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1、2017 新 目 标 英 语 八 年级 (上 )第 一 单 元 基 础知识练习题精品资料仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢 精品资料仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢 2017新目标英语八年级(上)第一单元基础知识练习题 第1课时当堂达标题Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Section A 1a2dI .单项填空。()1. Robert didnt play violin last Saturday, but he playedbadminton with his father.A. the; / B. /; the C. the; t

2、he D. /; /()2. Lucy bought a nice hat Tom his birthday.A. for; in B. to; on C. for; on D. to; in()3. The Sichuan food was really. I liked it a lot.A. friendly B. delicious C. terrible D. relaxing()4. Last weekend Ann just stayed at home and.A. to relax B. relaxing C. relax D. relaxed()5. Chinese peo

3、ple were really when I was on vacation inChina. I made quite a few there.A. friends; friendsB. friendly; friendlyC. friendly; friendsD. friends; friendly()6. Where did you go on your vacation?Oh, I didnt go with. It was terrible.A. somewhere; someoneB. anywhere; anyoneC. somewhere; anyoneD. anywhere

4、; someone()7. Last weekend Ann just stayed at home and.A. to relax B. relaxing C. relax D. relaxed()8. Grace didn t go to the shopping but she went to Park.A. center; CentralB. Central; centerC. center CenterD. central; Central()9. He didnt buy in the stores because the things are expensiveA. someth

5、ing specialB. special somethingC. anything specialD. special anything()10What did Jim lose yesterday? He his keys. He often things.A. loses; losesB. lost; lostC. loses; lostD. lost; losesn.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。The water in the sea was(real) warm and clean.Mary took quite a few(photo) of animals in the zo

6、o.The Great Wall is so(wonder) that there are a lot of visitors go to visit it every year.Central Park is an(interest) place to exercise.My parents are very(interest) in playing badminton.I went(fish) in the countryside last weekend.Would you like(some) noodles with vegetables?Yes, please.The fun pa

7、rk was really(excite). Everyone had a good time.Jim bought some(love) gifts for his parents in the gift shop.I think(yesterday) school trip was boring and terrible.出.用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 Where did you(go) on vacation?We(go) to the mountains. Did you(have) a good time?Yes, I did.She went to the beach on

8、vacation. Everything (be) excellent.We went fishing last weekend. But we(not get) any fish.He(buy) something for her family in the gift shop.Tony(meet) some very interesting people in Toronto last year. What did they do yesterday?They(study) for the math test.The people there(be) friendly when I vis

9、ited Moscow.Kate likes reading. She often stays in the library(read).I(see) Huangguoshu Waterfall in Guizhou last year.IV.从方框中选出恰当的单词填空 。no one anything everyone anyone somethinganywhere nothing somewhere everything nowhere Did you go with?Yes. I went with my uncle.All the students went out to relax

10、. So was in the classroom.is here. Lefe start our class.Dave bought for his parents. But he didn buyfor himself.There to eat in the basket. My mother must go shopping.All the food was fresh.tasted really good. Did you go interesting?-No. I went and just stayed at home to relax.My grandparents don t

11、like noisy places. They want to live quiet.I .单项选择。( )1. I couldnt go anywhere with you. I have to do.A. something important B. important somethingC. anything important D. important anything( )2. I don hlave a gift for my friend. What if (如果怎么办)else brings agift?A. someone B. no one C. everyone D. a

12、nyone( )3. Who taught you to speak English? _ . I learned it by.A. No one; yourself B. No one; myselfC. Anyone; myselfD. Someone; yourself()4 Dont worry. There is time to go.A. few B. a few C. a little D. little()5.The problem was too difficult.people knew how tosolve(解决)it. A. Few B. A few C. A lit

13、tle D. Littlen.根据汉语提示完成句子。大多数)my classmates come to school by bike.Theres 役重要的事情 )in todays newspaper.Its a good writing habit to(己日记)every day.Dale had nothing much to do. He 似乎很无聊).There are 相当多)books in our school library.m.动词应用。I(can) swim when I was ten years old.They(take) the train to go to s

