训练)_第2页
2022年人教版八年级升九年级英语暑期衔接训练-语法填空(解析总结 专项训练)_第3页
2022年人教版八年级升九年级英语暑期衔接训练-语法填空(解析总结 专项训练)_第4页
2022年人教版八年级升九年级英语暑期衔接训练-语法填空(解析总结 专项训练)_第5页
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1、升初三-暑期衔接训练-语法填空(解析总结+专项训练)语法填空解析方法:第一步:句子成分划分第二部:确定词性第三部:用单词正确形式填空基本句型A. 主语+不及物动词(主谓)-The car stopped. B. 主语+及物动词+宾语(主谓宾)-I love my country. 宾语:n, V-ing, to do, 宾从C. 主语+系动词+表语(主系表)-Her brother is a driver.表语: n、adj、介词、to do,V-ing 系动词:Be动词(am,is,are, was, were)+adj表保持(keep, stay, remain)+adj表改变(get,

2、become, turn)+adj感官动词feel,sound,seem/look,taste,smell+adjD. 主语+及物动词+双宾语(直接宾语、间接宾语)(主谓+直宾+间宾)-He gives Tom a present.(双宾语) -Mother make a new dress for me.(双宾语) E. 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语(主+谓+宾+宾补)宾语补足语:补充说明宾语,位于宾语之后。1.名词:They call her Mary.2.形容词:We make our classroom clean and tidy. 3.副词:He did his homewor

3、k very quickly.4.介词短语:My mother is cooking dinner with my father in the chicken.5.动词:HisblamemadeAndycry.6.不定式:I want to find a restaurant to eat.7.分词:I didnt see the car running to me when I crossed the road.有提示词类:高频考点:1:谓语动词:时态,语态,主谓一致2:非谓语动词: to do不定式,v-ing, v-ed3: 名词:主要考查可数名词-单数,复数4:形容词,副词:考察adj

4、-adv词性互换,比较级或最高级5:派生词:动词名词,名词形容词,动词,形容词副词低频考点:1:代词:一般给出人称代词的主格,考查其宾格,名词性或形容词性物主代词及反身代词。无提示词类:高频考点:1:介词:考查介词的基本用法或固定搭配2:冠词:考查冠词的特指,泛指或固定搭配。3:关系连词:侧重考查定语从句的关系连词。以及名词性从句,状语从句。4:构成强调句结构的it或that,作形式主语或形式宾语的it.常见语法易错点1: one of +the+adj最高级+n复数。2:to do 不定式表目的3:表被动(by提示词),情态动词+V-ed4:(and,but,or并列句):(一):词性-形容

5、词,副词,名词可数不可数,保持一致(二):n词单复数(三):时态保持一致-最常考过去时5:常考特殊句型,短语:(一):Start doing/start to do sth begin doing/ begin to do sth(二): It is/was +a/adj+ (for sb)+to do sth(三):Avoid doing stop doing enjoy oneself 6: 现在分词V-ing表主动,过去分词V-ed表被动7:序数词:one, two, three-first, second, third8: 结构:the+ n.+ of9:Adv常考结构:结构1:_ +

6、动词,或者 动词 +_.结构2:_+形容词。结构3:_,+一个完整的句子。副词作状语,修饰整个句子。10:whatever, whenever, wherever , however引导句子(句子不缺成分)11:Adj常考结构:Adj+n. 12:人称代词:eg: she-考 her, hers, herself13: V的否定形式:eg: appeardisagree like-dislike Adj的否定形式:eg: possibleimpossible believable-unbelievable Careful-careless speech-speechless14:常考时态:时间

7、状语有:recently, already, so far, yet, lately, in the past, by,for+时间段. 考点-用现在完成时have/has done结构(注意:看是不是主动或被动-have been done)15: 常与比较级连用的词:even, much,far, than To do不定式表目的,往往表示比较级【教学内容一:考点总结】(一):单词词性:1.必考点-连词,冠词,名词,动词 2.常考点-副词,形容词,代词,介词,数词(二):句型:必考定语从句,常考状语从句和名词性从句(三):语篇的逻辑关系:1:短文上下文的时态是否一致。2:短文上下文代词是否

8、一致。3:短文上下文的逻辑是否一致。4;短文上下文的单词词性,短语搭配,从句的逻辑关系是否正确。【教学内容二:考点分析-各个击破】动词:动词时态,语态,三单,非谓语,主动被动,特殊句中的特殊用法常考:查看时态是否一致。(二):形容词与副词的误用。(三):名词的单复数误用。(四):代词的误用。(五):介词的误用、缺少或多余。(六):时态的错误。(七):连词的误用。(八):一些固定结构的误用。(九):定语从句中关系词的误用(十):些常用词的误用。(十一):查连词结构是否平行一致。(第一篇:语法填空)Did you know that tea, the most popular drink in t

9、he world (after water), was invented by accident? Many people believe that tea was first 1._ (drink) about 5,000 years ago. It is said that Shen Nong was the2._ (one) to discover tea as a drink. One day Shen Nong was 3._ (boil) drinking water over an open fire. Some 4._ (leaf) form a tea plant fell

