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1、Unit6语法篇拿大脑体真 争同乍业完成椿现).熟练掌握可数名词与不可数名词的用法.熟练掌握名词复数的变化规则可数名词与不可数名词.从名词所表示的事物的性质来看,名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词两类。可数名词有复数形式,不可数名词一般没有复数形式。.可数名词是可以计数的,它们可分为单数和复数两种形式。指单个人或事物时,用单数形式, 如:a pencil 一支铅笔;指两个或多个人或事物时,用复数形式,如: two pencils两支铅笔。.名词复数的变化规则:一般在t尾加-s 。bag- bags结尾的名词,一般在词尾加-es。watchf watchesbookf books(2)以 s, x,

2、 ch, shclass f classes精品教育资料+学习K12(3)以“元音字母+y”结尾的名词,在词尾加-s。boy- boys(4)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词,先变 y为i ,再加-es。strawberry 一 strawberriesfamily 一 families(5)以f或fe结尾的名词,将f或fe变为v,再加-es。knife f kniveswife f wives(6) 一些以字母o结尾的名词变复数时有的加-es ,有的加-s。Negrof Negroesherof heroestomatof tomatoespotato 一 potatoes4.不可数名词没有复数

3、形式,不能直接用数词来表示数量,如果要表示数量,必须借助于其他 词来完成。若用“计量单位词+of短语”表示,其数量也应通过of前面的名词体现出来。a glass of water 一杯水two glasses of water 两杯水满特色讲明单项选择(2014 四川凉山中考)-Where are you going , Sam?-There isnt any in the fridge . Ill go and buy some .A. vegetablesB. beefC. eggsD. money(2014 四川广安中考)-How many are there ?-About fifty

4、 .A. tomatosB. tomatoesC. tomato(2014 四川巴中中考)-Lets make a banana milk shake . What do we need ?-We need some and two .bananas; cup of milk精品教育资料+学习K12bananas; cups of milkC. bananas; milks.-What can I do for you?I wanttwo glass of orangestwo glasses of orangestwo glasses of orangetwo glasses orange.

5、(福州中考)-Im thirsty . May I have something to drink ?-Ok. Heres someA. riceB. breadC. water6.-What do you have for breakfast ?-I often have andA. breads; eggsB. bread; eggC. breads; eggD. bread; eggs7. (2014 广西来宾中考)-There are someand in the fridge (冰箱).A. tomatos; milkB. tomatos; milksC. tomatoes; mil

6、kD. tomatoes;milks解析及答案:1.根据答语中的isnt可知,设空处的名词定是单数名词或不可数名词。故选Bocups 。故选 Bohow many后用可数名词的复数形式。tomato的复数是tomatoes ,故选B。milk 为可数名词,没有复数形式,由第二空前的two可知,cup应用复数orange作可数名词,意为橙子”其复数形式为 oranges ; orange作比可数名词,意为橙汁”需用“数词+表示容器等的名词+of+不可数名词”结构来表达数量,故选Co上句句意“我渴了,我可以喝点东西吗?rice和bread是食物,故只有 water符合题意,故选Cobread为不可

7、数名词,没有复数形式,而egg为可数名词,在句中应变为复数,故选D。句意:冰箱里有一些西红柿和牛奶。some表示一些修饰复数名词或不可数名词。tomato为可数名词,复数为tomatoes; milk 为不可数名词。故选 C,当曾练可)基础演练一、短文填空(用方框内所给词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺)hamburger, health, star, well, eat, banana, like, chicken, tomato, haveJenny is my cousin. She is an English girl.She 1 sports. She 2 two ping-pong

8、 ballsand one baseball. Her favorite( 最喜欢的)3 is Li Na. She plays baseball very 4 . Jennyis very 5 . She only6 healthy food. For fruit, she has apples and 7 . For vegetables,she has carrots and 8 . For meat(肉),she has 9 . She doesn t have 10 or ice-cream. She thinks they are not good for her health.1