14、ummer camp last weekend.Mom(teach) me how to make dumplings last Sunday.The room was dark and it was difficult(take) photos.The things in the gift shop(be) so expensive. I dicTn buy anything.He went(camp) in a countryside yesterday.She stayed up late(study) for the test.IV.选词填空。delicious cheap excit

15、ing terrible expensive boring scared relaxingThe Gongbao chicken was really _ . I like it a lot.The computer games are. Most of the students like playing them.I had to stay at home to study for tests last weekend. It was .The new car is so _r that I do n have enough money to buy it.Onions are health

16、y food, but they taste. Most of kids don like them.The skirt is so and nice. ll take it.Its a way to listen to music.When I saw the big snake, I was so that I could n move.I .单项填空。()1. My cousin arrived the hospital in time yesterday.A. in B. at C. to D. on()2. We were wet and cold we did rt bring a

17、n umbrella.A. because B. because of C. so D. or()3. Tom had to stay outside his house because he forgot keys.A. bringing B. brings C. brought D. to bring()4. Did you meet on the way home?A. someone else B. else someone C. anyone else D. else anyone()5. We couldnt see on the hill because of the cloud

18、s.A. something belowB. below somethingC. anything belowD. below anything()6. He arrived late for school because there were cars on thestreet.A. too much B. too many C. much tooD. many too()7. The small village quite beautiful from the top of the hill.A. looks B. looks at C. sees D. watches()8. His b

19、icycle is quite from his siste rs.A. difference B. differences C. differently D. differentH .词形转换。There are a lot of old (build) in the city of Xian.The weather was (sun) and hot last Sunday.Its so (excite) to try paragliding.I (real) enjoyed myself when I climbed Penang Hill.There are s few (differ

20、ent) between the two pictures.We couldnt see (something) because it rained hard.What activities do you find (enjoy)?We had two (bowl) of rice and some fish.After the trip, I was quite (tiring) but happy.The city looked (wonder) from the top of the hill!m.动词应用。Tom(arrive) at the bus stop on time yest

21、erday.It was so hot yesterday. We decided(go) swimming in the pool.We went(paraglide) on the beach last Sunday.She closed her eyes and(feel) like she was white cloud in the sky.We(see) lots of old buildings in Qufu from hundreds of years ago.My grandparents really enjoy(take) walks after dinner.She

22、wanted(walk) up to the top of Mountain Meng to exercise.When we(get) to the top, it started raining a little.The food(taste) great because I was so hungry.The visitors(ride) bicycles to Tibet last summer vacation.Because we were tired, we(stop) and relaxed.They(drink) some green tea and(eat) a few h

23、amburgers.IV.根据汉语完成句子。Her dream came true. She 感觉像)she was in adream.They couldnt see anything below 图为)the badweather.Kate is 正在等候)the bus now.My aunt didnt bring 任够的食物),so she was hungry.When we| U 达)the top, it started raining really hard.There are a lot of 十老的建筑物)in our city.I was hungry止匕以致于)I

24、had too much food.We saw lots of specially beautiful flowers 沿途).It started raining a little, so he 决定乘坐)the train. What would you like to eat? Id like。碗米饭)and some fish.I .单项填空。()1. What Dean last Saturday night?A. is; doing B. does; do C. did; do D. was; do()2. Everyone an English story book.A. ha

25、s B. are having C. have D. is have()3. He didn t have money for a taxi,he walked back tothe hotel.A. any; and B. much; because C. some; so D. any; so ()4. After a long walk, I a little tired.A. feeling B. to feel C. feels D. felt()5. They enjoyed very much.A. swimming B. swam C. is swimming D. to sw

26、im()6. Too much work makes him.A. relaxed B. tiring C. tired D. boring()7.Who cleaned the classroom yesterday, Nick? John.A. cleaned B did C. does D. is()8. They arrived Hong Kong a cold and windymorning.A.at; inB. in; onC. in;inD.at; on()9.Itstoo hot outside,1soecide at home.A.stayB. to stayC. stay