10、into the water and remained there for some time. It produced a nice smell so he tasted the brown water. It was quite delicious, and so, one of the worlds favorite 5._ (drink) was invented. A few thousand years later, Lu Yu, “the saint of tea”, mentioned Shen Nong in his book Cha Jing. The book descr

11、ibes how tea plants were grown and used to make tea. It also discusses where the 6._ (fine) tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water were used. It is believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries. In England, tea didnt appear until around 1660, but in 7._

12、(little) than 100 years, it had become the 8._ (nation) drink. The tea trade from China to Western countries took place in the 19th century. This helped to spread the 9._ (popular) of tea and the tea plant to more places around the world. Even though many people know about tea culture, the Chinese a

13、re 10._ (with) doubt the ones who best understand the nature of tea.答案:1.drunk 2.first 3.boiling 4.leaves 5.drinks6.finest 7.less 8.national 9.popularity 10.without(第二篇:语法填空)McDull is a talking piglet(小猪). He has 1 heart of gold although he isnt very smart. McDull lives with his mother Mrs Mak in Ho

14、ng Kong. Before his birth, his father 2 (appear). Mrs. Mak had to raise McDull as a single mother. Mrs. Mak tries her best to make a good life for McDull. She makes several jobs to make more money: house agent(房产中介), 3 (cook) and cleaner. She makes 4 (taste) food for McDull with just rice, dried fis

15、h and cabbage. However, when McDull grows up, he and his mother are not close as before. Can they go back to how they used to be? 5 you want to find the answer, you can watch the movie McDull: Me &My Mom, which will open in Chinese cinemas 6 Oct 1.The movie is the 7 (five) in the McDull series. Crea

16、ted in 1995, McDull became a popular cartoon character because of his spirit (精神) of never 8 (give) up. The funny piglet has many dreams but fails every time he tries. He is sad but keeps trying, and explores other dreams.Mrs. Mak doesnt appear very often in the previous (以前的) McDull movies. 9 in Mc

17、Dull: Me &My Mom, she is a main character. Brian Tse, 10 (direct) of the movie said the film is about mothers love.答案:1.a 2.disappeared 3.cook 4.tasty 5.If6.on 7.fifth 8.giving 9.But 10.director(第三篇:语法填空)Last spring I was walking in a park. In front of me there was a mum and her 3-year-old daughter.

18、 The little girl was holding a string (线), which had a 1 at the other end.All of a 2 , a lightwind took the balloon from the little girl. I thought she 3 cry.But, no! As the little girl turned to watch her balloon 4 (rise) to the sky , she cheerfully shouted out, Wow! That little girl 5(teach)me som

19、ething. Later that day, I received a phone call from my friend, he told me anunexpected problem. I feltannoyed replyingwith Oh no, what should we do? But remembering that little girl, I found 6 ( I )saying: Wow, that is interesting! How can I help you?One thing is for sure-life is always going to ma

20、ke us faceunexpected problems. However, how to 7 with them is our choice. We can choose to be annoyed or 8 (interest). No 9 what the situation is, a Wow! will always beatOh, no. So the next time you meet one of lifes unexpected guests, remember that little girl and make it a Wow! experience. The Wow

21、! always 10 (works) .答案:1.balloon 2.sudden 3.would 4.rise 5.taught6.myself 7.deal 8.interested 9.matter 10.works(第四篇:语法填空)Two months after beginning the new work hours,good results(76)_(report) in Jinan. New work hour starts at 9 in the morning,an hour later than before. But people still go back hom

22、e at 6 in the afternoon. “With one more hours sleep every day,I feel much better,”said a worker there.Now people still work as long as before,but not from 8:00 to 6:00.They (77)_(go) to work an hour later,but have a shorter lunch break. In the past they had two hours for lunch,but now they have only

23、 one. Many people welcome the new work hours. “Why(78)_ we _(have) to waste a lot of time in the middle of the day and rush in the early morning?”Two months ago,many people got up at 6:30 a.m. every workday and left home at 7:00 a.m. It usually(79) _(take) them about an hour to get to the office fro

24、m home. Morning time was always like a battle(战斗).People went to work in a hurry,(80)_(feel) very tired. Sleep is needed for good health. Doctors say that eight hours sleep is good for people,but few people(81)_(sleep) that long. The use of the new work hours has just begun. Although we Chinese have

25、 long kept “early hours”,its important(82)_(follow) the office hours in the world. Most foreign countries have “nine to five” work hours. If we (83)_(not change),there will be problems. When Chinese start working at 8 a.m, foreigners (84) _(not begin)business yet. But when they are busy(85)_(work) at noon,Chinese are still on break. So some people think that it is the right time to change.答案:1、are reported 2、go 3、do,have 4、took 5、feeling 6、can sleep 7、to follow 8、dont change 9、havent begun 10、working(第五篇:语法填空)In recent years, lear


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