9、.2.36. 7. 8.1. likes2. has3. star6. eats7. bananas8. tomatoes答案:二、单词拼写There are some (西红柿)We should eat lots of(The little girl likesI like f, for example(Give him two(汉堡)答案:1.tomatoes5.hamburgers2.vegetables4.5. 9. 10. 4. well 5. healthy9. chicken 10. hamburgers巩固提高in the basket.蔬菜)(草莓)a lot.例如):ap

10、ples, bananas and oranges.23.strawberries4.fruit、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子).水果和蔬菜是健康食品。and are healthy food.我妹妹喜欢橙子、苹果和梨。My sister oranges , and pears.科比和乔丹是篮球明星。Kobe and Jordan are.答案:1. Fruit ; vegetables 2. likes ; apples3. basketball stars当餐检画一、单项选择I would like someand.A.tomato; chickenB.tomatoes; chickenC.

11、tomatos; chickensD.tomatoes; chickens- What do you have for breakfast?-I usually have and .A.bread; noodlesB.breads; noodlesC.breads; noodleD.bread; noodleWe all like and .A.tomato; saladB.tomato; saladsC.tomatoes; saladD.tomatos; saladsLook at these of .A.photos; potatosB.photoes; potatoesC.photoes

12、; potatosD.photos; potatoesI have three of the .A.photos; tomatosB.photos; tomatoesC. photoes; tomatoesD. photos; tomatoesTheres apple on the table. apple is for my little brother.A.a; AnB.an; AnC.the; AnD.an; TheI like best of all the vegetables.A.potatoesB.tomatoC.breadsD.riceIm thirsty( 渴的).I wan

13、t to some coke( 可乐).A.haveB.eatC.hasD.eatsLook! Somemilk here and some strawberries there.A.is; isB.is; areC.are; isD.are; areMy brother Peter likes and .A.basketballs; bananasB.basketballs; appleC.tennis; ricesD.basketball; tomatoes答案:1-5 BACDD 6-10 DAABD二、完形填空Hi, Im Cindy. I have 1 good friends. T

14、heyre Mary, John and Jack. I love them. Mary likes reading very much. You can see 2 everywhere in her room. And she likes to tell stories (讲故事)to us. John likes 3 . He has two baseballs,five 4 and three basketballs. He 5 sports with meevery day. Thats6. Jack likes sports, too, 7 he doesnt play them.

15、 He only watches them8 TV. I think watching TV is boring. I 9 a computer. My friends and I like to play computer games, but 10 can only play them on weekends( 周末).1.A.twoB.threeC.fourD.five2.A.booksB.keysC.jacketsD.pictures3.A.computersB.dogsC.bagsD.sports4.A.rulersB.orangesC.volleyballsD.desks5.A.p

16、laysB.asksC.seesD.calls6.A.lateB.difficultC.interestingD.tidy7.A.andB.butC.nowD.only8.A.inB.forC.withD.on9.A.findB.likeC.haveD.get10A.theyB.weC.youD.I答案:1-5 BADCA 6-10 CBDCB5当堂总项拿家庭作为阅读理解A (广东揭西县张武帮中学2014年期末)Welcome to Our Restaurant and Enjoy(享受) Our Nice Food!MenuHamburgerMAIN FOOD(主食)10.0018.00 f

17、or TWOFried chicken (油炸鸡)7.00Rice with eggs4.50Rice with vegetables4.00Orange juiceDRINKS 3.50/glass9.00 for THREEApple juice 2.50/glass4.50 for TWOCoke5.00/bottle9.00 for TWOMilk4.00/bottleDESSERTS 甜食)Chocolate12.00/barBanana cake5.00Ice-cream ( 冰淇淋)3.005.00 for TWOHow much is the rice with vegetab

18、les?A. 3.00.B. 4.00.C. 4.50.D. 7.00.Kate only (只有)has three yuan. She wants to buy something to drink. She can buyA. a glass of apple juiceB.a glass of orange juiceC. a bottle of milkD.a bottle of cokeTom and Jack buy two hamburgers andthree ice-creams.How much are they?A. 23.00.B.26.00.C.30.00.D.33