27、edD.staying()10. My uncle isnt at his office now.Hewent toNew York.A. for three daysB. in three daysC. three days laterD. three days agon.句型转换。1. He came to Thailand last month.(改为否定句)He to Thailand last month.hey went to Beijing last year.(就画线部分提问)they last year?Tom took a walk with someone last ni

28、ght.(改为一般疑问旬)精品资料仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢 精品资料仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢 精品资料仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢 Tom a walk with last night?Mary does her homework every day.(用 last night 改写句子)Mary her homework.He dislikes the beef and cabbage noodles改为同义句)He the beef and cabbage noodles.Because she was tired, she stopp

29、ed and relaxed along the way:妁同义句) Because she was tired, she stopped along theway.He got to the subway station late yesterday.改为同义句)He the subway station late yesterday.We couldnt see anything below because the weather was baclfc内同义句) We couldnt see anything below the badweather.I .单项填空。()1. Who he

30、lped you clean the bedroom yesterday, Kitty?. I cleaned it all by myself.A. No one B. Everyone C. Someone D. Anyone()2Believe in (相信), Jack! I m sure you can makeThank 一you, Mum.A. myself B. yourself C. yourselves D. herself( )3.The Greens arrived New York City a rainy day.A. in; in B. at; in C. at;

31、 on D. in; on()4Did you read today s newspaper?-No, I didn Was therein it?A. something importantB. new anythingC. anything specialD. interesting something( )5.The Great Wall is great lots of visitors all over theworld come to visit it every year.A. so; that B. very; so C. enough; that D. such; that(

32、)6.I will spend my summer holiday in Hawaii.And don t forget tohow me your photos.A. Thank you. B. Have a good time! C. Good luck! D. Can I go with you?H.选词填空。Australia plane had rainy but better friendly did Then OKThis week, I asked my classmates about their vacations. Here are some of their answe

33、rs.Linda went to Sydney, (1). The weather was sunny and the people were friendly to her. She went there by (2)and the air trip was relaxing. She wentto Sydney Opera House. It was wonderful. She (3)a great vacation.Alice went to visit her aunt. At first the weather was (4)and wet, she had to stay at

34、the house. She watched TV (5) the TV shows were boring. Later on the weather got (6). So she went shopping with her aunt. The shop assistants were all and kind. She bought something nice for herself. Peter stayed at home. First he (8) his homework. It was a little difficult. (9)he played computer ga

35、mes. They were interesting. He thought his vacation was (10)1. Where did you go 在假期)?I去大山里).由于吃得太多,戴维成了他班里最胖的学生。David became the fattest student in his class eating too much. After he graduated, he 决定成为)a doctor.你的周末过得怎么样?your weekend?.他是一个幽默的人,总是给我们讲一些有趣的事。He is a funny person. He always tells us T

36、hailand is a beautiful country. We had a w time there.The little boy played with the toy for a while and then he became b .The children can do all kinds of a in the park.I w why James is always late for school.If you are h, you can have some bread.I(S 矢口道)if you can help me with my math.Scott 代待)one

37、 hour for his friend at school yesterday.Do you feel 吼饿的)now? Where is your 梅伞)? Its in my schoolbag.I like the piece of music. But he 小喜欢)it. He says it is too long.我们昨天去海滩了。Weyesterday.你们去年去夏令营了吗?Did youlast year?.她父母今天没有去爬山。Her parents didn ,ttoday.他们在动物园里照了不少相吗?Did they take photos in the zoo?.上

38、周他弟弟只是待在家放松。His brother just to relax last week.昨天我和妈妈一起去买东西了。I with my mother yesterday.上周末汤姆看望了在乡下的爷爷和奶奶。Last weekend Tom visited his grandpa and grandma.记日记是一个好习惯。Its a good habit.上周六大家玩得开心吗?Did everyonelast Saturday?5,昨晚除了睡觉我无事可做。Last night I had but sleep.()1. Hello, Mike! Do you enjoy photos?A. to take B. take C. takes D. taking ()2. Did Helen go on her vacation?A. somewhere interestingB. interesting somewhereC. anywhere interesting D. interesting anywhere()3. Huangguoshu Waterfall was wonderful. We took photos of it.A. few B. much C. a lot D. quite a few()4


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