19、.00.You can t buy in this restaurant.A. fried chickenB. chocolateC. banana cake D. fishThe wordMenu means in Chinese.A. 账单B.购物清单C.通知D.菜单B (广东揭西县张武帮中学 2014年期末)In many English homes, people eat four meals a day. They have breakfast at any timefrom seven to nine in the morning .They eat porridge(粥),egg

20、s or bread and drink tea or精品教育资料+学习K12coffee (咖啡) at breakfast. Lunch comes at one o clock. And they usually have lunch inthe office .Afternoon tea is from four to five o clock in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven. They have soup (汤),then they have meat or fish with vegetables. Afte

21、rthat they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their lunch in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner and all these meals are very simple (简单的).They don t like to eat too many kinds of foo

22、d each meal .Many English people havemeals a day.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. fivePeople may have for their breakfast in many English homes .A. eggs and teaB. hamburgers and teaC. rice and juiceD. eggs and fishPeople usually have afternoon tea at . A. any timeB. 3:00p.m.-4:00 p.m.C. 4:00p.m.-5:00 p. m.D.

23、 5:00p.m.-6:00 p.m.People don t have for their dinner in England .A. bananas and applesB. porridgeC. vegetables and fishD. soup and meatWhich one is Right in England ?Many people don t have breakfast .People like to eat meat and vegetables for breakfast .Many people usually have lunch at home .Some

24、people like to have simple food for each meal .CThere are many ball games in America. Baseball is one of the favorite sports in theU.S.A. Children play baseball in sports fields or in parks. The baseball season(季节)goesfrom April to September. During this time baseball matches are shown on TV and mem

25、bers ofthe important( 重要的)baseball teams become Americas heroes(英雄).At the end of the season the two top teams play against each Other. Many baseball fans go along to watch the game.Millions of others listen to the radio or watch television. Even long after it is over, they still talk about the game

26、 and the players in the game.What popular ball game do they talk about?A. FootballB. BasketballC. VolleyballD. BaseballHow long is the baseball season?B. For two monthsD. Six monthsA. In April and SeptemberC. For four monthsDuring the baseball season baseball matches are shown on A.everywhereB.radio

27、C.televisionD.television and radioThe members of the important teams become A. popularB. richC. goodD. niceWhich is right?When the matches are over, people dont want to talk about themA few people listen to the radioAt the end of the season there are only two top teams playing against each otherEver

28、yone is happy to see the game in the baseball seasonDDo you love watching TV? My mother often says, Dont watch TV too much. It is not good for you, Liu Ying! But I think it is fun to watch TV. I love watching The Voice of China (中国好声音),a TV talent show, very much. And I love Liang Bo, a young rock(摇

29、滚乐)star.Liang Bo is a little shy. Heis good at playing the guitar. Liang Bo was born in Changchun, Jilin. He got his first guitar as a birthday gift when he was in middle school. From then on, he practiced( 练习)day and night.Liang is very confident. I dont want to copy(模仿)other singers. I want to be

30、myself, he said.Liu Yings mother asks herA. to watch The Voice of ChinaB. not to watch TV too muchC. to play sports every dayD. not to listen to musicLiu Ying thinks watching TV isA.hard18. Who is Liang Bo?He is arock star.C.He is ashy doctor.easyC.B.D.badD. funHe is a music teacher.He is a basketba

31、ll player.What does the underlined word confident mean in Chinese?A. 诚实的B. 帅气的C. 自信的D. 著名的We can infer( 推断)from the passage Liang Bo doesnt love musicLiang Bo practices very hardLiang Bo watches TV on SundayLiang Bos father gave him a guitarDo you like reading books? I think reading books is helpful to us. Everyone can learn a lot by reading books. But not all the people like the same books.My family all like reading books, but each of us has his or her f


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